Forum posts

Posted 11 years ago2012-07-27 15:07:09 UTC
in Steam Virus? Post #308489
because they still think they are better than everyone else in the world*.
After having watched a documentary that was mostly centered around healthcare comparison between other countries ans U.S.A, I can almost agree with that.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-27 14:52:02 UTC
in Steam Virus? Post #308485
I just don't use Avast... because I'm not an idiot.
I'll take that as an insult and tell you that there's a high possibility you don't actually know what you're talking about.

This wasn't a thread in which we flame each other about what antivirus software is the best- these discussions are like politics if one does not refrain from subjectivity.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-27 12:13:47 UTC
in Steam Virus? Post #308470
I've been using avast for years now without a problem. Seems like an update to avast fixed this.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-27 07:00:41 UTC
in Steam Virus? Post #308454
I have been away from home for the past week, and today I got back. Started the PC, and when I opened steam my antivirus reported there was a virus in the Steam directory. It moved it to the chest, so next time Steam updated it. Again, the antivirus reported the file as a virus.

This didn't happen before. Do you have any idea what's this about?
User posted image
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-27 04:42:43 UTC
in Even more statistics from Wikipedia Post #308450
And then
these stats just wrote themselves.
I doubt that. Are you exhaustingly trying to prove that what's happening with that girl is absolutely normal?
Also, the last quote didn't make much sense in this context.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-22 17:22:07 UTC
in Slow Internets are slow Post #308259
Just tested the 3G connection on m phone. Got 1.1 Mbps.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-22 16:40:51 UTC
in Slow Internets are slow Post #308257
Fine, there are methods of using such a line speed. But is it realistic? Are you going to continously;download things to your pc? Wht about the cost of these RAID solutions?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-22 09:48:22 UTC
in Slow Internets are slow Post #308250
... I understand what you are saying, yet you seem to totally ignore what I'm trying to point to. How can you write files to your HDD with a speed greater than it is capable of? I understand other components can and will operate at those speeds, but an HDD won't! That's the whole point.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-22 07:27:36 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #308247
Let's try not to associate pornographic content to The Core, it wouldn't bring happy memories in the future.

Oh I really hope Archie/Urby didn't put a dick in their maps...
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-22 07:23:53 UTC
in Slow Internets are slow Post #308246
L1 cache is a memory chip just like an SSD.
And you store DATA in memory in BINARY code not "files" lol.
Oh come on man, don't change the subject. I know you store data in the L1 cache, but I'm talking about practicability here. You're never going to use the maximum potential of a 1 Gb/s line to download something, your hdd wouldn't handle it! ( SSDs, maybe).
All caps is just to bring your attention to it not yelling (me no angy).
Don't worry :P.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-21 21:25:45 UTC
in Slow Internets are slow Post #308211

One does not store files in his CPU cache.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-21 21:21:29 UTC
in Slow Internets are slow Post #308209
And there are devices with much bigger storage speeds than SSD standard invented 10 years ago.
Tell me about it.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-21 21:20:31 UTC
in Slow Internets are slow Post #308207
Russia Convex block Amdins -> 1Gb/s
uh-hm... only ssds and some hard-drives are capable working with transfer speeds like that.

[offtopic] Since we're talking about the internet, I heard a whole bunch of new domains will be introduced this year, inaugurating the IPv6... I bet you heard about the IP crisis.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-21 11:00:10 UTC
in Slow Internets are slow Post #308168
Here's mine:

User posted image
You are aware that asking a forum which consists of a whole ton of Americans you're just going to get yourself all depressed when it comes to net connection speeds.
I thought more than half of the people on TWHL are European.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-21 06:35:31 UTC
in Colorado Shooting Post #308155
This is terrible, I heard it on the news. What's frightening is that a few days ago a schizophrenic from a city in our country, apparently a good student, murdered her sister. And then I hear about this...

Oh, also there was a terrorist attack in Bulgaria.
The sense of security around the world is dropping, from what I can tell.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-16 17:32:07 UTC
in League of Legends Post #307909
Zoning in LoL is just a lane tactic, where you prevent your enemy from taking experience points. But this is achieved by letting their minions fight and kill your own, you can't kill your own minions. There's a really popular tutorial, with a memorable voice, done by "Shurelia" on Zoning.
Although a good tactic, as the victim this is the most annoying thing that can happen since you are forced to stay and watch the unfairness. It also slows the game a bit.
To clarify, in DotA and HoN you can start attacking your own creeps when they are below 50% health, if you land the killing blow on your own creep, the enemy obviously get no gold and about half the experience.
That is certainly incomprehensible, at least for a LoL player like me. It destroys gameplay value, and it's just not fair.
Afaik, in LoL the only champion that can deny is Gangplank, by using one of his abilities.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-16 12:26:12 UTC
in League of Legends Post #307897
Seems to me that you're contradicting yourself kraken. You are unmasking the reason why LoL is not at all casual in your post :).

