Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-02-23 12:39:56 UTC
in barney's girfriend\wife Post #246347
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-22 18:50:04 UTC
in Configuring it... Post #241759
Thanks, Madcow

Yeah I searched but didn't find it.

Posted 16 years ago2007-12-22 15:52:38 UTC
in Configuring it... Post #241743
Woah I've been away, nice emoticons! :freeman:

Anyhow, I'm having severe probs--

Somehow, after they updated the SDK to support the Orange Box, I can no-longer map for Half-life 2, or Gmod in particular.

Portal is there though... :gak:

I copied most of the portal values over into a new configuration for Gmod, and changed them accordingly, but now the SDK simply crashes when I use that config.

What values do you have so I can configure it right?


Posted 16 years ago2007-10-20 17:24:19 UTC
in Op4/BS content in mods Post #236738
Great thanks! I'm not taking this as legal advice btw, but it's certainly a load off my mind...
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-20 16:43:20 UTC
in Op4/BS content in mods Post #236727
Ripped from my PP thread on the same topic - they said I should ask here :D

How legal is it to use content from say - op4/BS in your mod? I've seen a lot of mods do it, but I've always wondered if it would lead to serious repercussions or not.

The last thing I want is an angry letter from valve!

By content, I mean sounds, models, textures.

I'm pretty sure it's OK if the end user owns the content and is required to copy and paste it into the mod directory.

Thank you
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-14 18:16:06 UTC
in Audio question Post #236365
Thanks - I'll try all the suggestions :glad:
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-14 18:07:41 UTC
in Audio question Post #236364
Thanks - I'll try all the suggestions :glad:
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-14 11:38:53 UTC
in Audio question Post #236348
I'm really not sure - not much of an audio person :)

Basically, the only way to describe it is a backwards echo effect. The echo is reversed - it doesn't come before the actual sound.

I hope you understand what I'm saying.

If you've played black and white - the audio effect some of the gods make when they talk.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-13 19:03:16 UTC
in Audio question Post #236330
Hey again!

Does anyone know the name of the audio effect where the sound is sorta played backwards while still being played forwards? It's like a sort of reversed echo.

I really need to know how to create this!

It's quite a ghostly effect, you hear it on some tv shows and movies.

Thanks in advance :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-13 18:33:07 UTC
in Portal Question (perhaps spoilers) Post #236329
Ah - I see.

But is there an input to change the speed and current time of the countdown? As seen at the start?
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-13 11:11:40 UTC
in Portal Question (perhaps spoilers) Post #236292
Hey! I've been off TWHL for ages now but somehow, after playing portal, I came crawling back.


Anyway - in Portal, in some places there is a countdown sequence. But the countdown takes place on a digital clock face. If I remember, it happens at the start and end of the game. The last part it was on an RT screen.

Anyone know how they did this?
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-29 17:35:18 UTC
in rp_casino, interesed? Post #230674
Sounds really interesting! Is this gonna be for gmod? I don't suppose it matters anyway, but if it was, you could use LUA - like the gmod tower folk
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-29 17:33:15 UTC
in env_shake Post #230671
Still the same principles though, isn't it?
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-13 12:35:40 UTC
in Beta character in german half-life files Post #228812
Woah - is this thread still going?

How the content lock thing work if there was no robogrunt model in the original game?
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-13 12:22:36 UTC
in Urban After-Life Site is UP!!! Post #228807

I actually quite like it, the grid goes for your eyes after a while though, and it seems a bit unaligned at the top.


Quite nice still, except that the top is still unaligned.

I like the sliding menus. Did you get it from Dynamic drive? I cannot find any comment saying it's from there.

I'm sure it would be possible to do the same thing in flash.
You could just use a trial of Swish or something.


I suggest you change the background of the table in the middle to be the same as the GIF.

I like the XP-esque stylings, looks nice.



I also like the box that comes up when you click on the maps, I see where your coming from when trying to make it look like hammer.

You should change it to a pop-up or something, so it can be moved about.

You could make a smart-edit style menu, with the different tabs for information.
You've obviously put a lot of work into this, and if it wasn't for the glitches it would be a pretty neat site.

Just drop the javascript menus, perhaps make the site different elements of the hammer editor? For example. click on the texture application box for about us, or configuration for credits etc.

Don't make it mystery meat though... ;)
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-13 11:34:50 UTC
in What's your Vista rating? Post #228795

Ah well, it's just the base computer, gonna be upgrading it...
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-05 16:25:19 UTC
in multi_manager problem Post #227501
I'm not really that sure myself ;) Just experiment.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-05 14:53:19 UTC
in multi_manager problem Post #227489
If you want to set off two things at the same time, just give them the same name. Also, there's no need for the .1 second delay you have there, unless thats what you wanted. If I remember correctly you can have multiple things triggered at the same time.

What message entity are you using?
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-05 13:43:29 UTC
in Pre-disaster mods? Post #227470
I dunno if this should be in the mods section, but isn't that just for releases or if you're planning to make one?

Anyway, has anyone ever made a mod which was completely pre-disaster? I'm sure Chickenfist had one planned. But he stopped. Then started again. Then stopped.

Azuresheep and SHL each have pre-disaster levels instead of a hazard course.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-05 13:39:26 UTC
in Beta character in german half-life files Post #227468
Really? So it was in the half-life code all along? I thought they made a different version for Germany!
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-05 13:05:14 UTC
in Half Life: Otis' big day Post #227460
Cos I didn't know if it was half-life or BS - they don't call you Calhoun in Half-life...
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-05 12:52:02 UTC
in Half Life: Otis' big day Post #227453
I'm looking forward to this. Is it a mod for blueshift or for half-life?
saw1833, I have edited the sentences.txt file so the other guards don't call you "Calhoun".
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 19:53:57 UTC
in Beta character in german half-life files Post #227214
They bleed oil? Interesting.

Hey - do they speak like robots?
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 19:52:21 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227213
A little bit fishy I just made a thread about it today... :D

Still no replys from my steampowered thread. I'm going to bed :|
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 16:38:08 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227192
But the question is, which generator?

If we knew that, we could create our own announcements!
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 16:26:30 UTC
in Beta character in german half-life files Post #227190
Yeah, but its an enemy in-game.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 16:24:33 UTC
in Beta character in german half-life files Post #227188
Ooh - now to try german opposing force.... ;)
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 16:12:41 UTC
in Beta character in german half-life files Post #227185
OK, I don't believe this. In an earlier thread of mine, Muzzle said that in Germany they don't like animated deaths.

Well, I thought I'd look in the GCF of the german half-life.

What did I find?

Robogrunt! Instead of human grunt, the robo one is there, from the beta/multiplayer!

I'm still in shock.

I might've expected this for the japanese half-life :P

User posted image
I can't believe this!
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 15:25:45 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227180

45 minutes and still no replies... :roll:

Unless there's something up with the dates where I am, might have timezones mixed up... :(
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 13:39:19 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227169
What mod was it?
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 11:49:16 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227158
Great thanks. Something's up with the forum though (steam), if you've visited the thread why does the views value not increase? Does it only go up for logged in members?

EDIT: Cool! A Half-life 1 screenshot contest! I'm entering - 4 days to go...
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 11:37:05 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227156

Here we go, the thread I just made. Couldn't see anything already so I made it.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 11:28:49 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227155
So why is there no credit for him?

And saw, I'm talking about the vox, not the train announcer.

EDIT: I'm gonna take a look at the steam forums, see if there's anything.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 11:13:37 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227151
When valve made the sounds for the english announcer, Im sure they used a text to speach engine.

I thought it would be too hard for them to adapt it for different languages.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 11:02:22 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227148
Maybe they don't like seeing folk die? Maybe they don't mind if they're already dead.

w00t - 45 minutes download time until german episode 1 launches.

I wanna see what pre-existing sitting animation they choose for the combine!

EDIT: Hey, you know the other languages for hl1, did anyone else notice a different announcer? or was it just french.

Probably too hard for them to run the english text-to-speach program for foreign languages anyway.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 10:39:42 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227143
Its Germany. They don't like blood, gore and death animations in game, so they replace that animation with just fade out.
Really? Wow, I didn't know that. What about the sounds of them getting hit by a crowbar?

EDIT: I guess all this was done when the game first came out; I'm gonna try episode one with different languages. They might've actually made a better attempt there.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 10:06:46 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227137
Woah. That dubbing is AWFUL! And they say it with no emotion whatsoever!
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 09:51:53 UTC
in Adjusting Suit/Health Chargers Post #227134
Why couldn't you distribute it? People distribute their binds don't they? :confused:
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 09:50:45 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227133
Okay... downloading the German Half-life now...

Japanese doesn't work :(
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-02 09:02:00 UTC
in French Half-life! Post #227131
I just realized this today, that you can change the language in steam settings. So I did, and started half-life.

All the sounds are different (french) but what I found really odd was this:

The announcement system is completely different! It is no-longer a robotic voice speaking pre-recorded phrases, it's a lot of different human voices, speaking complete sentences!

Heres some samples:




I don't think it has the same charm as that robotic thing.

Now for sentences.txt!

The gman sounds weird too. Not scary at all, just a dull business man.

The suit has a robotic filter on it which ruins everything

The sounds are too long and don't match up with the scripted sequences sometimes.

Barney sounds the same as the scientists.

Scientists sound the same as the Gman

I think they only had 2 voice actors for this...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-27 08:16:00 UTC
in The Mesa Times - A HL1 Comic Post #223581
Thanks for the reply! I have another question:

How did you get the characters into the positions you wanted? Did you use photoshop? (I'm talking about the latest comic)
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-23 19:13:40 UTC
in Can entity func_rotating have a shadow? Post #223250
I guess this is on topic, but it's a question :biggrin:

Why is it that my light_dynamics don't show up ingame? I spawn the entity and position it to a suitable position, but when it comes to runtime there is nothing there.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-19 14:44:59 UTC
in In-game ads possible w/o HL coding! Post #222648
Lol, I didnt mean I was gonna do it - its a concept.

EDIT: It could be used for anything.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-19 14:44:33 UTC
in about the egon(gluon gun) Post #222647
I tried this, it just skips to alt fire?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-19 14:39:19 UTC
in In-game ads possible w/o HL coding! Post #222645
A concept I just had....

A map, right - that uses a wad.

A VB application

Every time you start the app, it connects to a server somewhere and downloads the latest version of the wad. The wad would only need to have one texture in it, the advert. The wad is then copied into the "Valve" directory.

Thats it. Since the wad is loaded when you start the map, the textures in the map would be updated.

You could do the same with sentences.txt, titles.txt or anything else.

Poor man's Steam!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-19 14:25:48 UTC
in A few questions about Counter-Strike Post #222643
OK - I admit it. I am not a counterstrike person.

In fact, I have only ever played it once because it came with my HL Boxset.

I have a few questions about it:

1. I remember when playing the WON version, there was a training level.

A guy spoke to you through a speaker and told you how to play. That's not in the steam version?

2. Why is it when I walk about, it takes a while to get up to speed?

3. I played c1a0 through the console, and it was like Minimicus! I was like a gnome on stilts!

Thanks :)

P.S - If you see me on a Cstrike server, I'll probably be asking loads of nooby questions and bunnyhopping while shouting in l33tsp33k...

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 16:03:27 UTC
in The Citizen Preview Post #222443
Nice! As for the last screen - is that murky water or chocolate pudding? :nuts:

Also, did Kasperg send you the unfinished maps or something, or did you recreate it?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-16 17:27:52 UTC
in Best training level in a mod Post #222294
TWHL3 feature - Polls!

Anyway, what (Half-life 1/2) mod do you think had the best training level? It doesn't have to actually be a training level, but the map that is selected for it (If you know what I mean)

My top 2 would have to be:

Azure Sheep - Pre-disaster thingy
Poke 646 - Bootcamp (I think :D) , but better than opposing force.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-14 11:01:42 UTC
in The Mesa Times - A HL1 Comic Post #221940
Fantastic! I liked the alternate scientist, how/where did you make/download it?

EDIT: Was it a reskin of Rosenburg?