RIP Dimbeak
My, the profound eloquence of your reply has touched me to such an extent that tears have well'd up within mine eyes!I wrote something else, but edited it later... Seems like I'll have to understand that you don't hold a grudge against me, and it's just your personality.
The 21st? You wanna do this on the 21st now? The 21st of March!? ARE YOU SERIOUS!!?MRW I saw the postponed date.
13th of March. 20:00 GMT...I thought I missed it earlier, then, I realized, either way, no one would give a shit as to message to me to tell me I'd be missing it out anyways..
I was unaware you guys were all in teamspeak and was wondering why it was dead silent in the server.We have a freggin TeamSpeak Server..?
Have you seen some of the women's costumes out there? Ridiculous Ties! -THAT one? x3
_>Just updating...
hell you don't even light it :>I see what you did there.