Problems with func_rotating Created 12 years ago2012-08-18 19:09:22 UTC by kaeza kaeza

Created 12 years ago2012-08-18 19:09:22 UTC by kaeza kaeza

Posted 12 years ago2012-08-18 19:09:22 UTC Post #309142

This is my first post here, and I don't know if this belongs to this category.
Please excuse me if I'm posting this where I shouldn't.

Anyway, here's my problem.

I have made a map that has an helicopter from where the CSs are "deployed", and I used a func_rotating to make the rotor. At first I did not know how to do it, but thanks to some tutorials on this site, I learned you have to add an "ORIGIN" textured brush. Nevermind that.

My real problem is that now whenever you "hit" something with your head while crouching (for example, crawling through vents, or even touching the ceiling while crouch-jumping), it acts as if the player (either you or a bot) is "blocking" the rotating brush, so the block damage applies.

Is there any way I can fix it, i.e, to only damage if you actually touch the rotor?
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-18 19:25:07 UTC Post #309143
Are you certain that there aren't any brush errors in your map?

List of solutions;

1- Check for brush errors and problems in the hammer editor, fix any invalid solid structure related errors. (I think the shortcut was "ALT + P")

2- Make the func_rotating, "NOT SOLID". You can do this by checking that option from flags.

3- If making it "not solid" fixed your problem, but you still want the rotors to hit the players when they touch it. Build an another dummy and blocky rotor on top of your func_rotating, texture it with trigger brushes (except the origin of course) and make it func_rotating, Set rendermode to texture, value 0 to make it invisible. At the end you should have 2 func_rotating objects, one of them is visible with not solid flagged, and the other one is just invisible and hurts players when it touches.

If the func_rotating is too fast anyway, just place a trigger_hurt instead of an another invisible func_rotating.

But I strongly suggest that you check for brush errors in order to improve your mapping skills.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-18 19:39:09 UTC Post #309144
For Alt-P, it said no errors were found.
I think I will take the non-solid with the trigger_hurt option, since the brush rotates at speed 2000 (maybe too fast?) and there is no way any player will be able to pass throught it (not that I want them to anyway).
So many thanks for your reply.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-18 21:13:39 UTC Post #309146
Posted the unfinished map here. Please look at it.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-19 03:50:14 UTC Post #309150
Edited again. It seems the problem was not the rotor but another func rotating I used for the ship's propeller. Just removed the propeller for now.
Updated the map.
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