I must admit Opera is alot better than IE.
A little confusing...but better.
@Alex:Reading the links now.
Seriously, or did you just type it all backwards, skipping half the vowels?Yep, it's serious, that's just how messed up Welsh is.
You are here because you have logged in anonymously. You should log-in with the details with which you have been provided to use this server.Rwyt ti'n yma achos rwyt cael logged mewn anonymously. Rwyt dylu log-in gyda y manylyn gyda pa rwyt cael rhagdybiaeth y arfer hwn gweinydd.
From the moment you figure out that Computing is more fun than going out, your hated by the entire female population and spend your lonely hours staring blankly at XXX images....How can you say that!?!
This may explain why hard sleepers rarely remember their dreams.Bu I'm a hideously light sleeper, someones opens/closes a door nearby and I wake up...which really, really sucks...because I love sleep.
Proudly liberal was just a statement. Its not a conteversal subject.You are a moron IEMC.
Proudly christian shouldnt be allowd on a site like this. We're not all christians. This is conteversal.
Wow HrnyGoat, for someone whos maps look like utter shit you certainly have a keen insight into a company that has released the greatest FPS of all time.Dude that was totally uncalled for.
1,060 google searches found fr "Worldcraft Dude"Well, it's not that odd really, because the first word...alot the the things will be about the worldcraft editor, me suspects.
166 found for Coolfat3459, which is strange considering I am coolfat3459 almost everywhere else on the web.