Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 12:55:23 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #148618
Im taking Kasperg up on his sugustion and makeing a thread to discuss to a degree, what you are mapping now. and to make sure this doesn't devolve into spam. I will request that you add screens, talk about your map, give us some detail. tell us what the map is about, what theme it is.

Ill start by saying that im working on my part of Half-life: Hostage Situation, you can see the thread for that.

But, when Mapping for that gets a little dull, I put a bit of time into my first DM map. a little fort on a beach, very yellowie
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 12:46:55 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148610
4 days left to post it for my vacation
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 12:13:23 UTC
in help with map Post #148597
looks to me like you havn't set it up correctly. check the Setting up hammer Tutorial we have, then make sure your directorys are all right
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 23:16:32 UTC
in any1 like to share ur opinion Post #148516
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 21:48:17 UTC
in New Hammer SDK Beta Post #148508
O, I was hopeing for a second this was a non-steam version of the SDK.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 21:11:01 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #148505
mine still need some lighting a scripting, then the big compile. and thats about it for my beta. its technically very close to playable, so if I put about 1hour + comile you can beta text it without some of the nicer scripted parts of it.

then I have to work on the ending map, which is camera and sweetness. And for that ill need a little bit of map from everyone, Something that doesn't have huge sight lines and nothing huge. Like Unb can send a small bit of Barneys apartment, Muzzle, you could send a hallway, hunter, maybe that room with the broken walkway. where all are comps are. Just has to be easily closed off from the outside world.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 20:59:47 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148501
*rubs hands together.

Im on vactaion as of now. so posting it by the end of the week would be great
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 08:32:46 UTC
in a bsp stays unlit why? Post #148317
if its full black you have no lights and/or a leak and the old tools. if its the same brightness everywhere its full bright and you have a leak.

for one, make sure you have Zoners Compile tools. And then make sure Hammer is set up right. And finally, make sure you have a light entity, or if you know how to use them, a texture light in your map.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 01:19:51 UTC
in Wouldnt ns make an awsome movie, Post #148299
whatever you say luke
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-21 22:57:32 UTC
in unwanted lighting problem... Post #148296
I would sujust trying different textures. and maybe the color of the light
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-21 22:31:17 UTC
in Wouldnt ns make an awsome movie, Post #148294
less military against freeman in a HL movie would fix it. plus the Hev suit is supposed to armour him.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-21 00:51:36 UTC
in Wouldnt ns make an awsome movie, Post #148170
I would riot if that went to a bad director
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-21 00:29:01 UTC
in any1 like to share ur opinion Post #148167
I might buy it just to support valve, and to bring to lan parties, because we all know gaming in Lan is far supiror to any other form of multiplayer competition.

there is some sort of muliplayer right? I wouldn't think valve stupid enough to not use X-box live. since most people would by the game for single and muliplayer, and not if it were just single
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-21 00:24:03 UTC
in Wouldnt ns make an awsome movie, Post #148165
if done well, yes. anything done well is a good movie.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-21 00:12:36 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148164
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-20 23:55:54 UTC
in Half-Life: Uplink Extended Post #148161
goody, that was what I was waiting for.

it looks good so far
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-20 05:05:45 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148058
please get it up by wensday. I have that day off.

and im extatic about the map from base thing
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-20 04:59:38 UTC
in Brand of toothpaste you are using now... Post #148057
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-20 04:16:48 UTC
in Half-Life: Uplink Extended Post #148055
O common, I open this thread hoping for your announcement that you finished, and all I get is screens of level 2

They do look great though. and the one in the vault plays well
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 19:56:18 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #148033
pepper, your jokes at making yourself look bad at modeling mean nothing because your so good.


your still the best modeler here
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 19:52:34 UTC
in Book your reading currently Post #148029
Eargon movie? damn hollywood to hell.

the accuall names of those books are "the Golden Compass", "The Subtle Knife", and "The Amber Spyglass"

those are good books too
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 19:49:07 UTC
in Now Playing (game) Post #148028
X:Com - UFO defense
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 19:46:20 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #148027
ya, we just need the model before Mid december im guessing, and the earlier you get it to us pepper, the earlier Muzz can start complaining about how hard its going to be to code.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 19:38:12 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148025
i like the idea of
No one noticed what Asinth said, but, how about redoing the Black Mesa Inbound train scene. You dont have to make a modified clone of it, but a train ride would be a neat Idea... I liked all the goofy stuff you can see if you look closely.. I think this would make an excellent competition.
but with the original train drop off point being the base of the map. so id still be a map from base.

and for a source compo, I really see a good one being one in which the goal is to make on of those huge machinces to do something very simple. a Rube Goldberg device or something
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 19:31:55 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #148024
lol at that hunter.

come on people vote, and give me feedback if you got any to give.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 02:59:11 UTC
in Book your reading currently Post #147743
great book, I recomend it and its seqaul heavily.

that and Stephen Kings Dark Tower Series. which are my favorite books ever
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 02:58:20 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #147741
hmmm, didn't post the first time

but anyway, here it is. its one of those where the decision is just to give a break for both of us.

But without further banther before it, Here:

"How are all the guys we have on the coast." asked Tom

"Well, I think stable would be the right word for them" answered John. "New Little Odesa is fine, They were attacked by a gunship right after Freeman arived, he's got a steam roller following him it seems. luckily, one of our contacts had recently droped off a few rocket launchers their, Freeman got one and took out the gunship, then was on his way. Lighthouse point was almost destroyed, again Freeman was there to help out. and our base out side of Nova Prospeckt had an encounter with an ant lion matriarch, but there fine. Now about the rest of the news. Kaufman was..."

Just then two slow, blaring pulses of sound rang out.

"...Darn, that means there shuting the main power off for the night. How about I finish catching you guys up in the morning?" said John

"that will be fine" said Tom. "were not in a rush."

John got up from behind his desk and started heading for the door. Everyone followed him. As John walked by the command console that went around the length of the room he flicked a flashlight on, then off again, seeing as the power wasn't off just yet. Mark saw that there was a pile of flashlights on the console, since he noticed that Fitz and Dan had grabbed one, he did the same.

The accened another steep steel grate stairwell into a large, walled off area of the main complex. The walls themselves were only a story tall, leaving another two before the ceiling started. there were doors in the walls every 10 feet or so, and the wall was topped with a fence. Mark assumed that because there were boxes on the other side of that fence that there was flooring, and that there were separate rooms underneath.

The Buzzer rang again, this time with a single blair and not the double as it had been a minute ago.

"You guys have any food here?" Mark asked.

"Ya, we have a buffet of sorts just over there, there probably putting stuff away now, but you should be able to grab something." answered John.

"Thanks, I don't think ive eaten in a few days."

"O, and we store the extra cots up there" added Tom, pointing to the fence walled area above them, "so you can grab some sleep until we get you proper bunking in a day or so."

Marked walked throught the open slideing door nearest to the direction John had pointed him in. The food was easy to spot, there were a few tables with metal heating trays on them. Two men were cleaning things up, but they had a bit to go before they had it all packed for the night. So Mark walked up and started eating some of the chicken in one of the hot plates still on the tables. To him it was the best food he had ever had.

The buzzer went off again and the lights went out. mark saw dozens of lightbeams pop into existence as flashlights were turned on. A radio came on to, and had its volume quickly turned down. Mark grabbed and ate another piece of chicken then started back to the cot storage place. He realized he wasn't very tired though, even though he very little sleep since Todd and Lisa were killed in his apartment. But that seemed so long ago, weeks, months, years ago to him infact. He had seen so much in the last few dozen hours that he had almost changed completly from then. But Mark still felt as if he needed something.

Then it hit him, he felt like an idiot for an instant, pondering such things as he had been he realized he had forgotten that he needed to go to the bathroom. He walked past the stairway up to the cots and started looking for someone to ask. He saw a flashlight beam comming around the corner in front of him. A woman emerged, she looked to be around Marks age, either very late teens or very early twenties. She had tan skin, clearly of asian decent, Mark noticed that she had a very nice figure as well.

"Is there something I can help you with?" she asked

"O...sorry, I was lost in thought for a second..." said mark, almost startled at the realization that he had been stareing for a few seconds, the woman smirked, and Mark finished up his sentence, "...Do you know where the bathroom is?"

