Forum posts

Posted 1 year ago2023-08-20 10:12:57 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #347789

Map Decompiler beta 11

Map Decompiler beta 11 has been released:

  • Added checks to log a proper error if BSP version is not supported
  • Show messagebox if any errors occur when saving settings (e.g. file is read-only)
  • Reworked parallelization to improve throughput when decompilation takes a while
  • Fixed job time elapsed being incorrect
This should improve CPU core usage without causing any performance issues. Testing shows that decompiling 125 maps takes 31 seconds with beta 10 and 29 seconds with beta 11.

If you encounter any issues with stuttering or freezing do make sure to let me know.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-20 05:21:56 UTC
in Problem with sprites Post #347788
Yeah, i'm kinda lost... tried to do that, but i just get errors and crashes, i think i'm missing something.
i'll see if i can figure this out later.

Edit: Still on this problem, the message directly doesn't recognize any model/sprite given and just finded this on my console: No model -24064! , so im kinda stuck now.
MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); //here we start a message which draws a beam behind a player

WRITE_BYTE(TE_PLAYERATTACHMENT); //sets the beam to follow the entity(player)
WRITE_SHORT(entindex()); // entity
WRITE_SHORT(m_mCall); //model/sprite
WRITE_BYTE(20); //life

MESSAGE_END(); //ends the message we started above
m_mCall already has a precache with a sprite that worked, I tried other messages that were not "TE_PLAYERATTACHMENT" and they managed to make the sprite appear (to a certain extent), so I think something is misspelled.
I'm pretty sure i'm doing something wrong but i don't know what.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-19 19:11:56 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #347787
In case the project won't use opfor ally soldiers, one can make a custom model for opfor human grunts which would look like a guy in HEV. Then also replace sounds and redefine sentences. Of course it's a hacky solution but it's at least something.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-19 16:07:39 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #347786
I look forward to it.
Lei Shi Lei ShiFRS石磊
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-19 13:51:06 UTC
in Is GoldSource still cool Post #347785
goldsrc still rocks to this day!!
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-18 17:28:48 UTC
in Problem with sprites Post #347784
Try using the TE_PLAYERATTACHMENT message instead. It creates a temporary entity attached to the player that sticks around for a specific amount of time.

It works by using the clientIndex variable in TEMPENTITY along with the flags FTENT_PLYRATTACHMENT and FTENT_PERSIST, so if this message doesn't do the trick you can make your own. The rest of TEMPENTITY's variables you should be able to set up like you would a server side entity.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-18 03:28:11 UTC
in Problem with sprites Post #347783
Hey, great everyone, I was doing a command where if you press a specific key, the player would ask for help from a medic just like in TFC or Sven Coop.
//call medic
void CBasePlayer::MedicToogle(void)
CSprite * m_pCall = NULL;

if (gpGlobals->time < m_flCounter)

//const Vector Position = pev->origin + Vector(0, 45, 0);

switch (RANDOM_LONG(1, 2))
case 1:
EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_VOICE, "speech/saveme1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
m_flCounter = gpGlobals->time + 3.5;
case 2:
EMIT_SOUND(ENT(pev), CHAN_VOICE, "speech/saveme2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
m_flCounter = gpGlobals->time + 3.5;
if (m_pCall == NULL)
m_pCall = CSprite::SpriteCreate("sprites/saveme.spr", Vector(0, 0, 45), TRUE);
if (m_pCall)
m_pCall->SetTransparency(kRenderTransAdd, 255, 255, 255, 255, kRenderFxNoDissipation);
m_pCall->SetAttachment(edict(), 1);
m_pCall->AnimateAndDie(20.0f); // different framerates = more visual variation
This inside` "Player.cpp"`.
Thing is that I'm using a sprite called "saveme.spr", from the TFC files, and it doesn't work as it should. This one remains invisible and does not appear, try with other sprites and most of them did appear when pressing the key, from what I understand, there's some sprites that must be added in a different way, like the "voiceicon.spr", so I wanted to know If any of you have any ideas and can tell me about this problem.

I'll wait for your answers.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-17 20:52:21 UTC
in Looking for a modeller, half life Post #347782
I need a modeller to make me 2 backroom entites:

we can negotiate with price I'd pay with Steam giftcard

carlos niggelson#4336 (discord)
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-17 17:04:31 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #347781
Every mod impements HEV scientists differently and there's no golden standard (different behavior, different models).
I will need to think of the best way to implement them.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-17 15:40:56 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #347780
I don't know why, but please right-click the icon to open the picture in a new page. This can be resolved, hopefully without bothering you too much.
Lei Shi Lei ShiFRS石磊
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-17 13:48:27 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #347779
Your pic doesn't load for me.
If you mean the cleansuit scientist, it's already in the mod.
Thanks for the help, I ran into some more problems along the way:

1. How do I access Hammer through Source SDK? Would you recommend something like Sledge or J.A.C.K. over Hammer for Goldsrc? If so where can I download them?

2. I decompiled the Civilian model from Tfc using JHLMV and imported it into Blender with an addon called "Blender Source Tools" that gave Blender support for Goldsrc, Source, & Source 2 games to test if I could then edit him, because I was then going to insert the older versions of the Tfc mercs to then edit them with blender to then use as new classes, how would I use blender to edit them?

3. I would like to add my own models via Blender & export them to my Tfc mod. That same Blender addon also gave engine support for exporting Source & Source 2 Models, but for Goldsrc ones you have to do it manually. I created a .smd model file with the help of blender & created the .qc script file together in the same folder. I tried compiling the .smd & .qc file with JHLMV but it wouldn't make it into an .mdl file like I was hoping. Was I scripting the .qc wrong? Another problem could have been me incorrectly structuring the files & folders directory, do I have to set up my folders like this to do it?:

- models/
| |-- mrcube/
| | |-- cube.smd
| | |-- cube_texture.vmt
| | |-- cube.qc
| | |-- cube.mdl (Compiled model)
- materials/
| |-- models/
| |-- mrcube/
| |-- cube_texture.vtf
- <other_folders_and_files>
-Or am I doing something else wrong?

4. Regarding Metamod, how exactly do I install it? Do I need to install any other programs along with it to help me mod Tfc? I am also against the idea of using or requesting other peoples plugins since I would like it to be my mod entirely. For the coding aspect, I just have to learn C++ to operate the modkits, or do I need to learn another programming language?
The best thing you can do is to decompile the models, its better than using the Half-Life SDK. That, of course, if you want to edit models.
If you want to create a map, read this. If you want to edit a TFC map, you can decompile the map but its very unstable and very buggy, so its not recommended.
If you want to edit sounds, its very easy to do, you just need a program like Audacity to convert files. Here is a detailed tutorial:
Lastly if you want to code, there is not any TFC source code available, but you can read this thread on steam.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-16 11:30:59 UTC
in Half-Life Asset Manager Post #347776

Half-Life Asset Manager V2 Beta 9 released

Half-Life Asset Manager V2 Beta 9 has been released:

  • Set default text codec to UTF-8 to fix filenames converting incorrectly in some cases
  • Fixed filenames containing UTF-8 passed on the command line becoming corrupted
  • Rewrote the manual in Markdown to allow it to be read directly when viewing it on Github
  • Allow Vertical Sync setting to be changed on-the-fly
  • Use better check to detect lack of textures in main model (fixes Deleted Scenes' null.mdl failing to load)
  • Fixed incorrect filename being referenced in External texture file "<filename>" does not exist or is currently opened by another program message
  • Clean paths before adding them to recent files list to avoid duplicates differing slightly
  • Ensured settings file cannot add too many recent files
  • Added info to dumped model info about use of external texture file
  • Lazily create asset menus and delay file browser startup until it's opened to speed up initial startup
  • Replaced text-based vector edit widget with 3 spin boxes to improve editing experience
  • Made Transformation dock widget visible by default, added to bottom bar, reduced vertical size
  • Added information about spinboxes to manual (CTRL+Click changes values 10 at a time)
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-16 08:50:38 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #347775
Hi, I just remembered something. Can you join an NPC in a protective suit?
Lei Shi Lei ShiFRS石磊
I wanted to make a TFC mod using modding tools. Is there already a better TFC SDK out there that I don't know about or do I have to use the Half-Life SDK to mod TFC?
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-15 11:53:47 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #347773
Ahhh I see. That's a darn shame, I loved that sound lol. And you're once again an absolute legend for adding that bunnyhop cvar. I made a video about your unified SDK btw, just released it today.
That's nice. Thanks for making a presentation of what the project does.

I should stress given some of the comments that this is an SDK first and a mod second, intended to allow others to build on it.

Once the project has moved to the TWHL Community organization people can add more features if they want to, like Decay features and map support but that's out of scope for V1.0.0.

Mr Floyd is currently making a Decay solo campaign mod so they can ask him about possibly porting the campaign but that's not something i have planned myself. The asset sources are going to be made available at some point so it should be possible for anyone to do that.

I've fixed the invisible mouse cursor issue that several people have reported. The next release candidate will have that fix along with a couple others.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-14 18:13:52 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #347772
Gunshot impacts aren't possible without removing weapon prediction.
Ahhh I see. That's a darn shame, I loved that sound lol. And you're once again an absolute legend for adding that bunnyhop cvar. I made a video about your unified SDK btw, just released it today.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-14 11:23:43 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #347771
So even with all these changes to the code, there's still no way to bring back gunshot impact sounds for the player's bullets? And a cvar to enable / disable bhop cap would be very welcome for someone like myself
I've added a cvar sv_allowbunnyhopping to control the bunny hopping limiter. That can be used to allow unconstrained movement speed.

I haven't actually managed to bunny hop to see if it's possible to accelerate but the code that limits it won't execute so it should work.

Gunshot impacts aren't possible without removing weapon prediction. This is because the impact sounds are handled by client side events, and those events can't detect corpses.

The reason why corpses are undetectable is because the client operates on the list of solid entities that's also used by the player physics code. This list is populated with entities the client is told about by the server but it explicitly filters out some entities, corpses among them. They are quite literally invisible to that part of the game.

Unfortunately there's no way to detect this so it's not even possible to let the server handle it.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-13 16:30:02 UTC
in Programming video tutorials Post #347770
After what felt like thirty years, here it finally is:
Creating new weapons
A bit rushed, and has a little audio bug somewhere around the 10th minute... d'oh well, mistakes are made. I'll have to see if new versions of DaVinci Resolve have this audio problem.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-11 21:50:27 UTC
in Teamplay modding Post #347769
Check this, only thing i found.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-10 04:11:30 UTC
in Bones broken on v_ model Post #347766
Im trying to replace the arms on a model (original model), however when compiling the arms horribly break:
Image fileImage file
However, there seem to be no problems with the reference. The hand´s bone´s name´s match with the original reference, there are no mesh errors so far, and there is no bone twiching error from MS3D. I already tried deleting the ref and re-rigging the whole thing and $keepallbones command.

EDIT: Added propper model link
Model link.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-08 18:53:43 UTC
in Gauss jump on singleplayer Post #347765
Well, too bad it does need coding. Thanks.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-08 09:38:58 UTC
in Gauss jump on singleplayer Post #347764
You have to comment out this lines in gauss.cpp:
if ( !g_pGameRules->IsMultiplayer() )
    // in deathmatch, gauss can pop you up into the air. Not in single play.
    m_pPlayer->pev->velocity.z = flZVel;
User posted image
[-TR-] 3mirG [-TR-] 3mirGThe Turkish Half-Life modder.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-08 02:41:18 UTC
in Gauss jump on singleplayer Post #347763
Is the "jumpability" of the Gauss gun´s secondary attack controled by a cvar or by the code?. I want to implement it in a singleplayer map.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-07 14:43:19 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #347762
New release

List of important changes:
  • Target on pickup now works on ammo entities too.
  • Fix zombies not being able to attack sentry turrets (original Half-Life bug).
  • func_ladder can be turned on and off.
  • Don't mess Yaw spawnflag for env_sprite. In Half-Life the yaw value set in the editor for env_sprite is used as a roll value in the game. It's programmed this way due to some historical reasons and it makes oriented sprites setup harder. The new spawnflag is added to overcome this problem.
  • Female assassin cloaking ability can be controlled by sk_hassassin_cloaking skill cvars. If they're missing, the original behavior from Half-Life is used (cloaking enabled only on Hard difficulty).
  • Configuring custom amount of gibs for func_breakable and func_breakable_effect.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-06 17:45:01 UTC
in func_furniture falling through CLIP Post #347761
Ok, thanks!
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-06 17:03:56 UTC
in func_furniture falling through CLIP Post #347760
since it's a monster, it's gonna glitch out whenever it's inside something. however i don't see why you would need to use monster_furniture for this though if it's just a decoration, use a cycler_sprite
breadloaf breadloafrespectable individual
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-05 22:00:02 UTC
in Teamplay modding Post #347759
Anyone got any good modding resources about half life teamplay?
Like how to make teams and limiting the players in each one, because afaik i have to do change it from the map properties
Any help on it would be really appreciated
BLaST14 BLaST14alt names: badcoder64 / RobIsAPerson64
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-05 18:26:37 UTC
in func_furniture falling through CLIP Post #347758
monster_furniture falling through CLIP*
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-05 18:25:20 UTC
in func_furniture falling through CLIP Post #347757
Is this happening because i put fire extinguisher (monster_furniture) inside of CLIP?
In J.A.C.K.In J.A.C.K.
In gameIn game
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-04 01:46:29 UTC
in Source code of GameUi.dll Post #347756
just saw this.. i got one from az(absolute zero) i dont know if it works though

Link :
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-03 23:47:53 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #347755
So even with all these changes to the code, there's still no way to bring back gunshot impact sounds for the player's bullets? And a cvar to enable / disable bhop cap would be very welcome for someone like myself
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-03 23:08:21 UTC
in ACT_ definitions in the source code Post #347754
I'm not sure if it can actually move by itself, I'll have to take a look at the code tomorrow.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-03 18:17:31 UTC
in ACT_ definitions in the source code Post #347753
I tried that with a really simple walk animation where the model pivots ~45 degrees around its feet (setting the pivot point to the 3D cursor which is placed near the bottom center of the feet).

however since I currently can’t compile the SDK to add custom NPC’s to my mod. I’ve had to rely on Monster_generic entities (in this case entity), with ai_scripted nodes to test movement animations, and other animations (besides the ACT_IDLE sequences).

The problem I’m having is my npc gets stuck (it shouldn’t be the terrain as the map is a barren cube) for some reason and I don’t know if it’s a ai navigation issue, an animation issue, or maybe even a distance issue (Hence why I want to find where the ACT_ scripts are located.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-03 12:44:24 UTC
in ACT_ definitions in the source code Post #347752
Well, that depends entirely on the animations themselves. You can inspect them in Blender and roughly see how far they go, I think.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-02 22:57:39 UTC
in ACT_ definitions in the source code Post #347750
Thanks, now all I need help with is finding the specifics for the “ACT_” tags such as how many units (In hammer 3.4) of distance each Animation use
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-02 20:15:53 UTC
in Limited Save System?? Post #347749
I'll try to look around it but thanks for the help tho!
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-02 14:10:03 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #347748

Map Decompiler beta 10

Map Decompiler beta 10 has been released:

  • Added Windows version requirement to README
  • Added failsafes to prevent empty or invalid configuration files from crashing the program
This fixes the program failing to start if the configuration file is empty, which some users have experienced.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-02 12:52:40 UTC
in Limited Save System?? Post #347747
There is an old mod called "Riot in Progress" which has a save gem system. You collect three gems, you can save three times for example. Maybe some of the more engine-savvy people can check how that works?
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-02 12:23:11 UTC
in Limited Save System?? Post #347746
You may begin by editing the VGUI resource files to e.g. remove the save button. You may also unbind the keys for that stuff.
But ultimately players could just type save into the console and work around it, it's an engine-side console command. I'm not sure how to work around that, probably some very ugly hack.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-02 11:48:25 UTC
in ACT_ definitions in the source code Post #347745
You can do a file search for ACT_ in HL SDK.
Firstly in dlls/activity.h you have all the activity IDs defined:
User posted image
Further, elsewhere you will find given situations or events where animations are looked up by activity:
User posted image
So for example, when the grunt does a "victory dance" i.e. enemy is dead, it looks for an animation with the ACT_CROUCH activity. And then more of them later.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-01 17:38:37 UTC
in ACT_ definitions in the source code Post #347744
does anyone know where the “ACT_” (parameters in a models QC file) is defined in the half life source code so I can understand how they function better?
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-01 00:09:58 UTC
in Limited Save System?? Post #347743
So I'm working on this hardcore mod based on the pre-releases of Half Life and I'm wondering.... is there a way to implement a Limited save system similar to Hard-life or Starlight. I know its possible I just don't know how.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-31 17:37:18 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #347742

Map Decompiler beta 9

Map Decompiler beta 9 has been released:

  • Renamed executables to user shorter names
  • Increased plane hashes array size to match BSP file format's MAX_MAP_PLANES limit
  • Fixed plane normals being rounded incorrectly resulting in some map geometry being misshapen
  • Updated Sledge.Formats libraries to latest version, upgraded code to match library changes
  • Updated Serilog, Newtonsoft.Json and SILK.NET.Maths libraries to latest versions
  • Upgraded to Avalonia 11.0.2, upgraded code to match library changes
  • Replaced deprecated file and folder dialog code with StorageProvider API
I'm waiting for this bug to be fixed before releasing Release Candidate 1. This bug causes the text in the top right corner to become invisible until clicked on after changing the theme from Light to Dark or vice versa.
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-31 17:33:27 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #347741
Thanks, i do my best :)
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-31 15:57:06 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #347740
I've said once but I'll say it again, I'm absolutely floored with the amount of consistent effort you've put into this project 25 years after the game's release. This is awesome.
Follow the commits on this.
Make sure you do it in order. Link:
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-30 18:28:50 UTC
in Half-Life Updated (custom SDK) Post #347738

Half-Life Updated release candidates released

Half-Life Updated, Half-Life: Opposing Force Updated and Half-Life: Blue Shift Updated release candidates have been released:
Half-Life Updated:
Half-Life: Opposing Force Updated:
Half-Life: Blue Shift Updated:

Notable changes for all games:
  • Fixed tripmines not detonating if placed on breakable and a save game is loaded
  • Fixed func_friction not working properly in multiplayer
  • Fixed Gauss gun sometimes settting player uranium ammo to -1
  • Fixed user interface coordinates and sizes being incorrectly adjusted for resolution
  • Fixed player weapons still receiving input when starting to use a func_tank
  • Fixed alien slave beams staying forever if they exist during a level change
  • Fixed limit in world weapons (e.g. Hand Grenade) respawning at wrong time if server is near edict limit
  • Fixed Human Grunts dropping weapons again if the game is saved and loaded while the grunt is dying
  • Fixed mouse movement during map load affecting initial view angles
  • Fixed being able to break scripted_sequence by +using friendly NPCs to make them follow player
  • Fixed potential incorrect facing in scripted sequence
  • Fixed Egon not stopping its attack animation if the attack button is held down and ammo runs out
  • Fixed scientists crashing when speaking fear dialogue when enemy has been removed
  • Disabled fall think function for weapons when the player picks it up to prevent possible double-pickup which removes the weapon and crashes the game
  • Disabled jump sounds while player is frozen (e.g. trigger_camera, trigger_playerfreeze)
  • Fixed node graph code incorrectly flagging node graphs as out of date if an outdated graph exists in a search path other than the mod directory (e.g. a graph in halflife_updated_addon/map/graphs)
Notable changes for Opposing Force:
  • Force Pitworm animations to interpolate to fix stuttering movement
  • Implemented snow footsteps and impact sounds, changed snow material type ID to O to match Opposing Force
  • Added missing EXPORT to a few Opposing Force entities
  • Fixed M249 using wrong spread in singleplayer when standing still and ducking
  • Fixed Capture The Flag items crashing on respawn
  • Fixed Health Charger recharge time not using the correct value in Co-op
  • Fixed Desert Eagle laser position not updating when holding down reload button
  • Fixed Voltigore creating beams on death connecting to wrong entity
  • Fixed ropes breaking at high framerates
  • Fixed allied human grunts continuing to fire for a few seconds after killing the last enemy in an area

Progress on the Unified SDK

The first release candidate is available:

SDK Changes

  • Disabled following by default for monster_generic
  • Create smell sound when spawning client-side gibs so NPCs can comment on it
  • Only allow monster following if it's actually a monster (stops entities inheriting from CBaseMonster from being +USEable)
  • Removed json_debug cvar (redundant, server commands require rcon access)
  • Updated documentation & changelog to fix some issues, add remaining code changes and make them easier to navigate

Asset Changes

  • Fixed Spore Launcher spore appearing on the side of the screen when reloading
  • Fixed HEV sounds playing when taking damage in Opposing Force

The future of Half-Life Updated and the Unified SDK

With the first versions of these projects coming close to completion a plan for post-launch support is being worked out to allow these projects to continue receiving updates.

I previously announced that the three Updated projects would be archived upon the release of version 1.0.0. Some have indicated a desire to keep updating them afterwards to incorporate changes from the Unified SDK, so i've been working out a way to handle this.

So far i've been managing these projects mostly on my own, merging in changes contributed by others as needed. The Git repositories are part of my Github account, and i can add collaborators to allow direct commit access.

To allow the community to support these projects we've created a new Github organization called TWHL Community

The Updated projects as well as the Unified SDK and others i have on my account will be moved to this organization to allow development to continue there. Github will automatically redirect existing links to the new locations so everything should keep working as before, though links will still be updated for clarity.

Members of the organization as well as collaborators added to the individual repositories can commit to these repositories and merge pull requests.

The move of these projects to an organization managed by TWHL makes these projects officially an extension of the community and should allow development to continue as long as the community remains active. It also ensures that projects referenced by tutorials on the website remain available.

Remaining work to be done

  • Update changelog to include all changes (mostly complete)
  • Write documentation for all new features (done)
  • Stress test the four campaigns and fix issues that show up (third test done)
  • First release candidate build (done)
  • MIT license all community-written Updated & Unified SDK code
With the release of release candidate builds for all 4 projects most of the work is now done. Some small changes may still be made to wrap up some work and fix issues but everything's ready for testing now.

This means no more large changes are going to be made for V1.0.0. Stability, correctness and performance are the priority now.

If anybody wants to try them out, just download them and follow the instructions. Report bugs and other problems on the issue tracker for the relevant project. Make sure to provide as much information as possible.

Thanks and have fun!
Posted 1 year ago2023-07-30 11:12:53 UTC
in verticalx3 Post #347737
Thanks, I did!