Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-08-12 05:33:44 UTC
in Milkshape Users, i need your assistance Post #445
yeah i was just about to do that, but how do i know how big to make the clip brushes so that they fit around the model, or do i just surround the entity with the clip brush and thats it?
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-12 05:20:55 UTC
in Milkshape Users, i need your assistance Post #447
well apparently theres a beta version of hammer, v3.5, apparently there is also an updated halflife .fgd file which allows model support, i never realised that you could'nt put models in halflife, weird.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-12 05:17:02 UTC
in freezing Post #435
when i try and compile and run my map made in world craft , it launches counter strike then it gets to the loading screen and freezes any one know what is goin on and fixed it , i tried reinstalling cs and worldcraft any other suggestions
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-12 05:16:28 UTC
in Milkshape Users, i need your assistance Post #444
Just put 'clip' textured brushes round them.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-12 03:00:58 UTC
in Milkshape Users, i need your assistance Post #443
So I can put in my own models? COOL! I'll download it tonight! I assume that you use monster_generic to insert them, right? Talking of m_g., I had a problem once with it. He was hovering above the floor in WC, like he should be, but he was halfway through the floor in HL (Opposing Force). What the hell?
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-12 02:49:22 UTC
in Milkshape Users, i need your assistance Post #442
Very helpful, though - now I can actually start modelling - I gave up pretty quickly :)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-12 02:19:55 UTC
in Milkshape Users, i need your assistance Post #441
geez, dont know why i end up answering my own questions. funny
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-11 14:03:03 UTC
in Milkshape Users, i need your assistance Post #440
I had the same problem. Still have. Sorry :(
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-11 12:23:34 UTC
in Milkshape Users, i need your assistance Post #439
For those who have had experience with Milkshape 3D. I was wondering how i can turn the .ms3d or halflife .smd file into a .mdl file.

Is there a compiler that i can use that anyone knows of?I tryed a google search for a mdl compiler, all i can find is a plugin to decompile.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-10 12:42:13 UTC
in SKIES Post #456
Whenever i put a sky on my latest map and run it it crashes my computer.. :(
Help me
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-10 12:28:30 UTC
in scripted_sequence Post #462
Trigger the name of the sequence in the target field of the sequence itself. Tick the 'repeatable' flag. It will just keep firing the same animation over and over and over. You can use the 'delay before trigger' to make it wait a number of seconds before repeating.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-10 01:58:15 UTC
in .pts pointfile Post #466
There's a tutorial coming soon on LEAK finding, courteousy of Mister Crichton, it was very very helpful (we spent an hour and a half trying to follow a damn pointfile - then he came up with another idea: wait for the tutorial...
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 20:42:11 UTC
in scripted_sequence Post #461
Try using an aiscripted_sequence, and entering the same animations in both boxes...Action and Idle
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 20:41:05 UTC
in .pts pointfile Post #465
LEAK detection is a major problem. The leak line you get when using Hammer to load the pointfile in the 2D views will not really let you see what is going on (Red lines everywhere) If you are using Hammer 3.5 , then you might have a chance by following the line until it goes red, but it is not an exact science, and doesn't always point the LEAK out.
If you manage to get a .bsp then try typing 'pointfile' at the command line. You should get a single dotted line, follow that, and it might pass through the place where the LEAK is and then again, if the leak is big, it will probably run out before it get's there.
Compile often is the motto here... and as atom says, go back to what you just did and start there.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 20:35:59 UTC
in A bunch of random questions Post #475
Copying the .wad files into the relevant folders will work, but it is a pain because people who run your map will have to do the same. Try getting familiar with Wally and making up a .wad file that has all your textures in it. That way you can just use the one .wad file. To distribute the new textures, you can use the -wadinclude command in you CSG compile. I prefer using the -nowadtextures command, but hey, I am backward at the best of times. With -nowadtextures, you don't have to distribute the .wad file seperatly as it is now part of the .bsp (that is why there is a poster in the Rain tutorial, that isn't in the .rmf.) PS: don't forget to thank the texture authors in your readme file...

Fuzzy cameras... No idea.

Yeah, atom is right.. you will have to trigger the sound externally, so that it says Access Denied and nothing else.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 12:28:16 UTC
in .pts pointfile Post #464
You're supposed to follow the line, and at some point it will go through the leak. But, uh, it's might be easier just to back-track through recently-added bits to find the offending join.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 12:24:36 UTC
in Monster_generic Post #471
The monster_generic is just there for using models that don't need to do anything special.

They can't attack you or do anything exciting, because there's no special code associated with generic models.

