Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 11:41:58 UTC
in Oldest playable game? Post #167422

Pacman! :heart:


Posted 18 years ago2006-03-10 11:38:36 UTC
in Deep thoughts..... Post #167420
Why do people drink alcohol?

Why do we suspect the nice guys for having bad intenstions and suspect the bad guys having vorse intensions?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 20:34:43 UTC
in Deep thoughts..... Post #167338
[off topic]
@Seventh: What do you think the question was? douglas adams is dead so we'll never know :o all we have is that answer :P

BTW, the books where faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar better than the movie....
[/off topic]

why doesn't catfood taste like mice?

If i travel in the future to visit myself, would i set the time in a loop? cuz when i get back from the future and grow old a you me would visit, and then it goes like that on and on and on and on and on and on and on... and when i die, does it stop?

when the batteries are running out in the TV remote, why do we press the buttons harder?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 20:04:52 UTC
in The Weird, the Wonderful & the doorknob Post #167336
I'd fart, that would make that bastard's brain boil, his hart stop... But before that his anus would come alive and eat his legs and his lungs would burst, that would break his ribs and destroy the hart, and by destoying it, it stops.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-09 12:00:11 UTC
in Gripe Sheets Post #167184
HAHA :D Damn that was fun ^^ But it's not serious is it? I wish it was...
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-08 19:16:20 UTC
in How can I make stuff fall on me? Post #167065
wouldn't that triggering way make the ceiling fall when you break the first pillar? I never tryed that way, i always use a trigger_source or what's it called because then it will wait untill all the things triggering it are triggerd...
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-08 19:12:34 UTC
in Sprites Post #167064
thanks all, i'll delete the "D:/LAN-HL/svencoop" and see if it does the trick!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-02 19:51:57 UTC
in Scary results from typo's Post #166026
Well... One minor typoslip with major result coming up...

this is a classic Tosse typo slip... "jag vill ha kul" means "i want to have fun", but i often slip and wright a K insted of the L in the end of "kul" and that makes it "jag vill ha kuk" and in english "I want cock"... :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-02 19:44:31 UTC
in How can I make stuff fall on me? Post #166024
Make the pillars "func_breakable" and make them trigger a... what was the name? "multi_source?" I don't remember the name but something like that, and make that one trigger the ceiling. I would make the ceiling a func_train, but first split the ceiling into smaller brushes to make it look realistic, and then make them func_trains... But that wouldn't really matter, you're dead when you're under it fall... Right?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-02 19:35:44 UTC
in Sprites Post #166020
dude... In hammer, i can see the sprites, hammer find the sprites, even show them to me :P But what exaly do you mean by that? Wright down exacly what you did to het the error, what was the problem and then i'll see if it matches my.. Thanks
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-28 18:36:06 UTC
in Psyco test Post #165616
None of them... I would go to the beach and hunt clams...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-28 18:26:35 UTC
in Sprites Post #165604
You mean in the directory? Nah, i brows for them in hammer so i never wright the directiry myself, but thanks. thanks everyone...

but i guess it could be some wierd problem that has nothing to do with the sprites, maybe some game file broke down or something :/
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-28 14:23:47 UTC
in Sprites Post #165567
I would do that if i had my laptop... It's bee nsent away, it needs a new keybord
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-26 23:26:28 UTC
in Sprites Post #165254
Im getting frustrated :/ I don't know what it is and TWHL doesn't know what it is... :/

EDIT: The map works fine, i tested it without sprites... Then i add a sprite and then the sprite doesn't work... It's not something with the directory, i brows for the sprites just to be sure i don't mess it up. And as i said, it's not just my own sprites that doesn't work. I tested the map with some of the sprites that come with Svencoop. they don't work either
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-25 10:15:36 UTC
in Free games Post #164966
Don't play wow....

