Forum posts

Posted 10 years ago2014-08-08 18:50:51 UTC
in New Competition 34 maybe Post #321070
Tremplar, the way you map it seems like you're just trying to pull money from us :pwned: :hammer: :P
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-08-08 18:49:31 UTC
in Lighting problems Post #321069
maximum distance is too small.
i would move the light up a bit, bring it farther away from the wall. try brightness 200, but start with default values for falloff, linear, distance before you start playing with them too much

also, take a look at the VDC
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-08-06 21:20:41 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #321043
Rim, Scripts are only available in the newest source releases.
I never played with them.
Archie stated my idea
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-08-02 11:38:39 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320948
Writing papers :(
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-08-01 11:37:02 UTC
in Top 5s Post #320925
Top 5 worst games is tough.
If I come across a bad game, I usually put it down and forget about it.
However, there are a few that I remember not liking.

1) C&C Generals - To me, this took such a bad turn off the regular C&C gameplay. The last C&C game I played before I got Generals was Tiberum Sun, which was awesome. It may have been the stark difference between the games - me missing out on some in-between evolutions, or just the fact that I was playing Starcraft and AOEII in-between, but I must have made it through MAYBE 2 missions before I decided the game wasn't for me. It was a good thing I got it for free (won it in a raffle)

2) Every third-party game from the 80 Game Sega Genesis (Except Cannon - which is so bad it's good. But still really bad. But still a lot of fun)

3) Some Chariot racing game for the X-Box that I disliked with a passion

4) Conduit For the Wii. I only played it so much because I payed $40 dollars for it, and it was hyped to be one of the best wii shooters ever. While it was entertaining, and the shooting mechanics were decent, There were a lot of major downfalls. a) You needed a gun attachment for the wiimote for it to be truly comfortable to play (which i didn't have, and didn't want to buy). b) If you pointed the cursor off the screen you just stopped. In order to turn, you had to point the cursor to the edge of the screen. This is fine except if you point too far, you stop turning when the cursor dissappears. Many deaths have I endured while trying to turn too fast and just stopping. You CAN turn with the nunchuck, but you can only do a 180 quick turn with the z button which is truly useless.. which brings me to my next point. c) stupidly linear - the game takes place in the white house, of all places, and you'd think that there would be more exploring in a mansion house with hundreds of rooms. Nope. It's corridor to corridor to large hall to corridor to small arena with 4 doors, 3 of which are locked. Lamesauce. d) there are 'secrets' but if you even get close to them, the walls glow and scream HEY LOOK OVER HERE! Seriously, if you even take your eyes off an enemy for a split second, you'll find one. And most of the secrets are... corridors with a 'top secret' weapon mounted on a pedestal - a weapon you have already picked up from a fallen comrade.
Yeah that game was a great disappointment

I can only really remember games that I have a fondness for.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-08-01 11:04:28 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #320924
Yeah but shader previews would be the shit!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-31 13:39:07 UTC
in Sketches / Drawings Thread Post #320906
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-31 00:28:14 UTC
in Sketches / Drawings Thread Post #320895
That's not to say I don't like it; because I do!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-30 01:30:58 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320881
I've been doing color palette research over the past few days.
I'm gonna start from scratch and focus on more of a Myst storytelling.
So no need for weapons or enemies to get in the way of the colors.
No need for sound to enhance the gameplay (though there will be some)

I have a few specific areas and themes I want to portray..
Now I have to bring them all together
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-26 14:25:21 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320823
Everyone read that.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-26 14:24:30 UTC
in Sketches / Drawings Thread Post #320822
Link and Saria's lovechild.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-26 03:13:50 UTC
in Atom's TWHL Minecraft Server Post #320811
I really want to get back into MC once these stupid summer classes are over.
It seems you guys are having fun and i feel sad i'm missing out.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-26 01:39:22 UTC
in Atom's TWHL Minecraft Server Post #320809
TJB, you have chosen the stargate as your Sigil. Good choice.
User posted image
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-26 01:37:05 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320808
Yeah.... wow.
I'm gonna have to step up my game.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-25 16:26:00 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320779
throws storyline out
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-25 11:11:48 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320774
To be devil's advocate here, there's a whole spectrum of tricks and render modes and entities that can make the colors work in different ways.

Rim supplied the textures but that doesn't mean we're limited by just the color. I think this is the first compo in a long time that has really pried my imagination open and got me thinking outside of the box.

So bravo Rim. I ask only to prevent another Lajron incident. (Doing something amazing yet against the rules)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-24 18:47:55 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320760
Well mine is just an effect. If you look at my screenshot (of the house/radio thing) the TV is set to distort but it only seemed to work if i set the color as well. Hmm.. Gotta find another way around that.

