Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2008-10-30 13:03:41 UTC
in Wishful Thinking Post #257914
Always a fun topic: If you had one power, what would it be. No limits, use your imgaination.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-30 12:41:39 UTC
in Windows 7 multi-touch Autodesk demo! Post #257910
Basically a tablet with extended fuctionality. Yeah its cool, and I'd probably get a copy, but its really nothing new. The iPod touch can do that.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-30 12:38:35 UTC
in Strange Leaks Post #257908
Maybe I'm crazy, but I've never found the point files too helpful.
The last time I had a leak that I couldn't find, I used the skybox light method.

Surround your map with a hollow skybox and toss in an odd colored light_environment (say purple or pink. Anything that will show up easily). Now when you load your map, the leak should be easily recognized by this light pouring into it.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-28 19:25:46 UTC
in Dam Virus!! Post #257830
Funny that I just saw this less than a minute ago:

But seriously, if you're going to switch operating systems, any kind of Mac should be second to a free linux kernal. If nothing else, to save your working hardware. Macs are built for Apple hardware, and seems like a real waste to have to throw away your perfectly good PC hardware just to switch your OS.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-28 15:06:20 UTC
in odd mail 0.O Post #257817
Every time I see things like this I wonder if the original creator just made a program with a set list of words that are spat out randomly onto the page. Its like they want them to be completely incoherent.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 12:35:14 UTC
in func_water without sound Post #257760
An alternative you could try is a func_push that catches the player near the bottom, but is too high for the player to jump back into.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-26 21:18:07 UTC
in Dam Virus!! Post #257709
I never use antivirus and I have never been attacked by one of them. I just don't execute things that I don't know what they do.
I've just been attacked by one of those motherfuckers. I'm on secure mode now because I can't turn on my computer on normal mode.
Come on, you have to see the irony in this.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-24 12:37:58 UTC
in Desktops of October Post #257596
Just started the show a few days ago, actually.
Talk about a real mindfuck, but iz good stuff.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-24 09:25:48 UTC
in Desktops of October Post #257589
Masta Killa: Have you seen Lain?
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-23 15:26:06 UTC
in Games to look forward to... Post #257563
Oh yeah, I forgot about Dissidia.
It should be somewhat epic. Epic enough for a PSP anyway.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-23 15:19:07 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257560
Nice, man.
Did you do all the texturing as well?

Posted 15 years ago2008-10-21 18:35:54 UTC
in Desktops of October Post #257460
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-19 19:34:32 UTC
in Half-Life Singleplayer mod: Mistake Post #257362
I don't think you understand what is generally considered a "cheap scare", Raver.
Something scary that jumps out at you for no reason is a cheap scare.
SH never resorts to that. Its all in the atmosphere making you feel vulnerable.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-19 17:22:13 UTC
in Half-Life Singleplayer mod: Mistake Post #257355
Striker, methinks you need to give Afraid of Monsters a try if you were jumping out of your chair for this one.

I'll download it later, when its dark, like everyone else :) . From the screenshots, the Silent Hill inspiration couldn't be more obvious. Though it looks awfully "pitch black". This better not be a bunch of cheap scares.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-19 17:01:07 UTC
in Decadence Mod Post #257353
I've been watching this post-apoc mod for a few months, and it looks like its coming along very nicely. Somehow, nobody seems to know about it, though. Recently it just hit the first internal alpha.
From the website:
Decadence is a story-driven multiplayer total conversion based on Valve Software's ? Engine and combines the personal relationship to characters and surroundings of single-player games with an adrenaline filled multiplayer experience. Decadence pits two teams against each other in a fight over territorial control. Each map is designed in stages to offer a more compact and action filled gameplay that puts focus on teamwork and strategy.

Decadence is multiplayer with personality, where you play as one of four different characters. The character you pick is exclusively for you and will give you a unique weapon and other advantages, and you need to use every single one of them together in combination with your teammate to succeed. The environment will also be key to survival, providing cover from enemy fire as you advance towards the capture. Staying close to your teammate is vital in Decadence. She is able to help you in many ways, not only as an extra hand in combat, but she can also revive you if you get shot down.
Some screenshots from their website:
Screen 1
Screen 2
Screen 3

ModDB profile:

Posted 15 years ago2008-10-19 02:42:50 UTC
in compile benchmarking... might be fun? Post #257332
What compiler did you have in mind?
I'd be in for the Goldsrc part.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-17 12:02:07 UTC
in Games to look forward to... Post #257262
In RE5, you get to shoot "people who annoy you".
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-17 09:18:17 UTC
in Games to look forward to... Post #257252
My brother subscribes to Electronic Gaming Monthly, and its garbage. Its all blatantly biased material that praises the big namesand overly critisizes any new contender for not being Halo.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-16 03:20:50 UTC
in Games to look forward to... Post #257181
The Turtle Rock!
Badum-Bum TSHHHH
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-15 13:19:10 UTC
in Games to look forward to... Post #257124
I had a dream that I was inside L4D last night. I want it.
My list is only:
Mirror's Edge
Project Origin

Evreything else I was looking forward to is already out (SH Homecoming and Clear Sky).
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-15 12:52:24 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257121
Rimroook deserves a blowjob for making those textures. I can't get enough of them D:
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-15 03:51:23 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #257098
New plant light model instead of world brushes:
User posted image
Different angle:
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-14 19:29:04 UTC
in Visual Basic Post #257092
That's exactly what I'm talking about, and what I'm telling you is that things as elementary as brackets and if statement structures do not mean two languages' syntax is similar. Syntax encompasses everything of how the language is written-- how you carry out your orders to the machine. And they are written radically differently for each.
Computer languages work a lot like human languages, they really do. A lot of languages are based on Latin, but use different grammar structures, and a lot of words that exist in some languages don't exist in others. Some things can translate over fairly simply, but if you try to speak one language as you would another, it wouldn't make sense. if you try to write C# the same way you write C++, it wouldn't work. Again, this goes beyond the basic 30-something keywords and the variable->method->class structure.

Then you have stuff like VB that use a completely different base all together: IE Latin and Arabic.

Don't be an ass and say everything is derived from binary. I'm on to you :cyclops:

Edit: Just read your second edit. Maybe its just that with C++, its so easy to have a messy wall of code, while its easier to read Java or C#. But that's the point I'm trying to make. If they were similar enough to say "if you know C++, you basically know C#", then it would be just as easy to make a messy wall of code in C#. Its not, though. You almost have to try to make C# look nasty because of how clean the syntax is :P
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-14 18:56:11 UTC
in Visual Basic Post #257089
You killed my edit. I'm still talking about the written syntax here.
I spent all of last summer doing IT work for a power company where my one and only task was to port a single program from C++ to C#, and had to learn C# as I went along. It was very, very, very different from C++. The basic layout of variable inside method inside class isn't nearly enough to say the two are similar.
If you're basing your position on what you've seen in Valve's SDK-- they use simplified syntax that pretty much any entry-level university student could read.

I don't know how much of either language you've worked with outside of school, but I can assure you that what they teach in a university is extremely elementary in comparison to the kind of programs large corporations use. If you haven't been through an IT internship yet, you're in for a big surprise.
Now, if you have been doing some "real world" work, and I mean on the corporate level [not TWHL or small-time game re-coding], then feel free to tell me I'm a dumbass. But again, from my experience, the syntax is very different.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-14 18:36:11 UTC
in Visual Basic Post #257087
Not from my experience :|
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-14 18:28:59 UTC
in Visual Basic Post #257085
C# syntax is not very similar to C++ at all. Its closer to Java than anything.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-11 01:35:10 UTC
in Spider-Man: Web of Shadows Trailer! Post #256898
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-08 20:52:41 UTC
in DM_Astrial (work in progress) Post #256841
I. Drink. Your. Milkshake!

I just saw the opportunity there. I don't actually have anything to say.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-08 19:23:08 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #256838
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-07 22:01:50 UTC
in Hammer/ Wolrdcraft Post #256799
What makes Worldcraft better than Hammer? Its the exact same program but years older.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-04 05:35:56 UTC
in Dragonball Teaser Now Online Post #256632
My scouter just said that the shit levels are over 9000. It wouldn't be half as ridiculous as it seems if they had given the characters new names.
With what these guys are trying to pull, it would have been better off taking place in a completely new Dragonball universe all together. Not like that would stop it from failing anyway, though D:

Looks like, dare I say, half-baked ass cake. Moving along, then.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-01 03:43:32 UTC
in member search??? Post #256423
It searches bios, too.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-28 17:26:04 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #256290
The change makes it a whopping $8.47.
I'm a rich man.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-28 16:52:51 UTC
in Splinter Prize Fight Post #256287
Who plays CSS anyway ? not a big difference between the two except the models and 3D skyboxes ... oh and the gay use of system resources of course .
You're absolutely right. Aside from bump mapping, cubemap and phong shaders, soft shadows, HDR, Source physics, and completely different weapon mechanics, 1.6 and CSS are exactly the same game.

I might be in for the lulz. Its a big maybe because that's when my fall break starts(so I might have better things to do :P ).
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-28 16:27:54 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #256284
Tried to take some artistic photos because I see them so much on BladeForums. I'm no photographer D:
User posted image
User posted image
It sort of looks cool until you realize that its $8.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-28 15:11:29 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #256274
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-25 13:16:26 UTC
in SteamDieing Post #256090
Yup. Back up your data and flash that sucker.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-24 12:25:49 UTC
in SteamDieing Post #256023
Literally copy your game folders and paste them somewhere else.

What do you mean you can't remove Steam? What happens when you try to uninstall it? I hope you're not just trying to delete the steam folder.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-23 14:46:56 UTC
in Half-Life: Decay for PC Post #255973
Sweet, downloading now.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-23 12:59:09 UTC
in Cant make big maps Post #255959
Not really. Its only scaled 8 times.
Sure it'll look ugly as sin, but it won't stop the map from compiling.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-21 16:42:30 UTC
in Ufo Sighting in Illonois! Post #255897
It doesn't matter how specific you get. We know that the universe is at least "so and so" billion years old from these stars, and that leaves a massive gap between the beginning of everything, and the beginning of us.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-21 01:11:00 UTC
in Desktops of September Post #255828
You wish you had a porn folder right there on your desktop?
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-21 00:33:37 UTC
in Desktops of September Post #255825
User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-20 21:24:31 UTC
in Ufo Sighting in Illonois! Post #255817
You would be hard-pressed to find someone who believe's we are the only life, period. That's not the argument. People argue over whether its possible for said life to reach us, in this dimension, this universe, and this particular time.
Again with the age of life on Earth, though. People seem to ignore how young Earth life really is.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-20 21:20:31 UTC
in Ufo Sighting in Illonois! Post #255814
Secondly, there's no proof that a civilization could be more advanced than us at all. It's more than likely that there is life in the universe, but it's also likely that that life is undeveloped. Micro-organisms etc...
Humans as we are have only been around for the past 200,000 or so years. The earliest form of life recorded on Earth is 3 billion years old. We have evolved to what we are in 3 billion years. Now, the universe is estimated to be over 14 billion years old, and that's just by human estimation.

If we are right about the universe's age, then there is an 11-billion-year gap before us for other life to develop, whereas there is only a 3-billion-year gap for life to develop after us. In this case, it should be obvious that if there is life out there, they are most likely much older than us.

On the other hand, if we are wrong about the universe's age, we at least know that the Earth is around 4.6 billion in age. Assuming Earth started with the universe, there is still a 1.6 billion-year gap between the beginning and life on Earth. Or maybe the universe is even older than we think, in which case there is an immeasurable timeframe between the beginning and life on Earth.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-20 19:16:27 UTC
in Ufo Sighting in Illonois! Post #255806
I think Deathen is just talking about sheer travel time, in which case distance doesn't really have any meaning when higher dimensions come into play.

Folding a sheet of paper so that the corners touch allows a bug on the paper to "instantly jump" from one end of the paper to the other, without having to walk the long way across the paper. That's how the third dimension works in the real world.
^ This is the most common example for understanding higher dimensions, by the way.

Read Rob Bryanton's "Imagining the Tenth Dimension" and Brian Greene's "The Fabric of te Cosmos" if you're into that sort of thing :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-19 14:51:58 UTC
in Ufo Sighting in Illonois! Post #255679
Oh boy! I'll grab my stuff!
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-16 13:34:00 UTC
in Daubeh's TF2 Server [Server closed] Post #255519
So uhh, yeah...
Why doesn't anyone ever play in this server? I need my backstab fix on some of you.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-15 21:31:05 UTC
in Gates & Seinfeld get with it Post #255488
I sort of like the shoestore commercial. The rest are a joke, though (no pun intended).
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-15 18:26:00 UTC
in Now Eating: ... Post #255468
A pack of little Debbie Swiss cake rolls, followed by a second pack, and then followed by a third pack.
Americans, amirite?