You should be able to change the scientists by making Body be 1,2,3 or 4. -1 should make the heads random. Tell me if this works, because I can't be bothered to try it :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 12:19:25 UTC
in A bunch of random questions Post #474
1. As pepper says, it will work, but it's obviously not a good idea to distribute the WAD or even single textures with maps. Remeber to include the new WAD in Hammer setup.

2. You'll need to be good at programming C++ I reckon :)

3. Hmmm. Try triggering an ambient_generic and get it to say one of the WAVs from the PAK (and use it instead of a locked sound or whatever).
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 12:09:10 UTC
in Entity guide Post #1161
check your e-mail :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 10:54:40 UTC
in Crushing Bigmomma Post #1271
seem like you played to much scientist hunt shame on you sick men!

(i like smashing scientists to)
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 10:36:01 UTC
in scripted_sequence Post #460
i have a prob with a scripted sequence.
my scientist bends over the compter and then looks back to the screen but after he did this ince he freezes
how can i make my scientist repeat this movement.


Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 10:30:25 UTC
in A bunch of random questions Post #473
1. yes just copy the bleu-shift wad to gearbox and it should work.
i dont now how many people have there bleu-shift wad under gearbox so include that in you readme

2.dont now answer out of my head
3.dont now answer out of my head


Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 10:28:01 UTC
in Mapping help Post #468
sure i will help but what is the prob
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 09:40:29 UTC
in .pts pointfile Post #463
How do I use the pointfile to detect leaks. I once had a leak, and used the pointfile. I got a weird mass of red lines. ???!!! They don't make sense!
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 09:38:00 UTC
in Mapping help Post #467
Anyone want to help with my mapping? I'll help you as well. Please?
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 09:35:28 UTC
in Entity guide Post #1160
Hi, I'd like to contribute to the entity guide, just basic stuff which isn't that important but might be useful to some. How do I contribute to it?
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 09:21:52 UTC
in Monster_generic Post #470
More qs., this time related:

I'm going to try some things with monster_generic, but I need some help.
1: How do I use them (like with barney + scientists)
2: If they have different faces like a grunt, how do I change them (I only mean this for grunts created with monster_generic, I know how to the normal way, this is an EG)
3: How do I make them attack me?
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 09:16:08 UTC
in A bunch of random questions Post #472
Hi. I've got a bunch of completely unrelated questions here.

1: I'd like to use textures from, say, blue shift, with a map for op. force. Would copying a blue shift .wad file (barney.wad) into the gearbox folder allow me to use the BS textures with OF?

2: How do I make camera views (trigger_camera) fuzzy like in blue shift?

3: I'm creating retinal scanners, but how do I make them go: ACCESS DENIED instead of just a random access denied sentence, like in anomalous materials. When I make them say ACCESS DENIED, it picks a random A.D. sentence EG: Unauthorized Access.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 00:18:55 UTC
in VIS Blocking Post #521
Any entity will not block VIS as you found out. You need to use a solid brush to block VIS and it must touch the floor, ceiling and walls also.
If you think the engine can see over, around or underneath your wall, then it probably can. Sky textures play havoc with potentially visible brushes. And a solid brush will not always block the engine's idea of what can and can't be seen.
You need to do some experimenting with this. Hint Brushes are a mystery at the best of times, but worth playing with. It all depends what you want to achieve.
Don't worry too much about the epoly reading, the engine just knows there is a model there and is redering it, wether you can see it or not. It is the wpoly count you should be concerned with.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-09 00:02:27 UTC
in error Post #489
Normally caused by a cylinder or brush with more than 28 sides, although having said that, you say you copied parts into the map from outside? You want to check that during the transfer, you haven't misaligned any of the brushes. By that I mean , have a look at all the non standard brushes, anything that isn't square, and check that they all mate up with the 1 unit grid. Brushes that have been clipped or vertex manipulated do not copy across really well and can cause this error. Transforming clipped or Vertex Manipulated brushes can cause the same thing.
Check the face points of each brush and make sure they are aligned on the 1 unit grid. Also check any cylinders or brushes that have more than 28 faces (Oh and spiral's as well, or anything made with the arch tool)
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-08 23:45:16 UTC
in Rain tutorial Post #1166
I must be a bit slow today... I don't get it :-)

Actually, I think it was the extreme temps I was working in and the fact that I forgot to back stuff up, I am sure that it knew I had heaps of work that wasn't backed up... It's out to get me, I know.. It said something the other night, I wasn't paying attention... I am sure it was alive?

