Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2006-02-07 14:13:03 UTC
in Follow Freeman... Literally Post #161939
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-07 06:49:31 UTC
in Classical games that you wanna play. Post #161838

P.S: When your post is the last one in the thread, an edit button will apear, use it! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-07 06:46:01 UTC
in Now Playing Post #161837
Motorhead- Dancing on your grave
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-07 06:38:34 UTC
in Classical games that you wanna play. Post #161831
Really? :o How??
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-07 06:31:02 UTC
in Classical games that you wanna play. Post #161829
Games I play:

-Fury Of The Furies:
I really enjoy playing this game. I don't know why, it's almost like any arcade game. Shoot, avoid shots and enemies and solve puzzles. Maybe it's because of the other special powers you can have(shoot ropes, eat rocks and dive) but I think it's mainly because the fact you're a ball, it makes your movement harder(you bounce back if you hit the wall, you need many jumps to reach to the maximum hight you can jump to), I think it spices up the gameplay.

-The Amazing Spiderman:
I played this game when I was young, now I continue playing it. It's sometimes fun to solve it's many puzzles.

-The Chaos Engine:
I heard there are many games of it's type but never played any one of them. I enjoy the cool graphics and running from shots, massicaring all sorts of cool creatures. The characters are cool also!

The first one not the second! It's gameplay is really diffrent from all the other strategy games.(not as always: build buildings->Harvest money->build defences and army->slaghter your enemies) You need to work fast and take as many teretories, more then the ememy. There is no money, the more teretories you have the faster the factories you find in some teretories and your fort will produce soilders. Plus the soilder handling isn't as annoying as in most in the other strategy games. Here the soilders are in squadrens of 2-4.

-Xenon 1:
Woohoo. Although the graphics suck(not for it's time though) the gameplay is fun and hard! It's not like most space shooters game you are not always a space ship, you can turn into a tank, you're slower but you can move backward and you have more armor.

-Xenon 2 Megablast:
Again a great succses. It's not like it's prediccesor but sure is fun and hard. I remember this game from my childhood. It has cool graphics too.

-Speed ball II:
The only sports game I like to play. Unlike the other sport games it's hard and you can get points by injurying your oponents. I like it's gameplay and graphics. It should be improved in a few things but overall it's nice.

I always remembered this game from my childhood as "The knight". I remembered the big bosses, awsome character designs and cool graphics. Again it got a great gameplay.

I just love the bitmap brothers' old games! :heart:

Games I'd like to play, but can't:

-Chaos Engine 2:
It looks it's exectly like the older one, only with new levels. Thats why I'd like to have it, but it's for amiga only. :cry:


FOR CHRIST SAKE!!! Worms Armagedon and Heros 3 aren't old! Worms 1/2 and heros 1/2 are old.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-07 05:00:17 UTC
in Now Playing Post #161820
I thought this thread died! :aghast:

Motorhead - Another Perfect Day

Followed by:

Motorhead - Don't need religion
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-06 18:47:40 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #161776
User posted image

This is what I ment by the long lights. Will look much better then always the same boring cilleing lightbulbs. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-06 18:35:15 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #161768
Never tested it, only once in SP! :P Try it what can happen.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-06 16:56:53 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #161751
Add item_antidotes, they heal you from poision. (it will stop hitting you)
Decrease the damage of the poision, it's destroys the nice gamepleay this map could have had! :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-06 16:53:08 UTC
in happy 17th! (NOT work-friendly) Post #161749
Happy birthday. Sorry for the cake! :P It was so delicious that we couldn't wait for you.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-06 10:15:49 UTC
in free counter-strike lessons from cheese Post #161694
nice animation, funny, however voice was annoying!
ha, looks like it was made in mspaint. :P
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-05 15:43:21 UTC
in Bad maps, why are they played?! Post #161631
Huge shoping mall... well might be nice to map a mall in source, but it's too big for Hl1, all the shops... the bomb site will be the bank. :P
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-05 15:35:57 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161630
Erm... does it matter? It destroys your computer thats what thats important.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-05 12:56:11 UTC
in New map,de_Dam with screen: Some idea&#3 Post #161609
Make the yellow light in the turbins room dimmer, it will make the red one more noticible in a wider range. Remove some of these yellow lights too, try one pair for two arches
It looks empty. Don't just add props and stuff, the artitecture needs to be spicened up a bit.

Nahh the lightning is just bad. Try adding lights not only on the ceilling. On the three pillers at the bottom of each arch add a few long lights. It will look nicer. And add a source to that red light. Why not little red spotlights.

If I sound like a complete idiot to you then thats only because I'm a Hl1 mapper.

Edit #2:
There is a source to that red light! Red little spot lights on the floor will look better.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 17:25:05 UTC
in Your first map noob mistakes. Post #161476
So did I. I didn't know how to set the compiling. For a year I just mapped! Then suddnly I managed to compile it in the basic compiling mod without doing anything.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 12:23:48 UTC
in Cool competition idea, High fps! Post #161442
I'll beat you for I'll use a 16x16 texture with 0.001 scale. :lol: And I'll turn it into two cubes with a corridor between them.

Stupid idea, in my opinion.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 12:21:15 UTC
in Dynamic Skies Post #161441
Cool... I might try it one day. How can you make it look endless?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 08:44:24 UTC
in Please help, hammer crashed Post #161421
8 is the recommended maximum. If you have more then 8 it may cause many types of strange errors.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 07:33:08 UTC
in env_beam Post #161413
Your Hl1 vesion is lower then Upgrade it. If it's CS then upgrade CS.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 07:30:04 UTC
in Please help, hammer crashed Post #161412
How did you come to that conclusion, orbb? :sarcastic:
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-03 17:30:15 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161355
That company is full of Money-grubbing theives!
Which company doesn't have them?!! ;) The richer you are, the greedier you are.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-03 09:53:33 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161269
Whats so fun about making viruses? Whats so fun to know that you ruined someones computer? I curios why hackers do it...
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-03 08:42:33 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #161253
Yeah what freshed said. New talents will come out. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-03 08:23:48 UTC
in Mapping .vs Playing Post #161250
Well If you suck on DM it doesn't mean you are a bad player. I'm really bad in DM, and lag too, but in SP I'm quite good.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 18:42:15 UTC
in Mapping .vs Playing Post #161199
I just wondered, what do you like best. Did you forget about that making maps is just for playing in them afterward, and you just map or not?

I think that I forgot all about Hl1, now I just map for it's fun.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 18:08:03 UTC
in Cast your vote for the Urban Project. Post #161190
B) If you love source so much, then go with it. I'm not here to stop you, and since you also know how to model, props aren't a big problem for you either.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 15:17:48 UTC
in Bad maps, why are they played?! Post #161148
Damn what an idiot, he can't even take constructive critisisim! I hope all the guys like that will be pissed off like him, if not TWHL might turn into an horrible community, and the map vault will be spammed with so called 5 stars maps. :furious:
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 15:08:12 UTC
in Worlds ugliest cat Post #161143
I should put the Worlds ugliest dog as my avatar
Don't just don't. I remember it was so heavly deformed I could hardly look at it without feeling sick. I pity it.

The cat doesn't look so bad though. It's just hairless and got many wrincles so it looks like a brain. It looks a bit like a door, got confused sometimes. Although it's probebly only this breed of cats.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 14:21:17 UTC
in Personal Feedback Please Post #161119
Try improving your other mapping skills. Like entity work. Try thinking on ways making things that were sepposed to be impossible to do with out a costum code.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 14:15:14 UTC
in History of PC games Post #161118
I remembered once looking around in the internet for a castle wolfenstain 3D download then I read somewhere that the first 1st person shooters games wasn't it. It was said ID created before a unpopular fps game called 'catacombs rider' or something like that, I don't remember the exact name for it was so long ago.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 14:08:50 UTC
in Please help, hammer crashed Post #161117
Do the same with the .max and .map files! The .max is the .map's backup file and the .rmx is the .rmf's backup file.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-01 18:48:38 UTC
in Old TWHL vs new TWHL Post #160985
Woohoo, this just turned into a why you hate source, steam, valve and thread. :biggrin:

My reason is: I just hate them donno why.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-01 13:58:16 UTC
in What is your fetish? Post #160940
Wasn't this thread about the love of wild animals/teddy bears? :confused:

Teddy bears are the evil ones, bewere of them. BEWERE OF THE TEDDIES!
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-01 11:59:32 UTC
in [WIP][HL1] Xen Assault Post #160914
The pit worm's eyes look weird! Try also changing how that xenish growth on the walls of the buildings. It's really looks like a bunch of blocks and cylinders with a xenish texture. I can't explain how to make it better, but look in opfor in episodes like the pit of the worm's nest. The xen growth that usally have these spores on them look much better. Try making your xen growth more like that.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-01 07:53:09 UTC
in Brushes disappearing Post #160883
I think he'll have too many epolies because of the plants before he'll get that error. :P You can have only 400 models in a map.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-31 13:33:54 UTC
in Titles Post #160742
Not so. Just place the stars right below the co-webmaster..ect titles. :)
Seen it in many sites and it's not complicated on the eye.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-31 13:31:21 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #160741
Woohoo jaardsi is in. Now I have a chance to see his maps, only saw that example map he has in this site.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-31 13:10:20 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #160733
Neato! Although I'm sure I saw these textures before! Are they from sancefar?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-31 12:52:37 UTC
in What is your fetish? Post #160728
I'll take the real one. Teddy bears always have torn of limbs or eyes after a very short time in my house.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 19:02:21 UTC
in Ey_toxic Post #160589
Nahh, I happy with that texture, but not with it's color, probebly needs a greyish color like the trims with the bolts. Any comments on the other stuff?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 18:50:43 UTC
in Ey_toxic Post #160586
That what I just said. :P How should I change it so it will fit?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 18:38:53 UTC
in Ey_toxic Post #160580
As many of you already know I started, quite long ago, my first DM map.
It took me a long time to finish uit because I stopped working on it in the middle and worked on the last Hl1 compo entery. I returned to it recently and it's coming out quite well. There is a screeni in my profile of a nice part in the map.

I made a nice passage, then I showed it to rowleybob, he told me the rusty door in the end doesn't fit with the corridor. I agreed with him, so I asked rimrook to edit that texture and remove the rust. The texture is nice but it doesn't fit the corridor too, but I don't know why! :nervous:

User posted image

The original version

User posted image

With Rimrook's texture

Maybe it needs a lighter color, maybe greener... maybe a color like the those metal trims with bolts. :confused: Please help me, then I'll know what to change!

P.S: This is a very important door and I can't procced with out placing it in all the places it needs to be in.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 15:57:38 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #160554
Cool models. You'll get a medal, I'm sure of it, if you'll enter the compo with this map. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 15:54:53 UTC
in Brushes disappearing Post #160553
I once had a similer problem when I tied many brushes to a func_water together, some didn't show up. Tie each brush seperatly.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 13:59:25 UTC
in How can i place a timer onscreen Post #160526
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 13:23:35 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #160516
Nice. So many compeditiors. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-30 10:11:49 UTC
in Blueprint Post #160476
Yeah, and I'm planning on keeping it this way too. :nuts:
I think ZL was sarcastic. If you intend to make a one textue map then don't use that crete texture, it's one of the blandest textures in the game. The c1a4b_w3 texture is usally better.

I highly advice you not to use only one texture, it might be hard work to use many textures but it's much nicer. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-29 13:20:19 UTC
in New Problem! Post #160299
Hammer 3.5 shows models in the 3D view, if you have the right FGD.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 18:26:17 UTC
in To Kill a Tentacle Post #160128
Killtarget removes the entity from the map, it doesn't actually kill it. I gess it's an aiscripted_seaquance and when it's done it kills the tentiecl with it's killtarget value. In game they made the door target the black func_wall_toggle and makes it dissapear so you could continue. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-28 16:09:24 UTC
in if you out of idears what should you do? Post #160105
When I had no ideas for Sp as I said before, I started to think on layouts for DM. It's quite simple for they are mostly circular, afterward fit a nice theme to that layout. :)

It's sometimes easier to think of a layout then thinking on a theme.