Try Doom, doom2, wolf and guake... they are old and they rock!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-25 10:12:47 UTC
in Sprites Post #164965
The map is just a box with a sprite in it... No errors besides the sprite thing :/ I tryed to add a sprite to one of my working maps and the same error appeard
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 20:38:05 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #164561
Im not entering... finaly a compo i like and im to busy to join.... GREAT
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 20:05:09 UTC
in English? Post #164556
Omg... I just pulled of a perfect combo of brutal laughter and stunn silence. :heart:
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 19:40:58 UTC
in Sprites Post #164552
Yes, the one that comes with Cstrike
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 19:27:50 UTC
in Sprites Post #164548
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 16:14:48 UTC
in Sprites Post #164529
Yes, everything is in order exept the fact that they don't work. the sprites are in the sprite folder and the names are right... I can't figure out what's wrong here...

And it's not just my own sprites that don't work, it's all the sprites.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 14:19:10 UTC
in Sprites Post #164514
"Mod_NumForName: bla bla bla bla" It can?t find the sprites, they are in the right folder and hey all exist. No problem in the compile but when im about to test the map that error appears.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 17:17:24 UTC
in What TWHL stands for Post #163296
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 17:13:32 UTC
in My first ever model. Post #163295
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 16:59:01 UTC
in My first ever model. Post #163293
No elon, it's a BOX!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 04:23:02 UTC
in What TWHL stands for Post #163145
TWHL = Muffin
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 04:20:44 UTC
in Midi, Magnificent Midi Post #163144
Midi rocks!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 17:46:00 UTC
in favorit genre Post #162322
@G_KID: seriously, you can?t tell the difference between death metal and grind metal?!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 15:58:50 UTC
in happy 17th! (NOT work-friendly) Post #162295
Calling other people sick is sick ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 15:54:45 UTC
in favorit genre Post #162294
What kind of music do you like? I find that question interesting.
and why do you like that kind of music? and what kind of music don?t you like? Why not?

and do you write music yourelf?

i?ll go first (i might be the only one :P)

The kind of music that i have in my heart is Metal. Most kinds of metal and rock music

For ex: Death metal, black metal, trash metal, speed metal, grind metal, heavy metal, industrial metal, progressive metal, metal, 60/70's rock music and some new rock bands aswell.

I like metal and rock because of the energy in the music, and most of the time the lyrics are great, but it?s to bad that most of the death and black metal bands have silly lyrics.

Other than that i like country(JOHNNY CASH and RYAN ADAMS note: Not bryan, Ryan), bluse, folk (BOB DYLAN) classical music, goth, a few punk bands and some synth.

I HATE rockabilly and neo metal. and pop metal, pop rock and most pop bands... I find the music silly and the lyrics pointless, and my head hurts if i hear music like that.

And i do write music myself, mostly metal, folk, country and classical music. I play the guitar, bass, harmonica and the piano :)

What about you?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 15:22:53 UTC
in Cake Decorating Contest Post #162287
Habboi win!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 14:45:54 UTC
in Classical games that you wanna play. Post #162267
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 14:45:02 UTC
in HL2 Models to HL1 Models Post #162266
I've got HL2 zombies in HL1, and barney... I just copied the files and it worked ^^ No wait... that?s a lie.. Sorry
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 17:48:02 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #162131
Aren?t you done yet?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 10:21:27 UTC
in Skins, sven coop, grunts. Post #162066
Ok, you know those grunts in sven coop, those in the "cartoon" maps. their skins have these black stripe all around them, even as they move it?s still on the sides or edges or what ever the word is. And the thing is that i really would like to know how they done that
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 05:57:41 UTC
in Dynamic Skies Post #161242
Indeed a very, very nice thing, i can imagen all the uses for this. City maps always look badly done when the city suddenly just ends!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-01 15:46:45 UTC
in counter-strike mapping question Post #160956
beats me :heart:
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-01 15:06:00 UTC
in Sewage Treatment Works Post #160947
Texturerna ?r som sagt i behov av en rej?l "makeover" men annars s? ser den riktigt bra ut :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 20:37:19 UTC
in Old TWHL vs new TWHL Post #160841
Oh yes, it is a lot of those threads. Don?t get me wrong, i don?t like those, but some people really do enjoy talking about every day stuff.

The threads you just wrote about ARE worthless on that we can all agree, the point i was trying to make is that you so many times mistake an OK thread with a totaly random-topic-bullshit thread.

If you read it you WILL notice if the author is a lonely noob looking for attention or if he wanna talk about something. Like a thread i posted when i was new here "what about it?" it was a totaly useless thread about nothing, my bad, i shouldn?t have posted that one and it was the right thing to do to close it. And all those threads where the author just paste a link to a flash movie, that?s msn/irc/shoutbox material and don?t belong as a single topic. But i see threads like "favorite movie" or "favorite guitar brand" (i don?t think they exist but it?s those kind of threads im talking about now) those kind of threads isn?t spam, that?s a subject to talk about. And those topics often get called spam and useless and get closed. But it?s just general discussion.

There, i think i?ve made my point. I wasn?t being clear on what my point was in my other 2 posts. I was wrighting a longer post and when i pressed "post" i wasn?t logged in anymore so i just wrote a short version of what i was trying to say.

btw, i?ve been wondering a long time why nobody ever called "now playing" spam, is it just because seventh posted them? suck on that one for a while. Seriously, you people should think about that as spam. ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 20:20:00 UTC
in Brushes disappearing Post #160839
Is the func_wall, func_ladder and func_water touching eachother? I founf out that sometimes when they are it can cause wierd problems, if they cross eachother from a sertain angle and such.

when it did that for me i just moved around the ladder a little bit and it worked fine.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 20:12:27 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #160837
I could do some mapping, if you need any assistance on that area.

And don?t think that banko_arena has anything to do with my mapping skills, it?s ugly but it was ALL about gameplay :)

If you use that as base on kalling me a "bad mapper" :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 20:01:44 UTC
in Old TWHL vs new TWHL Post #160836
Oh, sorry about some bad english posted by me.

But don?t you get what im trying to say?

Just try to see that some people like that sort of stuff, we don?t have to post a reply in the thread just to tell them that we don?t like it.

No posts in the thread should do the trick, don?t you think?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 19:05:15 UTC
in Old TWHL vs new TWHL Post #160830
I just have one thing to say. You people are so AFRAID of spam. You have totaly forgotten what spam is.

This is spam:


Hello im a kitten and i fuck you mama everyday.


That?s spam! not when someone tries to discuss what there favorite drink is in the "GENERAL DISCUSSION" forum. General discussion should be there for general discussion. Just becouse someone doesn?t like it doesn?t mean it?s spam.

And when to people are having a conversation in the shoutbox, and nobody else is using it. They aren?t spamming, they are talking.

Get it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 17:35:24 UTC
in Titles Post #160808
Yes i would :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 14:00:04 UTC
in What is your fetish? Post #160755
My girl doesn?t have black underware... or black curly hair... Or pale skinn.... But she?s sexy anyhow :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 13:51:05 UTC
in Titles Post #160747
I think i deserv a "EVIL MIDGET HUNTER" title... After all i captured the little evil midget on my av... And im on to the king of evil midgets, the guy that take care of all the computer at my school is a midget, but he is huge, like 1,80 CM tall and a midget(strange)... He?s the king of all evil midget?s, he gave me a 15GB HD in my laptop insted of a 30GB... and im taking him down! :o So i deserv it! I demand it! Give the on and only Tosse the title

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-31 13:43:45 UTC
in What is your fetish? Post #160746
Black underware! ...Black hair, kind of curly black hair... Pale skin...

Teddybears are scary.... real bears is just going to hurt you! :o
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-27 20:42:23 UTC
in if rimrook and kasperg made a map... Post #159971
Silly, silly, silly idea... What if V?nsterpartiet and Moderaterna run sweden together? silly, silly idea
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-27 20:36:42 UTC
in Hello everyone! Post #159970
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-27 20:32:08 UTC
in Compiling and still compiling Post #159969
Compiling shouldn?t take hours anyhow...