Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2009-11-11 18:03:00 UTC
in Why does everybody hate highlander? Post #275479
Yeah, Psilous. Highlander was before your time :P

Edit: OH FUCK. He's back.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-11 17:57:29 UTC
in Civilian Massacre in CoD:MW2 Post #275474
After burning my skull for days trying to rationalize the moral issues with this, I've come to the conclusion that I'm actually OK with it.

However, it is still quite a shock, and should be because the magnitude of MW2's first mission far surpasses anything we've seen before.
All it takes is time to sink in, and that's what makes good stories great.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-11 17:35:56 UTC
in Why does everybody hate highlander? Post #275467
So if you weren't Highlander, then you were obviously Yodalman, right?

That's flawed logic. There's tons of other people that could have been if you weren't Highlander. You could have even be a totally new person for all we know.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-11 17:26:14 UTC
in Why does everybody hate highlander? Post #275465
Only duh to me.
Nobody else has any reason to know because you and I were the only ones who knew to whom that free Steam account was given.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-11 17:18:04 UTC
in Why does everybody hate highlander? Post #275461
It's not Highlander, it's Yodalman.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-11 17:12:16 UTC
in Why does everybody hate highlander? Post #275458

What are you talking about?

Fyi: It's a bad idea to say it's OK to ban you when nobody threatened to. If you never brought it up in the first place, your chances are significantly reduced.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-10 23:01:16 UTC
in Making sprite emit a model Post #275435
It crashes my hammer too.
Oh right. That.

There's something about the HL fgd that doesn't like to render cycler_sprites as models in Hammer, but ingame they'll be fine (I know. I use them :P)
Use furniture or cyclers or something as a placeholder, then switch to the CS fgd and change all of your props to cycler_sprites before the final compile.
(That or just change them and don't go into a 3D window).
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-10 20:34:03 UTC
in Making sprite emit a model Post #275423
No, you use cycler_sprite for that.
You should always use cycler_sprite for model props.

How do some of you still not know this?
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-10 00:18:28 UTC
in Xen lighting Post #275376
Nah, that's just what happens when you decompile.
Brushes change in ways that Hammer wouldn't be able to deal with when you compile a map (like all those split faces for example). Often you'll end up with problems after decompiling because of these changes when Hammer tries to compensate.

That's why it's always better to rebuild decompiled maps brush by brush if you plan to use them in a serious project.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-10 00:12:20 UTC
in Desktops of November Post #275375
If I may, why are two edges blurred into nothing?
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-09 22:37:56 UTC
in Xen lighting Post #275372
I'm going to be honest:
I probably wouldn't host a decompiled map unless it went through a serious overall.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-09 18:38:35 UTC
in Hello thread! Here?s the hello thread! Post #275351
Get a drink, have a good time now.
Welcome to paradise.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-09 18:31:03 UTC
in Low Poly Count, but map still lags Post #275349
Your compile log looks fine.
There's many other things that could cause lag on a weak system like yours than wpoly.

My first guess would be your flickering lights. I remember when I used to have a weak system any flickering light would cause my fps to drop substantially.

Does your fps fluctuate while you stand still, or only while you move?
If it only spikes up and down while you are moving or looking around, then you can try to pinpoint the problematic area by finding exactly when and where you lose fps.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-09 13:50:48 UTC
in Desktops of November Post #275338
User posted image
Just recently hooked up a second 1024x768 monitor. I turned it on its side and now it's a nice extension for chat windows, Steam, and other small applications.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-09 03:05:12 UTC
in Games You've Bought Post #275329
Oh that's right, I forgot about a few... huh.

Revised list:
-Fear 2
-Left 4 Dead
-Stalker: Clear Sky
-Unreal Tournament 3

I also played the shit out of Devil May Cry 4 on PC, but that was a free copy.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-08 22:33:40 UTC
in Civilian Massacre in CoD:MW2 Post #275322
I've seen all three several times, and all three are fantastic. And American History X and Requiem for a Dream left me feeling very different emotion from the MW2 scene in that they taught a very deep lesson.

But seriously, I'm done in this thread now. I'm sick trying to justify inconsistent morals, and it doesn't make a difference in the end anyway. And stop putting words in my mouth.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-08 22:22:52 UTC
in Civilian Massacre in CoD:MW2 Post #275318
This "mature means sex and violence" bullshit has to stop. That's the root of the whole problem. This whole stigma that "made for adults" means "makes you feel disgusted" is crap and needs it's own label.

EDIT: You know what? This isn't a black and white issue, and the logic behind all sides is anything but consistent, so I'm done in this thread.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-08 22:00:50 UTC
in Civilian Massacre in CoD:MW2 Post #275315
My head is spinning, this is too complicated to post all at once. I might come back later when I get my head together. But in the meantime
Well, I think that's a good thing. Games doesn't have to be mindless entertainment. Thought provoking violence is accepted in movies, but for some reason not in video games. Why?
I never said it's OK in movies, because it's not. And I never said that video games are mindless fun. No movie has ever been so explicit aside maybe from the Saw or Hostel franchise. And I'm not OK with either of those aside from the 1st Saw film because I felt there was a decent justification there.
And with video games, I pointed out one instance where the objective happens to be mindless fun. So please don't put words in my mouth.

The fact is: "made for adults" doesn't mean "make you feel bad", and I don't want to feel what this scene clearly aims to make me feel.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-08 21:38:22 UTC
in Civilian Massacre in CoD:MW2 Post #275313

Why is it interactive?
Well it certainly does a great job of making you hate the villian. Hey, I'm all for that.
Being interactive only encourages the player to take part, though, which isn't cool. I don't see how it helps to let the player take part in the massacre if the whole point of the scene is to get the player to hate the bad guys.

GTA and other such games that caught crap are on a totally different level. Killing civilians is never actually the center focus of anything. And when it happens (when the player makes it happen) there are no efforts to evoke any particular emotions. You know, you never get the feeling that you're killing living thing. It's just random fun, and it's meant to be.

Here in MW2, the whole focus of this is killing civilians. And it's obvious that a great deal of effort was put into this scene to make it "feel" as close to home as possible. The point isn't random fun anymore-- the game makes a clear effort to make the viewer really feel like something bad is happening. And fuck me sideways if it doesn't do a damn good job, but I feel it's evoking emotions that a game has no business with.

No, this is a first for all sorts of media. Nothing like this has ever been so explicitly shown in any movie or game before. Body counts and the aftermath don't count, it's all about what happens when it happens.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-08 15:10:54 UTC
in Games You've Bought Post #275284
Probably just Clear Sky and Audiosurf.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-08 05:35:23 UTC
in found a displacement edge abutting multi Post #275268
Well this wasn't the problem. I fixed the compiler error but my displacements are still the same.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-06 19:21:48 UTC
in IronMan 2 trailer released! Post #275218
Should have known better.
You're a dick.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-06 02:32:33 UTC
in found a displacement edge abutting multi Post #275194
We're coming back to this:

What can you tell me about this warning: found a displacement edge abutting multiple other edges

I believe it's linked to my displacement problems. Initial googling yields no helpful results.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-04 02:00:49 UTC
in New L4D2 trailer Post #275145
So with the demo being free to everyone for the remainder of the demo period, who's changed their minds about L4D2?
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-03 23:35:19 UTC
in model disappearing Post #275142
Don't listen to Atom, he's crazy.

Cycler_sprite is the entity to use for model props. That is, unless you want your props to bleed.

Use the "-full" parameter.
And you aren't using Q tools, are you? If you are, you need to stop using Q tools and start using Zoner's tools or the "Super" tools found here:
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-03 16:32:31 UTC
in More Teapots! Post #275135
I'm a little puzzled on that first one.
How do you even hold it, and where does the liquid pour out?
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-03 15:21:13 UTC
in model disappearing Post #275132
What are all those yellow textures?

Anyway this is definitely a vis problem, probably having to do with the leafs.
At some point when you change altitude the game is rendering a different leaf that doesn't include your tree. Why it's happening when you're higher than the tree, I don't know. That doesn't make sense.

It's also possible that a vis leaf error is causing too much to be rendered, and is cutting out the tree model because it can't render any more entities. Though this is highly unlikely considering the low number of entities I see in your screenshot. Check anyway by using "developer 1" in the console, and check for a long stream of error messages saying that too many entities are onscreen.

Things I would try, if you haven't tried them already:
-Run a full vis compile first and foremost if you aren't already and make sure simply running full doesn't fix it. Or if you've been running full the whole time, try normal or fast to see if anything changes.
-Move the tree slightly up or slightly down.
-Change vis leaf size to be higher or lower.

On an unrelated note: you should replace the clip brush there with a transparent func_wall so that you can't shoot through the tree.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-01 15:43:25 UTC
in Coastline Sky texture ? Post #275076
I was about to recommend the old-but-still-completely-awesome Wadfather website, but when I went to grab you a link I discovered that the Wadfather has finally shut down.
Well that's a shame.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-01 01:01:51 UTC
in Desktops of November Post #275053
It's an hour into the first day of November. Let's get this party started.
User posted image
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-01 00:45:08 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #275050
Juno Reactor - Samurai after having discovered the "Beyond the Infinite" album.

By the way, can someone could tell me what Juno Reactor's "Magnetic" has been used in? The refrain at 2:35 and on sounds very, very, very familiar, and I can't put my finger on it but I swear to God I've heard it before.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-31 18:59:44 UTC
in Clipping Post #275040
No, you're fine.
It's quite common for displacements to clip through other brushes.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-31 17:00:14 UTC
in Pumpkin Carving! Post #275035
User posted image
I'm not funny.

User posted image
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-31 14:20:09 UTC
in Is this totally win or what? Post #275024
Video playback in Goldsrc?
Is this a spirit mod?
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-29 20:02:06 UTC
in How do you know when to leave a clan? Post #274973
They don't deserve a PC anyway. Fucktards.
Let's cleanse them.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-29 19:55:10 UTC
in How do you know when to leave a clan? Post #274970
Come to think of it, I don't even see a reason to use sentient computers for performing any of the tasks we use PCs for.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-29 19:23:43 UTC
in How do you know when to leave a clan? Post #274965
To build on my last post, even when [if?] we build sentient machines, I don't think killing a video game character would be immoral. The game itself isn't sentient, just the machine it's run on. Like killing someone in your own imagination.

Of course, if you use a super powerful computer to build sentient programs, it gets blurry because really you can just recreate the exact same program. Sure it literally lives, but if you kill it you can still remake an exact copy. Whether or not it's immoral to kill something that can be recreated in its entirety is up to you.
And then there's the issue of playing god because the super computer is essentially they're own little universe. There's a whole mess of ethical issues that arise.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-29 19:07:01 UTC
in How do you know when to leave a clan? Post #274962
No. No. No. And no on that last one.
Not until computers themselves are advanced enough to be considered sentient.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-29 18:37:18 UTC
in How do you know when to leave a clan? Post #274958
Well, I know for sure there are at least two people on TWHL. Me and someone else.
You forgot me.

Because I'D know.
Not a valid answer to "how do I know you aren't the same person as everyone else?"

This thread is now about the quantum observer.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-29 13:08:57 UTC
in Last movie you saw? Post #274936
Saw Adventureland on Teusday. It had it's moments, but ultimately it was ultimately a lame "nerd gets girl" story, which wasn't what I expected at all. It turned out to be more of a romantic comedy than anything else.
5/10 - will not see again.

Next up on my list, Pisma myortvogo cheloveka!
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-29 12:58:13 UTC
in How do you know when to leave a clan? Post #274935
What, are we 4chan now?
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-28 16:40:46 UTC
in The "Official" Competition 27 Post #274913
Map a girlfriend. :D
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-27 22:04:16 UTC
in How do you know when to leave a clan? Post #274882
3 of my friends and I co-founded a CS clan a few years ago called "IV." and we all dropped off the face of the clan about 2 years later.
Long story short, the clan degraded into nothing but wiggers over the years. Somewhere down the line, one of our more high admins, who also happened to be a big ICP fan but a generally cool guy anyway, decided to start recruiting little wigger pricks to keep our numbers high.
As the older members left, there got to be more of these little gangstas than the powers that be cared to keep in a cage and it would have killed the entire clan to just kick them out. So the people who who shared the original clan's ideals lost interest and eventually we just stopped paying for our servers all together.

That was probably totally irrelevant. It's better that you left. You don't like them, they don't like you-- everyone is better off. To be honest, the chat log makes you look like the dick. And nobody wants to hear that, but hey. You looked like the dick.

Edit: And Eric, if you catch this, it was all fucking Josh's fault.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-26 14:29:50 UTC
in Jelly Bellies Post #274843
Bott's beans are a just gimmick for fans, aren't they?
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-26 00:18:33 UTC
in Problems in hammer... Post #274832
Oh, right. Sorry.
They used to come with Hammer, but haven't been included since 3.3 (3.4?).

You'll want to use Zoner's compile tools (aka ZHLT).
Download them here:

Edit: Ninja'd by a penguin.
Note that the current version of ZHLT also being the previous version of Hammer is purely a coincidence.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-25 23:27:53 UTC
in Problems in hammer... Post #274828
Use Hammer 3.5 instead of Hammer 4.x

Hammer 4 was built for Source mapping. It's possible to do Goldsrc mapping on it, but it's really complicated and there are known issues. 3.5 was the last build for Goldsrc, and runs independent of Steam.

Also, Hammer 4 doesn't render textures from WADs.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-25 22:46:13 UTC
in Problems in hammer... Post #274826
As an ERROR model? You aren't using Hammer 4, are you?
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-25 19:17:36 UTC
in Jelly Bellies Post #274820
I'm eating Jelly Bellies right now-- those random little jelly beans. They're tasty, save the god damn tutti frutti ones.

Peach has been my favorite flavor since I was a young lad with french vanilla coming in a close second.
What's your's?
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-25 15:50:07 UTC
in New L4D2 trailer Post #274817
I just found this video from the Hard Rain campaign. I didn't know anything about this campaign but it looks really, really cool.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-24 22:37:57 UTC
in New L4D2 trailer Post #274799
Yeah, there's common, uncommon (map-specific with special features), special (6 of them unless they reveal a 7th), and tank+witch.
Jockey should be fun in VS.
Posted 14 years ago2009-10-24 22:29:16 UTC
in New L4D2 trailer Post #274797
Click screencap to view. It's ~3 minutes.
User posted image

I expect this to be on Steam soon enough.

I'm not going to lie, with all the new crap Valve has been showing off (actual ingame features, that is), Left 4 Dead 2 is looking pretty fucking awesome-- A lot better than the original (though I still feel the original characters were leagues better than these new guys). I just wish I knew this was coming from the beginning. The only thing keeping me on the fence about buying it at this point is that I already spent $45 on the original.

Edit: And fuck, whatever happened to the L4D SDK anyway?!