"I do, its right over there." she said, pointing to a wall from the direction she had come. Mark started walking toward it, still embarased with his quick lapse in concentration, when the woman spoke up again, "Your new here arn't you? why don't you join me in the loft, its a sight you should see." Mark turned and saw she was pointing to a building practicly built into the roof of the stucture, there were catwalks running there way up to it and some taller stuff around it on the ground floor. The woman started walking toward it, Mark hurried to the bathroom, finished up his business in there and went to the tower as well. He hurried along and was up the catwalk and at the building at the top in no time.

He opened the door into it and realized it wasn't a building at all. The entire roof section had been cut out here, at least a 50 foot long slab was gone. it was missing wall to floor, and a railing was present at the end where the ceiling and floor would have intersected to the left of him. A retractacable canopy made of the old roofing could be seen on the current roof of the complex, clearly to provide protection against both weather and combine Detection. Mark saw that there were some couches and chairs, along with a few tables in the room, which he finally decided should really be termed a balcony.

He heard a framiliar voice to the right, and saw that Josh, Tom and the woman that had invited him up here were all sitting on a couch against the wall with the door he had just come through.

"Mark, I see you have met Cap'n Jess here. Captain Jessica, this Is Corpral Mark." announced Josh.

"Corpral?" Mark asked, realizing that he really had never offically been a private, and wondering what had prompted such a promotion.

"You saw more today then most guys see in a week of heavy fighting, and you proformed...lets say corpal like, admirably if you want a more descriptive term."

"And with that promotion comes the slightly useful ability to make those masses in the rank slightly bellow you do slight bits of your bidding. A very usefull ability in some views." Joked Tom

"But fortuneatly for you, you have the added benefit of being able to come up here whenever you want. We normally don't keep the doors unlocked, this is kinda like a officers hideaway from the yearning, huddled masses below, but we like you enough to give you a key."

"Now why don't you sit down and take a good look at what kind of a view that key grants you. And we can do some talking if any of us feels like it."

Mark sat down on one of the Chairs. He saw a view that would have been very good in some ways, like a picture almost. It was an almost serene view of the city, slightly darkend as most of the lights were out by now. The Citedel lay in the middle of the view, Its Imposingness very pronounced by the distance between them and it. Mark followed its Asymetrical shape up, And saw the moon casting its light but a few degrees right of it, illuminating its side with a milky white glow.

"If that were human technology I would be very proud of Humans." commented Jessica, holding her had as if she was imagining holding it as you would a toy rocket.

A) Ask Jessica about her Past.

B) Ask Jessica how she got to be a captain at so young an age.

C) Ask the brothers how tall the citadell is.

D) Stay Quiet.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 01:34:46 UTC
in Book your reading currently Post #147732
Rereading "Eargon" after finishing "Eldest".

both Christopher Paolini. Eargon is the first book in the series, Eldest the next, the third and last book is still being written. Both are Excelent, but I dought you would understand Eldest if you read it first, to much plot.

another book Id recomend ins "Servent of the Relm" by Estavan Vega (sp). I live in the same town and go to the same school as him, and am very impressed with his first published book. he has another stand alone story in the works.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 21:26:14 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #147722
I personally would like to see this a a compo:

name: Once more with Feeling
Restrictions: the normal stuff
What you have to do: Pick and old compo and make an entry for it.

seeing as there are alot of ones I wanted to enter, but was unable to and/or not here for.

and if not that then something thats a Map from Base compo
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 21:03:56 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #147719
Unb, I assumed that is how you code a new weapon. As far as I know pepper knows this.

And It wouldn't techniclaly be called a replacement model, that would be just switching the models for the pistol with another model.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 17:48:31 UTC
in HL2 fucked. Post #147687
did you name it exactly as I said, aka ~steamapps

and if you want just steam download it from their website
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 17:45:11 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #147686
yay, a good word from URB. thats like God telling you something good. :biggrin:

next one should be up either tonight or sunday, because I will be unable to finish/post it friday + saturday due to lack of technology on crappy forced upon you school retreat.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 17:34:10 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #147683
well, plasma rifle seems out of place and hard to code.

I still think the mini14 is good though, seeing as the models half-done already and the code should mostly be cur and paste.

oh, right, hunter, I forgot to fix that for you, I remember seeing the problem, but getting caught up in school work. try remaking the door, and adding it to the MM, that should fix it if Muzz hasn't already, at least if I remember right.

