Forum posts

Posted 13 years ago2011-08-09 15:47:58 UTC
in make train kill Post #297601
Try using env_laser with func_train.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-30 20:11:57 UTC
in 3D View Selection Problem Post #271230
I do the same way as Urby, but I disble the "Filter Textures" option on "3D views" tab, It messes up with the textures but I get a nice framerate.
Edit: Also I want to kill the one who dropped OpenGL on ATI drivers.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 20:41:53 UTC
in My Mod Pulse: Beta 1 Release Post #271064
I think it has something to do with the game carrying too much data from the previous levels
Exactly, I'm sure that is the problem, my sugestion is to name the npc's entities and kill them when you're about to changelevel, or use fade corpse too.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 20:30:28 UTC
in My Mod Pulse: Beta 1 Release Post #271059
I dunno which map was, but it do crashed on a changelevel, I was descending on a lambda-like elevator.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-28 01:29:28 UTC
in My Mod Pulse: Beta 1 Release Post #271035
Downloaded and stopped playing it when the game crashed searching for "custom.wad" on the map pls11.bsp, from what I played, I can say is that your mod needs serious work, I was going fine until the female assassin's ambush on the container area, with those gasworks-like towers, I had to cheat that part and a lot of some other parts of the mod, also, I was playing on Easy. Judging for the screenshots that you put on Moddb, the Mod looks awesome, that's why I downloaded it, but playing it, it's like playing another mod, A very, very blocky mod with tons of enemy npc's waiting for you at every corner of the maps, it got so boring that I stopped playing after the crash. As for your mapping skills, the part I played is very bad, the maps are very blocky, so much blocky, the only nice part I can spot for now is that HL-Uplink-Like rocky hallways, which still too narrow and very dificult to navigate trough. The boring feel was lost on the Road Trip chapter, It was nice to drive a func_train car, even if you can't control the car, the gameplay changed from the same '(A)Kill-a-couple-of-monsters-in-the-next-corner, (B)Recharge-your-health-and-suit, (C)Back to (A)', but again, I think the whole US Army was in that map.
Also another thing, your mod archive have a LOT of unecessary files, you copied TWO times the whole HL sound files, one time in your Pulse folder, another time in the pak file, you should get rid of that stuff, your mod will go like from 150 mb to 30, 20 mb, making much more easier to download it, especially on Moddb's slow mirror.
Ok, I managed to play the rest of the maps on the Mod while I was posting this, after faking many not included .wad files, I saw that you improved a lot your mapping after pls11, the maps are now less blocky, altough still full of npc's every corner, its a improvement, now that you're mapping better, you should improve your entity setup and gameplay of the maps, also, another thing I forgot to mention, I didn't saw the r_speeds counting on your maps, but most of them was like 30, 20 fps on my computer, and it's not a crappy computer (c2 duo with Hd 4850), I nocliped and saw what I expecting, the no-use of the Null texture, and the indoor maps doesn't need so much the null texture, but still lagging, so I assume you didn't compiled your maps with full vis or even normal vis, you should do that on the final version.

Well, It's clearly a beta or alpha, it's a very unfinished work, needs serious work before releasing the final, but for being a one-man mod, I respect your work and I know that you worked hard on this one, don't feel sad because of some bugs and issues, remember, these are just critcism that you can use freely to improve much more your mod and making a masterpiece, keep working hard on it and good luck!.

Edit: The website is f***ing nice, very professional, I can't say a thing about it, also your plot is epic.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-26 21:51:45 UTC
in Castle Disposed Post #270931
I think I have something for this one, I liked the idea.
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I'll try to finish it soon.
Posted 15 years ago2009-05-30 18:41:18 UTC
in Lighting issues. Post #267674
Thanks for the reply, I'll try that and edit the post if it worked.

Edit: Yeah that done the job, thanks for your help GrimReafer.
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Posted 15 years ago2009-05-30 16:15:13 UTC
in Lighting issues. Post #267671
Hi guys, I'm newbie working on the Source engine, I'm working on a map where the buildings need to look destroyed and I'm using Day of Defeat: Source way to make the walls broken, using displacements on the brushs, but some brushs have lighting issues like this one:
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Anyone knows how do I fix this?, or I will need to destroy the displacements?, this is how the look in Hammer:
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Posted 16 years ago2008-12-25 13:12:50 UTC
in The ultimate 3D selection problem soluti Post #260588
Oh I see, well, I'll be lurking arround for a solution them, I'm trying for ages to fix the problem.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-24 19:00:12 UTC
in The ultimate 3D selection problem soluti Post #260546
What worked? Muzz tutorial?, if yes, can you see if you have this DLL: Atioglx2.dll (in windows/system32 folder), and if you have, can you upload it for me?, it seens that is this DLL wich is causing problems here, also you're using Catalyst 8.12 rite?, thanks.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-22 11:52:12 UTC
in The ultimate 3D selection problem soluti Post #260418
That didn't done the job for newer cards like mine...
(Radeon HD 4850)
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-22 02:48:45 UTC
in The ultimate 3D selection problem soluti Post #260406
For all ATI Radeon cards with newer catalyst drivers.
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Well, it will lag like hell, but you can use Flat until another solution comes.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-27 16:57:57 UTC
in Texture aligning help Post #256237
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-10 04:39:01 UTC
in Func_Tank question. Post #253524
I just want some gun tracers on the background of my map, I've tried env_beams and conveyors but it looks ugly, then I had the idea of a func_tank shooting on some moving target so I can have the gun tracers, but I dunno how, I've tried func_guntarget but the tank don't shoot it, anyone have ideas how I can do it?.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-01 16:59:10 UTC
in Hammer gone weird! Post #252018
Do you have Vista or ATI Radeon video card?. If you have Vista, unistall it and get XP, if you have ATI Radeon card uninstall your drives and use a older Catalyst version.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 21:18:43 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251435
It doesn't look good, even in OpenGL, sorry, but you need to improve much more on your mapping skills before you want to make a mod with such purpose, even if its pointless, try doing a simple mappack without any whores, you'll get a much better reception here, bye.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 18:37:25 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251418
Make your screenshots (and your map) less ugly.
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 18:15:55 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251416
Use OpenGL rendering, if you can't, buy a new video card before making HL2 brushwork on HL1, because it'll lag, also the map doesn't look good and the mod is pointless.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 22:27:34 UTC
in Valve hammer using EP1 tools Post #251151
Anyways I gave up on using Nem's batch compiler for using The Compilator instead, but Nem's was good until then...
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-31 00:59:01 UTC
Try reinstalling SvenCoop then.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-25 04:10:40 UTC
in What is Nihilanth? Post #250436
GoldSrc and Source are same shit, altough Source is an enhanced version of Goldsrc with physics and rendering otmization, its like Warsow did with Quake 2 engine.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-24 23:52:55 UTC
in What is Nihilanth? Post #250422
Caution with your accounts.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-24 20:08:43 UTC
in Reissues is Released! [HL1 Mod] - downlo Post #250418
Well, the steam version seens to be bugged with something after the Second Wind chapter, I finished the mod on WON. I need to say that this is an awesome mod, I loved all the missions, specially Second Wind and that other wich you need to charge that big power battery, the ending was very awesome too, awesome work you guys did, this definately must be in the collection of every single player fan.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-24 16:07:20 UTC
in Reissues is Released! [HL1 Mod] - downlo Post #250411
The game crash back to Windows after playing Second Wind chapter... I don't understand.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-24 15:25:08 UTC
in Reissues is Released! [HL1 Mod] - downlo Post #250404
Oh my god i'm playing and I must say this is fucking awsome, worth the download of everyone.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-24 14:20:40 UTC
in Reissues is Released! [HL1 Mod] - downlo Post #250400
Upload on Filefront man!.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-24 14:12:48 UTC
in Reissues is Released! [HL1 Mod] - downlo Post #250397
Yeah same... I'll wait for another mirror.

Ok, I'll install MegaUpload toolbar just to download this mod.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-24 14:04:44 UTC
in Reissues is Released! [HL1 Mod] - downlo Post #250394
Oh god... Finally. Downloading.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-24 12:59:36 UTC
in What is Nihilanth? Post #250391
Thanks, it was just a test anyways, I would release it but its full of ports and HL2 stuff also bad fps...
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-24 12:49:36 UTC
in What is Nihilanth? Post #250389
What effect?.
There's many effects there, bloom, blur, shadows and so on... wich one you want?...
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-24 12:41:52 UTC
in What is Nihilanth? Post #250387
Goldsrc still quicking ass in visual yes, its a old engine but can be pushed in many forms, for example, I did a map where I could get the same graphics as source, almost the same, look this screenshot:
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In this scenes I ported a lot of Half-Life 2 stuff, like models textures and so, you can look at walls, the textures looks much more higher resolution than the standard HL ones, I've used the detail textures feature, converted the original texture from the Source gcf's and put it on the _detail.txt file, I'm using glow and blur too, also models have shadows, this is a mod from Sysop, he added many effects and so...
Altough, this scene takes my FPS to something like 30 ~ 40, my processor is Core 2 Duo rendering with a Radeon X1550 and 2 gb of Ram, my old pc render this scene with 20 fps, its Pentiun 4 2.0 with Radeon 9200 and 512 mb of Ram, I get better FPS on HL2, anyways, Paranoia is an example of what Goldsrc can still render, this mod looks like Doom 3 sometimes...
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-23 04:13:10 UTC
in Who is Gordon Freeman? Post #250288
Could be Hazardous Environment Vest too, but doesn't sound good tho.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-09 01:54:32 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #249767
I fucking love those Egyptian/Persian/Arabic/Desert constructions, dunno why, your map looks so nice man.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-03 05:33:49 UTC
in Terminal Map Pack :: HL1 Post #249532
I downloaded and ran arround the maps, I said holy fucking shit to the water effects. Well, I can't say many things, This doesn't look like HL1 engine in anyways, its something between Source and GoldSource, its like you're testing the first alpha stages of Source engine, man, this is incredible, can't wait to play your Mod, I hope it is single player.

