Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-07-01 17:07:11 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252019
I don't really like writing reviews, takes too much time, plus, im just not really good at it.

But in a nuttshell:

Captain Terror's map could use a little more variation on the room itself. Using a sign texture to decorate the entire room is just plain weird. At least go for somekind of metal, concrete or fifties look, not a staircase sign texture! :P

Tetsu0's big ass human grunt could use some better texturing. I know its hard to texture surfaces like that, but still, its not an imposible task.

Ok thats enough reviewing for today. I have to relook at the other entries.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-29 18:57:34 UTC
in cp_goldfinger Playtesting Server (MotM) Post #251962
This is true. Where'd it go?
  • Lack of interest.
  • Too fucking expensive.
Those were the main reasons i took it down.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-29 09:43:25 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #251952

Final score:

1: Dog by Captain Terror
2: Houndeye by TJB
3: Human_Grunt by Tetsu0
4: Combine Heli by Unbreakable
5: Headcrab by Half-Life Genius.

So congrats to Captain Terror! You're next. :D
Sorry to those who didn't win. Maybe next compo. :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-28 19:50:19 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #251945
Bonanza Banzai - Apocalypse
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-28 08:13:18 UTC
in cp_goldfinger Playtesting Server (MotM) Post #251934
So is this server TF2 only?
I really miss those HLDM/HL2DM days.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-27 16:27:59 UTC
in SPORE content released! Post #251895
Couple more:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-24 13:41:47 UTC
in Wont build cubemaps Post #251804
Is the bsp file itself actually read only? See what happens when you disable that.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-22 10:28:56 UTC
in Game_Text: How do I make a line break Post #251745
No, we're done.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-22 09:27:11 UTC
in Game_Text: How do I make a line break Post #251741
No, cuz \n is not available in VB.NET. VB.NET's equilivent is vbCrLf, as you pointed out. The syntax in every programming might be different, the purpose is the same: creating a new line.

So, if you don't use C++, like me, then how would i know? :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-22 08:54:59 UTC
in Game_Text: How do I make a line break Post #251739
as a programmer muzz you should know for certain it's \n, not /n :P
I don't use C++. :P \n is a C++ thingy.
There's no such thing as \n in VB though.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-22 07:55:48 UTC
in Game_Text: How do I make a line break Post #251736
Simple. Type \n (or was it /n?) in the property field where you want to have a new line to begin.

So for example:

"This is line one.\nThis is line two."

Im not sure if you need to type space or not, so it could also be:

"This is line one. \n This is line two."

So try this all out, and one of them will work.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 07:13:08 UTC
in Help me fix this problem. Sky clipping? Post #251684
offtopic: muzzleflash, for a second there i thought that was you in you're diplay picture, then i stopped and sayed "nah, girls can't play video games" "and muzzleflash is a dude, too" tongue - :P
First of all, that ain't me, but Aliz?e, a french pop singer that i like. Nothing more. Until that is, i changed it yesterday, now it is the NASA logo.

Second of all, klobb will now chase you down for hijacking his thread!
Don't go offtopic in mapping threads. If you want to say something that has nothing to do with mapping, either use the general discussion forum or the PM system.
It's Alize` man.
Make that Aliz?e. :)

On topic now. Take a look at Terrors's picture. Maybe you need to add some brushwork to stop the player from seeing through the sky into another part of your map.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-19 17:56:11 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #251592
I am the judge!
And its really hard...
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-19 12:44:28 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251549
Bad idea. Don't do it.
Try a non existing environment instead.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 19:06:53 UTC
in Help me fix this problem. Sky clipping? Post #251422
See what happens when you compile with normal VIS. That is -fast VIS off. If that doesn't fix it, try full VIS.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 15:55:17 UTC
in Restarting mapping for Source Engine (Gm Post #251409
A phys_convert always converts targeted brush entities into func_physbox entities.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 15:44:30 UTC
in Restarting mapping for Source Engine (Gm Post #251407
Look in your entity list.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 15:17:09 UTC
in Restarting mapping for Source Engine (Gm Post #251404
Use the phys_convert entity to convert all your pipes and stuff into physics object as soon as the explosion happens.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 15:15:33 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251403
hi, i'm sure some of you have heard i was making a mod for hl1 that puts almost everything from hl2 into the goldsource engine.
Smells like thehalflifedude...
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 11:27:25 UTC
in BARNEYS!! Post #251394
Point of View

Don't use any content from this mod in your own, this is considered stealing, unless the author has given you permission. So contact him first.

