
Kurosaki Ichigo11 years ago2013-06-07 15:46:37 UTC 3 comments
It's been a loooong time.

First semester of 2nd year uni has come to an end after too much time leaving my computer on to render things for both 3ds Max and Maya, getting back in to acting through my Film & TV minor and thoroughly not enjoying a unit based around ARG's.

Still haven't opened Hammer in yonks and am still lurking here not logged in, as per usual. That is all.
Suparsonik11 years ago2013-06-07 10:19:12 UTC 25 comments
I have no journals?
Skals11 years ago2013-06-04 21:30:49 UTC 6 comments
I remember when I was 16 I used to take the train to college, it would be fully packed in the morning, I had these crappy pair of earphones; people could hear what I was listening to when sitting around me. I remember one day for some reason I was listening to Natural Born Killaz by Dr Dre & Ice Cube ( some crazy song, and I got the dirties looks from people all around the train car, and I was just sitting there wondering why everyone was staring at me.
Oh god why...
I know one time I walked out of a train station with that song on, and some black dude just turned around and stared at me with an expression like 'is this guy for real' and I just smiled, I only clocked later that he could hear it.
Times be Cray.
Rimrook11 years ago2013-06-03 18:23:00 UTC 5 comments
Striker11 years ago2013-06-02 18:32:19 UTC 11 comments
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Something smells fishy here.
DiscoStu11 years ago2013-05-31 19:20:58 UTC 15 comments
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Either I just got a text from a near future, or the network is messed up again.
bojidar4oto11 years ago2013-05-26 09:35:03 UTC 30 comments

The first human colony on Mars!
Launch is planned for September 2022. You can apply on the site above, and with luck you can become an astronaut yourself!
Alabastor_Twob11 years ago2013-05-23 19:51:10 UTC 2 comments
I went to see Sean Lock yesterday with my dad and brothers. It was quite good, but the only picture I have available to me is this wonderfully high quality image. I linked it instead of making it visible on the off chance that anyone else on TWHL is going to that tour. As he said during the show, the whole impact of that costume is that you're not expecting it, so if everyone heard about it beforehand nobody would laugh.
Since there wasn't any supporting act, Sean Lock's actual act was about twice as long as Frankie Boyle's was, as both shows were about two hours.
Afterwards, my cheeks were pretty sore from laughing, which is about the only possible reason I could think of to not go if you get the chance.

Aside from the act, the theatre itself was pretty cool. It had an old fashioned look, and while that photo doesn't seem to show it, being there made it seem that it was actually taller than it was wide. We were on the second row of the top balcony, and it was steep enough that we had a pretty good view of the stage.
Notewell11 years ago2013-05-18 20:04:16 UTC 4 comments
Watched all 13 episodes of Elfen Lied today. I have to say, despite what Soup Miner thought of it back in '09, I thought it was a pretty good series. Very, very graphic at times, and a lot of characters were, well, complete and total scumbags, but I very much enjoyed the issues of morality and humanity/"what is a person". (Which I always do)

Also, Soup, I know this is 5 years late, but a couple things;
"Also "they are born to kill humans" is a fucking lame explanation for superhumans that go on insane killing sprees."
IMO, that's simply an excuse used by the scientists to justify what they're doing. [Ironic, considering what's happening at the top.] Personally, I think the truth is simply what you suggested would be a better explanation; Psychological issues. If you're mistreated for your entire life for being a bit different, you gonna snap and kill someone. Everyone.
"Dead should mean dead"
Keep in mind you never actually see the outcome of that fight, though. She appears to gets the crap beaten shot out of her, but it's possible she won out or escaped in the end.

Anyway, pretty good anime, if one that had to be cut down a lot from the manga (so I've heard) to fit into the series. If you like anime or philosophical discussions, (or both) I'd recommend it, assuming you're 18 or older; There is quite a lot of nudity, graphic violence, language, and mature subject matter.
Sajo11 years ago2013-05-15 00:24:26 UTC 13 comments
Hey there;
I'm still practicing Source mapping and modeling.
Here are several WIP screenshots from my not so very secret Source mod/game;
They are a bit dull at the moment, more debris/pipes/vents/wires etc. to come, but do tell me what you think anyway (:
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Notewell11 years ago2013-05-11 10:48:33 UTC 13 comments
Went to the movies last night with a couple of friends who went off to uni this year. We saw Iron Man 3 and The Great Gatsby.

Iron Man 3 was great
Gatsby was decent, much better than the '60s version we had to watch in class.

But the reason I'm writing this journal, is because during the trailers for Gatsby, one for World War Z came on.

You know where I'm going with this.

I saw 3.5 seconds of Archie and it was awesome.
TheGrimReafer11 years ago2013-05-01 23:21:40 UTC 10 comments
I'll bet you're all wondering why the competition results haven't been released yet.

I've been working some uber-crunch hours on TUG, an upcoming voxel game from my company Nerd Kingdom. We've just released a kick-starter, and now that it's over I should be able to judge the competition this weekend.

Tell me what you think!
Striker11 years ago2013-04-28 12:07:54 UTC 13 comments
As skals linked in the shoutBOX ...
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Math uni looks like real fun when the teacher plots results on the blackboard, but the moment I am given a problem to solve, I'm lost. Watching the teacher writing different equations and formulas that transform like magic in weird geometric figures is interesting and gives me the feel of a geek. It's somewhat like the feeling of watching a geeky film. The feeling is shattered once I realize how fun would it be able to play with such math, but I can't.

Then there's differential equations, which are crap.
Habboi11 years ago2013-04-21 10:06:52 UTC 17 comments
Hey dudes, how are you doing? Anything interesting happening on TWHL lately? I've neglected my visits here so thought I'd pop by on my surfboard. I'm currently enjoying the sun as it's got a lot warmer now and other than that I'm working on an indie game, A Hat in Time. Lots of work to do but it'll be interesting to see how it's received in the coming months, you'll see :)

Anyway I have an ulterior motive, we help each other out from time to time right? Would you guys be super cool and use the power of your facebook accounts (if you have one) to vote for a design I made for a Dark Souls 2 compo.

If you don't know the Souls series is an awesome open RPG adventure game that's labelled as the hardest game of this era. It's tough sure but not unfair tough :P It's one of my favourite games because of how varied it is. Plus it has an "invasion" mechanic which I love to bits. It essentially allows you to invade another persons game and try to kill them or ruin their day, whatever suits you :)

Anyway Dark Souls 2 was announced and with it a competition to design a shield. DS1 had the same compo but it was hidden and most people missed it like myself. Unfortunately the people running the compo are idiots, they allowed voting day 1 which means all new submissions are lost on page 50 :P

So I'm basically calling all favours, all friends etc. It would be swell if you could log on and just vote for my submission. I only need to be in the top 30 to go to stage 2 which is when the devs pick 2 winners from each shield template. Since I'm in UK I did the Europe shield and went with a theme I love, invading :)

Well there's the story, I need YOU (Madcow: U!) to help a fellow TWHL'er and friend to reach the top :)

Here's link:

It's an app that only works on PC, sorry :<
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TLDR: Click link above and vote for me bitches :P
kraken11 years ago2013-04-19 17:51:19 UTC 16 comments
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Left to right, ZombieLoffe, me and Trapt.

We had a nice gathering in Melbourne whilst ZombieLoffe was travelling Australia.