Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-08-05 20:57:04 UTC
in random tiling Post #517
If you are talking about the textures that begin with the
'-' sign, you need to place only the -0 texture and it will tile the rest of the numbered textures of the same name. If you use anything other than -0, it will just act like a single normal texture and not tile.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-05 16:00:07 UTC
in compiling guide Post #1170
Well, on RAD, I've been recommended to use (for high quality, slow speed) -bounce 10 -sparse -extra

Bounce: Number of times light 'reflects' onto other surfaces
Sparse and Extra, although seeming contradictory, apparently aren't :)

w00t for t3h Apache :)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-05 15:57:54 UTC
in random tiling Post #516
It doesn't show up in my Hammer - just tiles the one texture, not sure if it works in-game...
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-05 15:11:21 UTC
in random tiling Post #515
do random tiling texture groups actually randomly tile, if so how do i make them?

Posted 21 years ago2003-08-05 04:07:47 UTC
in VIS Blocking Post #520
Hint brushes, maybe? Not sure, sorry.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-04 11:10:39 UTC
in VIS Blocking Post #519
How exactly can you make sure you make a wall that will properly vis block an entity model?

A func_wall will not work right? (for like 1 way glass)

Also, I put a flag behind a solid brush (not a func_wall or tied to any entity) and when i look at wall where flag is, my epoly count goes up. How do i prevent this?
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-03 20:48:59 UTC
in Using .mdl? Post #536
You are Ok on the skeleton because it doesn't have any animations. A cycler will go thru the animation list of whichever model it is showing. For instance, put the scientist.mdl in a cycler and watch what happens each time you shoot him. If you want to prevent your skeleton from bleeding when he gets shot, use the monster_furniture entity instead.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-03 19:27:06 UTC
in Using .mdl? Post #535
Well, running in dev (after compiling), when I shoot the skeleton, I do see something about animation - doesn't do anything though - except it sprays xen blood (a human skele)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-03 09:00:44 UTC
in hl mhigh definition pack Post #523
I had this problem once with Opposing Force. I unpacked the models from all the paks and still had low-res graphics. After you've found the actions you need for the specific model, delete all of the models with the exception of the player folder. This should bring you back to hi-res graphics. For sound, do the same. For sprites, also do the same.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-03 08:56:12 UTC
in hl mhigh definition pack Post #522
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-02 19:02:46 UTC
in put a video/demo in a map Post #529
I think you are talking about a cut-scene. You need to use the trigger_camera entity and some scripted sequences for that. A good site for camera techniques is
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-02 18:57:43 UTC
in Using .mdl? Post #534
I think you can get undesirable results using the cycler. I could be wrong, but I thought the cycler was only used for development. Shoot the entity created by the cycler to see what I mean; it will cause the model to cycle through its animations. But if it is working fine for what you are trying to achieve, then it's probably OK.
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-02 17:29:27 UTC
in put a video/demo in a map Post #528

It's my first English post (I'm French), excuse my bad English.

I'd like put a video or a demo in a half-life map, mod or TC. I read lots of tutorials about mapping and how to create *.avi video and demo but they don't explain how to put one in a map, which sprite must we use and so on.

If you want more details, you can send me an email on

Think you,

Posted 21 years ago2003-08-02 15:07:51 UTC
in Double entries in the Vault? Post #1172
lol - I hope that was atom :)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-02 15:00:14 UTC
in Using .mdl? Post #533
I use 'cycler' with Hammer b3.5 - is this wrong? :)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-08-01 19:16:36 UTC
in Using .mdl? Post #532
You are right, use the monster_generic entity and place the model path and name in the 'model' attribute. For instance, the skeleton model name would be written like this:

Posted 21 years ago2003-07-31 20:06:42 UTC
in Using .mdl? Post #531
Strangely enough, you can place them in with a cycler_weapon. But I am sure there are better ways. You could try monster_furniture.

[Ummm or monster_generic]
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-31 19:07:34 UTC
in Using .mdl? Post #530
I am wanting to use a .mdl in my map however I cannot find out how to import them into the map. I am assuming it is done via entity? Any help would be appreciated.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-31 18:14:12 UTC
in Links Post #1176
yes. A good idea, and I've never got round to it myself... check your e-mail :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-31 18:11:36 UTC
in Forums... Post #1178
lol. :) I actually started out with phpBB, but felt it was too bulky for the site. But in those days you could count the members on one hand.

