Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-27 02:12:37 UTC
in Black Mesa Christmas Media Release Post #241987
The first Apprehension screen doesn't make any sense to me. It's got a big frame stretched out across it to hold the magnet, but it's supposed to be an old missile silo! How could that have worked? They also ditched the fallen over tower, which was probably the coolest part of that area. And where'd the water go from the third Apprehension shot? Are they just going to abandon the swimming areas?

The fourth Anomalous Materials shot also needs darker lighting, and it needs to be greenish, like the original. That's what set the whole mood for the area.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-27 01:56:25 UTC
in Half Life 3 might exist afterall Post #241986
Hl1 was full of models they simply never used
Yeah, useless models they never used. Incomplete, pointless models. All you can blame Valve for is not choosing a theme that was more adaptable, really.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-27 01:52:01 UTC
in Map of the Year || Best of 2003-2006 Post #241985
Oh damn, sorry for posting misinformation.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-26 08:04:31 UTC
in HL2: Overwatch (WIP) Post #241949
Yeah, not even a bye bye to your loyal team members? :heartbreak:

Or, maybe this is one of those things where you're going to pretend to be juggling two mods at once, when in reality one of them is dead, you just don't want to admit it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-26 08:03:12 UTC
in STEAM LINK SCAM Post #241948
Well, nothing happened, so whatever. I'm assuming it doesn't happen like two days from the time you click it. :rly:
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-26 07:55:01 UTC
in STEAM LINK SCAM Post #241943
When you say links do you mean the ones that let you join somebody else's game? Because I clicked on one of those several times yesterday, and it seemed to do nothing... but then a while later AVG detected a trojan in some Quake 4 file. It healed it, and nothing has happened to my Steam account, but it'd be a hell of a coincidence if it isn't related.

Thanks for the heads up anyway.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-26 07:35:19 UTC
in HL crash without "-" in map title Post #241942
... WHAT?
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-26 07:31:53 UTC
in HL2: Overwatch (WIP) Post #241941
Bye bye Hostage Situation for good, hello yet another Half-Life 2 mod. Least that's what it's looking like

Sounds interesting, but if that's Huntey doing the mapping, I gotta say I'm not impressed. I mean, all you've done is slap together a couple generic boxy rooms and filled them with generic HL2 props and textures that don't blend into the environment. Honestly, whoever is making these maps, they suck at creating realistic architecture.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-26 03:42:51 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #241934
Aw, shut up Hunter. :P

He's probably using that crate texture because he hasn't actually made one for it yet, not because he's too lazy to apply one.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-25 23:22:46 UTC
in MotM: November Post #241926
Somebody please tempban this guy.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-25 21:20:21 UTC
in MotM: November Post #241922

Better use this, pal.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-25 17:54:26 UTC
in thanks guys merry christmas Post #241918
ZombieLoffe that looks like a dog penis. :aghast:
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-25 16:50:20 UTC
in thanks guys merry christmas Post #241912
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-25 05:26:04 UTC
in thanks guys merry christmas Post #241886
Merry Christmas, etc.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 20:20:31 UTC
in Half Life 3 might exist afterall Post #241869
I guess I should have mentioned the antlion caves (which you have to admit resembled Xen), too. I was pretty unimpressed with what they offered, personally.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 17:05:48 UTC
in CD music won't stop playing Post #241866
Sorry, I'm not posting the maps, they're part of my mod. I've told you everything about the setup, and there's not much to it...trigger_cdaudio has only two properties. I've used one entity to turn on track 24, and the other is set to "stop".

Maybe I'll decompile a Half-Life map later and see if they did it differently.

Edit: Okay, I think I might know what it is. The player is teleported into a dark box before the level changes, and is standing inside the trigger_cdaudio (the one that's supposed to turn the song off) when the change occurs. Maybe that has something to do with it, I don't know. Also, when the map starts, the player is immediately spawned inside the trigger_cdaudio that makes the music start. That might cause the looping, so I'll try triggering it with a trigger_auto one second after the level starts.These are complete guesses, but who knows.

Edit 2: Well, my sound is still continuing into the following map after the level change, but that fixed the looping problem at least. :
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 09:34:49 UTC
in Half Life 3 might exist afterall Post #241847
Learning more about the G-Man, definitely. Considering how slowly the story's progressed in the other episodes, there's no way we're gonna find out everything about him in just one more installment.

Combine homeworld though...I wouldn't be keen on that at all. Valve isn't very adept at creating otherworldly environments, as we saw in Half-Life, and the series has always had its basis on earth anyway. I think a major change like that would be a turn for the worse, and I don't think it's likely at all, either.

I don't know, maybe Valve is going to ditch the whole combine thing and move onto something else next time around. I think the theme of this enemy is getting pretty tired.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 09:28:30 UTC
in CD music won't stop playing Post #241846
Yeah, I tried both ways of starting the music: Through the map properties as you mentioned, and using a trigger_cdaudio. They both behaved the same. :
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 02:07:49 UTC
in Half Life 3 might exist afterall Post #241839
Honestly, if Half-Life 3 could provide an array of good vehicles, a wide range of effects, tools, good storyline and monsters, and all easy for mappers to use or modify then Half-Life would reign supreme over all other games.
But Half-Life 2 already does all that stuff. You saying what I think you're saying? :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 01:45:04 UTC
in Map of the Year || Best of 2003-2006 Post #241836
Ummm...hlife_hotdog, you don't separate maps and mods. You just get five votes total, six if you count the vote for 2007's best.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 01:39:20 UTC
in CD music won't stop playing Post #241835
I used a trigger_cdaudio to turn some Half-Life music on in a map, and then another one to stop it from playing, but when the next map loads the music starts up again, and won't stop, even if I've placed another trigger_cdaudio in to make it stop. The music also loops indefinitely, which I find strange. This is in Steam's Half-Life, by the way.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-24 01:17:28 UTC
in Map of the Year || Best of 2003-2006 Post #241831
You can't vote for your own maps you self important cunt. Even if you don't have the decency to obide by that yourself, it's one of the rules stated in the first post.

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 18:44:44 UTC
in Flat-Life (HL2D) Post #241823
i said 'crosshair free-look', not 'crosshair-free look'
Oh, right. Silly me. :^_^:

By the way, Tetristis is singularly the most annoying Half-Life map I've ever played.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 08:52:14 UTC
in Map of the Year || Best of 2003-2006 Post #241797
True. Still, even if you only vote for two or three things, it's better than one.

We should have a thread for the worst maps of 2003-2006. That'd be fun. :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 08:45:45 UTC
in func door rotating Post #241794
Yeah, if you don't put an origin brush on it, it's just gonna rotate around the center of the map instead.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 05:25:13 UTC
in Flat-Life (HL2D) Post #241783
I thought Codename: Gordon had crosshairs, though...
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 04:35:52 UTC
in Texture Lighting is a bitch Post #241780
He says it like he doesn't know what "vicious" means. :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 04:34:28 UTC
in Flat-Life (HL2D) Post #241779
I'd have to agree with saw on that one.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 02:46:17 UTC
in Texture Lighting is a bitch Post #241777
Somebody doesn't have their english vocabulary down so well.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-23 00:35:40 UTC
in Create server issues Post #241771
It wasn't the tools' fault, I know that without you even telling me any specifics about your problem...which, by the way, would be helpful.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-22 22:14:19 UTC
in Texture Lighting is a bitch Post #241768
I put the damn lights.rad on my ZHLT folder...
That might be your problem. It's supposed to be in your "Valve Hammer Editor/tools" folder, where the ZHLT compile tools should also be. Maybe that's what you meant, I'm just making sure you don't have them in some external folder. Still, it doesn't seem like that would give you the effects you're seeing here.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-22 20:28:20 UTC
in Door with multiple closing times Post #241762
Triple post, whew...

I got it figured out. You guys suck for not having figured this out earlier! :nya: Thanks for the ideas though Captain Terror, you did help me along a bit. I'll describe my method here for anyone who might be trying to do the same thing (unlikely as it may be.)

I have two separate doors, both in the exact same place on the map (overlapping, if you will.) One of them, the one that stays open for ten seconds, is initially fully visible, and the other one, the normal one that will only stay open for four seconds, has its render mode set to "texture" and FX amount at 0, so it's invisible to start with. So then I have a trigger_once a little bit in front of the doors, used solely to open the ten second door. When the ten second door closes, I used the "fire on close" field to trigger a multi_manager.

The first thing this multi_manager does is trigger a trigger_relay entity which has "kill target" set to the name of the ten second door, so it deletes it from existence in the map, and it won't get in the way anymore. Next, it triggers an env_render, which targets the four second door, and sets its render mode to "normal", thus making the door fully visible. Since these two things are triggered at exactly the same time, the two doors are essentially switching out for each other.

Now, doors that have anything in their name field are automatically locked, and apparently cannot be unlocked by way of a master. That was a problem for me, because my door had to have a name if it was going to be targeted by an env_render. So, I just used a trigger_multiple to open the four second door, and to make sure it couldn't be opened while the ten second door still existed, I instead set the trigger_multiple to have a master, and used the whole multisource/trigger_relay setup on it, which is eventually triggered by the multi_manager I talked about earlier.

So, this is just about the most complicated func_door I have ever created, and probably ever will create. Needless to say, I would recommend avoiding this setup in any circumstance, but if you absolutely have to...well, now you know it's possible, anyway.

Oh, and one last note... I actually did NOT need to be able to go through the door during the first ten second sequence. I don't even want to think about what would be necessary for that, but it would probably involve a "passable" (non-solid) door and an invisible train. My head's about to explode.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-22 04:49:36 UTC
in Glowing water Post #241704
Strange, I never noticed that. In any case, I don't think it would affect the way it was rendered.

However, have you tried using completely opaque water, with no render mode set? Any brush set to "texture" is always going to glow. I may be imagining things, but I don't remember the opaque water glowing.

