You are a total retard and world champion cocksucker. Need I say more?pffft, he's theone
You are a total retard and world champion cocksucker. Need I say more?pffft, he's theone
Chickenfist : A funny and helpfull guy, 16 years old I guess.14 actually ^_^
Status : Nice
People with the standard XP themes should have their tonsils removed and be beaten with them.Why?
But how did you figured out the code that READS the value's in the valve.rad file? Im positive you can't find that on Google.I still don't get it, why would it do that?
I don't get it. :/What the fuck are you talking about?
Anywho - it's not hard to write an app like that. smile -Nope
WHO SPAMMED ALL THESE ACOUNTS?? furious - I bet hrnygoat for he confessed he already spammed to acounts already, the habboi lover acounts!! angry -Why do you think everyone hates Jimmi all of sudden?
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Edit: That just got fucked up For example, Sticky threads, default style, style editing from admin board, announcement threads, boarder image editable from admin board etc..PunBB has all of those features
Sounds good, but, does SQL include MySQL?I dunno , but I think its' the same thing?
So, chickenfist, here is the forum download: http://www.vbulletin.comK, I'll fix one as soon as hosting is done.