Thinking about Nihilanth comp

Posted 10 months ago2023-06-12 20:18:03 UTC
After reading the notes on monster_nihilanth, how it's very specifically coded to interface with specifically named entities in the map etc, and how awfully basic the retail map was, I became interested in experiencing what an alternative, reimagined Nihilanth's chamber would look like.

I feel like this would be a good opportunity for a competition (or a compendium mod) but seeing that TWGL is still ongoing I've been postponing. Plus the fact that I don't feel like shouldering the burden of judging a mapping competition, because I don't matter in the grand scheme of things, or even on the day to day.

I do also want to have a go at this. I wanted to go back to the concept (or a fan theory at this point, idk which) that Nihilanth was imagined as a giant alien baby that Gabe thought of as the personification of his unborn child at the time (Gray), and of Xen being more organic in the conceptual stage. I imagined Nihilanth's chamber as a uterus with life support structures surrounding and protruding the walls, and the mini-chambers being organically connected, taking a little inspiration from the HL2 beytah citadel advisor level (see right).
look at those curves!look at those curves!
However, two problems hindered my ideas:
  • There are no good texture sets.
  • I just can't get JACK to align the textures how I wanted. I wanted the fine-grained control of a 3D modelling UV mapping, but instead had to rely on completely arbitrary Hammer/JACK view angle hacks that is just impossible to get to align to an organic structure.
    • The alternative is to model the outer walls in a 3D modelling program but I suck at that more. I feel at least competent in CSG.
And thus my enthusiasm was very quickly lost. Close shop. Scrap the idea.
But I still feel there's value to be had in this. I might have a go at my idea again, but at the same time I wanted to experience others' take of the core concept. I probably shouldn't participate if I'm judging, but I'm 95% sure I wouldn't make the deadline if I participate. And TWGL is still not out.

I feel so incompetent. Cool idea though.

p.s. Black Mesa doesn't count.


Commented 10 months ago2023-06-13 16:47:48 UTC Comment #105349
This idea is cool, yes. I would participate if I actually really knew Hammer, but I barely know how to use it at all. I still don't even know how to create stuff like triggers. Basically, all I know is very simple brushwork and entities.
Commented 10 months ago2023-06-14 09:10:56 UTC Comment #105350
Who's reviewing TWGL!? They really ought to get their act together! Sheesh.

Having said that, I am SO into this idea. I've never read up on the monster_nihilanth before to see what is involved in making it function properly, but I reckon you could get some freakin amazing and complex setups to make a really awesome bossfight.
Commented 10 months ago2023-06-16 01:28:19 UTC Comment #105353
This is something really cool. I remember seeing someone making a pretty awesome Nihilant "re-map" a long time ago.

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