Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 22:13:56 UTC
in GFX card questions Post #164925
the fact that my monitor limits me to a horrible 40 fps @1024x768.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 21:08:55 UTC
in GFX card questions Post #164916
OK, I'll consider that. The limits imposed by my monitor are also noteworthy... :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 20:59:12 UTC
in Problem using "light_spot" Post #164914
Less than the time it would take you to download the batch compiling tools and set them up correctly, from my experience. Internal compiling FTW!!
None of my HL1 maps take more than 5 minutes to compile.
Is there batch compiling for Source? How much time does it save?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 20:19:53 UTC
in GFX card questions Post #164910
are there AGP versions of the 6800? (I forgot to mention prices are in ?uros)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 20:13:08 UTC
in GFX card questions Post #164908
I doubt there's going to be an AGP version of that...
Does anyone know how do the geforce6 compare to the geforce4 series? I am rethinking my purchase, given the fact that my monitor limits me to a horrible 40 fps @1024x768.
Besides the pixel shaders and HDR effects, how much better would performance be like? I fixed my computer today and took a stroll around some of my maps: besides "Kaufmann House", the rest had pretty good framerates. I dont know if it's worth it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 17:11:49 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #164888
I'll start judging as soon as I get the zips/urls
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 13:16:38 UTC
in Problem running my map Post #164827
The problem: too many portal leafs.
The solution: turn as many brushes into func_detail as possible. (except the ones that are really blocking visibility and sealing the void)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 12:46:58 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #164821
I hope to get my computer fixed by tonight and finish up the base map for the next competition. I suspect it will have a very high number of entries.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 11:33:41 UTC
in GFX card questions Post #164799
I checked the 6600gt description and it says it comes with dual DVI output but it doesnt mention VGA. Are there actually 3D cards with no VGA support? It doesn't have Video-Out feature either... I'll have to investigate a bit more before choosing...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 09:21:35 UTC
in GFX card questions Post #164783
I have decided to make a small upgrade in my computer. I need to replace my Geforce4 Ti 4200 with an AGP (I dont have PCI-express) GFX card that supports HDR. The prices for these are actually very cheap imo. I dont really want to spend too much money on it since I am planning on getting a new motherboard (with PCI express) in a couple of years.
These are the available models:
User posted image
User posted image
I'm a bit confused since some 256 MB cards are cheaper than others with 128 MB... My idea is getting an X1300, 6600 GT or 6200. They all include Shader Model 3.0 and HDR...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 07:05:11 UTC
in Low FPS? and Transparency? Post #164776
Probably not, but it sounds like your using software mode...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 07:00:59 UTC
in Getting stuck on elevator (func_train) Post #164775
I really cant help with the elevator, but my opinion is that any off-theme bounce pad, trigger_push, func_ladders or ramps will be better than a buggy elevator in case you can?t fix it. Good luck!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-23 21:18:36 UTC
in Another Spanish architect/mapper Post #164729
Nice map! But it isnt me. If they had that type of contests in Madrid instead of Seville I would probably participate. The style of the map is a bit un-kasperg. I dont think I've ever mapped any traditional house or town (I consider Fallingwater a modern building)
Not that I could map right now... my PC is K.O. and I have more university work than ever before.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-23 21:06:32 UTC
in SW fan films Post #164728
Nice although its old. It reminds me I have to upload that animatrix-lightsaber video I mentioned in an old lightsaber thread.
It takes ages to add the effects. Those two guys were bored :D!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-23 15:22:12 UTC
in physbox missiles Post #164670
Is there any prop that you could use as a missile? The weird HL2 mines come to mind but I doubt you could use them in a prop_physics_respawnable... The idea would be to have one of those entities parented to the cannon or boat that would take damage (and launch) with the cannon explosion and the damage from the fall would finally break it and explode...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 15:37:13 UTC
in New LCD Post #164302
CRT is worse for your eyes, worse for your desk. I should get a new and bigger LCD since I use a lot of image-processing and design software. Unfortunately, I dont have a job, and my computer needs other upgrades [whispers]Kasperg still uses a Geforce 4 ti 4200 :o![/whispers]
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 12:53:04 UTC
in physbox missiles Post #164275
I had a very simple missile setup in my map dm_punishment. It was a big func_rotating entity, and it sort of did the trick. I dont know if you could use the same technique.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 10:04:37 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #164240
I think it's great to incorporate interesting things into a map. As I've said several times, a map can be technically 'correct' in terms of brushwork, texturing etc, but there's always some imagination involved. Something that makes the map different from the rest or part of a bigger world.
Besides the series of maps originated with Castle Rimrook, the maps by darkphoenix_68 also incorporate a story which gives an extra dimension to the maps. I think that's the way to go when it comes to level design.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-21 09:48:42 UTC
in Recreating HL1 maps Post #164236
The main areas where a Source map can improve over an original:
-Texture resolution and texture properties (normal maps, shaders, overlays etc)
-Lightmap resolution.
-Better terrain
-Use of physics
-Use of props, cables and little details.
-Bigger maps, more polygons, huge 3d skyboxes.
If you can implement some of those into an existing HL1, then it's probably worth it if the map was good.
Porting original maps is a dumb idea anyway, they'll look far worse then new, flashy source maps
Original & Ported map
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-20 12:09:21 UTC
in New competition idea, Remake "bad" map Post #164068
A good example of what J.C says is the cs_mansion series of maps. They are just like cs_estate, only with poor lighting and much easier.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-19 21:04:11 UTC
in New LCD Post #164015
That usually happens with Laptop screens. My tft for example has a viewing angle of 120?-140?, so I have very few problems. (Looking at a screen from even more oblicous angles than those is as bad as not seeing anything at all!)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-19 18:23:36 UTC
in Your desktop Post #163993
This is what my Laptop desktop looks like. My real PC is dead and I dont remember what I had as a background picture.
This image is today's featured image in the wikipedia! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-19 14:06:14 UTC
in UNB's Mod in the making. Post #163966
I would add more detail in the floor. Anything like stain decals, parking lines etc. Right now it looks like a giant one-texture brush while the rest of the hangar is nicely detailed .
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-19 13:09:02 UTC
in star trek wads Post #163959
The best way is to google for "star trek panels". Most of the pics wont show them from a frontal angle, but you can always use photoshop to correct the perspective. There was an old HLDM star trek map that came with a WAD file, so I think the author wouldnt mind if you used it. I would have let you used my wad file if you hadnt posted such a stupid comment when reviewing my map "Warpcore".
"I will chase you around the moons of Nebir and around Paritions flames" if you decompile my maps... :P
Seriously, it isnt so hard to make your own textures. Noone knows as good as you what textures you need to make the map.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-18 21:32:12 UTC
in New LCD Post #163896
The most important thing when choosing an LCD monitor is the PRT, or Pixel Response Time.
I should've checked that 4 years ago when I bought my Samtron 51S. It has a response time of 25 ms which means that it displays at 40 Hz or 40 frames per second. If I connect my computer to a TV and play a game, the difference is huge :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-18 19:08:12 UTC
in New competition idea, Remake "bad" map Post #163878
Part of the success of fy_iceworld is the total lack of map detail, so players concentrace only in shooting without distractions. If you were to make a detailed map with an iceworld layout, it wouldnt be as succesful.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-18 18:04:31 UTC
in Custom Maps and decals Post #163873
cl_allowdownload 1
cl_allowupload 1
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-18 14:38:43 UTC
in Great rooms in maps. Post #163856
I wish I knew more about architecture/artistic design so I could appreciate it fully
You dont really need any knowledge to appreciate it fully. If you played it and liked it, that's what counts. As a matter of fact, since you are also a mapper, you can appreciate and imagine how much work it took the author to make it. Real art doesnt need someone to explain it. It just defends itself if you give it a chance.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-18 13:13:14 UTC
in New competition idea, Remake "bad" map Post #163846
I am planning on doing a remake of cs_mansion with a style similar to Frank Lloyd Wright's prairie houses. Iceworld seems a bit too small to produce any coherent or noteworthy remakes, I dont know...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-18 12:20:07 UTC
in Great rooms in maps. Post #163834
I just thought we shouldnt mix apples with oranges. I think it's more difficult to make great-looking rooms with the old engine... but that?s just the way I feel about it.

Slime-flooded room in Lab17_quake
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-18 11:57:18 UTC
in Great rooms in maps. Post #163832
Remember that you can post screenshots of just good rooms. A map can have a well designed space and it might not have a 5 star rating. I'm sure we can find tons of stuff to post.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-18 11:48:41 UTC
in Great rooms in maps. Post #163830
:) Out of my 30 HL1 maps, those 5 rooms are the only ones I really like.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-18 10:59:11 UTC
in Great rooms in maps. Post #163825
I decided to post screenshots of some of my favourite rooms which can be found in HL1 maps made by members of this site. Since there are many more in the many maps we've made, feel free to post screenshots of your favourite places. Conditions are -The room featured in each screenshot must belong to a map made for the HL1 engine and made by a member of this site.

One of the side rooms in Carbaseus

Throne room in Castle Rimrook

Main area of Floating Surface

Main room in Guardian

Central arena in Nexus

Temple interior in Punishment II

Tall hallway in tp_seth

Room with waterfall in Pristine Beach

Room with arches in Tinnos
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-18 08:04:04 UTC
in Does displacement add leaf threads? Post #163821
Water not visible? That's a NO VIS compile, usually caused by a leak. Hide the displacement and check if the other ground brushes are really sealing the void. Load Pointfile etc.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-16 18:58:01 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #163682
You meant "Never attempt to make 3 maps for a competition. Dedicating your efforts to one map is better"
There's nothing wrong with making three maps at the same time if there is no time limit.
By the way, my desktop PC is dead right now, and the map for Competition # 20 is still unfinished. I'll try to fix it and recover the file in time for the competition.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-16 10:37:21 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #163573
@The Hunter: Even though it's buggy sometimes, I think the Source editor is a little bit better. Just the feature of being able to build brushes according to a selected one is something I hate the HL1 editor for not having. I saves so much time when you are making walls and you want them to have the same height etc.
Steam is the only problem I see with HL2 mapping. Making materials is not as difficult as I once thought. It's actually fun and there are so many incredible things you can't do with wad files.
I wont even comment on displacements since you have made dm_islandside. I dont suppose you'd like to do that with vertex manipulation..? :D
To be honest: Every single HL1 map can be done in Source, but the contrary is not true.
On the topic of Rimrook's maps, I still say they would have more potential with the new engine. But it doesnt matter. HL1 maps are still popular and people like them.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-15 16:31:52 UTC
in Headshot! Post #163459
If the people who defend or sponsor law and rules dont take them seriously, who can you trust? Government officials are not just individuals, they represent their political party and ideals. Imagine a leader whose intention is to soften the difference between the rich and the poor. If that guy has lots of mansions and keeps money to himself, his personal life tells us he doesnt give a crap. Think about that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-15 16:21:57 UTC
in Graphics or Performance, Your thoughts! Post #163458
Well, I played Lost Coast with the maximum graphics I could, even if it meant lower framerates. Some maps are a showcase for eye candy, and unless your playing multiplayer, it's nice to look at some maps in all their beauty.
Many games use this formula to make more detailed enviroments in combat-free areas, and focusing on performance in places where there will be more player models, sprites etc. Of course, the already mentioned F.E.A.R development team had no clue about that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 16:45:35 UTC
in Graphics or Performance, Your thoughts! Post #163290
Performance of FFVII is not an issue here. The game is about 9 years old, and I remember it performing miserably on a 233 mhz. Graphics are what move the industry. We would be stuck with the Playstation texels if graphics didnt really matter. No one buys a 360 for performance, it's just the graphics.
Nice graphics is a luxury. Good performance is a need
We shouldnt praise games on performance or graphics alone. The important thing is how to combine both.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 12:56:04 UTC
in Graphics or Performance, Your thoughts! Post #163236
If It didnt need STEAM to run, HL2 would be far more used I think. It also takes very long to load maps compared to HL1, but that's understandable. Maybe some years from now, HL2 will be as important as HL1 is now. Specially since the engine is better and capable of a better polygon/performance ratio.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 12:46:03 UTC
in Graphics or Performance, Your thoughts! Post #163234
Optimizing is also a key factor in this discussion. Why did FEAR have good graphics and horrible performance? They obviously thought that people would overlook performance because of the nice shaders, decals, sounds and sprites the game has.
Shiny Entertainment went with graphics instead of performance in Enter The Matrix (and not so great graphics after all). They thought that a hall filled with breakable pillars and enemies would be just fine. Of course, they could always argue that the Matrix computer itself could be laggy...
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 12:21:55 UTC
in Graphics or Performance, Your thoughts! Post #163226
Of course. But I was talking about performance in Source, not HL1 engine.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 12:06:34 UTC
in Graphics or Performance, Your thoughts! Post #163222
The debate is not performance vs. graphics. People will always complain if one of them is given more importance. Let me use Doom III as an example: People complain that performance wasnt so great, specially if we consider that most of the game is dark and has no big open areas. Graphics (textures, models etc) are nice, with its consequent hit in performance. So far so good. Now imagine what would have happened if there were less world and model polygons and crappy textures. People would have complained that the game should've been better, even if that version had a great performance!!
Engine scaleability plays a big role here. Adjustable performance is the key to making everyone happy.
(I thought this was an important Source engine feature, but the difference between running HL2 in my computer @1024x768 with max effects and doing the same thing @640x480 is a meaguer 6 fps in most maps... :quizzical: )
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 10:45:42 UTC
in Midi, Magnificent Midi Post #163182
It might have to do with your soundcard. My laptop has only one default synth, but I can choose between three different ones in my desktop. I think one of them was the FFVII yahama synth.
As nostalgic as those FF midis do sound, nothing beats the symphonic orchestrated versions.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 09:43:23 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #163175
and the cordon tool does nothing to the .rad file.
It's strange because I ran into some trouble while making the fallingwater map for Source. Texlights didnt always work. Was it because of cordon bounds or is there a minimum brush size in Source so it emitts light?

My mapping tip of today: If something has been done before, dont map it unless your version is better or offers something new. Bad maps are bad, but it's worse if they can easily be compared to older and better ones. (this of course makes reference to the kazillion versions of popular CS maps )
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-14 09:34:11 UTC
in [CS:S] - de_venetia (WIP) Post #163173
It's just a minor observation, but isn't there a bit missing from that bridge?
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-12 18:24:17 UTC
in what does this mean Post #162918
Those are the faces inside clip brushes, with which the player will never collide. On the other hand, grenades and other ammo pass through clip brushes and collide with those faces... so there are some sort of clip nodes after all... :confused:
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-12 10:39:17 UTC
in Why do people get jealous of good maps? Post #162819
I think Xyos is talking about people giving negative subjective opinions on maps that are objectively good, or at least correct. A map can be well made, yet you might not like it for many reasons. There?s a difference between saying you dont like something and saying that something is crap just because you dont like it. People who do the second are the ones whose opinions are usually ignored in life. You can say whatever you want. If it makes sense, so much the better.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-11 22:07:23 UTC
in Why do people get jealous of good maps? Post #162766
Sure, a map might be technically perfect, but someone may still think it sucks.
Giving one's opinions some sort of foundation is a good thing to do. Saying a map sucks and offering no reason whatsoever always seems to sound ignorant. I think map comments should be there to: 1) motivate the mapper by knowing other people appreciate the maps or 2)give constructive criticism on how to fix technical aspects (usually for future maps)
Other type of comments should be irrelevant to the mapper.
For example: "I didnt like the map because I hate floating castles" gives no useful feedback to the author.
"The floating castle's walls need more structural detail" would be a better comment.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-11 20:58:28 UTC
in Why do people get jealous of good maps? Post #162758
People can think and post whatever they want about maps. There are two types of criticism in maps. One is done from a technical point of view, such as comments on brushwork, performance, texture alignment, layout flow etc. The other type has a more personal nature, such as "I dont like the colour scheme of the map", "the map is too big to be playable", "this or that weapon is missing" etc. Both categories of comments are useful, although only the first is really objective. To put it simple, a map can be correct (few technical flaws) but is always improveable in other aspects (aesthetics, originality and innovation, intelligent use of the game engine features, etc)