Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 08:44:17 UTC
in aim_mp5 for cs-s Post #88948
...they're just boring and crap, full stop.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 08:42:26 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #88947
and do we have a website yet., but we really need one fast, I'll ask around...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 19:37:21 UTC
in Where ya from? how old r ya? Post #88821
Then you must be a shape-shifter :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 18:31:38 UTC
in Videogame Urban Legend - Polybius Post #88811
Polybius was a vector style maze game that players navigated by using the old Wico knob type controllers. A few sites have credited the guy who created Battle Zone as the guy who created the game for Atari. (Actually Atari doesn't credit anyone with the game, but it adds a sinister element to the myth that this game came out at about the same time that Atari was commissioned to tweak Battle Zone to simulate the U.S. Military's experimental Bradley tank)

Atari test marketed the game in Portland suburbs of Beaverton and Hillsboro. As a joke, Atari used the pseudonymous "Sinnesloschen" during the beta phase, a reference to long nights of coding without sleep and lots of Heineken. Atari cut the beta phase short after several complaints that the rotating mazes and flashing backgrounds made players disoriented and nauseous. Vertigo and photosensitive seizures were probably the main culprits in the game not being released officially.

The game looks like a prototype for Tempest. In comparison, Tempest is more streamlined than Polybius, and not nearly as noisy. The knob controls left and right movement while engine physics controls "down" movement, gravity is a key element in making choices to get through a screen. Once you go down, you don't go back up, if you get trapped, you start back at the beginning of the level. The strategy is in avoiding booby traps and dead ends while the screen flashes, making it difficult to see where you're going.

Supposedly there's a working model of Polybius at a gaming supply place in Nevada. I've also heard that another model made its way down to Houston...NASA of all places (which might be another explaination for the "Techs In Black" rumors surrounding the game.) - Some guy called Cameron
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 18:30:25 UTC
in Where ya from? how old r ya? Post #88810
I'm still a teen, I'm 19 at the moment but in April I will be 20 :P
  • I live in the UK btw
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 18:10:49 UTC
in Videogame Urban Legend - Polybius Post #88799
Well, I've done a little research about this and I heard from one source that Polybius was the name of the original prototype for a classic arcade game called 'Tempest'. You can download Tempest quite easily by doing a search for it in Google.

Polybius is considered to be an abstract puzzle game, and from the screens I've seen of Tempest, this may be so.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 17:41:15 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #88790
Can we make it so that when you play our mod you get amnesia and wake up in the middle of the night screaming?

And can we also hire a bunch of guys in black coats to come and check the mod's records to see how it was played?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 17:38:23 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #88789 has something to do with Polybius
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 17:36:40 UTC
in Videogame Urban Legend - Polybius Post #88788
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 16:25:14 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #88771
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 15:49:14 UTC
in Wackiest Warning Label Awards Post #88752
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 15:47:37 UTC
in Videogame Urban Legend - Polybius Post #88750
by Michael Thomasson

We have all heard a tale or two that was simply too impossible to believe - and then we frighteningly learn the truth...

An urban legend is a tale of contemporary folklore that purports to be true and is often designed to elicit an emotional response. It is an assertion or set of assertions widely repeated from individual to individual, though its truth is unconfirmed.

In most civilizations of the world, folklore has always existed in conjunction with, or in place of, recorded history. Where history is passionate with accurately writing down the details of events, traditional folklore is characterized by the "oral tradition," the dispatching of stories by word of mouth.
Unlike mythology, these accounts are about real people in believable situations. Just as with modern legends, old folk tales often focus on the things a culture found alarming. Countless of the "fairy tales" we hear today originated as credible stories. In place of warning against gang wars and child abductors, these stories expressed the dangers of the forest or other local phenomenon. In early European times, the arcane woods were a mysterious place to citizens, and there were indeed creatures that might attack one in such locales. Even today we share many common fears with our ancestors. The fear of food contamination is clear in Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and still a worry to some today.

Urban legends are often false, but that is not always the case. A small amount turn out to be largely true, and several of them were inspired by an actual event but evolved over time into something portrayed differently. More often than not, the original source is usually not able to be located or identified. However, we present to you Polybius...

Polybius: Only known screenshot

Polybius was a puzzle game that had a very limited release, reportededly restricted to less than a dozen arcades in a small Portland suburb. The games history is hazy. Reports indicate that children that played Polybius could no longer remember common and basic information critical to their lifestyle such as how to find their home or even recall their own name. It is unknown if these effects of amnesia were permanent. It is known that those that played the program were victims of unbearable nightmares often waking up at night screaming in fear.

One of the previous arcade operators vows that gentlemen dressed in black coats would periodically come to retrieve play statistics and other records from the coin-op. The mysterious collectors failed to take the coin earnings, nor did they seem interested in or recognize any monetary potential that is usually associated with such devices.

Supposedly it is rumored to have been developed by some kind of uncanny military tech offshoot organization. It was said to have some kind of proprietary behavior modification algorithms developed for the CIA or other other secretive outfit.

The game itself is very abstract in design with fast action and puzzle elements. While the kids that played Polybius refrained from playing other videogames aftwerwards, one in particular became a big anti-videogame advocate. We have contacted an individual that knows him, and he claims that the Polybius machines were removed from arcade premesis within a period of four to six weeks. For over twenty years all has been silent concerning polybius until the ROM recently appeared. Our source regrets mentioning his involvement, and claims that our hobby is not his hobby, and wishes to wash his hands of the entire story.

Do you accept what GDG has confirmation about Polybius or do you believe that it is simply modern folklore, contemporary legend and cautionary tale? If you know of any additional information concerning Polybius, please contact us immediately!
From A Tool Newsletter dated 'SEPTEMBER 2003' E.V.

My interest in this vintage arcade game came from an email I received a couple of months ago. It began: "Dear Blair, I don't know if you're big on video games and such, but I thought this article would be of interest to you." The e-mailer then copied an article about Polybius which was posted on the site which reads: "GAME SUMMERY: We need information. GAME DETAILS: This game had a very limited release, one or two backwater arcades in a suburb of Portland. The history of this game is cloudy, there were all kinds of strange stories about how kids who played it got amnesia afterwards, couldn't remember their name or where they lived, etc.

(The bizarre rumors about this game are that it was supposedly developed by some kind of weird military tech offshoot group, used some kind of proprietary behavior modification algorithms developed for the CIA or something, kids who played it woke up at night screaming, having horrible nightmares. According to an operator who ran an arcade with one of these games, guys in black coats would come to collect "records" from the machines. They're not interested in quarters or anything, they just collected information about how the game was played. The game was weird looking, kind of abstract, fast action with some puzzle elements, the kids who played it stopped playing games entirely, one of them became a big anti videogame crusader or something. We've contacted one person who met him, and he claims the machines disappeared after a month or so and no one ever heard about them again. Until the ROM showed up. Here's what we've found so far: Found English strings "insert coin" and "press 1 player start" and "only" - looks like a 1 or 2 player game. Text in the game says "(c) 1981 Sinnesloschen." Maybe a German company. If anyone has heard any additional information about this game, we'd appreciate hearing about it."

(NOTE: Evidently the game is listed in some catalogs, though it is always listed as unavailable. Also, a title screen shot seems to exist, but this could easily have been faked or created by Photoshop. Also, I've read that there is a possible Soviet origin to the game).

In doing some research on my own, and reading the various comments posted by readers of the site, it is evident that, even if Polybius is just an urban legend or film promo, the whole thing nevertheless still contains elements of our old friends from The Nation of The Third Eye. Yep, that's right folks - those constructs of dark-matter, the MIBS. According to what I've read on the coinop site and elsewhere, the name Sinneschlossen is German for"senses-deleting" , "loss of senses" or even "senseless." Might the word "senseless" be a phonetic pun for 'cents-less?' If so, then this brings to mind the classic stories of the MIBs who threaten UFO experiencers by putting a coin in the palm of their hand and making it seemingly vanish into thin air before telling the witness that the same thing will happen to their heart if they don't keep silent on the subject. (NOTE: In a Tool newsletter from a couple of years ago [May 2002 I believe it was] I recounted the story of my one possible experience with an MIB while standing in line in a local Burger King restaurant. The strangely dressed man [he was wearing a black suit with a homburg-style hat], who seemed to be extremely confused as to whether or not a 'Whopper' was a hamburger as he understood hamburgers to be, paid for it [after standing at the counter for what seemed like an eternity] with five brand new-looking silver dollars, turning to me before they 'disappeared' [presumably into the cash register] and saying something to the effect that where he came from [a different time?] a hamburger wouldn't have cost near as much).

With this possible MIB connection in mind, it was amusing to read the comments of one person who claimed to have a Polybius game until a strange man came to buy it - even though the owner hadn't advertised it as being for sale! "They just came to me and wanted it very badly."

This (as well as other cliches and colloquialisms associated with the Polybius arcade game) should be very familiar to anyone who has studied the MIB phenomenon where the victims allow strangers into their homes and give them their valuable evidence (photos, etc.) but only days later wonder whatcompelled them to do so.

If a Polybius isn't a many-eyed monster (moon-star?) from Greek mythology, then he was a ancient Greek historian who among other things made the first mention of Thule (see the interview with Danny Carey in Dagobert's Revenge VOLUME 4, NO. 2 for a possible connection between the mystical Thule of ancient geography and the name of the band TOOL). Also see: THULIUM, rare-earth metallic element whose atomic number is 69.

Interestingly enough, Polybius also developed a Greek method of cryptography which substitutes numbers for letters - known as the Polybius Square or Checkerboard (a 5x5 grid of letters in which letters are represented by a two digit number - decryption consists of mapping the digit pairs back into the corresponding letters). For example:

T = 44

O = 43

O = 43

L = 13

Recall, that the arcade game was supposed to have certain puzzle elements.

But Polybius also wrote about something called anacyclosis, meaning internal decay of government or how democracy turns into tyranny:

"For who is so worthless or indolent as not to wish to know by what means and under what system of polity the Romans in less than 53 years have succeeded in subjecting nearly the whole inhabited world to their sole government, a thing unique in history (?)"
  • Polybius


(for more information see Polybius and the Founding Fathers on the Internet)... However, "if you value your health, welfare and sanity, you must not reportthis matter to anybody."

On a personal note, it's strange but I just can't remember if I played Polybius or not while in Gresham, Oregon in 1981. Since that time, I sometimes sufferfrom bouts of amnesia, and I still have nightmares of the place...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 15:33:02 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #88747
The one below on the picture is pretty fit ;)

...only thing is dude, alchopops...why?
  • = Beer! = -
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 15:29:42 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #88745
...bastard :roll:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 15:26:45 UTC
in Wackiest Warning Label Awards Post #88743
In the same vain as the previous thread posted; these are the winners of the M-LAW competition for wackiest warning label of the year,
posted at New

1st Prize
Do Not Use For Personal Hygiene
- on a toilet brush

2nd Prize
This Product Moves When Used
- on a child's scooter

Previous Winners have included:

Remove Child Before Folding
- on a baby buggy

Once Used Rectally, Thermometer Should Not Be Used Orally
- on a digital thermometer

Never Remove Food Or Other Items From
The Blades While The Product Is Operating

- on an electric hand blender

Harmful If Swallowed
- on a three-pronged brass fishing lure.

Do Not Use This Product As A Toy, Pillow, Or Flotation Device
- on a bag of air used as a packing material

Do Not Use As A Ladder
- on a 30cm tall CD rack

Never Iron Clothes While They Are Being Worn
- on a household iron

Do Not Use The 'Silence Feature'
In Emergency Situations. It Will Not Extinguish A Fire

- on a smoke detector

Do Not Eat Toner
- on a laser printer cartridge

And on a pair of cyclist's shin guards
- Shin Pads Cannot Protect Any Part Of The Body
They Do Not Cover
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 11:58:11 UTC
in Fog doesnt work Post #88707
Fog does work in Spirit. Make sure the start on flag is checked :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 09:46:38 UTC
in Bushism Post #88694
Dajuppi, you must have seen everything that ever existed a million times because you always say everything is 'old' :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 09:45:02 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #88693
Wow :P , man, who should be so lucky...
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 09:28:02 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #88690
Are there any female characters? Like a female sniper, maybe of the Upper Hand...? :

...Not that it matters and all, but I was just wondering... :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-06 15:05:00 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #88557
That sounds pretty f****g cool M_garg!

I like the way it is the intention of the Combine - this gives good reason as to why the whole project is so cruel!

Those TV screens will look cool aswell!
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-06 13:03:26 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #88542
Sorry to keep posting but look at this, 'The Globalist' ( )

Count how many times the term 'global society of states' is mentioned and also praised. Notice how they portray anyone who disagrees with a 'global society of states' as abnormal.

I've never read such utter trash, pro-new world order rubbish in my life. It's sickos like this bunch who want us all to be put in forced labour camps with the millitary making sure we don't complain.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-06 12:20:58 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #88537
...I mean just look at what I've just found here, this is a CNN article 'Microchip implants may save lives one day'.

Also, look at this if you thought I was making it up, 'Lego: World City Police & Rescue'.
Take the criminals by surprise!

Stopping crime in World City is easy with a fully equipped Undercover Van and Police 4WD. The undercover policeman catches the crooks in the act from his van, and then the 4WD swoops in to arrest them! Includes 2 vehicles, 2 mini-figures, and accessories.
( )
When the 10-wheeler Surveillance Truck is on the scene, you know the police are on the job! Includes two police agent mini-figures.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-06 12:01:23 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #88534
Yeah you're absolutely right. But you can understand how much it hurts to see people totally unaware of the tyranny constantly being unfolded. It makes me physically sick to see people so blindfolded by the propoganda they see on CNN and all over the place. Even in toystores they sell lego 'surveillance vans that can spy into the bad guy's homes', police action figures with evil snarling grins, and I wish this wasn't true but unfortunately it is and it is happening today and will continue till the point that we are all given grey jumpsuits (Brave New World-like; already in future global governance proposals) forced vaccination (race Specific Bioweaponry that they will release and tell us that the only way to stop the epidemic is to be vaccinated and chipped and do as we are told and support a global governance because it will save us from the evil), implantable microchips to track our every move and to quote 'fight terrorism', forced detainment in compact cities (already set up in America incase of a code red emergency which they can easily trigger off by creating more problem-reaction-solution), seperation from our families, torture or death (torture is now quote 'a good way of extracting information') if we disagree with what the governments doing, it's just terrible. It's like a new Nazi Germany we are heading towards and it has to stop. I'm not gonna just sit and nod my head I'm gonna be informed and if possible inform others about this.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-06 10:33:40 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #88522
i'm listening to silence now, cuz i have a hangover
...hell, join the club. :roll:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-06 10:29:36 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #88521
Kasberg, theres not even a point in wasting your time with this idiot. I'd would take hundreds of years to wake this guy up. His compartmentalised brain cannot withstand the truth that our government is a lying, c***sucking, murdering, corporate fascist piece of s**t that got away with killing the people that they rule. He's one of these yuppies that thinks that agreeing with government policy and not questioning it will get him a pat on the back - well it doesnt. Wake up fool.

Typical pro-establishment anti-human being American who lives in fairytale land dictated by the nonsense of mainstream media and propoganda.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 12:12:00 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #88116
Very true.

Operation Free Iraqis?
  • Operation Free Iraqi Oil and Conquer The Middle East
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 11:41:16 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #88111
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 11:35:05 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #88110
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 11:25:14 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #88108
Are you a Spanish citizen? If so, you Spanish murdered, tortured, and enslaved millions of Indians in both South and North America. Try reading a non-Spanish account of what you people did to the Indians, you will find that you "mixed" with a very tiny proportion compared to those you exterminated.
Yes I'm sure Kasberg is capable of such horrors....idiot.

Unknown, your ignorance is laughable. You believe the official line of events which are more paranormal than any UFO sighting, ever!

There is no evidence to back the official line of events. The official line of events are sloppy, full of errors, and proveably false. And if you say well there is no evidence to show that 9/11 was an engineered event then your oppinon is based on your own refusal to believe that the government is capable of such horrors.

I firmly believe that the motive for the orchistration of 9/11 was to enforce the new anti-terror laws and martial law. (If you cannot see there is a police state then you are blind or foolish).

The Patriot Act is responsible for the loss of basic human rights in America and all throughout the controversial measures to 'protect' citizens from terrorism are terrorising human rights.

The Domestic Security Enhancement Act (as if the first Patriot Act wasnt enough) came about after 9/11 and so did the Homeland Security (which by the way allows for the power to arrest anyone who sells a 'Rubix Cube' copy in their toystore and taser elderly people, children and guys in wheelchairs who need to be 'detained'.)

(By the way, normal citizens who cause any act of crime which supposedly endangers the lives of others, such as smoking weed, can lead to terrorist allegations.)

If you want to agree with all the neocons Unknown Genious and refuse to believe that our rights and civil libeties were removes as a result of an engineered terrorist attack then so be it. But people are evolving and realising that we are basically being pissed all over by the government, and evolution does not stop at two thumbs by the way. Incase you didnt know.

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 10:49:59 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #88107
m_garg, are you sure the zombies should be the VALVe type zombies?

You see I was thinking, if we want this to have that classic zombie feel we need to have new monster models that resemble civilians who have been infected. Resident Evil style zombies? Also, we could have infected combine soldiers as well to blend in with the rest of the hordes of zombies. (Plus, because they have some armour they could be alot more difficult to shoot).

Also, the thing about HL zombies is that they attack with their claws in that swiping fashion. I don't think that should be the way it goes, I think they should be trying to grab hold of you to devour you (as zombies would normally). If all they did was just try and claw you it wouldn;t be as shocking. Imagine if you run into a narrow tunnel, the thrill of trying to escape a large crowd of zombies trying to grab you and eat you would be great. Normal zombies would just be standing their clawing at you...

Another thing is, the deliberate zombie infestation was already part of HL? so if in our mod their was a deliberate HL? zombie infestation it wouldnt be very different. You see in our mod the infestation was part of an epidemic and in HL the zombies were made by headcrabs.

(Edit:...we could even have both normal hl zombies mixed with the new infected civilian zombies? Just an idea...)

We need to give that feel of wild groups of derranged, hungry, desperate, decaying civilians roaming the streets looking for a victim to devour. In the streets would be burned out cars etc and tons of rubbish and clutter etc. (Looting)

P.s. Are you sure desert? ...It is an urban environment?:

And Habboi, I do not dislike you* and I suppose, if you are sensible, we could find some jobs for you, but only if you act maturely and do not harass any of the members of the group...

Rabid, definately join, nuff said :P

...And Trapt, we could use your horror skills! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 12:10:41 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #87943
Hehe just listening to that track for the first time in ages

np: Tenor Saw and Nitty Gritty - Power House presents
Power House - LP
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 11:41:43 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #87941
Snoop Doggy Dogg & Dr. Dre - Ain't Nothing But A G Thang
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 11:21:32 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #87937
America, a superpower, will eventually crumble. In order or the New World order to emerge their cannot be a superpower along side the One World Government. There will be a new depression in America, the economy will crumble.

Oil companies are not going to rule the world. The centre of global operations is actually Europe, some say the old City of London, others say Belgium. Alot of preople think that America is running the New World order, thats incorrect, it is the major European bloodlines who control. (The Rothschilds etc). This is also true of The Skull and Bones who were founded in Germany. The logo of the skull and Bones was used on the Nazi sturmtruppe uniform. Both Bush and Kerry are members of the Skull And Bones and their is no doubt that the organisation has a big influence on the New World Order.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 11:10:57 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #87930
Bill Bailey's pretty funny :)

....ugh! 'Weezer?' :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 11:07:48 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #87929
decaying civilians
...for isnstance, the zombies could resemble the corpses you saw in HL?, bloody clothes maybe some with zombie attack wounds from when they were attacked... It'd be cool if you could have some with missing jawbones! (and general missing body stuff!)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 11:03:28 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #87928
That was excellent!

Really good sequence of events.

First of all, should we make the look slightly different, i.e. use different looking combine soldiers (altered skins or models) to give the mod a sepertae feel to City 17? And when we have zombies can we have them so that they look like decaying civilians (the civilians in city 17)?

Also, maybe we could introduce different gunships etc, maybe different skins or whatever...

And one more thing, perhaps the Upper Hand could look similar to the outlaws in that old hl mod, 'gunman'? I mean, not exactly similar but kind of. We could give them that 'makeshift' feel as if everything they built is making use of their surroundings. Everything looks rusty but cleverly built. Like the sentry guns that guard the UH Compound could look as if built using found equipment etc...

The whole city is pretty much a scrapheap of debrie, broken cars, rubbish in the streets, random junk strewn around all over the place to give that deserted feel.... :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 15:41:47 UTC
in Texturers. Lookin' for 'em. Post #87777
lol ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 15:40:23 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #87775
Yeah, and there was that meeting of officials scheduled in the WTC on september the 11th where they were all told that the meeting was cancelled and their flights were cancelled on that day. Security officers were also told not to turn up on the day.

