Forum posts

Posted 9 years ago2015-08-01 23:17:24 UTC
in Unexplained compiling error... Post #326608
Will try VHLT, I´ve read wonders of them... If not, I will start to think that making a huge map in HL is almost impossible...
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-01 23:13:05 UTC
in Has someone coded this yet? Post #326607
Does Vluzacn´s tools let me make a dome?
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-01 21:14:29 UTC
in Unexplained compiling error... Post #326605
The rest of the log file is normal, the only part showing problems is when hlrad is applied.

I think the problem maybe is that the map is WAY too big. It´s about two times bigger than the c5a1 map of half-life... maybe that´s the problem?
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-01 14:18:18 UTC
in Unexplained compiling error... Post #326602
Hi. I have tried to compile my last map but the compiler gives me this error:
3269 faces
Create Patches : 53080 base patches
0 opaque faces
767292 square feet [110490080.00 square inches]
1 direct lights

(44.92 seconds)
(1826.68 seconds)
visibility matrix : 294.5 megs
Error: Memory allocation failure
Description: The program failled to allocate a block of memory.

Howto Fix: Likely causes are (in order of likeliness) : the partition holding the swapfile iock of memory.
Howto Fix: Likely causs full; swapfile size is smaller than required; memory fragmentation; heap corruption

--- END hlrad ---
WTF???? X( I have 4 GB of RAM and a Swap File of 30 GB!!! the hlrad.exe program stps before reaching 1890 MB of use!!... What´s going wrong then with the compiler??? Any one have had this problem ever?
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-31 07:47:08 UTC
in Has someone coded this yet? Post #326596
I was wondering if is there a MOD that has the code for the cyclers to behave as if they were brushes, so they are affected by lighting, cast shadows,and behave as solid brushes so you can walk over them be stopped by them and show decals if you shoot them. The kind of code applied to cyclers and models seen on CoD an other games.
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-26 23:22:36 UTC
in Player´s eye position in game Post #326574
Nice info, Bruce!! :P

Also I found this in my loved backup CD from 2004 where I´ve started the MOD:
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-26 20:20:14 UTC
in Player´s eye position in game Post #326571
Because the player model is the APU mech from Matrix, and, when modelled, I got rid of the "head", so the POW is about at he height of the neck, instead of the POV you´ll have looking from your eyes. Aniway, I have meditated about this problem and I have found an alternative solution.

This problem I have comes because I have resized the player model, about an 80% of its real size in HLMV, but I have found too many problems with the model itself. The model was smaller, but the POV was the original, and I cannot make it to fit the new size of the resized model.

In the other hand, comes the problem explained here:

And, worst of all, comes the extrange problem, no matter what I did to fix it (code, modelling, modifying the QC file of the model, etc.) of the player model floating one meter from the floor!!!.

Finally I decided to REDO all the zion map, a 25% bigger, so I got rid of the problem of resizing and screwing a working model and many parts of the sourcecode of the MOD.

Thanks to all for your replies!! ^_^
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-26 06:41:52 UTC
in Player´s eye position in game Post #326569
Good point!.But... remember that my MOD is also in thirdperson, sooooo, the player model will appear chopped in two. I´ve heard that it could be done via code, but I was a bit lost, aniway I´m still investigating it, but I´ll take your method to do further things. ;)
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-25 18:32:43 UTC
in Extrange think with attachments: I CAN S Post #326562
User posted image
No, it´s not part of the model, they aren´t there in MilkShape3D, neither in HLMV.

