Forum posts

Posted 12 years ago2012-03-29 21:19:47 UTC
in USB memory stick encryption Post #304770
Dont use small memory sticks, they will die as soon as the warranty expires.

Not to mention how slow will they get over time and how slow will scanning and reading be after they get filled with data.

My suggestion is to sell it and buy a 2.5" hard disc drive that can fit nicely into your pocket.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-28 12:10:17 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #304721
Awesome entries from every one, all tho i FORGOT to vote, the results were pretty much expected.

Congratulations to the winners!
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-26 21:32:21 UTC
in An Apology from GoldSrcForever Post #304656
Dimbark is know for his skills in MS Pain.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-26 21:08:19 UTC
in An Apology from GoldSrcForever Post #304651

So very horrible.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-26 20:47:19 UTC
in An Apology from GoldSrcForever Post #304646
GLaDOS was a potato and she had no major problems. Even the clap processor worked.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-23 22:08:04 UTC
in An Apology from GoldSrcForever Post #304544
Meh, i was edgy because i broke my SCSI HDD that time, i forgive you :>
I'm the one who should be sorry for assaulting you. I get very angry in very short time.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-14 08:27:08 UTC
in Entity setup -> need help Post #304290
Hey guys, i need help and info about something.

I am making a deathrun map and i thought of a trap that the terrorist player can activate.

I need to know can multi managers be stopped after they go into loop?
Button >> MM1 -> MM2 -> MM1 ...
They start each other at the end

I have though of a trap that activates 2x env_sprite + trigger_hurt , and it is all set to be a loop:

A B C -> Where A, B and C are sprites + trigger

1 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 1
1 1 0

So, they loop like that where 1 is activated, 0 is deactivated.

As far as im familiar with this, this will continue to loop every round in CS when you push the button, it wont stop.
Can this be controlled so that the steam will stop each round and the terrorist player will have to push the button again?
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-13 18:49:16 UTC
in Mapping help. jaggy map Post #304276
Yeah VIS, sorry my bad.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-13 12:37:08 UTC
in Mapping help. jaggy map Post #304268
If you compile your map with out RAD it will LAG like crazy.

Compile with RAD, it will fix the map.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-13 10:57:25 UTC
in de_747 beta Post #304264
Awesome hammer screens, really cool. These should be preserved, i always find it awesome to see how the map was made.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-12 08:31:29 UTC
in de_747 beta Post #304244
Holy shit O-o

Wow, the screen shots are amazing!
Too bad the darned banana is off line for me :@

I cant wait to see this map in-game!


Also, i guess i will skip CS:S and go GO :)
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-12 07:24:38 UTC
in Darn sprites Post #304240
I have no idea how to use that properly.

I selected the 3rd option, saved the sprite, and now its blank in hammer...
Or did i just rotate it badly?

Yup, it wasnt rotated, it works fine now in the editor! Thanks Atom :)
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-09 21:37:15 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #304103
Thats a mean machine
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-08 21:20:48 UTC
in The Official CS:GO Thread Post #304073
Cant wait! :o

So many new weapons
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-08 16:24:27 UTC
in Darn sprites Post #304066
Can sprites be rotated, etc, so they dont start from ground up, but from lets say left to right?

I tried editing the sprite, but it didnt go well, the sprite wizard wont load my bitmaps no matter what i do.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-06 23:25:12 UTC
in Something my friends should know... Post #304024
Good luck, stay calm! I can only imagine how scared a person would be :S
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-06 23:19:46 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #304023
Joebama, those screen shots are angry!
Amazing work, very cool stuff!

Also Bruce, your screen shot links are dead :/
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-03 11:14:56 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #303896
If i had bandwidth limits, this topic would reduce it by 50%.

Archie has some nice photos.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-29 20:55:29 UTC
in Possible to exceed number of entities? Post #303838
From the error guide:


"The max_models error is that you have exceeded the maximum number of brush based entities in your map. This can be either the total amount of brush based entities or of a specific entity.
"So it's either too many of one type of brush based entity or you have exceeded the number of brush based entities in the game (like trying to make the whole map out of func_xxxxx entities)".
"Each player model, each grenade, nail, gib, etc. counts toward the MAX_MAP_MODELS count. The total model count is always dynamic durring the game and changes as new models are spawned and removed. You simply need to make sure you leave some space.
see also: entity limits.
Entity Limitation notes: The HL engine itself has a hard limit of 2048 entities, point or brush based, which is a data limit of about 0.5M. On top of that, Half-Life likes to generate it's own temporary entities in-game for certain effects (ie. beams, sparks, projectiles...), these temporary entities have a limit of around 500, see 500 overflow temporary ents! above.
But the compile tools have a limit of only 2048 for all editor placed entitys (MAX_MAP_ENTITIES). (I am not sure if the temp entitys come out of this 2048 limit as well, but I suspect they do.) And there is a sub-limit on switchable lights of 1024 (MAX_ENGINE_ENTITIES). Additionally, you also have a compile side sub-limit of 400 for brush based entities. Mods that use cutscenes to start a round have even lower limits - DoD is now talking about 400-500 as the playing map limit of total entitys! NS has a similar situation.
Moreover, there seems to be special limits for some entitys, like the limit of 16 rotating entitys that stop at the same time, due to the sound limitations. Or the limit of 32 players in most mods, or the general 8 fixed lights shining on a face limit, the 3 switchable lights on a face - and so on.
see also: general MAX_MAP limits from the SDK
HL engine limits for ALL entitys - 2048
HL in-game temporary entity engine limit (part of the 2048?). Used for breakables, sparks, gibs, ect. 500
data memory limit for entitys ~0.5M
MAX_MAP_ENTITIES Compiling tools limit for ALL editor placed entitys in a level, incuding brush, models, sprites & point entitys like lights (mod limits may vary a bit lower) 2048
MAX_ENGINE_ENTITIES (light, light_spot and light_environment entities that have either a targetname or a style attached to them (ie. all switchable lighting in the map). 1024
compiling tools sub-limit of brush based entitys (part of the 2048) 400
possible model & sprite entitys sub-limit (part of the 2048?) 400
specialty entity limits
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-29 10:47:33 UTC
in Reset func_button with -1 delay before r Post #303828
Hmmm, interesting question. Maybe there is an other way than to use -1?

I remember that i my deathrun map the button stayed on till the end of the map time. I think you need to tie it with multi source so it controls the entire thing. When you activate the button, it gets value 1 and htge button is always on, but on start some one triggers the thing again to give it value 0 and the button is set again.

I think that should work. (btw i dont know if i used the right entity).
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-28 21:13:06 UTC
in Uuuh... Hammer! Wake up! Post #303822
D o N o t U s e TG.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-27 12:35:21 UTC
in spawn with suit Post #303786
Hmm, sounds like a custom TFC only entity.
I agree with Lajron, until some one comments you can decompile the map.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-26 19:37:39 UTC
in Never seen this error Post #303770
If you have 2 trains starting at same time this can cause the error.
Go to every entity and reduce the volume to 0.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-26 12:30:43 UTC
in Possible to exceed number of entities? Post #303763
Yeah it should, with that mapping techniques tutorial as well.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-26 11:58:26 UTC
in Space/metal debris textures Post #303760
Any one got any metal debris/space debris textures?

You know, like you saw in movies, metal bars, cables, chunks flying all around and stuff. I need something like that.


Also old rusted metal walls, space station textures and stuff like that.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-26 11:54:45 UTC
in Possible to exceed number of entities? Post #303761
Thanks :P
Yeah, i made it last year, much easier than to search for links that ive uploaded. This way i got everything up on google and i am not afraid it will get deleted :)
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-26 10:26:46 UTC
in Possible to exceed number of entities? Post #303756
I can make a tutorial on my web site. I already made tutorials for batch compiler on Serbian.

Plus you have all the tools and stuff, with some info, on my web site.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-26 08:07:42 UTC
in Possible to exceed number of entities? Post #303754
X2 GUI is horrible, very, very, horrible.
And Compilator 3 is a lot much better than it, as well as batch.
And i dont think X2 is newer...


You need to add the RMF file with HLFix process enabled. Thats why i said its annoying with the batch, try using Compilator 1.
I never got any errors even when my map was over the entity limit, it compiled perfectly.
The only bad experience was when Skals-es map wasn't working online because he went over the darn limit.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-25 23:49:57 UTC
in Possible to exceed number of entities? Post #303737
Yeah, well, the external compilers should do the trick. Check the "shared" card for more info.
Also, if Atoms mighty Compilator fails you, try the Batch compiler (shhsh, this is a secret, hes working on Compilator 3 that he will release in public soon, its very good, but dont tell any one >_> ).

batch is a bit annoying to configure, but it does the job right.
If you have any more questions, ask away.
Also, yeah, GS will never die, its too fun of a thing :P
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-25 23:19:42 UTC
in Possible to exceed number of entities? Post #303735
Yeah! Lib list.

Also cool, didn't know amx X had a plug in for this, thanks for the info.
Also, feel free to browse my web site, you might find interesting stuff. :)
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-25 22:58:57 UTC
in Possible to exceed number of entities? Post #303730
You shouldn't use the default compiler.

Get Atoms Compilator:

And use the new-est VHLT compile tools:

Also, i think there is a command to add to some file in HL that allows more entities, but i forgot what it was...
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-25 20:37:20 UTC
in What happened to the puzzle Post #303723
Stojkes small brain is so very confused right now.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-25 10:44:51 UTC
in Boards are messed up... Post #303710
...god what are you on?
Armpit crystals?

Also, i agree that there shouldn't be more new boards. It would be hard to find what you need if everything from all 5 boards is in it.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-25 08:08:07 UTC
in Uuuh... Hammer! Wake up! Post #303706
I dont see why not, the only thing affected by the cold would be the capacitors.

Your CPU would love the extra cold. The CRT screen heats it self up. No biggie.
I think it would work perfectly.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-23 13:53:59 UTC
in Long-time lurker, first-time poster Post #303646
Hello, and welcome to TWHL, its awesome here, trust me, i know :P
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-23 08:52:48 UTC
in Uuuh... Hammer! Wake up! Post #303639
Maybe its hidden. Go View -> Show hidden objects.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-22 15:26:10 UTC
in Need help with optimization Post #303625
You can use func_detail, separation by 1 unit tech, cut map into sectors with sky box method...

Try the first 2.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-19 11:23:01 UTC
in DimQuest Post #303561
There is a difference between trolling and actually hating dimbark for being 12 years old and doing what 12 years old usually do.

I mean really guys, hes exploring new stuff, being annoying. We all were.
Hes a kid, you cant expect total extreme serious business from him, come on.

But i do agree with some things, dimbark is wasting too much times thinking of new games.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-12 13:32:16 UTC
in Urby's Half-Life Quiz 2! Post #303325
I used name Stojke, and only Stojke. But after i wrote 100% you wrote that some of us may be using different names to get all answers.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-12 12:51:29 UTC
in Urby's Half-Life Quiz 2! Post #303322
I can only assume the people using names like "CLASSIFIED" etc are doing so to cheat 100% using their real names later on.
Y U say I was cheating >: (
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-12 11:53:41 UTC
in Urby's Half-Life Quiz 2! Post #303318
Hell yeah! 100% again :>

Was a bit confused on the last question, than i remember it kicked a car not a tank.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-11 16:07:32 UTC
in Urby's Half-Life Quiz 2! Post #303296
Your quiz sucks.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-11 15:45:42 UTC
in Urby's Half-Life Quiz 2! Post #303294
100 percento!
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-29 22:44:42 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #303047
I started to make, a while ago, a CS remake of UT99 train map. But i am worried about the scrolling texture and the game crashing.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-29 22:37:00 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #303045
Im guessing cs_office or de_train, cause zeeba likes BIG n cool maps.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-27 13:19:12 UTC
in BEVEL vs NULL vs SKY Post #303002
You are right, the NULL map is 800KB larger.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-27 10:29:11 UTC
in BEVEL vs NULL vs SKY Post #302999
Yes, because they block the player, and clip nodes are where player can stand/touch.

So if you block off some complex architecture with clip, lets say a roof, you will save clip nodes by a large number, because all that will be counted in would be the 6 sides of the clip block.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-26 23:06:16 UTC
in BEVEL vs NULL vs SKY Post #302988
And no, all 6 sides must be clip.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-26 20:14:03 UTC
in BEVEL vs NULL vs SKY Post #302983
Clip isn't rendered at all (except for clip nodes).
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-26 08:58:10 UTC
in BEVEL vs NULL vs SKY Post #302978
Excellent article Stojkens!

I will definitely try using sky texture optimization for my next goldsource map
Thanks T :D

Also, i know for one method i learned. When you build things, and you have, lets say a small building that the player wont every be able to see over, you take it and put SKY onto the top face of it, than you put a sky block on that and stretch it up to the SKY, so it connects to the major SKY block. This way, it should reduce poly count by generating a room effect.
Same principle is present in DE_DUST2 map, where on each arc in the map the mapper added this sky block to make 4 different rooms, that is, 4 different separated rooms in the map. And when you enter each room, you stop rendering the room you left.

If you guys forgotten this, i will do a tutorial gladly.

Also, this is missing some proof of how you set the test up. I guess you don't wanna show since it's a compo entry. But it would be nice to see how many textures were changed and where they were located.

It's kinda hard to draw any conclusions from those wpoly values. That could also be results from how VIS compiled the map. The amount of visleafs varies in all the compiles.
Well, the way we did it, is replace BEVEL textures that Skals already used to texture the outer faces of objects in the map, that is, the faces that the player wont see. He already made his map very optimized when it comes to that. So i decided that he gives me the map to perform some tests.
What i did was select the BEVEL textures and replaced them with SKY.
And than select the BEVEL textures again and replace them with NULL.

After which i compiled and compared/checked the final VIS results.
Stojke StojkeUnreal