Posted 16 years ago2008-04-30 22:06:09 UTC
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
I've coded a Wiki system for use with the Entity Guides, Glossary, and the new Error Guides sections. The Goldsource Error Guide in particular needs lots of editing, so I expect everyone with some mapping knowledge to start adding new entries and editing the current ones!


Commented 16 years ago2008-05-01 06:08:33 UTC Comment #98494
Nice work. TWHL is really improving these days. :)

I noticed one little problem on the wiki though: quite a few entity descriptions have empty li tag pairs in them, messing up other list items. Nothing a simple clean-up script can't handle, though. :)
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-01 06:30:55 UTC Comment #98495
That's all the HL2 entities I ripped - I thought that, because it's a wiki, people could fix it for themselves!
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-01 08:12:58 UTC Comment #98496
...Ripped? D:

*removes some li tags...
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-01 10:48:37 UTC Comment #98497
Hmm, so it's a 'get started' nudge? Smart... ;)
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-01 14:30:43 UTC Comment #98498
does the same as Madcow
Anywho - apart from some formatting problems in previews and compare windows, looks great. :>
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-03 04:05:33 UTC Comment #98499
This is the first step in making TWHL more community oriented. Anyone can edit the wiki (changes will have to be approved the mods that we're hiring) so it should prove to be a great resource. I love the fact we have an error guide now too. :D
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 02:37:52 UTC Comment #98500
cant you just "copy and paste" the ones in
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 07:46:27 UTC Comment #98501
HL_G: No?

You don't copy other people's work for your own website, especially if they both have the same purpose.
That's just bad.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 11:17:30 UTC Comment #98502
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 13:45:32 UTC Comment #98503
You should be able to add new articles, but they should first be approved by the mods.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-05 09:45:46 UTC Comment #98504
Agrees with naserve
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-05 14:38:19 UTC Comment #98505
Good stuff.

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