
Archie13 years ago2012-01-16 23:01:11 UTC 19 comments
Edited yet again with Day 4. You won't see much of Archie over this week because I am currently working as 1st AC on a high-budget production being filmed in a full studio lot (Scotland's equivalent of Hollywood.)
It's a horror film, so there are loads of night shots and as such the hours are crazy. Some days I'll be sleeping at the studio.
I'll be taking photos every day.

It's so surreal. There's an entire fictional Glasgow street built here. It looks totally believably until you go in the houses and just find plywood.
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Here's one of the studio buildings. There are six of them and each one has anywhere up to 30 different "room" locations inside. From pubs to bedsits.
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Let me know what you want to see in the comments. I have not had to sign an NDA (this is the first production I've worked on since I started making money in this industry that I can show you everything).

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"- Inside views of indoor sets."
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"- More shots of that good looking blonde. :P"
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Also, we're shooting in 4.5k. HD is 1080. An xbox360 is 720. 4.5 thousand.
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I was really busy today so I didn't get a spare moment to go around other departments, sorry Captain Terror.
More tomorrow.

DAY 3!

Crazy busy today. We were behind schedule due to heavy rain, so I've been non-stop for about 10 hours. So tired ;_;
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It's so much easier to work in rooms without ceilings.
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This little thing was awesome. Basically a jet engine to rapidly heat the room. Literally.
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It wouldn't be a horror film without a mad lassie cutting up a paint canvas.
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Big 300mm lens on.
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This was a rehearsal. The mat had to be removed for the take. I do not envy this guy having to lie in rainwater in temperatures of around -2 C.
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The 7k bulb returns.

DAY 4!
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DiscoStu13 years ago2012-01-16 03:07:24 UTC 14 comments
Just got pulled over for the first time ever at a police checkpoint. Yay!

Lots of people see them from a mile away and make a turn as soon as they can. Fools. I just laughed and pulled over. I don't have a problem with it, all my documentation is up to date and I have nothing to hide.
manionsen13 years ago2012-01-15 17:13:31 UTC 3 comments
Just began to write my HL1 modelling-tutorial as html document. I've submitted my proposal 2 weeks ago, but got no answer until now.
You can download it at or

( )
( )

I also hosted it:

The tutorial is about creating models with Valve's Hammer Editor, some texturing and poly-optimizing only.
I haven't finished yet. There much more to discover when modelling with VHE. 3D-skyboxes, Displacement to model conversion, how to add deails to architecture, advanced texturing techniques, lighting theory for models and faking shadows are comig soon.

Keep in mind that I am no native speaker of English. please contact me if you have suggestions for improvement.
brendanmint13 years ago2012-01-15 12:16:54 UTC 3 comments
Hello Fine Gentleladies of TWHL(I jest!), I am sick of my Avatar, a recolored Scott Pilgrim I recolored a year or so ago. So I am looking to create my own original one using Photoshop. Sadly, I suck ass at it, I can do some basic stuff. But really I can't use it worth shit, so here is the main question, does anyone know any good beginner Photoshop tutorials? And the idea of making a journal wasn't mine. It was CTs, get mad at him. But in all seriousness, any help would be appreciated, any beginner tutorial would help, google is being a dick and all these advanced tutorials are coming up, even when I put in beginner. Thanks in advance!
Instant Mix13 years ago2012-01-14 20:27:55 UTC 5 comments
Liebe ist fur alle da , nicht fur mich

Apart from the apparently random rammstein lyrics , I've got higher prelims in two weeks. Talk about unprepared.

For all of you that don't know of the scottish education system ( and probably english as well I'd assume) , you go through 4 phases when doing exams.
The first phase is the prelim , an exam , usually of slightly higher difficultly than the actual exam. Prelims will not only give the pupil , myself , an idea of what grade they'll get in the exam , but can also be used as evidence to increase your grade if you fuck up in the exam. If you balls-up your prelim , or if you haven't actually covered the whole course when you get the prelim , you'll do a post prelim. It's exactly the same as prelim , but just done later on.

After those two stages , you are set with the actual exam. The final stage is appeals , if you are absent from the exam because you are sick / injured / dead , your teachers will put forward an appeal based on your prelim / post prelim results. The better you do in your prelims , the higher the chance that your score will be upgraded.

And since the prelims are the "all-cure" , I don't think i'm going to do too well in them. We've done fuck all preparation past-paper wise in english , and haven't finished the course in music or in physics.
hlife_hotdog13 years ago2012-01-14 12:58:05 UTC 6 comments
So I need to make a decision within less than 12 hours.

I recently got a kickass new grahpics card and PSU to back it up.

A sweet GEFORCE GTX 570 and a 1000W Cooler Master somehow crammed into my HP Pavilion. The whole bundle for $719 AUS with free installation because I suck at installing hardware.

My grahpics are now so shiny. I've been playing Civilisation 5 AND I HAVE SHINY WATER!!! OMG IT'S SHINY WATER!!! /spaz

Anyway, the geforce gtx 570 supports 3D for non-3D games. I can currently play any game with the good old Anaglyph (red/blue) glasses but these things ruin colours and I would much prefer sterioscopic 3D. However, this is mach more powerful and requires some further purchases which I can't decide.