Edit: I've done a bit of testing, and with the render mode set to "texture" and FX amount at 50, this doesn't strike me as glowing at all:

User posted image

Opaque water does indeed glow though.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-22 04:35:10 UTC
in Glowing water Post #241702
Well, liquids.wad has some pretty dark ones already, but yeah. Also, any texture can be a water texture if you turn it into a func_water, it doesn't have to have "!" in front of its name. That's just if you need it to be a regular non-entity world brush.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-22 04:32:58 UTC
in Door with multiple closing times Post #241701
Jesus, this is going to sound incredibly noobish, but somehow I haven't played around with locked doors much at all, so...

How do you "unlock" a door that has been named? I can do it fine with a trigger_relay and multisource if the door has no name at all, but in this case it needs to have one, and it's not working for me.

I am literally one step away from getting this to work.

P.S. Sorry for the double post, figured it would get more attention.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-22 01:37:43 UTC
in Door with multiple closing times Post #241698
I think I'll go with the more complicated route I've already taken, for now.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-22 00:43:59 UTC
in Door with multiple closing times Post #241695
It would seem to me that your little problem is a pretty damn hueg problem. :)

I'll try using some setup with two different doors, one toggleable and one normal, and switch between them with an env_render. I don't know how that'd look, though.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-21 23:46:16 UTC
in Door with multiple closing times Post #241692
Would it be at all possible to have a door that, when triggered, opens and stays open for say ten seconds, closes, and then goes back to being a regular door that only stays open for four seconds?
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-21 23:32:08 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #241690
Well, he specifically said that the textures were going to be fixed up later, the detailing had yet to be completed, and that there were too many holes to compile it yet. Kinda sucks for anyone trying to scrutinize it though, since you don't know what he's already thought of at this point.

But yeah, that whole area with the grates is kinda strange. How is any of that crap being held up, magic? I don't see any support beams or anything.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-21 22:17:44 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #241687
Looks okay, but it's hard to tell since they're such early shots. If you're planning on keeping those angled lights in the first picture though, you should make them thinner so you aren't stretching that TNNL texture. it looks better when it's smaller than that, anyway.

Picture number two looks WAY too blocky for an area like that. Rectangular hallways should pretty much only be used for connecting larger areas.

Some of these areas might even look okay with the brushwork as shoddy as it is right now, if you could cover it up with really good lighting.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-21 22:10:54 UTC
in WHO LIKES DODGE. Post #241686
hope they do not close this thread.
Funny, I can't say I share your sentiments. :|
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-21 19:09:25 UTC
in de_dome Post #241682
That's not a mirrored floor .
Yes it is, but probably not in the way you're thinking about it. the left side is a mirror of the right side, and vice versa. You have to have two brushes making up that hallway floor for it to do that. You can see the distinct line down the middle where it's mirrored.

Also, barrel texture or not (which actually, it is), that still looks pretty poor, and there's a lot of better textures you could use for that scenario, so I see no reason why you'd use it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-21 09:10:06 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #241663
Just a concrete texture. I saw it in the original game used like that all the time, and followed suit. :)
I can't actually leak any screenshots of my upcoming Dystopia map
Good thing too, cos hardly anyone cares.

Nah, I'm joking: no-one cares.
I lol'd so hard.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-21 05:16:45 UTC
in Glowing water Post #241656
Nope. It's a bitch, ain't it? Best you can do is get a darker texture. Also, making the water really clear might help.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-21 05:14:39 UTC
in Half Life 3 might exist afterall Post #241655
I don't think it's being a fanboy... it's just not having fun playing the game. Would you have enjoyed it just as much if it was released on the PC first instead? Would you have even cared about playing it?

But whatever, this really is a pointless subject.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-21 04:46:21 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #241652
MuzzleFlash, I can't believe you noticed that. They're only four units away from the ceiling. I can't even see it myself in that picture, and I made it! Also, it isn't to save w_polys - the cords are func_walls anyway. I just thought it kinda looked better for some reason... : Meh, I'll probably change them back to touching the ceiling.

FresheD, I don't know how the texture combination is strange, it's kinda typical Black Mesa fair. But yeah, I know the ceiling there sucks, I just don't know what to do with it, and my w_polys are pretty high in this area.

Edit: I just tried putting a sunken in area with some vents in it on the ceiling, but it looked really out of place.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-20 21:38:07 UTC
in Map of the Year || Best of 2003-2006 Post #241635
No, but you could require people who only voted for one thing to choose their other four. I think only Ghetto, World Crafter, and Mad Cow did it anyway.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-20 05:59:15 UTC
in It's about time..hail to the chief b Post #241586
Well, it's not like they've been working on building up the graphics until this point. Whenever they switch engines, they're basically just starting development all over again. Unfortunately they seem to start developing on engines that are years old to begin with, and by the time they're done it's pretty much obsolete technology.

From what I understand, this is the Doom 3 engine shown here, right?
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-20 05:02:11 UTC
in It's about time..hail to the chief b Post #241582
Hail to the king baby.*

Also, old lolz.