Forum posts

Posted 12 years ago2012-08-18 19:25:07 UTC
in Problems with func_rotating Post #309143
Are you certain that there aren't any brush errors in your map?

List of solutions;

1- Check for brush errors and problems in the hammer editor, fix any invalid solid structure related errors. (I think the shortcut was "ALT + P")

2- Make the func_rotating, "NOT SOLID". You can do this by checking that option from flags.

3- If making it "not solid" fixed your problem, but you still want the rotors to hit the players when they touch it. Build an another dummy and blocky rotor on top of your func_rotating, texture it with trigger brushes (except the origin of course) and make it func_rotating, Set rendermode to texture, value 0 to make it invisible. At the end you should have 2 func_rotating objects, one of them is visible with not solid flagged, and the other one is just invisible and hurts players when it touches.

If the func_rotating is too fast anyway, just place a trigger_hurt instead of an another invisible func_rotating.

But I strongly suggest that you check for brush errors in order to improve your mapping skills.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-17 13:42:06 UTC
in Lost Coast Models Post #309128
@digital_ice: vollight_stainedglass.mdl

@Penguingboy: Tried it before, extracted all the model files with GCFscape and tried opening them under HL2 or EP1, didn't work, "Error Loading Model". I suppose the Lost Coast models were never updated? Or HLMV tries to just look in the GCF, and since there is no LostCoast option in HLMV's profiles... it only checkes the HL2, EP1 and EP2 content.

@Captain Terror: It is good to see you too, Captain. (:

Can someone else try to load one of the LostCoast models with HLMV (HL2,EP1 or EP2) and see if it works? Because HLMV seems to be having no trouble loading the rest of the EP1, EP2 and HL2 models.

Edit: Ok, tried something new.. I extracted all the EP1 models and tried opening them under HLMV with HL2 profile and I got the same error. So.. either there is something wrong with the extraction of the models or HLMV only recognizes files under GCF.. So the problem is, how can I get the HLMV to see the LostCoast content GCF?

Edit2: Alright, found an answer in here. So it can't see individual model files you have extracted from other Valve games. Now the problem lies with, why SDK is ignoring the LostCoast content gcf or how can I mount it?
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-16 01:08:59 UTC
in Lost Coast Models Post #309100
I can't seem to view Lost Coast model files with the latest Source Model Viewer which the SourceSDK provides.

Is there any third party software that I can use to view them instead of using the SDK?
Or is there any other way? Lost Coast doesn't seem to appear under the 2006-2007-2009 source engine contents in the SDK.

I tried extracting all the model files from the lost coast content and view them through loading the .mdls with prop_static and prop_dynamic, and still they dont appear in the map at all?
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-12 22:48:03 UTC
in BSPtoVMF Post #308990
Haha, Urby. Hello, maybe I'll make a tiny journal entry about it. Wasn't expecting such a reaction. It is good to see you too.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-12 12:34:23 UTC
in BSPtoVMF Post #308971
Thank you, works like a charm.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-11 22:26:21 UTC
in BSPtoVMF Post #308966
Hello there,

Title says it all, actually.

BSPtoMAP was very usefull while I was learning mapping for Goldsource, I used to take BSPs from various Goldsource mods and examined the entity setups in their maps.

I was wondering, if the same thing would be possible in Source/HL2? A BSP decompiler for Source?
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-11 05:12:57 UTC
in Desktops of September Post #285271
Nice TJB, where can I find that wallpaper?
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-10 11:41:02 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #285249
Thanks Sajo. Is my mapping style so bad that my source maps are being confused for the goldsource engine?
What? No, ofcourse not. It's just my expectation to see more goldsource maps. (and also because of my bad sight) :)
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-10 10:22:23 UTC
in Desktops of September Post #285242
User posted image

Posted 14 years ago2010-09-10 10:13:29 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #285241
@The_(c)Striker: I thought it was for goldsource and was excited about it, then I realized it was for source.. Very nice lighting.

Also I prefer low-def models because they have more animations than the hd grunts. Also low-def looks great on goldsource.

edit:@ninja defuse: Looks nice but seems to me that the room can use a little more detail. Lighting is crucial in horror themed maps, eager to see the finished map cause I'm a sucker for horror themed maps or games.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-02 05:39:29 UTC
in My Mod: Portal Study Post #284848
Try Voiceactingalliance, full of very talented people wanting to make a career with it. Check out other auditions to understand and learn how to request. Provide screenshots of the characters if possible, describe briefly the personalities and behaviours of the characters. Also describe what you want every indivudual line to sound like. (threatening, laid-back, angry-pissed off.. etc)
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-01 19:06:14 UTC
in My Mod: Portal Study Post #284844
There are various Voice acting forums, full of people waiting for a chance to prove themselves. And they are mostly experienced in radio-plays.
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-28 18:49:05 UTC
in How much health does this site have? Post #284660
When Atom goes broke, assuming he is the one who is still paying.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-12 12:23:53 UTC
in Video reviews of your maps Post #281197
Sajo you're a loser man