Nvidia 3D Vision requires:
1) A 3D-ready monitor that has 120hz refresh rate. I am currently looking at the Samsung 2233RZ, which is basically the exact model I already have but 3D ready. (I would also love to have dual monitors again). This monitor goes for around $500-$700

2) A Nvidia 3D vision pack which includes an IR emitter and allows on the fly adjustments to 3D depth and wireless 'Shutter Glasses'. I really don't know how they work so don't ask me. This pack usually goes for about $75-$100.

Currently on eBay I can get a bundle pack of the monitor AND the 3D kit for only $340 including postage. It's the ONLY bundle I can find and it's actually one of the few monitors that I can get for less than $500 as most other supported monitors are over $500 on ebay let alone their retail value which can reach $1100.

I have less than 12 hours (ebay item ends) to decide and thanks to my car, money is really short. I can afford it but I don't really want to but this is an awesome deal.

38_9813 years ago2012-01-13 22:42:08 UTC 3 comments
Hey, do you remember that crazy cult called "Scientology"? Probably now, but heres an interesting article on one of its most well known members, Tom Cruise, and how the cult constantly spied on him.

Class act.
doggybag7113 years ago2012-01-12 16:34:05 UTC 5 comments
I updated de_racetown. Thought I might let you know this way rather than reposting as a new map.

de_racetownz map page

**UPDATE 2012-01-12**
  • lampachrono.mdl had a very thin space sign in the filename which gave problems for linux servers. FIXED
  • Compiled with VHLT25 -> a bit better r_speeds, better clipping and more vivid lighting.
  • Bumped up max viewable distance to 6400, fixed some dissapearing terrain.
  • Used func_detail and lowered model use to less than 300.
  • added elevator music
  • elevator not longer visible through sky from T-spawn bridge
  • and some more minor adjustments
Well, not any big changes really but I now feel it is ready to see a broader daylight. Just wanted to let you know.
Rimrook13 years ago2012-01-12 01:40:31 UTC 13 comments
Went to the tattoo place and got a tattoo.
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Fuck that shit I'm never gonna get a tattoo.

Seriously though the guy who did them is inhumanly talented.
goldsrcforever13 years ago2012-01-12 00:28:39 UTC 30 comments
Foreword: I'm Straight

I hate it when someone describes something as gay.
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It's your choice to be homosexual or to be heterosexual and no one can take that away from you. Two nice, friendly, gay men (or women) would be better parents than an abusive, neglectful , uncaring mother and father.
People are always tossing around the word Gay and Fag and Homo at things that they don't like or don't understand. They are creating fear of the so called "wrong" sexuality and at the same time making some people doubt their own. To all those people:

News Flash: Just because you don't like or understand something doesn't automaticly make it something that needs to be feared.

Btw: I dislike My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic but at least I ACTUALLY tried watching a few episodes of it.

Edit: I watched more episodes of MLP: FiM and I think I'm a brony now.

goldsrcforever13 years ago2012-01-08 00:11:10 UTC 8 comments
Half-Life Dreamcast: Part 2


For a game that was never released this port has quite a vibrant modding community.

Black Ops: No saving but at least it lets your start at different sections. Other than that it's pretty good. I'll leave this one up to you.

Opposing Force: No saving and if you want to go back to a map you have to use a Dreamcast Keyboard to type in the map name and etc. Also includes some mods but they also need the keyboard. Skip This.

Counter Strike: I haven't played too much of it but so far it isn't CS. No saving. It's like a really crappy mod of Condition Zero Deleted Scenes. Skip It

Grunt: Haven't got this to work yet. I might talk about it in the next part if I get it working

Paranoia: God I hate this mod. I haven't got that far but so far it looks fullbright. For the love of god skip it.

They Hunger Trilogy: This is a really good port. The only thing wrong is that you can't die in the first Episode. Get it.

Blue Shift: Someone Put Blue Shift on a standalone disk. Yes. Really.

Join in for part 3... sometime...
Striker13 years ago2012-01-07 20:43:26 UTC 5 comments
Yeah, I made a new tutorial for OpenTTD:

Aircraft Transportation Basics

Blame me for the jerky video, but I already wrote here how annoyed I am by the software I used to record.
I tried to compensate by at least adding captions...

I feel like I wasted an entire day :|. Would have wasted on games anyway, I guess :D.
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Stojke13 years ago2012-01-06 17:14:12 UTC 8 comments
Whats that Stojke? Linux and Hammer editor? Naaah youre BSing us.

Don't believe me? Take a look at it your self:
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Ive managed to get my Hammer up and running on Ubuntu Linux 11.10.
Works flawlessly so far, everything works, no errors in 3D screen, no errors with functions. Got to check does atoms compiler work, if that works too, than any one who has linux can safely use their hammer in it.

Took me a while to get wine to stop b**ching about hammer.exe being an executable file, but it works now (had to edit some stuff).
Rimrook13 years ago2012-01-06 03:24:09 UTC 6 comments
Made this for lulz just to delve into the realm of TAS Emulation. Wasn't easy, took forever for this measly 7 minute video. I give mad props to those guys who do much larger projects. It's really a pain in the ass, and certain not that easy.
monster_urby13 years ago2012-01-05 22:20:57 UTC 33 comments
So I've been a member of TWHL for just over 7 and a half years. I'm not sure how I feel about that...