Any help will be much appreciated!!!
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-25 13:52:01 UTC
in Extrange think with attachments: I CAN S Post #326561
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-25 13:50:02 UTC
in Extrange think with attachments: I CAN S Post #326550
Hi. I have a problem with my player model, I can see its attachments. Are they supposed to be rendered?, I thought that they´re invisible!!. I can see a little black line in the muzzle of the weapons and I want to get rid of them.
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-25 13:13:19 UTC
in Player´s eye position in game Post #326560
Ok, ok, but, how can I make so I can change view height?, something similar to the view from the eyes of the tiny alien of Natural Selection.
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-24 23:20:44 UTC
in Player´s eye position in game Post #326551
Hi, I wanto to modify the eye position of the player so it will be a bit lower than the original. I changed DEFAULT_VIEWHEIGHT in cl.dll and zwc.dll but with no results. Any ideas?
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-19 17:15:58 UTC
in AI Scripted: How are they done? Post #326491
Hi again Dr!. I've tried that and worked!, he,he! You'll be con crédits twice
! ( scripted sequences advisor 😁). Thanks!
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-18 19:49:32 UTC
in AI Scripted: How are they done? Post #326485
Hi again. I´ve read some tutorials around there but I am still in trouble making the NPCs doing things. What I want is a NPC perform several animations chained, but the aiscripted_sequence entity only lets me play one at a time. How can I do so I can play a pack of animations like, ie: stop->fall->deploy->idle... and after idle make the monster runs the default ai?
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-18 08:54:03 UTC
in Ammo instead damage Post #326263
Don´t worry. I find the solution!!!
int CTrolley :: GiveAmmo( int iCount, char *szName, int iMax );
I declare the function...
GiveAmmo(600, "9mm",600);// A ver si chuta..
Put in into the ATTACK function...
int CTrolley :: GiveAmmo( int iCount, char *szName, int iMax )
CBaseEntity *pPlayer;

pPlayer = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "player" );


return TRUE;
And this is the function that makes the monster give you AMMO instead damage. I think you can make it also heals you, but I don´t know how (yet) ;)
Also, make a condition on the Classify function in which if you have less of 100 ammo (or whatever value you want) the relationship is R_NM, else is R_ALLY ;) else the guy´ll keep on reloading forever and ever (because he hates you!!!).

Here´s the trolley guy working!!
User posted image
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-18 08:50:08 UTC
in Want to be on credits ? Read more... Post #326437
But no luck at all, game still crashes...


I finally managed to code it!!, It now works but I have to poke a bit with values to make the beam cylinder look better. Problem is that the Guy doesen´t give his name-nickname, please PM me so I´ll give you credits for pointing me to the tutorial, I was wrong putting the main function where I put it on first place... ;)
User posted image
Edit: Image of the definitive look!! ;)
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-14 18:40:17 UTC
in Want to be on credits ? Read more... Post #326399
Received first advices!!. I know that´s not what I asked, but, hey!, at least is one approach!!. Will try what he says and then put the results...

BTW: the guy pointed me to...
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-13 13:52:27 UTC
in Want to be on credits ? Read more... Post #326309
Hi again. As the MOD I´m doing starts to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I have less time to code because of the big work with maps and models I have to do. In fact, there are TWO things that I have to code that are driving me nuts, the first was a true nightmare for the last 7 years since the release of ZWC v1.0, and the second is a new feature I wish to add.

If you want to be on credits, as Dr. Orange already is, just read below. I don´t need advices this time. What I need is two FULL and working pieces of code, but, let´s describe them:


Altough I know that there were an old tutorial about how to do this feature, It doesen´t work, maybe it´s incomplete, or is totally wrong (as much of the first tutorials about HL coding published between years 2002 and 2005).

The code must work on any weapon I will add it on.


We all know monstermakers, well, what I want is a Monstermaker that can be activated by the player remotely by a command-impulse; plus, it has to be only useable by a specific team (Team1, Team2, Team3 and Team4 are the ones of the MOD). The rest of properties of the monstermaker remains intact (max live children, delay, etc...).

Well, If someone has the solution for one of this problems I have, it´ll be on credits of the v2.0 of the MOD.
User posted image

I forgot to mention that, if you´re willing to join this challenge, you must PM me to make a list of who and when joins, so, if that´s the case of two persons giving the solution, I will take in count who joins first.

