Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 22:36:11 UTC
in Error creating new textures Post #186637
I was folliwing the Source tutorial on how to import my own textures into Hammer (The tutorial may be found in the "Intermediate" section) and i get to the part where i drag-and-drop the TGA file onto the shortcut of VTEX. The problem arises when i get this error:
"Image demensions must be a power of 2!
Error Initializing texture C:/ etc. (the directory writen leads to the "sourcesdk_content/hl2mp folder, not the other one)"
Is the problem simply that it has issues with the demensions of the texture, and if so, what demensions should it be??
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 20:40:14 UTC
in First XSI model complete and ingame! Post #186625
A while ago, a friend introduced me to a program called Blender3D, which is a freeware (and HIGHLY functional) 3d editing program. It also allowed you to use UV maping. So, I just wanted to say that even though i have never used UV maping in Half-Life2, i gotta tell you, it IS really boring. :glad:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 20:28:23 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186624
Ok, so i followed the instructions for WGR614v2 without problems. I set port 500 to open up so i can use it as a server. The problem is that when i open up Source Dedicated Server, and enter in this UDP port (500 in this case) the server wont show up, as My friend and I determined. I cant even find the server anymore: it wont appear in the LAN tab OR the Internet tab. Watdafuxup wit DAT :x :x :x
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 19:21:00 UTC
in First XSI model complete and ingame! Post #186621
Great lookin' models Xyos. The map vault consists mainly of CS and HL maps, and because I dont have the original CS or HL, ill definitely grab a copy of your level when it comes out for download! :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 19:04:22 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186617
where would i find Ipconfig? in my internet browser? or would i use run?

Edit: i read up on PortForward, and set up everything, ignore the question above
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 18:58:18 UTC
in Moving targets Post #186615
I never actually got my hands on a copy of HL1. I think ill get it :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 16:09:59 UTC
in Moving targets Post #186586
ok, thanks a lot, but im not sure how to go about doing still new to func's, so bear w/ me :D

do i parent all brushes to one brush, then parent that one brush to the func_tracktrain? How would i control the speed? Can i tell it to slow down untill it stops to travel in the opposite direction?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 16:03:31 UTC
in Moving targets Post #186582
Hi, i was making a map in Hammer that is supposed to be a shooting range. When i got to building the shooting range area (b4, there is a grenade-throwing range) I thought "wow... wouldnt it be cool to make some brushes with target textures that moved back and forth?"

I have seen levels in which people have made brushes move in specific patterns, so my question is "how do i do this?"

Moving targets would be cool, but if i could apply this to the grenade range... that would be cool too :P

I checked the "advanced" section in the source tutorials area, so if this can be found somwhere else in the site, please forgive me :lol:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 15:55:25 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186578
sry, i acctdentally double-posted using the back button :o
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 15:42:23 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186576
lol... i just realized the version number was on the bottom of the wireless router itself... its WGR614v2...

I checked out your sites, pepper, and they found my router, but offered no way to punch thru it :tired:

I checked out your site, dandyli0n, and they had WGR614 and WGR614v5, but not v2... :'(

Also, how would i find the IP address of my Router? (im going to try the WGR614 and WGR614v5 just to see if they function the same) In order to do this port thing, i need the IP address to access the Router itself
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 13:46:53 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186557 also didnt work :tired:
I have a Netgear Wireless Router.. i dont have the documentation for it, so im not sure exactly what model, if that affects it at all...

Also, i turned off the firewall on my comp (this is how i know that the router is the source of the problem)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 12:03:46 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186547
That number didnt bring up anything on my comp; i tried it on my bro's comp (we set up the whole wireless connection from his comp) and that also yeilded no results :nervous:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 11:56:40 UTC
in Hello thread! Here?s the hello thread! Post #186546
Hi :P

I joined about a week ago, and i never discovered this thread untill now... :biggrin: ... so... a big "hello!" to everyone at the TWHL forums!

Happy mapping!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 11:38:49 UTC
in Firewall = No Servers :'( Post #186544
Hey, i have a cable router in my house that splits the internet to different ppl in my house (obviously). The problem is that it has an integrated firewall that i cant shut down temporarily (as far as i know) and therefore, I cannot host my own servers.

My question: Is there a way around this? Or is there a way that i can acces the router to shut off its firewall?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 01:29:13 UTC
in HL Ladder vs. Source Ladders Post #186479
Thanx for the links, they work like magic :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 00:26:50 UTC
in HL Ladder vs. Source Ladders Post #186474
I was browsing the older threads, looking forthreads that already answered the question: how to make ladders in Source. I stumbled across a closed forum that dealt with creating ladders in Hammer, but what i did not realize is that the technique was for the original HL engine. I cannot find "func_ladder" in the properties of the brush... so there must be an other way i am uninformed about. :)

So, my question is, how the heck do i get ladders to work in Source? :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 15:42:48 UTC
in Skies? Post #186420
A lot of the features of the HL1 editor work with HL2, so at first, i had no idea there was any difference at all... untill i got to prefabs :cool:

All the Beginner Source totorials cover things that a person who has already gone thru "In the Beginning" would understand (i.e. 3d sky boxes)... so when youre desparate... you tend to read everything that comes your way :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 15:24:22 UTC
in Skies? Post #186416
It worked like a charm :P thanks a lot :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 12:58:12 UTC
in Skies? Post #186370
Hi, i just finnished the In the Beginning tutorials, and at the bery bottom of part six, there are several links on further level design, namely, putting in sky boxes, to make a level outdoors. I followes the tutorial, and ended up with some very odd side effects:
  • the 3d view in the editor show distorted immages, and i couldnt see the rooms i have made
  • the skybox (in game) appears like the texture that i applied ot it is just a sky texture pulled accross the brushes, not an endless sky.
I think that the problem is that this tutorial talks about makin skies for the original HL engine. I have looked around for a Source version of the tutorial but cannot find one.

Please help :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 12:10:33 UTC
in Furniture? Post #186364
well setting it to Prop_static allows me to use the toilet model, which shows up in the editor, but when compiling and running, the toilet doesnt appear, and i have made sure that it's not intersecting any brushes
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 11:20:25 UTC
in Furniture? Post #186358
ive made a prop_physics_respawnable, and set the model as the toilet, but when i hit apply, the shape doesnt become a toilet, it just remains a red cube. when i compile and test, its not there.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 09:54:57 UTC
in Furniture? Post #186341
Ok, thanks for the replies, just one more question i 4got to add:
c) what if i wanted to make somthing that was frozen, but when you grab it w/ the grav gun, it moves again? For instance, the toilets in dm_lockdown are stuck to the wall untill you pull them off. Would i use prop_dynamic? or porp_physics and set some parrameter?

Thanks :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 01:30:04 UTC
in Furniture? Post #186305
Thank you SO much :P ... just a few questions:
a) the name "porp_physics means that it will follow physics... correct?
b) what if i want to make a prop that doesnt move... like a light fixture in the wall or a little on/off switch, do i use prop_static?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 01:00:22 UTC
in Furniture? Post #186301
im still a little (ok... alot :) ) new at this, so can you guide me through how to do that? thanks. :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 00:51:12 UTC
in Furniture? Post #186297
Hi, i was reading the "In the Beginning" tutorials, and in part 5, it covers placing furniture, such as desks and trash cans and whatnot, in the level. The problem is that the tutorial says to switch the "Categories" drop-down menu to "Usable objects", which i cannot find. The only avalible options are "Entities", "Prefabs", and "Prefabs HL2".

I have sarched these 3 options, and the entities that the tutorial talks about are not there.

In the tutorial, the person who wrote it uses WorldCraft, which is, to my understanding, an older version (and the former name) of the Hammer Editor, so my guess is that these entities are found somewhere else. :tired:

Thanks in advance.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 00:43:37 UTC
in weird HUD in compiled level Post #186296
ok, the alt + tab technique works like a charm, tyvm :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-21 21:04:20 UTC
in weird HUD in compiled level Post #186285
i have some weird graphics issues when testing the levels i make in Hammer.

when i hit F9 and compile, HL2 DM opens and the level comes up. The weird thing is that the Gravity gun looks brown with no other characteristics to it, and the SMG is completely black. Both weapons are missing their textures and reflect no light. Also, my life and ammo counters show no numbers and i cannot see bullets and/or bullet holes.

This only happens when using the compiler and having the game run right after the compiling is complete, but it doesnt happen when i open DM manually and load the level via "create server".

Prior to this issue, i coppied a light from one room, moved it to an other room, and coppied that light again and moved it to a 3rd room. Back when i had only one light, this did not happen.

I realize that because i can see my hud properly in the manual way of opening the level, this is a trivial matter, but for the sake of convinience, i'd like to know what i did wrong.

Thanks in advance
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-18 19:16:16 UTC
in Texture Issues Post #185740
im back again
well, the resetting of the undo levels worked only for a moment, i was able to change one texture, but afterward, they remained all the same, and the changed textures STILL wont show up in game, except for the default brick. :aghast:
could it be a problem with the level itself? :nervous:

Edit: i just now noticed that when i do a search for "textures already used in level" that it comes up far more than visible. My guess is that the texture is not visible under the texture already layed on the wall, but this still seems irrelevant, considering the fact that only the default brick is the only texture seen in-game
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-18 16:30:09 UTC
in Texture Issues Post #185717
ok, thanks, ill give that a shot.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-18 14:37:13 UTC
in Texture Issues Post #185702
Hi, im having issues applying textures to my brushes :x
In Hammer, I select the brush I wish to texture, then go to the "toggle texture application" button, and select the texture I want. Then i hit the apply button, but nothing happens.

I already have some textures on the walls, but when I compile and test it in game, i dont see them. :tired:

Prior to these issues, i recieved and error stating that "my undo function was slowing the computer" or somthing to that effect, but i never used the undo function before this problem, so i guess that it's somehow a part the problem. :confused:

Thnaks in advance