The pentagon was 'supposedly' hit by a Boeing 747 yet photographic evidence concludes that there are no remains of any aircraft. (The pentagon was targeted by a missile and that missile struck an area on the opposite side to where Aschrofts headquaters were - they wouldnt want to kill the guys part of the agenda). Also, the Pentagon is protected by anti-missile batteries which will target any unauthorised aircraft in the area. These defence systems were conveniately disabled on that day.

There was also the 'super passport' found in the wreckage of the two towers which conveniantly managed to remain intact and aslo belong to one of the hijackers. One of the hijackers also left his luggage with all his details in the airport (as hijackers who are about to fly a plane into a building tend to).

There's also operation Northwoods, another smoking gun, which was a stimulation of an 'an attack using a plane flying into a tall building'.

Theres so much evidence clearly indicating a deliberate government involvement.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 15:17:30 UTC
in Questions I Wish More People Ask Post #87760
Yeah, let me just make this point clear:

The government was involved in 9/11.

There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that a reasonable criminal investigation should occur because the grounds to which the 'official' strory is based is highly suspicious and the motives for such an involvement are now becoming clear.

A recent CNN poll shows that 89% believe US Government is covering up 9/11 and a Zogbie poll shows that 50% of New Yorkers believe government complicity in 9/11.
The 9/11 operation was so sloppily carried out that Globalist fingerprints are all over it. The more people we wake up, the less legitimacy their parallel system of unconstitutional government has. When it loses all its legitimacy the game is over for them.

The change will come quickly once the weight of their own tyranny collapses their entire framework of evil.

Those that previously had unwittingly carried out their policies, the enforcers, will turn and join with humanity. Police, military, science, academia.

After all, how do you have a war when nobody turns up?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 11:17:29 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #87717
If we could have a site that looked like the following, that woud be pretty decent :P

Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 10:01:41 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #87712
Cool, nice one.

Yeah, a nice sophisticated sight to draw attention ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 09:26:45 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #87704
If you believe that George Bush planned 9/11 so he could get 4 more years in office, that's your right. Some people believe in the Lochness monster, bigfoot, and that Elvis is still alive. I personally do not believe anything until I've seen indesputable proof concerning it, not just speculation
Comparing the Lochness monster and Bigfoot to something of such magnitude is deeply isulting. How dare you rubbish off the facts, evidence and unaswered questions concerning Bush's 9/11 agenda. If you believe the official garbage they tell you about what happened on that day then you are likely to be more prone to paranormal beliefs.

It is not ridiculous to suggest that the event was planned. Scientific and logic-based investigation shows that the offcial line of events that day are totally ludicrous. Before you make cutting accusations of eccentric thinking and so on, I suggest you go and read for yourself the enqiries into the 9/11 disaster and see just how ridiculous the whole official story is. If you want to carry on believing their nonsense about 'hijackers' (most of which the FBI said were hijackers have been spotted alive in places such as Morocco) then that's fine, but in a few years time the official explanation will be over-ruled. Ashcroft, Bush and all the rest of them should be charged for war crimes and exploitation in order to remove basic human rights.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 09:03:05 UTC
in Texturers. Lookin' for 'em. Post #87693
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 18:13:54 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #87544
np: The Birds - Bird Flu
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 17:53:32 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #87539
I cannot believe the shear amount of pages in this thread!
Look how many times it has been viewed!

Anyway. First things first.

We need a website!

If we are going to be serious about this thing we need a decent website where we can relay information and recruit more members. In our site we need to have a decent forum where we can talk about this thing in a lot more detail.

This is a kind of mod that needs high standards! Seriously.

I'm glad you've set up the storyline garg, we have a structure to work with now. I cant wait to read it.

Honestly, this mod should piss all over the other 'zombie' style mods that are up and running. Especially as it's not just the worry of being eaten alive bu the worry of being killed and hunted down by rival gangs or the mysterious Upper Hand group underground. - If indeed you included the Upper Hand, I'm not sure.

Let's not not do anything with this mod and start something real decent here!
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 14:55:12 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #87491
God I dont like Sean Paul :|
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 08:51:44 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #87434
yeah man :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 19:12:42 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #87382
k sure.

...Will there be an old, abandonned, ruined power plant swamped in a thick layer of mud, ooze and oil. And the skeletons of dead trees?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 17:40:26 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #87361
Wow, thats good of you to write the story. Excellent.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 16:10:47 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #87318
God, is there anybody who doesn't like the Eels on this board?