Sorry for not saying this before.
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-11 08:50:51 UTC
in Help with QC file. Post #326282
Wow, thanks!!!, Now I have much clear everything!!. But, then the number 5 is relative to... :rly:
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-10 22:54:41 UTC
in func_train problems.... Post #326280
That´s the solution. 100% sure. ;)
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-10 22:31:29 UTC
in Help with QC file. Post #326278
Hi again. I need some help with QC files. I am confused about this lines...
sequence "attack1" "attack1" fps 15 ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1 5 { event 1 10 } { event 2 19 }
$sequence "attack2" "attack2" fps 15 ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1 1 { event 3 6 }
What does those numbers mean, the first and the second, between the brackets?. :/
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-08 13:10:58 UTC
in Ammo instead damage Post #326257
Ok, but, how it should be instead? :(
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-07 21:15:36 UTC
in Ammo instead damage Post #326243
can you place the "ammo" model in game with a cycler entity?
In a first approach I thought that, but the game NEEDS the ammobox be spawned the way I want.
perhaps the model is crashing the engine?
No, the model in game perform all actions perfectly, and the game doesen´t crash like in the first attempt when I used pPlayer->GiveAmmo
Else, what if you take the existing dropitem code and use that instead?
If you take a look it´s identical. The only part that I deleted is that of the code checking if the monster has a gun. Oh, and the Gibs part that makes the monster explode once it attacks the player.
Get your monster drop the W_357 then swap out your ammo once that works.
Mmmm, I didn´t try that. So you think that the problem is that the code doesen´t regognize my model, right?
I would think that if the copy-pasted code doesn't work, then your're missing a step somewhere.
I also think that, but...what step? :( That´s the question. ;)
Also, does the "dropItem" function require the owner to posses said item? Or does it just spawn a new instance.
I don´t know for sure. I must take a look to the code. Give a try and I´ll tell you.

User posted image
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-07 14:11:39 UTC
in Ammo instead damage Post #326237
Mmmmm, the original function calls for the model "w_357ammo", so I put the "ammo" model of my mod. Everything on this line of code is identical to the original except for the model name :(
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-07 13:32:13 UTC
in Ammo instead damage Post #326233
I´m on it. I´ve had to get rid of the GibMonster(); part because each time the monster attacks me it blows into pieces!!, gorish.... XD

Aniway, your method doesen´t work for me, suerely my fault.

Here´s the code I used:

[quote][blue]void CTrolley :: GiveAmmo ( void )
Vector	vecGunPos;
Vector	vecGunAngles;
CBaseEntity *pGun;
	GetAttachment( 0, vecGunPos, vecGunAngles );

		pGun = DropItem( "ammo", vecGunPos, vecGunAngles );
	if ( pGun )
		pGun->pev->velocity = Vector (RANDOM_FLOAT(-100,100), RANDOM_FLOAT(-100,100), RANDOM_FLOAT(200,300));
		pGun->pev->avelocity = Vector ( 0, RANDOM_FLOAT( 200, 400 ), 0 );

And I put the GiveAmmo() function inside the Attac part

// HandleAnimEvent - catches the monster-specific messages
// that occur when tagged animation frames are played.
void CTrolley :: HandleAnimEvent( MonsterEvent_t *pEvent )
switch( pEvent->event )

//ALERT( at_console, "Drone slashes with right claw!!\n" );
		CBaseEntity *pHurt = CheckTraceHullAttack( 0, gSkillData.zombieDmgOneSlash, DMG_SLASH );
		if ( pHurt )

			EMIT_SOUND_DYN ( ENT(pev), CHAN_WEAPON, pAttackHitSounds[ RANDOM_LONG(0,ARRAYSIZE(pAttackHitSounds)-1) ], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100 + RANDOM_LONG(-5,5) );
		else // Play a random attack miss sound
			EMIT_SOUND_DYN ( ENT(pev), CHAN_WEAPON, pAttackMissSounds[ RANDOM_LONG(0,ARRAYSIZE(pAttackMissSounds)-1) ], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100 + RANDOM_LONG(-5,5) );
		if (RANDOM_LONG(0,1))

		pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 10;//¿chuta? Esto es para que tras atacar no vuelva a recargar en diez segunos ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡SIIIIII!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡¡Chutaaaarrrrrrl el 7-7-2015 San-fer-mín!!!!!
		GiveAmmo();// A ver si chuta....
		CBaseMonster::HandleAnimEvent( pEvent );

Of course I´ve declared all functions adn put the right attachment to the Trolley monster. But... no luck.

Did I something wrong? :/
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-06 19:17:53 UTC
in Ammo instead damage Post #326208
Right. How did that fix your problem?
Sorry, I was talking about the edit button ;)

I am still working on it, but I have some doubts:

Could I make it so the ammoboxes exit from the monster´s arms?
If so, could it be possible to make them be throwed instead of being droped from the arms?

And, the most important. How I call the function?, the monster, as the Hgrunt, hast´t a CMymonster :: Killed function... :/
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-06 12:19:58 UTC
in Ammo instead damage Post #326204
Got it!! I have a 1900x1080 screen and the font I choose is toooo small, got to look better next time, sorry.
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-05 21:54:46 UTC
in Ammo instead damage Post #326191
You mean spawning an ammobox each time it attacks?
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-05 18:57:52 UTC
in Ammo instead damage Post #326182
For God´s can I edit my wn posts?. Here´s what I´ve obtained on the debugger

The program 'C:\DevZWC20\HL\hl.exe' has exited with code -1073741819 (0xC0000005).
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-05 18:40:24 UTC
in Ammo instead damage Post #326181

Here´s what the mod look like with the HOG added!! (just to motivate you ;) ).
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-05 18:38:38 UTC
in Ammo instead damage Post #326180
Hi, I have a question about something I´m working on. I´ve modified the code of a monster so it´ll give ammo instead og giving damage to the player. I did this:

on the #include part...

#include "player.h"

on the declarations:

CBasePlayer *pPlayer;

on the attack function...


well, I have compiled Ok, run the MOD, all fine, but when the monster attacks me the MOD crashes. I donñ t know if something´swrong with the code because the debug doesen´t give no clues...

The one who can solve this will be on credits as "monster_trolley code fix (c) insert-your-name-here" :)
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-16 08:36:10 UTC
in Another question: Max bones? Post #325978
Hi, Captain!, finally I´ve found on the Milkshape3D forums that the bone limit is aroun 128 of them (only!!!), I wrongly thought that you can put hundreds without problems, but it looks like it is that way :( ; aniway I´ll look at polycount to see if there´s some new compiler or method that lets you use more than those 128 bones. Thanks for replying! ^_^
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-15 21:47:02 UTC
in Another question: Max bones? Post #325961
Mmmmm, nobody knows?, my calculations are that it will have +/- 600 bones...
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-14 18:57:46 UTC
in Another question: Max bones? Post #325944
Hi again!!, I´m working like a mad on my MOD, and some doubts are coming to my mind each little step I do. I´m now finishing the Hand Of God monster of my MOD, and the time for rigging it and giving it a proper skeleton has come, but a serious doubt is making me think that I will run into trouble with its bones. Altough I have read a lot of tutorials I never find how much bones a model can have. I´m aware of the max vertices and faces, but I´m lost about bones. Can someone tell me?, I´m stuck on this part of the development because this model is HUGE and has a lot of parts that have to be animated independently.

Oh, the Hand Of God is this little pup:
User posted image
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-13 16:25:51 UTC
in Proper dark style of my map: which light Post #325935

I haven´t applied tex_lights yet, just the final main light source. I´m working on the external bridge to make things be more visible thanks to the texture lightning technique.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-13 16:18:45 UTC
in Proper dark style of my map: which light Post #325926
Ok, Kachito, I think got it!!, the func_wall_toggle acts as a light, but, instead of applying light to all the environment, they´ll add light to the walls near them with the named texture, right?
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-12 20:54:49 UTC
in Proper dark style of my map: which light Post #325922
Thanks for all of your replies!!, I will investigate the text_lights because I think is what I should use,I´ve read the threads-tutorials that Kachito has provided to me and I now have to start testing all that work with lights!.The major problem I found is that the walls are the main structure of the map, wouldn´t be a problem turning the world´s walls into func_walls?, wouldn´t it generate the biggest leak ever? :/ .
Maybe I´m saying nonsenses, thanks to all of you again!! ^_^ As soon as I make the map I´ll post some pics. ;)
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-11 14:59:44 UTC
in Proper dark style of my map: which light Post #325888
HI. I´ve finally fixed most of the problems of the Zion map, reduced a total amount of lights from 36! to just 2, solving the problem of unlit cyclers aswell (a mix of the solution gived by Dr.Orange an some trial-error ;) ). Aniway, I´ve found that the look of the light is not as I wanted it to te.

