Following on from the success of
Jessie's func_vehicle jam, I've got another mapping challenge to occupy our bored, locked down minds for the start of 2021.
(Aus and NZ can take part too, despite having pretty much figured this whole Covid thing out).In honour of working from home, the goal of this mapping challenge is to
turn your workspace/bedroom/home office into a classic padman-style rats map.Scale is up to you, although being actually fun to play is important so I recommend making it big enough to be a good deathmatch arena.
We want to see creative use of items to aid navigation, a clever use of the furniture for routing and of course photos for comparison!
This map jam will end on the
21st of March 2021, plus the obligatory 2-week extension.
Jessie will stream the entries, as per, and makes a special request to also include theme-accurate func_vehicles which i wholeheartedly do not condone.
Feel free to use any Goldsource or Source game, singleplayer or multi. If we get a bunch of HLDM maps I'll put them on a server as per usual, though.
You could even make a rats
rats map, although that might break the universe.