what do you do with your life
Point noted. I shall start whoring myself with unfunny vidoes on youtube immediatly.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-12 11:50:08 UTC
in Video reviews of your maps Post #281189
I'm not Tuna.
Tuna is a 2008 member. I was talking to you.
Unless you are trying to avoid my post..
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-12 11:26:33 UTC
in Video reviews of your maps Post #281185
You are all Repulsive

get out of my thread you low life fucks
Becoming an e-celebrity is serious bussiness. If that wasn't the point of the thread then your thread is pointless.

As for the rest of the offer, I would like to point out a personal thought. I been here since 2004 and I was an annoying engrish speaking newbie back then, I probably made them dead angry sometimes or basicly made them laugh with my actions. But 2010 and wow, I'm still here posting with everyone older or newer than me. I never did spend years in a website. TWHL may look like a strange tribe from the outside. But the members of the community are helpful and respectful to anyone with much patience and rational thinking. And you are still charging them 25 posts and a registiration to draw more attention to your website. And you have been here since 2004 too. After all those years, I can not truly see the reason behind your action if it's not you having nothing towards the members in here. I know that you are good at reviews but I wouldn't change that for the mutual respect and friendship the community has. Your offer is not a fair call compared to what the community offered you for all these years. It's just "these guys should fall for it, so I can get more members for my website. And become someone important on the interwebs". Prove me wrong by telling what is really in it for you? What is wrong with doing it in TWHL? They all probably have more than 25 posts, hell even the new members probably have over 100. Why can not we see your noble action here?

I'm sorry if the post was too dramatic. I guess, I'm the sensitive idiot here. Or maybe I'm just a low life repulsive bastard.
Posted 14 years ago2010-05-11 17:01:46 UTC
in Video reviews of your maps Post #281173
Finish what you started first. Even though the hub is down, you can still make and send the videos. But obviously it seems like you can't be bothered with that.
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-27 14:22:05 UTC
in TWHL Cubicles Post #280048
I will give it a try next week, quite busy. Will there be any deadline?
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-05 13:48:04 UTC
in Last movie you saw? Post #278725
"UP" was the last movie, I watched.

It was pure awesome. I also had to hold myself not to cry in the first scenes. And a movie never pushed me to that limit before.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-04 21:28:21 UTC
in This might be crazy, but is there a way. Post #278712
Rimrook converted most of them to Goldsource, as far as I remember. Which was years ago. I dont know if it got used in anything.

But using Source textures on Goldsource, making it look like Source seems pointless to me. Go map for Source instead.
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-01 14:00:41 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #278609
Got to admit, that made me smile DiscoStu.
Everyone seems to be doing amazing jobs.. even if they are WIP.
Something I made today, tell me what you think;
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2010-02-01 11:43:56 UTC
in Desktops of February Post #278604
User posted image

Bring them forth :hecu:
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-13 17:06:03 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #276592
Nissimyani - Ah Oom Ba Ba

Some psytrance goodness.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-13 17:03:02 UTC
in Vote for me, so I can win a laptop! Post #276591
Why would I ask where Kyle is if four of them are visible in all pictures except for the fourth one?
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-13 16:58:47 UTC
in Vote for me, so I can win a laptop! Post #276589
That's correct. And Kyle is missing. And no, Kyle is second from left, only a small part of him can be seen.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-13 16:25:23 UTC
in Vote for me, so I can win a laptop! Post #276587
That's Stan.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-13 16:13:18 UTC
in Vote for me, so I can win a laptop! Post #276585
To be honest, i think your sister has a higher chance compared to your design imo.
There's some pretty advanced designs on there, if you look around.
Where is Kyle?
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-07 22:35:07 UTC
in Desktops of December Post #276435
Those file names... hmm
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-06 15:30:33 UTC
in The revival of my old project: Persona N Post #276378
I don't even want to begin to delve into the problems created by a mod team leader whose primary focus is creating the storyline for the mod, but let me just say that it's not an environment I'd ever want to work under.
Agreed. We all seen mods like those failing, nobody can name a good mod with a leader who is only involved with the storyline.

And also try to keep the team at minimum. The bigger it gets, the harder it is to finish the work required.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-05 13:31:57 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #276346
Thanks. Not exaclty, a wip pic from Xen Assault. Will be posting more soon with a journal entry.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-05 13:11:32 UTC
in Desktops of December Post #276345
I literally could not survive with 1024 x 768. Using programs like Hammer, Photoshop and Vegas are impossible at that low resolution.