As for my other question, Is this purely a single .BSP entry?
Can I submit a map pack?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-24 17:34:20 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320749
I hope so because i'm using a color/distort effect for my TV
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-24 17:16:42 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320746
not to mention dynamically changing objects color.. say... if you're not looking at it.. :D
SO many possibilities with source! Coming back to goldsource i keep thinking i have some source options and i need to find tricky ways to complete simple objectives.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-24 14:06:17 UTC
in Top 5s Post #320735
Yeah nudge is clutch! It's disabled by default however.
I usually use up all my creativity in one area if i focus on it too soon.
This method works for me so it's really all based on opinion.

I'll script the main set pieces and events from beginning to end with basic architecture. Then I'll look at each area and think what I want it to be. Then start detailing.

Then sometimes I map area by area if i still don't exactly know what I want to do. (Which is mostly the case) But at the same time, I still do basic scripts of what I want to happen, then go back and re-detail and tweak.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-24 12:11:46 UTC
in Top 5s Post #320726
Great stuff Urby and Zeeba! Once you decide on the story of an area, the details really do come into place. "What makes sense? What can I use to tell this story?"

Disregarding the Trolls ;), here's my Top 5.

1) 'Alt + Right-Click' Texturing: Great tool for wrapping the selected texture around an edge. This technique has collectively saved me, quite literally, days of texturing time.

2) Cloning (Shift + Drag): It's like copy pasta but without the carbs!

3) Arrow Key Nudge: It's super useful when VMing to prevent errant selections. Once your group of vertices is selected, just put your mouse on the current view and start nudging! Alt goes by 1 unit, and No alt goes by the grid. Gone are the days of moving just one vertex when 30 are selected.

4) Cordon Tool: Great for when you're trying to focus on a single area and you can't be bothered to actually use VisGroups. (I RARELY use visgroups)

5) Three Tier Level Design: If you look at nature, you can see a lot of things that have three tiers. Think of a tree for instance. Follow the trunk up until it splits. That branch will split an average of twice after the trunk. It's a natural power of three that starts from large basics and ends with small details.

Tier 1 - Basic Skeleton: Map out hallways, rooms, doors, and basic scripts.
Tier 2 - Add details per room, basic lighting, and start advanced scripting.
Tier 3 - Finalize Details, perfect scripts, tweak lighting.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-24 11:55:26 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320725
ride a func_train nyan cat shooting down apache helicopters with infinite Egon gun ammo.

Lol. I have a really whacked out plot to my entry.
Rim, is it ok if I submit a map pack or should I limit myself to a single .bsp?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-24 11:53:44 UTC
in Enitities monster_ Post #320724
Try : for your compile tools.
Those are VHLT 3.3
Also, are you compiling with sledge? Try Hammer or the Compilator.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-24 01:17:31 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320707
Oh what the heck. Here's a WIP of one of my areas.
User posted image
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-23 23:29:38 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320701
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-23 22:08:30 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320697
I plan to enter.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-23 19:52:28 UTC
in My poorly pc... Post #320688
I read some random blog where some a guy set up oil cooling
I saw that! Similar to this
Upgrading it would be messy I think.

Haha you got air in your lines somehow! If you can, Bleed the lines!
Good to know everything is working, urby

It's like air in your brakes in your car. The liquid doesn't compress* but air does. So your pump may have been circulating air instead of liquid. The shake probably cleared everything out.
  • Liquids compress, but not nearly the same as air.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-23 19:46:53 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #320687
Forgot about that.
Is it free?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-23 16:40:06 UTC
in Top 5s Post #320674
Top 5 Mapping Techniques?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-23 11:42:29 UTC
in My poorly pc... Post #320664
Simple Pump Check:
Put coolant into the inlet tube, power the pump manually, and see if anything comes from the outlet.
If it doesn't work, or if it's really slow, then you'll need a new pump.

You could also check for the viscosity (thickness) of your coolant. If it's too thick, the pump won't push it anywhere.

Also make sure the hoses aren't kinked or clogged with goo.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-23 11:15:07 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320660
I didn't even consider that the cordon tool made a black box... I'll just hollow out the black color and test my areas instead.
Thanks pb! I'll have to try that.

Looks pretty sweet Tremplar!

Brendanmint! Don't quit! Don't get discouraged! :walter:
Make something you're proud of and don't compare yourself to others. You're your own toughest critic, and everybody's style is quite unique.
Make something in Minecraft and then perhaps transfer it over?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-23 01:36:35 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320653
hey does the new VHLT require the BLACK texture to compile or something?
My compile keeps quitting saying the following:
[quote] Warning: ::FindTexture() texture BLACK not found!
Including Wadfile: program files (x86)steamsteamappscommonhalf-lifevalvezhlt.wad
  • Contains 1 used texture, 7.14 percent of map (8 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: program files (x86)steamsteamappscommonhalf-lifevalvecolors.wad
  • Contains 12 used textures, 85.71 percent of map (90 textures in wad)
Wad files required to run the map: "colors.wad;"
Error: ::LoadLump() texture BLACK not found![/quote]

I'm using the black texture "18GRAY5_BLACK" but I'm not using "BLACK" anywhere. I'm using Hammer and the only 2 wads loaded are ZHLT.wad and colors.wad.

