I just realized that it's possible to compile a map with leaks without having it come out fullbright.
I used to believe that's impossible, but it's true.
and i cant tell if this:Yeah, that was my weak attempt at April Fools'.
is an april fools joke or not
If it weren't boorishly inappropriate, I'd drag the fun of our Snarkpit conversation in here.You just did.
Whoo! for Leslie Young, M.D.Heh. I am very aware of the fact that I can no longer be anonymous from this point on.
Nice life accomplishment, writing a book.But it's no where near as fun as making a map.
You must be an expert on the subject then, I presume?I've been working as a pediatrician for the last eight years.
I want to punch the kid on the cover.Yeah, I asked the publisher to change the picture, but they refused.
Is it available in stores.. Like B&N?It will be by the end of this month.
make his middle name satchmo!Well, my wife and I already agreed that his middle name is going to be her father's name, David, to honor his first grandson.
Hey Satch? When your young'un is old enough to operate a keyboard will you let him/her come on to TWHL. We promise we'll only warp him/her a little.Of course!
He/she has the ability to not go to school with just a piece of paper that his/her father can write. smile -Except that it'll never happen. Unless my child is on an artificial breathing machine, she/he will be going to school.
Haha. How did you fail to persuade them that you were a doctor? Surely you could, you know, talk about medical things?They didn't believe me even though some of them sought medical advice from me about their babies.