Wow, you gonna go to $500?
Seriously, money is just a joke and I feel it is an insult if you raise price for someone to do something for you. I learnt nearly everything from "GOOGLE". You heard about it?
Google Inc. is an American multinational corporation specializing in Internet-related services and products. These include search, cloud computing, software, and online advertising technologiesHere's the link: search: from 3ds max to source: model tools for source: documentation: result search: to model in 3ds max:
My suggestion:
Learn this stuff, take a month or year to ace your skills, or do another project in the mean while. Paying anyone ANYTHING won't get you no where
Trust me, you know how many offers we've had from people like you?
It's depressing...
So yeah, all in all, do research, keep your money, preferably take it and shove it, and have fun LEARNING and ENJOYING the art of modding. Don't steal stuff but MAKE your own. Even if its crap, it's still yours and your trail and error and development. EVERYTHING AROUND THE WORLD TAKES PRACTICE.
Ima help only that much, and come to think about it, I gave you good stuff, but I'm sure your gonna ignore all this and come back at me with a crappy reply so I'm just gonna give you this right now:
along with this one when you give up and leave our site:
[i]Haisha!!! X3[/i]
(PS, still friendly yo, I helped a lot in this, now, where's my 2 AED or 2 Dirhams?)