You are forgiven for Gromit avatar, though
I been using the same for years, don't know about using Vegas but others are easy to use for me. Or maybe I just got used to it.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-05 11:22:41 UTC
in Desktops of December Post #276340
How do we post with thumbnails again? Without the [url=][img]?

User posted image

Again a simple desktop with a kickass wallpaper. (for me at least)

Clickie on the pic.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-04 16:00:15 UTC
in trigger_camera Hold time limit Post #276306
I'm pretty sure that it can not exceed 40 seconds... or maybe even less.

edit: Opens VHE to experiment more.

edit2: Yea you are right, it has no limit. Just found out that another MM was triggering the camera again and stopping it... fuck.. and I kept changing the path_corners all that time..
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-03 20:03:05 UTC
in trigger_camera Hold time limit Post #276277
What's the trigger_camera "Hold time" limit? Nobody seemed to have mentioned it in the Entity Guide, I think it's kind of worth mentioning.

edit: I tried to calculate it in-game... and I think it's 40 seconds max.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-30 23:33:26 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #276197
Santana ? She's Not There
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-30 20:04:55 UTC
in Striptease in a CS Match Post #276193
Gamers mocked again about relationship and behaviour towards the opposite gender.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-29 00:25:46 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #276144

User posted image

Something I finished up an hour ago, wanted to take from another angle but I realized that I forgot to tick "start on" on a func_rotation... well it's WIP anyway.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-04 15:08:47 UTC
in Korean PC Game Rips-Off Team Fortress 2 Post #269396
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-30 18:22:53 UTC
in Searching for "Xen Assault Demo&quo Post #262156
Got the demo unzipped in my HL folder if that works.
That would be great! Can you upload it somewhere, sometime? You can send it to my email written in my profile.
i have it too (never got around to playin it yet tho!) THERE'S LIKE 30 MAPS IN THERE ZOMG! = )
You are not the only one... seeing from the map comments, it seems nobody bothered to even finish the demo or even play it.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-29 19:19:37 UTC
in Searching for "Xen Assault Demo&quo Post #262119
No hope? Nobody? Shit...

Posted 16 years ago2009-01-29 13:57:43 UTC
in AGCTF maps Post #262111
I need to know if that is something I can fix in the map. Because when I play it with Half-Life I get no errors or anything in the console it works perfectly.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-29 10:15:43 UTC
in AGCTF maps Post #262109
I also get the following error in the console after I open the map from the console. The map works fine though except the entities. I think they coded a strict rule in mapping but I dont know what it is?
User posted image
kasrkin is the nick I used
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-27 10:51:49 UTC
in AGCTF maps Post #262024
I have been trying to map for AGCTF for a month now, everything was fine until the time I added the red/blue team flags and spawn points. They were changing places after I started the game. Red players were spawning from blue spawn points and blue flag entity was actually red flag in the short everything was the opposite...

I really dont know if that is a mapping error or not, I tried searching for tuts. but the mod is pretty old so search results were mostly nothing but dead old threads... I could easily fix the problem by placing red spawns/flag in blue base and blu spawns/flag in red base. But it seems weird? What was the guy thinking while he was building those entities? It must be something I am doing wrong in the map. Is there any place I can find tuts. for AGCTF?
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-23 08:04:35 UTC
in Searching for "Xen Assault Demo&quo Post #261883
Because of me being careless "Xen Assault Demo" has been deleted from filefront's server. And all my work was in there...after I reinstalled Windows I just realised that I didn't have any backups of the newest Xen Assault files I made (reskinned models, maps etc).

So if anyone still has the .zip or .rar file and can re-upload it somewhere on the net. And hopefully send the link, I would really appreciate it.

p.s: I also tried to "bump" the thread but it seems, i cant bump threads older than 3 months.

edit: Didnt see the typo in the topic name..
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-07 20:11:05 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #261249
Heres a turret I'm working on:

What do you think?
Its a work in progress, started it 4 days ago.. almost done

And the other photos, I loved the flowers. :D Amazing photos.
I wish I had a camera like that.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-03 11:47:14 UTC
in The Fourth Annual Hunter Awards Post #261013
This award is given to the person who I believe has created the best map/mod
Just curious. Did you really played all the maps?
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-01 20:30:31 UTC
in Escorting Barney Post #260946
Tick "prisoner" on Barney. He wont attack and headcrabs wont attack him aswell.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-01 11:15:03 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #260919
Looks amazing. I'd kill for those textures.
Btw, Is the ceiling just covered with black texture?
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-31 15:18:11 UTC
in New Year Hour Post #260868
4 hours
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-29 17:24:13 UTC
in Extracting Textures Post #260724
w00t problem solved! :lol:
Textract sounds more complex?

I used BSP Viewer -> Export -> Bitmaps

But thanks for the help anyway.