Good Luck man, I really hope you continue with this, I love the feeling of that outskirts map and the sewers, very apocalyptic!.

Edit: If you add those Bumpmap effects from Paranoia, it will definately not look like GoldSrc. :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-27 06:49:05 UTC
in Monsters Disappearing Post #249247
Second option. They still there, just the model disappears.
I've mapped the whole map brushwork and so, then I started to put entities, on the start, when I had just a couple of few entities, the monsters wasn't disappearing, I dunno what I did wrong for they start to not be rendered, I'm not using any big sprite or anything.
Here's an screenie of the whole thing on 3d Hammer Camera, if you find it usefull.
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Posted 16 years ago2008-04-27 05:35:22 UTC
in Monsters Disappearing Post #249241
Yeah, this is the problem this time, certain parts of my map (its big) the Engine just stop rendering some NPCS (Yes, only npcs, not any other model of the map), I'm sure its something related to vis, but I dunno what it could be, I've deleted every hint brush and it still annoying me, man I hate that so much, can someone help me?.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-27 02:07:25 UTC
in Fake Particle Post #249233
Thanks WC, I've already got rid of it, it was causing the models to disappear, dunno why, tried compiling with Full vis and nothing, well I couldn't find a solution for that then I del it.
The laser idea was good tho.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-26 06:08:31 UTC
in Fake Particle Post #249183
Hm. But what speed I should set to the trigger_push for the sprite don't fall on the ground or don't get a very fast velocity?.

This is how it looks when gravity is set to -5 something.
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Looks so fine, I'm not up to take rid of it. :\

Edit: I've set the trigger_push speed to a value higher than the default 800 gravity, then the sprites/gibs go up, but they never die, needs something to make them fade away or something. Ideas?.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-26 05:34:06 UTC
in Fake Particle Post #249181
Hi, I'm on the making of a SvenCoop map, unfortunately it don't have the nice Spirit's env_particle, I'm trying to make a fake particle system using env_shooters to make a constantly black smoke popping system, So far I've got success only when I use sv_gravity 0 or -(number) then the smoke sprites goes up, I'm wondering if there's a way to take out the gravity from the gibs of the env_shooter or make an specific area with its own gravity.
Is that possible?.

Posted 16 years ago2008-04-16 11:18:41 UTC
in Showing different areas in CS 1.6 .... Post #248850
Just place trigger_cameras where you want and put a target for they keep looking.
Also they don't show spawn points. It keep changing the camera after few seconds even if you selected terrorist or ct and vice versa.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-11 04:23:40 UTC
in Problem with Scripts Post #248685
Oh never mind... Sorry I figured that out. Lock this one please.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-11 03:51:52 UTC
in Problem with Scripts Post #248684
Well here's my problem, i've set some monstermakers (hgrunts) to follow an AIscripted_Sequence, the whole thing is, a multi_manager trigger the Monstermaker who triggers a door (when release) who trigger an AIscripted for the hgrunt, the grunt run to the AIscripted's position then the AIscripted close the door, but when another hgrunt appears it doesn't do the scripted thing, i've marked the repeteable flag and it works but while the grunt don't see the player, he keep closing and opening the door, its fucking annoying... if someone can help me, that would be good.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-08 11:12:22 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #248581
In this map will be only grunts I think, I'll plan a better gameplay tho.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-08 01:50:04 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #248571
I started a new SvenCoop map series, well, I plan it to be something like 8 maps, but I dunno if it will be like that, here's some few screenshot, this is the first map, I started it yesterday, just finished the brushwork, its a bit empty by now, but I'll add stuff on it later, its 2:49 PM I'll sleep.
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Posted 16 years ago2008-04-04 22:16:04 UTC
in Competition 25 Post #248488
I don't think so. It'll just increase the e_poly instead of w_poly, amrite?.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-03 22:02:47 UTC
in Competition 25 Post #248441
I think this compo will own every other compo we had.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-03 00:26:05 UTC
in How do I make a sky texture Post #248397
Nope. The HL's TGA skyboxes are all 24 bits.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-02 21:58:55 UTC
in How do I make a sky texture Post #248393
Yes, but you can't just pickup a photo divide it in some parts and its done, actually, there's programs wich do such things with more quality than a 'handmade' skybox.
Look for these programs in order to make Skyboxes:
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-02 21:51:44 UTC
in Making Human grunts at my side Post #248392
Hmm, I think you can make them to ignore you, but they will attack Barneys, Dunno if its possible to do that, anyways the easier way will be using SoHL.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-02 10:29:12 UTC
in Competition 25 Post #248367
Yeah, there's no way that is goldsrc.