Excellent article Stojkens!
I will definitely try using sky texture optimization for my next goldsource map
Thanks T
Also, i know for one method i learned. When you build things, and you have, lets say a small building that the player wont every be able to see over, you take it and put SKY onto the top face of it, than you put a sky block on that and stretch it up to the SKY, so it connects to the major SKY block. This way, it should reduce poly count by generating a room effect.
Same principle is present in DE_DUST2 map, where on each arc in the map the mapper added this sky block to make 4 different rooms, that is, 4 different separated rooms in the map. And when you enter each room, you stop rendering the room you left.
If you guys forgotten this, i will do a tutorial gladly.
Also, this is missing some proof of how you set the test up. I guess you don't wanna show since it's a compo entry. But it would be nice to see how many textures were changed and where they were located.
It's kinda hard to draw any conclusions from those wpoly values. That could also be results from how VIS compiled the map. The amount of visleafs varies in all the compiles.
Well, the way we did it, is replace BEVEL textures that Skals already used to texture the outer faces of objects in the map, that is, the faces that the player wont see. He already made his map very optimized when it comes to that. So i decided that he gives me the map to perform some tests.
What i did was select the BEVEL textures and replaced them with SKY.
And than select the BEVEL textures again and replace them with NULL.
After which i compiled and compared/checked the final VIS results.