Well, take a look to this picture...

I hate the "yellow-ish" lok of the light!!, the parameters of that light are this:

Light: 177 77 1 113

Style: Underwater

Fallof: 1_Inv Linear

I want a light more like this...

But, I want this one the most...

Of course, I understand that the light intensity must be low, even get rid of a main light source for the map and put more lights, but If do so I will fall in the problem of the "Too many light styles on a face" because all of them must be switch-able.

But, because I want the cyclers be lighted properly and also get rid of the "Warning: too many lights BLAH,BLAH,BLAH" (you know), what´ll be the best light style and intensity you´ll put to achive that "Brown-ish" look I wanted?
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-04 08:02:13 UTC
in WallHeath Charger: time between use Post #325792
Mmmmm, that´s so tricky, I thought that it could be possible to make hte reloader just detect what amount of ammo has the player ans then decide to reload or not, but even if I tried it, it doesen´t work :(
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-04 06:41:31 UTC
in WallHeath Charger: time between use Post #325789
Hi, I want my wallhealth charger couldn´t be used inmediately after one player uses it, I mean , I want it to deny the next recharge in a determined amount of time. I used Healthkit.cpp as a base for the reloader units in my MOD, but I want them not to be useable for a certain amount of time because players often remain "glued" to them recharging continuously and making the gameplay less interesting.

As always, the solution and solutioner will be on v 2.0 MOD´s credits, as Dr.Orange is!! ^_^
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-27 15:22:47 UTC
in Scope' s TGA. How are they done? Post #325693
Fixed: i´ve found an old tut from VERC colective. Thanks aniway!! :)
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-25 17:17:14 UTC
in Lightning problems on HL 1 Map Post #325665
Dr. Orange... You´re on credits!! :P It fixed the problem, I put the light directly on the center of the cycler and it worked!!, now is time to fix the lights for when the central tower is destroyed by the HandOfGod!!! :) Thanks Dr.Orange!! ^_^
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-25 16:40:01 UTC
in Lightning problems on HL 1 Map Post #325664
The sentinels are well lit, that´s weird because they are and turbines not. Also, the pit where the turbines are sat on are lighted with a light (intensities are tested with 100, 200, 300 values) with no luck. The origin of the model was aligned with the floor, so it won´t stuck on any brush :/ , weird thing too is that the doors which has also some parts of them over the outer pit are well lit by the main light source in the center of the map... :( , Are there any flags that I should use?, I have compiled the map several times day by day testing a lot of things...
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-25 15:53:14 UTC
in Lightning problems on HL 1 Map Post #325661
Excuse me, but I don´t undestand what VERSION is... Do you mean the cycler? :(
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-25 15:33:23 UTC
in Lightning problems on HL 1 Map Post #325658
Hi. I´m working on this map for several days trying to fix the problem you see. Some cyclers aren´t lightened at all, even if I put an insane amount of light intensity on the main light source of the map to make the light iluminates the door cyclers properly but it add also an unnatural lightning effect to the map itself. I have tried to put lights under each cycler, but with no avail.

I´m kinda desperate!!, please help. The one who gives me the solution will be on Zion Warcry´s v2.0 credits.
User posted image
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-24 13:23:20 UTC
in Scope' s TGA. How are they done? Post #325648
Hi. I am now finishing the v 2.0 of my MOD Zion Warcry after eight years of the first release. Because of this I forgot how to do several things, and among them is the creation of TGAs for scopes, I´ve used this tutorial to do the coding:

The HUD of the APU looks like this:

And my problem is: Since I want to get rid of some parts of the HUD, because the weapon model which contains the cockpit has to be changed, what´s the process of making the scope´s TGAs?.