I'm playing LoL since December 2009, and I had the opportunity to play with lots of champions, and even so I haven't tested them all(that's why it's good to watch the "Champion Spotlight" and read its abilities when a new one is released). That's how you can be prepared against enemy champions.

I've been lucky to have over 6300 IP when the new champ, Jayce, appeared. It rocks! :D
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-13 20:10:49 UTC
in PlanetPhilip suddenly closed Post #307854
Portal 2 was recently on the Steam summer sale.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-13 18:40:11 UTC
in Source Film Maker Post #307849
A lot of videos made by the community started to appear. This is ... awesome: Negro y Azul
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-13 08:02:54 UTC
in PlanetPhilip suddenly closed Post #307845
TL;DR we should all become Satchmo.
Yes, the quiet good guy greg that hosts a competition, nobody cares, and he isn't pissed off! (at least not showing it on the forums).
Well I actually checked the links, and the puzzle looks difficult :P.

[end of-topic]

Collapse displayed a sum of logical arguments. The only reasons to get pissed of by his posts are the circumstances.
But in the end, the site is back and everybody's happy again. Yay!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-12 21:45:27 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #307840
But best of all, she can have baby cats and puppies.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-12 20:37:21 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #307836
Well, I was just wondering. She must have been watching you play some time...
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-12 19:55:38 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #307834
Does your wife play Minecraft?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-12 06:55:37 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #307828
There's so much bloom in that game Urby... The face of that character looks like it's going to melt.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-09 17:23:28 UTC
in PlanetPhilip suddenly closed Post #307710
@2muchvideogames, maybe you could look into setting up a new site in it's place? You seem to love you some GoldSource mods. I'll just leave this here...
Firstly, in its place. I usually make syntax and other speaking errors because I don't know the language very well, although I know "it's" is a very basic error everyone can avoid.

Secondly, I think the most interesting mods and especially the hall of fame ones were source mods. So make that banner "Gold&Source" :P.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-09 06:56:52 UTC
in HL1 custom skybox Post #307696
I tried the source method and it made the skybox upside down. I think the direction of view matters...
I'm probably going to try Jeffmod's tutorial too if Terragen is capable of rendering water.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-09 06:26:41 UTC
in PlanetPhilip suddenly closed Post #307695
I just realized what a hit in their heart did the dedicated members on that community take. What if something similar happens to TWHL? Well, hopefully, TWHL isn't administered by a single person that can take full responsibility of the site.
It is incomprehensible that he didn't at least leave a table-like page with mod download links. And all the user-generated content like reviews... this seems like a really nasty situation.
The pain is that we can only brag about it without knowing exactly what happened.
Anyway, the good news is that, if any TWHL member is in the mood for some HL1 mods, you know who to call!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-08 19:51:05 UTC
in PlanetPhilip suddenly closed Post #307685
What just happened? Without prior notice the site just went down and Philip says he's too tired to manage the site anymore. But why did he had to take off the entire site?

PlanetPhilip is Closed page
PlanetPhillip.Com Has Closed
It may reopen in October

I have run the site for over 8 years and invested over 10,000 hours into it. Others have helped me, but it's mostly my work.

Recently, I have become tired. Tired of how every weekend is consumed with the list of tasks related to the site.

Tired of dealing with content thieves, idiots and the general hassle that goes with such a comprehensive site.

No doubt some will call the closure "melodramtic" but they have no idea of what's involved.

I may reopen in October and having the summer off may recharge my batteries. At this point I doubt it.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who has helped me and to all my dedicated readers.

Pleae do not email me as I will only be checking my email once a month and will NOT be replying to ANY website or gaming related messgaes.

The people who are currently involved with me on projects will recieve an email.
Phillip Marlowe - Sunday 08 July 2012
Is this some kind of joke? I mean, not that I've visited that site a lot, but I know I did when having the mood to play some mods. It's just that... it was something quite big and all of a sudden...
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-08 08:41:03 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #307684
I like the lighting, it gives more atmosphere to the map. You can still add some more detail to the ceiling, perhaps some classical pipes.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-07 09:45:06 UTC
in HL1 custom skybox Post #307671
Thanks! I'm going to try this later and report whether I had success or not. But still, aren't there custom skies posted on some resource site?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-07 08:48:16 UTC
in HL1 custom skybox Post #307668
Do you know where I can get custom skyboxes? I especially need a sea at night skybox, I'm working on a map where I somehow need to give the impression of infinite water... and doing this in goldsource is harder than in source(in source I would've done this with a 3D skybox...).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-05 06:15:15 UTC
in Lyssa for Ultimate Belly Dancer Post #307639
Your love story is inspiring, and I respect you for that.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-04 20:55:49 UTC
in Vluzacn's Half-Life Tools v34 Post #307636
Just switched from SHLT to VHLT at archie's advice. The compile time doubled, from 1 minute to 2 minutes.

But holy schnitzel! The lighting is just sexy:
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-03 19:57:47 UTC
in Straight Talk Wireless Post #307613
The price of damn near everything goes up slowly from the minute it's invented it seems.
You can't say that for solar panels.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-03 19:32:03 UTC
in Straight Talk Wireless Post #307610
Holy shit! And I was thinking paying 5 euros/month for my ~2000 in-network minutes, ~60 national and international and 150 mb is too much!

Well, although my country has cheap services, products are expensive(24% VAT). And the gasoline is... I mean, I put just 2 liters in my car when I have to drive it a few kilometers just to be sure I won't consume more than that!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-03 11:53:32 UTC
in Rchi Minicompo #1 Post #307602

After about 7 hours, I'm finally finished. Painting your minuscule geometry was a pain in the ass, btw. Another major pain was making 45 textures, almost all of them manually edited. There are 3 animated textures, though I haven't used one of them.
It was fun though, but I had to tweak a bit the texlights at the final compile. I even beveled the exterior and if I left some piece of geometry un-textured, please excuse me.

This map is for GOLDSOURCE
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Daubster might find this amusing.
User posted image
Link to the map! The wad is included in the archive!

This following image was part of the animated texture that I didn't use anymore:
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-03 06:33:58 UTC
in Source Film Maker Post #307588
You lucky bastard, I haven't received the beta access yet! Cruelty! :(

[edit] the end is truly hilarious on that one!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-02 10:43:54 UTC
in League of Legends Post #307576
I play as "Zeratus", and for some time I played on the west server, but recently I moved to east.
If any of you happen to play on the American server, friend me up. I'm tired of jungling for whining dicks.
Playing LoL with your friends is a dangerous attempt at having good time. From my own experience, I advise you: do not think you'll have a good time every time you play LoL with your friends.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-07-01 06:25:38 UTC
in VERC tutorial Post #307549
I discovered a couple of old HL articles I've saved in the past. Sadly, I haven't saved from VERC but one: Bump mapping. It has the images, so you can add them to the existent version on TWHL.

There are a couple of other goodies I included, like "cs skylist" and a "rock tutorial" saved from 69th Vlatitude, a site long gone now.

I also wanted to include a PDF I had saved, although never studied, but I found it googling: .MAP files
file format description,
algorithms, and code

I also made a screenshot on the SvenCoop forums in 2008 I think, when I wanted to make a svencoop campaign but had problems with too many entities:
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-30 11:44:49 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #307545
Wait, you said that? *rubbing my eyes
Oh well. But hey, I still don't understand why did you put such massive effort for 2 panels that showcase a minor part of the terrain. You're going to make more panels than those 2, right?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-30 11:04:47 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #307543
Ah, well, seeing what you're putting it to use... I retract my criticism. The panels look rather nice! You can't do that type of lighting anymore in Source...
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-30 10:02:37 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #307539
No offence, but that terrain is not the best I've seen. It just looks like some displacement where some noise was applied. Sure, the manual work has to be appreciated, but you can obviously see the pattern, there's no real variation.

Btw, is it possible to achieve this with Penguiboy's Twister?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-29 20:16:16 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #307516
Good old tetrahedron terrain...
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-29 08:08:47 UTC
in Source Film Maker Post #307493
I'm a bit confused, I can't actually find the SFM. Is it supposed to be a tool, or it's an in-game tool? If so, I have the TF2 beta, but idk how to access SFM.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-28 17:10:55 UTC
in Rchi Minicompo #1 Post #307484
For a moment I thought "wait, what, I must have posted in the future! :O".

Then I noticed it's Collapse. At least you could have put something significant there...
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-27 21:46:10 UTC
in Rchi Minicompo #1 Post #307460
As a help for making textures, I recommend reading Rimrook's guide to making textures using Photoshop. It's kind of outdated, but I stumbled upon it on my computer today, so I thought I'd make it a PDF and upload it for you.

Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-27 18:35:28 UTC
in Source Film Maker Post #307450
User posted image
Oh, and meet the pyro...

Suddenly, gmod popularity drops!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-24 17:12:26 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #307380
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-24 13:19:13 UTC
in Steam Profile Analysis Post #307376
Well that's funny but not even starting the damn game...
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 11 years ago2012-06-24 11:55:15 UTC
in Steam Profile Analysis Post #307373
The_(c)Striker Samurai Jack | Games Owned: 34 | Percentage Played: 88.24%
Full Steam Analysis Profile:

700 hours(~month) wasted of my life playing. I really hope playing and enjoying that time is not actually wasted time. It wouldn't be in historical games or those that teach you something, but it's not always like that...

[EDIT] So apparently Archie and Penguinboy have an awful a alot of games that they never player. How do you explain the spent money? :|
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure