Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-02 10:40:47 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #81038
It would take me some time to save up for a near-2 and-a-half grand computer. Man, I wish I had one. Even just another decent pc will do. At least so I can map for HL? and not have it play like a damn slideshow.

I'm fed up with my current pc, its far too big. It reminds me of a n00b hl prefab :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-02 10:36:10 UTC
in Wohey Post #81037
54 - Blames canada
I blame it on Steam, they ruin everything, even the new hammer.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-02 10:34:45 UTC
in Be good Post #81036
Oh well, the point is, if anon wants to mess around anymore and ruin twhl he gets banned, just like that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-02 10:32:09 UTC
in PC start up time Post #81035
And no, dont take that the wrong way Vassy:lol: , I meant mine starts up about the same, 1-2 minutes. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-02 10:31:11 UTC
in PC start up time Post #81034
Mines a bitch, about the same as Vassy.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-02 10:26:07 UTC
in My new book, "The way of the noob"! Post #81032
I think genuine 'newcomers' are actually 'newbies', where as the idiotic ones m0p describes are known as 'n00bs' or 'noobs'.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-02 10:06:50 UTC
in My new book, "The way of the noob"! Post #81028
m0p, that was brilliant. An accurate portrayal of noob infestation. I hope this resolves the on-going situation. Instead of arguing with the anonymous noob, we can now simply say "Refer to chapter 4 of 'The Way of The Noob'." [Ends argument instantly]
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-01 19:59:16 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #80912
Listen, unless I upgrade my pc (or get a new, better[looking] one) I cannot map for HL?. I can't really play it properly because my system cant handle it. Sometimes it's like a slideshow - it's absurd.

The new steamified hammer is one big sytem troll, it runs very slow and unreliable on my pc. Making one room is a large task, and there's just no point.


Posted 19 years ago2004-12-31 14:18:42 UTC
in So, what did you GIVE for XMAS Post #80617
Handy tip #2

Just get your parents to buy the presents you were going to buy for others for you while you sit and play HL?
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-31 10:36:46 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #80556
The only thing is, I really need to upgrade my pc if I want to think about hl2 mapping. For a starters, I dont even have xp, which is a no-no. Man, if only...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-31 10:34:23 UTC
in So, what did you GIVE for XMAS Post #80555
JUst do a piano roll, it's so much easier ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-31 10:33:15 UTC
in Omg rofl, wtf? Post #80554
...some verrrrr nice pictures there! :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-31 10:30:55 UTC
in So, What did you get for XMAS? Post #80553
The argonian returns!
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-31 10:30:00 UTC
in -= GTA: San Andreas =- Post #80552
I cant be arsed to get it on pc, I can play it at my cousins on his ps2
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-30 13:14:52 UTC
in gman dead Post #80361
....except for G-Man of course ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-30 11:53:27 UTC
in Valve's Second Mistake Post #80353
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-30 11:45:41 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #80351
Ye I know...

(lol Little Britain)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-30 10:53:52 UTC
in Valve's Second Mistake Post #80345
...OK I'll ask God if he can ask Satan if he can lend me xp
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-30 10:50:35 UTC
in Valve's Second Mistake Post #80343
I think nowadays you need xp, like using the latest UnrealEd (not that I use the damn thing it sux) - you need xp. I'll see if I can get it. I'll ask gates if he can lend it to me...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-30 10:46:44 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #80341
Anonymous, pleeeeeeeeease will you keep your silly face out of this?
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-30 10:42:26 UTC
in HL2 Problems... Post #80339
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-30 10:37:05 UTC
in Seventh Post #80338
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 19:50:41 UTC
in gman dead Post #80246
Ah, ya sure as hell better!

Ah, thayunks buddy.

Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 19:45:30 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #80243
Hey, you can keep your nose out of this. :x
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 19:44:50 UTC
in Valve's Second Mistake Post #80242
I hate it when steam haters are hated by ant-steam haters.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 19:43:41 UTC
in gman dead Post #80241
Hey hey hey, not so fast buddy! I got maps to map.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 19:42:26 UTC
in HL2 Problems... Post #80238
This is fucking annoying.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 19:38:53 UTC
in gman dead Post #80234
yeah, he's not made of metal this time... but the thought lives on.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 19:38:10 UTC
in HL2 Problems... Post #80230
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 19:35:01 UTC
in Seventh Post #80227
na, mop hypocritically harps about grammar then makes gramatical errors himself. he also tends to project his own inadequate traits onto those he argues with by ranting the same childish insults over and over... and they usually deal with cancer, tourretes, downes syndrome, and family members. i actually feel kind of sorry for him, he must be miserable... but that's still no excuse.
You're no bleedin' better yourself mate.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 13:35:20 UTC
in Wow, new Post #80131
(See thread title for content)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 11:55:16 UTC
in Shout Box Post #80125
...s'because it's for regulars :badass:

nah only joke.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 11:50:50 UTC
in Check it out. Post #80122
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 11:48:46 UTC
in So, what did you GIVE for XMAS Post #80120
Two words....

...One's a swear word that begins with an 'f' and the other's the word 'all'.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 11:47:24 UTC
in Seventh Post #80119
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 11:45:34 UTC
in HL2 Problems... Post #80117
How many of these guys are there? Too many...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 11:44:53 UTC
in HL2 Problems... Post #80116
Say hello to Anonymous??, our newest member!
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-29 11:37:17 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #80109
Might as well. I hope Steam patches up hammer 4.0 and get rid of the glitches and bugs.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-28 19:35:15 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #79997
Me tinks me can actually start on this, now that I have HL?

..But wait, I forgot, hammer is playing up...dammit.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-28 19:31:03 UTC
in Valve's Second Mistake Post #79996
I'm really annoyed that Steam got it's rotten hands on our Hammer. I wish it was stand-alone like 3.4.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-28 18:53:02 UTC
in So, What did you get for XMAS? Post #79970
1. A Slap
2. Some clothes (the usual)
3. Bill Hicks dvd*
4. CD's
5. Half-Life 2 (w00t!)
6. Money and cheques in christmas cards, the amount decreases as you get older though - I find anyway.
7. Erm...
8. That's about it I think.

*Well, I did ask for it, but I think they think I forgot I asked them for it ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-28 18:42:40 UTC
in HL2 Problems... Post #79966
I share the same problems.

My flashlight aint working, and certain textures dont show up - instead there's a bright white square.

Also, when glass is shot out a white coloured wireframe appears in place. Really annoying.

My HLDM works great though :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-20 21:11:52 UTC
in Noob-ie Hate Posts Post #79403
I can't stand coming here knowing that sooner or later Anonymous is gonna say something ludicrous and cause a great deal of frustration.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-20 15:18:51 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #79361
??o?_? aha! got it now.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-20 11:19:33 UTC
in Noob-ie Hate Posts Post #79317
Unfortunately, TWHL was literall devestated by the arrival of this anonymous chappy. Eversince then it's been on a bit of a downfall, and the atmosphere is on a decline. Just as WCD's dream predicted. Just don;t let 'em make it blue instead of orange...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-20 11:17:39 UTC
in That's Courage Post #79316
Never seen it till yesturday...

I like Alsatians. They remind me of wolves... :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-20 10:56:55 UTC
in Latest Weird Dream Post #79313
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-19 11:19:28 UTC
in That's Courage Post #79111
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-19 11:04:17 UTC
in Has hell been found? Post #79100
It's not a conspiracy. Be careful when you use that term. I'm far more concerned with the world (turning to shit) itself than any religious nonsense.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-18 13:38:50 UTC
in Latest Weird Dream Post #78981
Frightening Dream

I had a very strange dream that seemed to constantly change.

My cousin, his friend and myself decided to go rob a supermarket with a white transit van. We rushed into the store grabbed anything we could and calmly walked out. I remember picking up a Sara Lee double chocolate gateau, a Sara Lee blackcurrant gateau, and some other gateau I don?t remember.

We dashed out into the car park and drove away with the ?goods? in the white transit van. The dream somehow morphed into a scene where I was climbing up a steep sand dune along with several other people from my art college. My art teacher, Barbara walker was leading in front. My progress kept being hindered by various menial tasks I was asked to do. There were three people who I absolutely detested that seemed to be reminiscent of these three people in waking life I can?t stand. They were constantly joking around and making insulting gestures behind people?s backs. I thought about elbowing one of them in the face when he was off-guard. I never did though. I was suddenly told to jump off the edge of this steep hill where a muddy waterfall was situated. I jumped and fell right into this horrible pool of stagnant water. I went down really deep because of the height I had fallen.

Later, I recall being in some kind of military camp with lots of army tents. I was staying there for some time, and I recall seeing lots of other people also there for a long period of time. Whether I was with my cousin and his friend or not is unclear.

I heard a noise of aircraft approaching, and I remember someone yelling it was a low-flying plane of some sort. It turned out to be a transport plane. The plane landed and out of the door came loads of soldiers running around chaotically. To my horror they each had an orange ?Guantanamo Bay? style jumpsuit that was to be issued to everyone in the camp. I was horrified. I ran away as fast as I could, holding the three gateaux?s I stole earlier on for survival. When I turned my head, a man wearing a white clean suit pointed at me as if to tell the guards. I ran into an adjacent forest without stopping for a rest. I remember completely scared witless when I realised that they might try and hunt me down with dogs.

Without any rational explanation, I came across some kind of round object partially buried in the ground. I abruptly entered the object without understanding how. I felt safe, but there was still a possibility that they could locate the object and try to enter it, I thought. The paranoia quickly wore off, and for once I felt completely detached from this whole predicament. Although I cannot recall the occupants of the sphere, I do however remember communicating with them. I am pretty sure there was a dog of some kind lying down. [Dream faded away from here. I cannot remember much of what might of happened next]