the site is gaining popularity, theres no doubt about it... which can only be a good thing. With HL2 on the horizon its good to see that hl is still as popular than ever, and hopefully, the game and the website will continue to be.
How many people sign up/day now? Must be quite a few! Good going, atom, the webmaster, and everyone who answers everyone's q's and looks at, uh, people's stuff.
Actually, that question at the beginning wasn't rhetorical, actually wanted to know it's the point (if there is any) of this post!
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-08 14:04:39 UTC
in MusicPost #1241
E's the lead singer/guitarist/pianist of the eels, John Cale's a seperate guy, different kidna music, I'd recommend: Paris 1919 and Trouble with Classicists, or, if you're an ADSLer, mebbe try the whole of Songs for Drella (John Cale & Lou Reed). They're both ex-members of the 60s/70s Andy Warhol band the Velvet Underground.
Hi, can everyone check out my map in the problem maps section, iv read the various advice about bad surface extents and still cant find the problem/fix it. Need help.
Actually my (Vassy's) problem, but I can't be bothered to log out and log in. I'm having problems with trigger_changelevel. For level changes, do info_landmarks have to be in the exact same place? 'cos I've only ever made 1 semi-successful level transition. I had the landmark on the exact same unit, but the changelevels in different places (Not touching the landmark). It worked OK one way but when I went back I got embedded in the wall for some reason, even though it was a very wide level with the landmark in the centre. The reason I suspect the landmark must be in the same place is because whenever it's on a different area, 1 unit even, the level transition fails to work. And what causes me to get embedded in the wall? I know to get transitions to work you must load the map from the console, that's what I did. And I'm not using trigger_transition.
Otherwise people apply textures and they don't meet up, look really odd, etc. I'll do one in the next week or so I hope... starting work on a teeny little mod soon...
Yeah, a really basic one would be Ok... The thing I have found is that most people have their own way of doing things once they figure out the basics, so If you want to write one from the Beginning, go for it.
I had this exact problem in my LDSF laser competition map. How do you trigger an event off of the last monster that dies if they are spawned into the map? I couldn't figure a way to do it using monstermakers. To get around it, I made a lift that contained all the monster_human_grunts I needed. And lifted each grunt into a trigger_teleport which brought him into the map when I needed him. Then I had each of their deaths trigger a separate button and all of the buttons targetted a multisource. (I couldn't target the multisource off their deaths directly) The multisource targetted the ending sequence. So when the last grunt dies, it triggers the ending sequence. The rmf is included with the LDSF download. It sounds more complicated than it is.
I've decided it'd be just too friggin' hard to use phpBB. Getting it to work with the same userbase would take yonks. I'm sure members don't want to have to register a separate account on the forums, login separately, etc. etc.
So instead I'm going to redesign these, dumping the threaded view, making them a lot faster and cooler.... and they'll come with bbcode and autolinking.
I think you saw the wrong map-it was a much earlier version of what the level started out as. I've tryed to fix the Zip file and now you should get the right file. The new map is just as bright-because then in my next map it will be more dramatic when some of the lights are broken...
Well, you've got some func_walls extending into the void, which will cause a leak. That's why you didn't get any lighting (I assume you didn't, from the screenshot, although it looked similar when I compiled it skyboxed). Why are there so many lights?
If you limited the monster number. Then you could prolly use a game_counter, and... hmm... no. Don't think so (lol) - can't set detailed monster props from a monsmak
hmm, i've had this dilema before, only i didn't try to figure it out. I'll be experementing with this during the day ithink, i have a theory with trigger_changetargets, and you can do it with spirit and some creative mapping using env_costumise or the like... i'll post something up if i can get it to work...
how do i make 2 diff things happen cos of the same entity. i hav a nihilanth that at 50% health makes a wall break. how do i make sumtin happen when it dies?
Copying the models into the directory and rewriting the .fgd might work, but I doubt it. The weapons are coded into the original OpFor dll and are probably not included in the HL dll. Spirits entities are coded into the Spirit dll, modifying the spirit .fgd probably won't work with HL (although I haven't tried it?). For more informnation on stuff like this, check Collective and some of the Development sites.
Editing an .fgd is pretty easy with Notepad as Kol said... but beware, not following the format will cause parsing problems. Most Mods are based on the Original HL .fgd and this has been modified several times. Removing entity information is Ok, as it narrows down the amout of options you have (Take CS-expert for example, they removed func_push and gravity because they couldn't work out where you would ever use it) But adding entity specific stuff means that the dll must have been modified. You can't just add an entity to the .fgd for it to work. Not sure where you would get specific information about this but try ModBD or Rust or a site that deals with Coding. And ofcourse there is always Collective.
as far as i know you can just use note pad to edit an exitsing fgd, i'm not sure of the format though.. check the VERC collective, they might have something...
vassy, you can just use the opFor FGD and make your map an opfor addon, just set up hammer to do opfor maps and thats it, as for adding features from spirit to opfor... need coding... and am i answering qns that you havent asked?
vassy, the cd music is on the CD hence the name, infact you can use your hl cd as an audio cd and play it on your cd player, it works (exept track 1 which is reserved as the 'data track' - ie the game...)
pepper's right, check for the HL cd, you might have the blueshift cd or the ofFor cd in your drive, alsocheck the CD volume in windows's volume controll, and make sure that in the hl options you have play cd music is checked - it happened to me (i felt like kicking my self)
first do you have the hl cd in your cd player he may use from there music and if you have a audio cd in your cd player he will use that for music and you cna chekc in hl if you wnat to hear music
I've got a prob. with HL. I've had it ever since I started using the High Definition pack. This is unrelated to mapping but anyway: For some reason, I hear music at certain times in HL when I'm not using the HD pack, like at the beginning when Freeman gets his HEV suit. However, now I use the HD pack and don't hear music at all. I do occasionally hear music in Blue Shift though. I don't hear any in OpFor either (Is there any?). <Scientist voice> What the hell is going on with my equipment?