Ive been really caught up with school work so all I have left is scripting mostly, then the massive compile.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-16 23:29:08 UTC
in Is it possible to teleport a grenade? Post #147528
you can get a scripted grenade to be teleported. but not one thrown by a grunt or player
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-16 22:54:48 UTC
in HL2 fucked. Post #147526
did you already reinstall windows?

if not I have a fix for you. rename SteamApps to ~SteamApps. and delete platform.gcf and client then let steam re make it self.

the only downside is that youll have to completly reinstaull half-life 2. but anyother non-source game you should be able to copy from ~SteamApps to the new(and empty) SteamApps folder
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-16 22:45:01 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #147525
I would say yes to a quick hazard cource. but what setting would you have it in? A little training cource in barneys basement with him walking you through everything?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-16 08:42:06 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #147373
anyway, what would you do with a model that has no code to go along it in everything but HS?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 22:59:45 UTC
in Like Airsoft? Post #147304
airsoft is more realistic then paintball, but paintball is still good for the bigger games. like the D-Day recreations and things like Castle Conquest
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 22:33:48 UTC
in Has Mapping Ruined Your Gaming? Post #147301
To me every level I see is now in level design terms. when I see a scripted event in any game I see with in milli-seconds the proper setup to do so in VHE. I get pissed with blatently bad level design and wonder who the mapper was that made such a gross error. I get pissed when I see stuff that I could have done when I started mapping.

so yes, gaming has lost some of its fun, until those events where I can't find a quick solution with my Game to Hammer conversion
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 22:23:47 UTC
in What You Guys Running? Post #147300
Make AP-PC (aka made by my "Computer building company"
CPU 2.4Ghz Intel P4
Ram 512MB P3200 Kingston HyperX ram w/ 5-3-3-7 timeings
Video Card Nvidia 6200 clocked to 370/525 from 350/500
HDD 160GB westen digital
PSU 500W X-Connect w/ uv cables
-Everything Else-Audigi 2 ZS sound card, a CD/DVD R/RW drive, A CD R/RW drive, and a CD R drive, Generic Lan and floppy, UV light, 9 total Fans, wireless keyboard and optical mouse,and 5.1 surround sound.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 12:39:39 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #147242
looking good so far pepper.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-14 19:13:01 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #147163
5 C's, 6 D's

sorry C people. But don't you already know what happend to BME, at least generally?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 13:15:14 UTC
in Prefab section Post #146965
yep, this site is still full of pointless unmoderated(to some degree) banter, and thats why we love it.

showcase section would be nice now that I think about it
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 02:44:58 UTC
in Y'ato's Past (RPG ADVENTURE #2) Post #146914

who ever wants to go can, just announce it here
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 02:43:52 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #146913
whats all this about duplicate posting?

and its leaning tward D, so the next vote may finalize it
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 14:48:53 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #146816
about the horibly formated one eairlyer, i just realized that I just looked at it and realized that I had copied it from notepad with wordwrap on. so sorry about that. but anyway, here you go with the next one

"I'll come" said Mark

"Me too." said Dan

"I'd come, but I should bring Fitz to their medics." said Amber

"Come on then" Tom told Mark and Dan

Josh and Tom started walking away, Dan and Mark followed. As they walked Mark saw that the large building that they were in was just a loading dock for an even larger building attached to it. as they walked past the many oversized doors to the main complex Josh stated telling them about this place, and the resistance's past.

"These complexs were part of the biggest industrial park in the city. It was abandoned though when things went south, the Portal storms started, creatures ported in everywhere, Buildings disipeared, world trade went to hell in a handbasket. The economy failed, resulting in a bad depression for a few months. Communication was hell, nothing in this world was ready for the EM spikes and the lightning. Then the Combine Universal Union came, and the seven hour war started. We might have stood a chance if the world had the ability to unite, but without communications that couldn't happen. Nukes couldn't be launched, militarys couldn't be mobilized fast enough. After the war every country had surrendered. But for 40 days you still had a huge amount of resistance, Gurrilla warfare all over the world. But every force was crushed. Then we formed up by uniteing those who still had fight left in them under the Black Mesa symbols, the BM icon, the lamda, Freemans name. Eli did a good job with this, He, Kliener, and Breen were supposedly the only 3 Major Scientists from Black Mesa who survived, and we all know which ways they went. Now, after a few years of resistance most of the Western European resistance is under the Black Mesa Flag. We have no clue what Asia, Africa, Austrialia, or any of the Americas are up to, all the A's. But here we formed our groups. Black Mesa East was built by the town of Ravenholm, which was 100% agaist the combine. Eli and most of the rest of our smart members went their to try to get a good base of opperations established, and to reconstruct a teleporter. the teleporter was supposedly to get Freeman from wherever all the vortigaunts came from, apperently Freeman went their and stoped the things that were enslaveing them. This means he saved a world from the Combine, and that is why everyone rallyed to his name. He's a Hero and Messiah to many. And he returned, without the help of Eli, which further made him an Icon. We got dozens of people contacting resistance members trying to join up the instant the news got out. They all hope he can save them, all hoping for a new, combineless, Life. I will admit that I hope for that too, but I don't belive one man is going to do it. Freeman maybe powerful, but Mr. Hev suit can't stop an army on his own. Which is why were all here. Now that he's back its inevitable that an uprising is going to start. and we have been preparing for it for years. And I feel bad for the hundreds of people who are going to lose their lifes within minutes of it stating, but I think that they know that too, and it is what amazes me about that image of freeman. This resistance is built on it, and has people willing to die for it, and these buildings have weapons to arm every person willing to fight for it. We have SMG's, pistols, snipers, pulse rifles, rocket lauchers, weapons from 20 years ago, and 50 rounds for every combine bastard on this planet. But anyway, ill let the General fill you in on the rest of the details, since we will be their in a jiffy."

Josh walked down a service stairwell with Tom and Dan behind him. Mark almost triped on the steap grated stairs because he was pondering what Josh had just been telling him. The stairs lead to a walkway under the main complex, Storage tanks lined it.

Tom spoke up as they began down the hallway "these tanks stored oil and water, they wern't very full when we converted them, but it still took a few days to empty out the oil ones. we use them now as confrence, or storage rooms. their is a stairwell at the other end near the control room, but it faster to go this way then get through the din of people above, and quiter to."

They were at the other end in less then a minute. there was a control room here along with a few offices attached to it. The control room was filled with safty valves and lights that Mark knew wouldn't ever be on again. Mark followed the others into what seemed like the largest office. The first thing Mark saw was a hand made plack on the wall that read 'Welcome to StalinCity'. Then he saw that behind the desk was a man who was clearly in his 40's but looked much older. he had an aura of calmness about him as well.

"This is John Stalin" said Tom "we named this resistance complex StalinCity as a joke, allusion, and tribute. Because we all know that if the combine decide to besiege this place we will defend his name. and our home, to our death. Just like it happened back then."

"ya, whatever you guys say" John spoke up from behind the desk. "Its nice to see you Major's, I just got word that you were here a few minutes ago. you didn't run into trouble on the way I hope."

"Just two striders, nothing Toms new rockets couldn't handle, the main thing was that we were running from our barn, it got shelled." responded Josh

"Oh, the barn is lost then, thats sad news. But we do have some good news, so why don't you guys ask whatevers on your mind so we can get that cleared up first. Then ill tell you the rest of the story.

A) ask about Freeman

B) ask about Kaufman

C) ask about Black Mesa East

D) ask about the resistance on the Coast
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 17:40:49 UTC
in Twhl server... again Post #146665
well, i should be getting DSL in 1-6 days, so ill probably get a DS up for WON HL, over hamachi, for those of us without Steam HL because the damn thing says its already in use.

oh and on that note i might disipear for a few days glutonizing myself on DSL goodness
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 16:00:57 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146653
eh, maybe.

but us americans are generally stupid. take my health class in school for example. Im in the highest level my school offers, there are only 4 guys at that level in my health class. there are a few in the level below me, and the rest are the lowest level. and even though the level I consider people idiots under is low, i consider more then %50 of the class idiots. truely.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 15:51:14 UTC
in Urb's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction Post #146651
A it is then.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 11:58:28 UTC
in Features I want to use in my HL2DM Mod Post #146605
so you found a good coder then?