who the fuck likes spiderman above age 9?Only Neo-TheOne. And I think its hilarious that he uses AOL and even more hilarious that he has a shortcut to the AOL icon already on his desktop.
J3r3my: 13 yr old who lives to piss off zlLOL ya thats me. I can be nice to him though.
status: nice (except, obviously, to zl)
- J3r3my: Adorable little 13 year old who isnt afraid to speak his mind. Likes that FLCL anime.Adorable? You perv
Matrix sucks.So true
Neo sucks.
End of story.
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LOL that one is good! If you dont get it look closer.right on! for the sake of the rest of us, use email, we don't want to hear about your problems with homosexuality, racism, etc.Or the PM system
BF2 maps would be great in Source .It would. Somehow I just wasnt impressed with the graphics in BF2. If they looked like HL2 it would be awesome.
Jeremy Matthew Caldwell, Your ideal job is a Alien investigator.How nerdy :
J3r3my, Your ideal job is a Housekeeper.
Jeremy, Your ideal job is a Suicide Bomber.LOL!
Jerem Cardell:
J3r3my, I sense alot of anger in you against homosexuals. Is that because your father is one? Or is it because you're a 13 year old texan?Fuck off dude. My dad is NOT gay, I am NOT gay and Im from fucking Arizona not Texas. Learn your states ok. Oh I forgot you hate America cause you never learned anything about it and think its an evil place and all shit just like the communist news over there wants you to think. Put down the commie newspaper and actually try to learn something real about the US.
Oh, they're the same really.
I would map my cock. Extremely compilcated, huge, awsome, detailed, etc etc etc....
Jimmi..Hes also very gay.
A. That's sick
B. You're sick
Now watch closely as Neo tries to flame Jeremy with a totally retarded comebackHehe I eagerly await
Come on! Bible software ?Whys that dumb? Im Christian so maybe it just doesnt seem dumb to me.