Even using the compilator, wad auto detect, or wadinclude is giving me the same error. This sucks quite a bit!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-22 22:46:44 UTC
in Mini Competition 2 - Colors! Post #320650
What if I wanted a cute Russian girl with nice tits and a great body? How does that work?
There are websites for that.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-22 13:27:06 UTC
in Atom's TWHL Minecraft Server Post #320621
beastnode looks like a pretty good deal
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-21 22:30:23 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #320582
UE3 kinda had that with movers.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-21 19:52:19 UTC
in Atom's 'map from base' Minicompo Post #320570
make a map given a skybox? (using vanilla assets)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-21 17:30:08 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #320560
Lol Tremplar. My first name is Brett and I'm an engineer!
Also, Holy map scale batman!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-21 17:24:47 UTC
in Atom's 'map from base' Minicompo Post #320559
More smaller compos FTW!
What if the winners of the previous compo get to pick the new rules and judge the next compo?

I usually only map for competitions anyway so I'd actually be submitting things XD

AND! (Gasp) I'll have my degree in December so I'll have TIME!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-21 16:16:38 UTC
in Top 5s Post #320555
1) Banjo Kazooie
  • perfect transitions between themes
2) Metroid Prime
  • The atmospheric music was almost the best part. The Phendrana Drifts (ice level) was my favorite
3) Grandia II (dreamcast)
  • Music was top notch, well produced. Very catchy and the game came with the disc.
4) Ocarina of Time.
  • I bought the Sweet potato ocarina and taught myself almost every track from that game.
5) Super Mario Galaxy
  • Reinvented classics and new tracks are all masterfully produced and do wonders for the theme.
Honorable Mention (Single) One of my favorite tracks of any game is from Mario 64 - Hazy Maze Cave. Very relaxing and up-lifting. One of my favorites to play whenever I pick up a guitar :)

When i'm not at work I might go back and link to my favorite tracks.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-21 16:01:04 UTC
in Atom's 'map from base' Minicompo Post #320554
you're not supposed to extend the basemap by adding brushwork beyond it.
That thought crossed my mind as well.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-21 12:35:32 UTC
in Atom's 'map from base' Minicompo Post #320548
Congrats to CT and Crypt!
Surprising results though... I don't think I saw crypt's entry though.
I just remember seeing Lajron's and thinking "Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit... I lost"

If it's any consolation, I was rooting for you Lajron!
the real purpose to do this contest is inspiring people to make maps, add togather mappers and have some FUN. I enjoyed it and thanks for making this kind of competition
I agree! I misunderstood the rules until it was too late so I thought some combat would spice things up :)

Good luck with source modelling Lajron, it's a pain XD
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-21 02:38:35 UTC
in Atom's 'map from base' Minicompo Post #320520
I did not win either.
I thought lajron or zeeba would have.
Platoon? TJB?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-20 02:34:39 UTC
in 3D modeling, for animated toys/ action f Post #320502
sculptris is a crapload of fun :)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-20 01:00:50 UTC
in 3D modeling, for animated toys/ action f Post #320497
Go with 3DS max if you already have it.
Check out for tutorials on rigging and animation
and spend like 30 seconds searching for youtube tutorials.
good luck!
I want to see results :)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-19 15:42:53 UTC
in Atom's 'map from base' Minicompo Post #320467
Tetrahedrons mate ;)
The fluidity of the geometry is impressive. I really dig the bridge too!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-19 15:16:23 UTC
in Atom's 'map from base' Minicompo Post #320465
You're a great storyteller Zeeba
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-19 14:53:55 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #320464
Hahaha! :aggrieved:
What a silly error.
Sledge is fantastic and all, but it still has some odd quirks about it that make me run to hammer for the nitty-gritty stuff
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-19 13:21:59 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #320459
Hahaha Captain :)
How many Natural Gas meters do you need!? (texture on wall, right-center beneath top support beam)

I smell great potential. I'm excited to see how you light it!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-19 13:14:33 UTC
in Atom's 'map from base' Minicompo Post #320458
Yeah Capt, that'd be mighty kind of you. Shoost me a PM! :)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 10 years ago2014-07-19 12:58:55 UTC
in Atom's 'map from base' Minicompo Post #320455
I'm tempted to dig into mine again but I have no idea what I would change.
I'll consider it final anyway.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos