Compo results were written by SlayerA (but they're my lovely widescreen screenshots), so I'll had my two cents.
Chuck Norris by
Masta KillaIt was clear that as soon as this map started we had a winner. Masta Killer's sendup of the world of the infamous Texas ranger had custom skins, voices and some rather nice mapping. It also included some staples of the Chuck Norris world, which were quite ingeniously recreated in the Half-Life engine. A well deserved first.
The Weakest Link by
KaspergIf you haven't seen the show before, this map probably won't be as appealing as it could be. However, if you have, you're enjoy the fact that this is a fairly accurate recreation of the show, right down to the lighting, textures and the format of the show itself. Gordon's walk of shame was a particular highlight, as well as his subsequent rant.
Muppets by
The_6th_MonkeyI was wondering when we'd see the Muppets in the Half-Life universe, considering we've had the game for nearly a decade now. The_6th_Monkey delivers, with a map with snarks, G-Man and the Cookie Monster! If that doesn't sound awesome to you, I don't know what does...
My only quip with this map is that it's quite short. However, some interesting entity work makes for a charming rendition of the Muppets theme.