I know, this forum system is out of its depth with the increasing rate of posting, so we may well switch over to a proper forum system soon.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-31 18:08:40 UTC
in Map Vault Post #1180
good point :) yeah, not sure why i haven't done it already... will do.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-31 11:26:40 UTC
in We have been Linked !!!! Post #540
Congratulations! good work Andy, Atom and the other tutorials writer.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-31 11:04:11 UTC
in Double entries in the Vault? Post #1171
There seem to be a lot of double entries in the Vault, sticky Keyboard? or itchy fingers... either way, any chance the member can edit/delete a double post?

Oh yeah, I got the e-mail about taking Seventh-Monkey out the back and stringing him up... but don't you think that is a bit excessive? :-)
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-30 21:55:59 UTC
in Links Post #1175
Interesting, no link section to this site as of yet. It may be useful to new mappers if there was a link area, especially to mapping tools and utilities.

So atom, I would bet that you are finding that building and maintaining an Internet community is a never ending time consumer. I hope you still enjoy the time spent. If you want, I can throw together a link section.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-30 05:42:41 UTC
in Forums... Post #1177
Please don't hit me for this, atom ;), but I was wondering whether there was any chance of getting phpBB forums... I mean, they've had a team programming forums for years, and you could organise bits better (I've got one myself :) )
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-29 20:59:28 UTC
in Map Vault Post #1179
atom, you may want to allow members to delete their map entries in the map vault. Especially problem maps. No since keeping them after the troubles are repaired.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-29 11:54:36 UTC
in Sitting barney and bombs Post #560
Download my entry for the Scripted Competition... There is a sitting Barney in it. But it wasn't my Idea.. The tutorial on the original sitting Barney from HL was posted years ago on 'the spawning tank' and some of the dimensions are not quite right. It works but needs work.
As for the Bomb, why don't you build a small test map and see if it works... if it does you can let us know.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-29 11:41:58 UTC
in Sitting barney and bombs Post #559
I think the sitting Barney's probably a model, not a monster (I may be wrong, there might be an 'animation' thing for monster_barneys, I can't remember, and I only map for the Specialists now).
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-27 09:19:43 UTC
in Competitions Post #593
*me pokes people :P
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-27 08:27:45 UTC
in Sitting barney and bombs Post #558
How do I make barney sit down, like at the beginning of anomalous materials? Also, I have a question about creating defusable bombs in HL single player (I don't map for CS): Would this entity setup work?: You enter a room and walk over a tripwire laser (trigger_once, env_beam to make the laser visible). This triggers a bomb in 2 minutes (env_explosion and a brush which resembles an explosive device). You leave the room and find the bomb in 1 minute. You press the button attached to it and the button activates a trigger_relay which killtargets the env_explosion, and therefore defuses the bomb.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-27 08:08:26 UTC
in Scripts and Monsters Post #562
Andy, it's easy to make a human walk up stairs, I did it on my first go! I once created a map with a scientist on his way to work, and part of his route was up some stairs. Just place a path_corner at the bottom and top of the stairs. Just don't change the new path_corners' angles, or everything is likely to go horribly wrong...
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-27 04:42:54 UTC
in Scripts and Monsters Post #561
Heaps of stuff in the forum about scripting.
Have a look at the problem map section for: ManfallTlax.
There is a really good series of scripted sequences, some camera work and a moving APC.

Just on the path_corner and monster questions, something I found this morning [that I had forgotten about] was that if you give your Barney, Grunt or Scientist a name, then they wont follow path_corners! Monsters spawned by a monstermaker wont follow path_corners either. And if you want you monster to walk up a flight of stairs... be ready to tear your hair out. It can be done, but some serious patience is required. Better off building a ramp, but make sure it is nice and long.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-25 10:40:33 UTC
in Problem Map! Post #577
Try renaming the .rmf race_track before you compile it as Anonymous suggested.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-25 10:38:16 UTC
in Retinal scanners Post #572
Due to the fact that I haven't got around to finding anyone who will do a decent Script tutorial, I believe the next best thing is to tell you where you can find some...
Collective, thanks to Chris 'autolycus' Bokitch:
And 69th, by Vlad:
Both of these tutorials discuss what you want to acheive.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-25 10:01:18 UTC
in lights Post #584
Good idea... I am working on a tutorial by pepper at the moment, but if I get a chance I will slap together a really basic lighting tutorial... Stay tuned.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-24 15:19:05 UTC
in Retinal scanners Post #571
Me again...
How do I create retinal scanners which scientists and barneys have clearance for, but I don't. And how do I make them refuse to open it until I do something, EG: locate HEV suit. Also, I created one which a scientist uses when he sees me, but the scanner didn't actually activate until he'd removed his eyes from the scanner. How do I make it activate while his eyes are in it?
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-24 00:20:26 UTC
in Problem Map! Post #575
i made a race track for cs in problem maps section if somone can just go there and fix it so its playable for CS and then send it to it would be great!
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-23 21:03:38 UTC
in alarms Post #582
The problem was I take so long time to write on english for me so your reply get in before my.
I use my lexicon so I can spell, and what takes time.
Whats life.

[It is no problem Tlax... it is always good to have another opinion on things, and another link. I managed to get my latest copy out of telefragged :-)]
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-23 15:41:50 UTC
in alarms Post #581
I suggested valve-erc because the Wally downloads don't work. I've tried all 20 or so of them. And the sound's called warn3, warn1 is a decent alarm sound, though. One more thing, Black Cat: Make sure that if you unpack the models, you unpack them from pak1 if you're using the HD pack, otherwise, you go back to low-res graphics.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-23 11:25:12 UTC
in alarms Post #580
when i put an ambient generic in i can get the map to run because there is something wrong with sound i chose <i chose it from the gearbox folder because the valve one does not have any sound files in> I perticuly wanted the sound from we got hostiles when the fire doors close.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-23 11:15:07 UTC
in lights Post #583
I really need some help on how to place lights and wat couler for them to be and any other useful stuff on lights i have checked out the tutorials and they do not help me. i need a step by step guide !!!!
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-23 09:28:38 UTC
in Problem with WC. Post #588
you should use the fit button in the texture screen then the texture should be right on your door
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-22 21:01:19 UTC
in Problem with WC. Post #587
NVM I FIGURED IT OUT YIPEEEEEEEEEEEE im making a bamboo map theme when im done ill post it on the finished map section ok later
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-22 20:22:01 UTC
in Problem with WC. Post #586
oops i said that last part wrong ... I haveto use the little red button Bcuz the regular elevator buttin is like 3/4 the size of the player.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-22 20:20:01 UTC
in Problem with WC. Post #585
Ok, in WorldCraft i make a normal sized door then i go to choose a texture and i choose the one i like then when i put it on the door he texture is like 2-3 times bigger than my normal sized door i even d/led a shell map of a dor to see if it happens on that door 2 and it did .. (this is happpening on all my textures)like when i make a button to trigger my elevator i haveto use the little tiny red button or the regular elevator button will be like 3/4 as big as the player does anyone know what to do?
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-22 05:41:56 UTC
in High Definition pack Post #605
Sorry, I should've said: I meant from another high-def-enhanced mod, like BS or OPf; didn't make that very clear. Glad it got sorted out, though, and welcome :)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-21 15:25:25 UTC
in Security cameras Post #609
Yeah, func_pendulum seems to work. And I'm putting invisible func_buttons in the ground to trigger the monstermaker (I've also included switches to disable the cameras by covering the buttons with an invisible func_door.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-20 16:52:41 UTC
in High Definition pack Post #604
I've fixed the problem now. I think I just about got the idea of what to do, Seventh-Monkey. And thanks for your suggestion, atom, that's what I did.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-20 15:29:27 UTC
in High Definition pack Post #603
Is there anything in your valvemodels folder. I don't have the HD pack, so I'm guessing, but it might have written the HD models into your valvemodels folder, but when you unpacked the old PAK, they were overwritten.

Or whatever. Anyway, try deleting everything in your valvemodels folder (except the 'player' folder, I suppose). If it's still not working, reinstall HL, then the HD pack.
Posted 21 years ago2003-07-19 22:07:48 UTC
in Security cameras Post #608
func_pendulum for swivelling? It'd look a bit silly though :)