Do you walk out of a restaurant without paying because you didn't like the food?
Absolutely. if i go out to eat and the food is shit, it gets sent back. I either order something else or get my money back.
You pay to watch a movie at the cinema. If you didn't like it, does that mean you shouldn't pay?
Again, absolutely. I've walked out of a couple movies because they were absolute shit. I've never been turned down for a refund at a movie, not even questioned about it; they just politely give you a refund.
As far as pirating, i'll do as was said earlier: i'll preview a game by pirating it. If i really like it, i'll buy it. Case and point: Starcraft II.
I played it in beta and later downloaded a utility to play it in offline mode. After playing it extensively in SP, (and MP in beta), i decided it's not worth $60... not by a long shot.
If i like a game, i will always pay for it, not to mention it is the only way to play MP.
If a dev company can't release something worth paying for, it shouldn't be paid for imo. If a game is shit it's shit, no matter how much blood/sweat/jizz/money they put into it. =)
sidenote: It used to be at Electronics Boutique, you could buy PC games, and had a 5-day period to return them, though that was a long time ago.
Just because someone's opinion is different from yours doesn't make them wrong... Also, everyone here has done it at one time or another, so NOBODY has the moral high ground to look down on others who admit to it.. I think some people in this thread should take it easy...