Edit: Stixsmaster beat me to it! Even though my post has more text. :D
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 11:16:58 UTC
in There was a problem compiling the map. & Post #251391
oo sorry man my bad i won't do it anymore smile - :)
Lies! Use the EDIT button next time.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-16 14:04:35 UTC
in The Free Texture Thread! Post #251338
Good. Then make use of them.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-16 13:18:08 UTC
in There was a problem compiling the map. & Post #251335
And make sure you open the .lin file as your pointfile. Its less messy than the .pts file.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-16 11:08:52 UTC
in The Free Texture Thread! Post #251333
Skals, your textures really need a glow version...
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-15 19:34:59 UTC
in SPORE content released! Post #251293
How about video? :P

Meet Lolgaotten! :D:D:D
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-15 18:43:01 UTC
in SPORE content released! Post #251290
Urb is right.

Just cancel the account form and go for it!
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-15 17:32:56 UTC
in help with camera select Post #251285
There's an issue with the Catalyst driver 7.12 and possibly newer version as well, that's causing the problem you're having.

Check out this thread for information:

All you can do is:
  • Stop with GoldSource mapping and switch to Source mapping.
  • Install an NVidia card.
  • Rollback to an older Catalyst driver (see the thread to find out which one).
I know how annoyin this is cuz i got same problem. I did a rollback to an older driver though.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-15 17:09:19 UTC
in help with camera select Post #251283
Are you using an ATI Radeon videocard with Catalyst driver 7.12 or higher?
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-15 11:23:18 UTC
in There was a problem compiling the map. & Post #251271
Yeah, thats strange.

I'd say clear your tools directory, and put everything from the zip file in there instead.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-15 09:42:51 UTC
in There was a problem compiling the map. & Post #251267
You need to upgrade your compile tools. The tools you're currently using, are known as the Q tools and were mainly used for Quake mapping. These tools were modified by Valve to compile their HL1 maps as well. This was way back in 199x when HL was still undergoing development.

Now, better compile tools were made as a replacement for the Q tools. They do a much better job at compiling your maps.

Get them here: Zoners Half-Life Tools 3.4

Depending on how you compile your map (with My Compilator, Nem's Batch Compiler or Hammer's built in compiler) you may need to re-setup, as ZHLT has different filenames.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-15 08:56:55 UTC
in TWHL3: The Buglist Post #251265
You can't seem to delete PM's! When i click the [D] (D for Delete?) link i get a message saying:
There seems to be a problem with what you are trying to do.

The specific problem is: You cannot archive this message.

Do not click back on your browser. Click here instead.
I don't to archive that particular PM, i want to delete it.

The same message appears when i click the [A] link, which is probably the Archive link. I don't see why you can't archive PM's anyway.

This should be fixed a.s.a.p. cuz im expecting some PM's.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-15 08:00:51 UTC
in SPORE content released! Post #251263
Argh, a trial.
Im checking this out anyway.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-14 15:38:08 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #251239
Roger that.

The compo is now closed. Unless someone else is still working on it, let me know fast.

Results coming soon.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-14 11:07:12 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #251229
Timezones make me dizzy.

If you can get your entry done within the next 24 hours, ill close the compo.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-14 09:44:20 UTC
in Sprite Types: (Please help me define) Post #251226
Sprite Explorer says:

Describes how sprites are oriented in the world. It is only partially implemented feature, and Half-Life does not fully respond in all video modes to any adjustment of orientation. Use VP_PARALLEL for consistent results in the engine.

So go for VP_PARALLEL.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-13 18:43:39 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #251218
Very nice! Its going to be hard to judge both your Houndeye and Captain Terrors Dog.


Tetsu0, can you finish in time or do you wish for an extention?
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-13 10:28:21 UTC
in Half-Life: Static Friction Post #251208
@Muzz, will send you the tutorial and the models but i have found a recent bug with it so be warned, will tell you more when i send it.
Thanks, ill be waiting.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-12 11:33:41 UTC
in Valve hammer using EP1 tools Post #251184
Ok, Nem does not suck ass, but his technical support does, and his forums are dead, you never get a reply there. So he fails in that.

And yes, i want people to use my Compilator cuz i worked on it hard, and still am. The version will be huge, including many new feats, such as the multiple BSP output directories, HLfix and real batch compiling!

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 20:23:40 UTC
in Valve hammer using EP1 tools Post #251149
Not another one...

Nem sucks ass.
Ok, he made some great tools, but from a technical support point of view, he totally sucks balls. And so does his forum.

Use my Compilator instead.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 16:21:04 UTC
in Valve hammer using EP1 tools Post #251145
Lol wut?

You're trying to compile your map with qcsg (VERY OLD), vbsp, vvis and vrad.
What the heck have you done to get that???

Check your settings and use ZHLT.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 14:12:46 UTC
in Monsters Disappearing Post #251138
Here's an screenie of the whole thing on 3d Hammer Camera, if you find it usefull.
No, we don't, because its a dead link. :D

Anyway, check for anything suspicious in your compile log and report back here.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 08:42:38 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #251127
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-10 17:55:35 UTC
in Over 512 entitys Post #251108
There are definitely limits to the engine, considering entities:

HL engine limits for ALL entitys: 2048
HL in-game temporary entity engine limit (part of the 2048?). Used for breakables, sparks, gibs, ect.: 500
data memory limit for entitys: 0.5M
MAX_MAP_ENTITIES Compiling tools limit for ALL editor placed entitys in a level, incuding brush, models, sprites & point entitys like lights (mod limits may vary a bit lower): 2048
MAX_ENGINE_ENTITIES (light, light_spot and light_environment entities that have either a targetname or a style attached to them (ie. all switchable lighting in the map).: 1024
compiling tools sub-limit of brush based entitys (part of the 2048): 400
possible model & sprite entitys sub-limit (part of the 2048?): 400
specialty entity limits: various

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-09 09:29:18 UTC
in VERC Proposal Post #251070
I believe VERC (Valve ERC) was owned by Chris 'Autolycus' Bokitch, who now works for Valve. Someone should try to contact him.

And maybe the tutorial images on the site are still there, but the urls to those images got borked during the creation of the Valve Developer Wiki which led in shutdown of VERC.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-08 10:07:49 UTC
in map vote menu in bf1942 Post #251034
Probably a bug in the game.
I don't think you'll get any help here, try the BF1942 forums or live with it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-07 19:09:35 UTC
in How do you.... Post #251012
To make a wall where you can go though, turn the wall in question into a func_illusionary.

Don't know about your second question.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-07 08:32:03 UTC
in Fatal Error =[ Post #251002
i'd highly recommend using the Batch Compiler to compile.
Oh God... Pleeease...

Blackened, use The Compilator. Its a front end just like Nem's Batch Compiler, but made by me. Plus, i provide better application support and troubleshooting. Nem doesn't at all! :thefinger:
I thought i already had you using The Compilator, Captain Terror. Probably not. :(
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-06 15:50:10 UTC
in Path tool problems Post #250986
Whats wrong with path_tracks?

You should'nt be using the path tool. Its buggy.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-06 14:23:49 UTC
in Multiple BSP copy locations possible? Post #250218
Alright then.

*Goes to wrork.


Added, tested, approved, done. :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-06 13:13:06 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #250976
Don't worry, ill pick up Half-Life Launcher development after i've finished The Compilator.