Posted 21 years ago2003-08-08 11:47:15 UTC
in Rain tutorial Post #1165
Was that ? on the keyboard by any chance? :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-08 09:21:38 UTC
in Texture sounds? Post #479
its cool, i found it, the materials.txt file
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-08 08:55:03 UTC
in Texture sounds? Post #478
Yeah i just cant rememeber the name of the file which tells you what each sound the texture can make, whats the name of it and what folder is it in? I want to give my textures certain sounds for what they are, metal vent gives metal sound when walking on it etc.

I had a file like this before but i cant remember anything about it apart from that, its been a while since i mapped.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-08 07:14:11 UTC
in Rain tutorial Post #1164
Yeah, you guessed right. I fried my Hard Drive and two weeks of combined mapping work... Arghhhh.
I will post the rain tutorial tonight, but it isn't the one I had finished, I will just have to make the changes if and when I get a new drive installed.
So yeah, I am off the air for a while.
Back soon,
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-07 20:43:18 UTC
in HELP: URGENT: Scripted sequence problem Post #497
i have exactly the same prob but my barney wont patrol stupid barney he doesnt seem to have a AI
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-07 19:54:20 UTC
in Cameras Post #505
You're welcome. It's always nice to hear when our solutions or advice helps you guys!
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-07 15:49:09 UTC
in HELP: URGENT: Scripted sequence problem Post #496
I'll have a stab at recreating it - we've moved on now, to scripted_sequences, but path_corners would be better - the gman pauses for 3/4 sec before he turns and moves to the next one, which looks a bit odd...
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-07 15:45:24 UTC
in Rain tutorial Post #1163
I've done it, just Andy's sorting out formatting and stuff so it can go on the site. Should be up in the next few days (I hope) - but it's been a bit quiet from Andy for the last week, maybe his PC/net's screwed. I'll e-mail you it if you particularly want, just the base stuff.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-07 14:59:45 UTC
in Rain tutorial Post #1162
When's Seventh-Monkey's rain tutorial going to be posted? I'm currently in France and missed the shoutbox response if there was one (I've had very little access to a computer, I have to rely on internet caf?s. I posted this here so I'm able to read the reply).
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-07 13:26:41 UTC
in error Post #488
Maybe it's just too big? Dunno how that's measured :)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-07 07:28:25 UTC
in Fan mail!!!!!!!!!!!! Post #1169
i agree with armadillo, this place is great. hail to the king (baby)
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-07 07:00:42 UTC
in HELP: URGENT: Scripted sequence problem Post #494
HELP! I want to make a NPC walk through a series of scripted sequences (down a hall, round a corner, down another hall) but when he reaches one scripted sequence he stops for a second, then carrys on.
I want it to be fluent, move through one, to another.
I'm using trigger_once to activate the next scripted sequence
I'm trying to use it for a cutscene
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-07 05:03:30 UTC
in Cameras Post #501
You can only really use sounds from the original Half-Life for stuff like this. I made one - I can e-mail you it if you want...?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-06 18:45:09 UTC
in Cameras Post #503
I am wondering if you downloaded the .rmf that I made to answer your security cameras post awhile ago? It would have saved you some time finding the trigger once solution you mentioned here. You can't make the trigger once swivel with the camera. But if you use the func_tank method from the map I provided, the alarm gets triggered when the camera 'sees' the player. It sounds like that is what you are trying to do. Look at camera 2 in the 'security cameras' map in problem maps.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-06 17:13:37 UTC
in Fan mail!!!!!!!!!!!! Post #1168
Thanks :)

Prefabs would be cool, but there are at least two enormous prefab sites out there already. No chance of catching up :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-06 14:31:54 UTC
in Fan mail!!!!!!!!!!!! Post #1167
I just wanted to say what a good site this is. It is tha best hammer site on tha net by far and the only 1 i found which has holds regular competitions. well done- who eva created it.

(Im not just trying to flatter you so i win the competition. although it probly sounds like it. lol)

ps. u could add a prefab library
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-06 11:19:54 UTC
in Cameras Post #499

Follow the Mapping and editing links. Appears the .zip contains sdk, fdg, maps, etc... Just strip what you need from the zip.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-06 10:56:30 UTC
in Cameras Post #498
I've finally figured out how to make cameras trigger alarms (Use an invisible trigger_once). But how do I make the trigger_once swivel with the camera (func_pendulum)? Also, how do I create a fuzzy effect when you use a trigger_camera to view stuff in a different area (I've got a security room like the one in Blue Shift, and the cameras work fine but the view isn't fuzzy). Speaking of Blue Shift, I'm still looking for an FGD file for it. Where can I get one? They don't have any on valve-erc.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-06 04:53:27 UTC
in random tiling Post #518
Yeah, I did mean actually-tiling textures, just I wasn't sure whether they were working
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty