Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-05-27 08:27:36 UTC
in Favorite Servers Post #1293
I don't have a favorite. I just find one and join and proceed to get my butt kicked. I only play HL and only use the crowbar, so I'm not good at all. But I like it for some reason. Sometimes I even make a kill! Mostly though, I'm just raw meat running around getting cooked. :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-27 02:30:10 UTC
in Favorite Servers Post #1292
Is there a favorite server everyone likes to play on? (HL, CS, or Sven) May be fun to get shot by one or two of you ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-26 19:06:15 UTC
in Submitting Tutorials Post #1189
Great, we always like new input.
You can submit the tutorial directly to me, my e-mail address is in the members section.
What I prefer to work with is a .txt file from NotePad or similar, But if you can't do that, a Word document is fine. Get the text down and indicate where you would like any screen shots by just putting a line in the text [Image door.jpg here] or something. As for the images, I am not on broardband or cable :-( so I would appreciate them in JPG or GIF format and about 600x480 but if you can't crop them or resize them, then just send them full size and zipped with the text.

What will happen next?
I will format your words, insert the pictures and upload it all to a test page. Once our massive staff of highly trained editors (Atom, SlayerA and I ) go over your work with a fine tooth comb, checking validity at each step, and approving content, then I will send you a copy of what it will look like before it goes live, and give you the oppurtunity to make last minute changes. After that it will be posted and you will be famous in the mapping community.....
Well maybe not, but what a rush....Your Tutorial.
It really is that simple.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-26 03:11:15 UTC
in Submitting Tutorials Post #1188
If I want to submit a tutorial for TWHL how do I send it and what are the requirements,etc.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-25 14:58:49 UTC
in Competitions suggestions Post #1192
This suggestion could take a bit of coding, but would be worth the time.

I would guess that the greatest amount of time spent in managing the competition area is deciding on the winners. Create a script allowing members to vote for the competition entries.

In order to keep thing fair, the script should check to insure the user has not voting for the current competition.

Give each user three votes:
first place:  5 points
second place: 3 points
third place:  1 point
The main purpose of the point system is to minimize the chances of a tie. A tie breaker could be sent through the voting function again (limiting the voting choices)

A time stamp could be used to make the voting fully automatic.

Well work just calledd, so gotta go. But, I'm sure you all get the picture.

BTW, I'll log back onto IRC went I get back (approximately threee hours)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-23 05:54:40 UTC
in Doors and Trains Post #738
env_render is on the right track, but that wouldn't work using a func_wall_toggle, since you can have ANY entities move with another in standard HL. Instead, you'd have to make two trains, one completely sealed, with no door, and one stationary with a door opening and a separate func_door. then use env_renders on the trains. Of course I haven't tried this yet, so their may be other problems with the solidity of the invisible train still blocking the player. Darn it, now you made have to go try it out! :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-22 23:29:46 UTC
in controlling monsters Post #732
You're welcome. One thing I noticed is using the target field of the monstermaker didn't seem to work for targetting the monsters own sequence. Not sure why that is. I had to use a multi_manager to target the sequence after the grunt spawned in. It needed a one or two second delay in my tests.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-22 22:52:48 UTC
in controlling monsters Post #731
Thanks for the suggestions, I will give it a try in my test maps.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-22 10:55:04 UTC
in controlling monsters Post #730
This requires a tutorial in itself. The monstermaker [which is in the 'misc' section of the entity guide] is a great entity, until you try to spawn something like a grunt.
The Childrens Name (netname) property allows you to give monsters spawned by a monstermaker a Name (targetname). When the monsters have a name, you can target them with a scripted_sequence and get them to perform that sequence, I haven't tried path_corners with grunts, As far as I know they are only good for Scientists and Barneys. Grunts respond really well to Aiscripted_sequences and scripted_sequences, It is basically a way to override their AI, as long as you don't killtarget them, and then the seem to freeze.
So as to the rushing the room, yes I think it can be done with a series of scripted_sequences even if they are spawned with a monstermaker, but the guy who has done this stuff recently is SlayerA. Can you add to this Slay?
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-21 23:30:09 UTC
You can E-Mail me the level. I would be happy to have my children run through it and get their opinions. Of course, I would go through it also ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-21 23:21:19 UTC
in controlling monsters Post #729
Playing around with monster behaviors right now, and having a bit of a problem with monstermaker.

How can I get monsters created through monstermaker to follow path corners? I guessed it would be the target on release, but no such luck.

I am guessing my next wuestion would involve coding, but just in case. Is there a trigger or method to temporarily over-ride the AI?

For example:
Squad of grunts notice Freeman in a room. Can I get the squad to rush the room and into position, before allowing the games AI to take over?
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-21 09:31:23 UTC
in u2u Post #1194
Make u2u system. simply huh?
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-21 04:12:50 UTC
in Bullet-time Post #746
Sorry to say this, but you are just going to have to site search for code specific stuff. Are any of our members coders? If so, can you point Jage in the right direction.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-20 10:12:58 UTC
in Bullet-time Post #745
I can't just start coding without help! I'm beginner in coding! (but really ambitious beginner!)so... y'know? I need some info.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 19:35:12 UTC
in .rad Post #742
Check out the forum posts for In the Beginning Part 4. They might help. But basically, Hammer, during compile will look at your lights.rad file, unless you have told it to look elsewhere by using -lights file, on the HLRAD compile command. So your Lights.rad file should be in your WorldCraft/Hammer tools file as Tlax suggested. If it is there... consider copying the contents of your valve.rad to your lights.rad....
If that doesn't work, make sure the light texture you are using is actually listed in the lights.rad (This surprised me at first, I thought that textures that looked lit in the game would be in the lights.rad.... Wrong).
If it is none of the above, then I am out of Ideas....
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 17:50:10 UTC
in Vertex Manipulation & valid solid textur Post #735
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 17:45:51 UTC
in Vertex Manipulation & valid solid textur Post #734
I just did some vertex manipulation on two walls in a hallway with the texture C2A4_PAN2... And I got a error message saying it is not a valid solid texture and then the walls dissapeared... But if I keep the wall plain, it works.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 17:20:53 UTC
in Doors and Trains Post #737
In orig. HL, an object can only be one entity.

The door following the train in HL is a trick - it's actually fixed while the train is moving.

You could use the 'render' trick: a fake door on the train that does nothing but is a func_wall_toggle.
The 'real' door, sitting on the platform, is rendered invisible (env_render) until the train arrives.
Then the real door is made visible and the fake one is turned off at the same time. Obviously this isn't a perfect solution.

The perfect solution is to get Spirit, a 'base' mod that allows, amongst other things... combined entities!
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 17:07:30 UTC
in Bullet-time Post #744
Bullet-time, eh? That'll be a fistful of C++ then :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 16:27:17 UTC
in Doors and Trains Post #736
Howdy hoe, folks!

How do I make a door to follow the train... Like in the intro of the original Half-Life? Is there a way to combine the func_door and func_train or do I need to use a env_global? ...but I don't want to use the env_global to load a new map 'cos it's a Deathmatch map I'm creating...
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 14:46:15 UTC
in .rad Post #741
Yes, I have... I use Hammer 3.4... Does that matter?
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 14:43:35 UTC
in .rad Post #740
Do you have lights.rad in same map as the tools are tex. C:Hammer oolslights.rad ?
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 14:34:15 UTC
in .rad Post #739
Why doesn't my lights.rad & valve.rad render texture lightning... The list of the textures that will give light is there...
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 08:50:04 UTC
in Bullet-time Post #743
I have seen bullet-time in many Half-life mods and i just need to have it in my own mod! Help please?(I need voice actors! Can somebody tell me a good site with some voices?)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-19 08:42:13 UTC
in Avatars! Post #1204
Got any ideas about avatars?
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-18 15:01:40 UTC
in IRC Post #1200
Time zone issues are always a problem when using live chat programs. But, IRC is a strong method for recruiting new members and offering users to chat with one another.

IRC requires a IRC client installed. I have been using Mirc ( for nearly a decade, which has a shareware version available.

Virc ( is a freeware IRC client. Never used it myself, but the price is rightt.

My GMT is -7. expains GMT and will help learn your areas GMT zone.

With IRC, users usually just log on and yack to anyone that may be online at the time. I have registered #TWHL at port 6667 and will log on when I am on my computer. gives information on needed software and what IRC is. creates and configs registered users.

Just need to know usernames to set as channel Operators.

I rarely turn on IM clients due to the holes they open in my network.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-18 14:32:58 UTC
in Multisource???? Post #748
Have two lights next to each other, with two different names and different 'style' settings. One must be set to be initially off (flags). Trigger a multisource and set it so that it turns one light off and the other on.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-18 09:39:52 UTC
in Multisource???? Post #747
I have created this very cool map.. But there's only one little detail missing in it. In one of the elevators there's some normal lights, but when I press the button to make the elevator go up I want to change the lights from normal to pulsating lights... How can I do this?
An example of this is in Unreal Tournament, the map Phobos Moon has this in the huge elevator...
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-18 08:22:30 UTC
in Avatars! Post #1203
Hehe :)
They were just a last minute thing so I didn't plan on having millions... and I want them all the same size. Yep, I'm a 'consistent-style' freak :)

But if you can point me in the direction of some avatars / pics that are or look like they could be made 45 x 45, then you might get Cid.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-16 10:27:08 UTC
in IRC Post #1199
I'm not familiar with IRC, I have a Bearkey account somewhere? but can't see why we can't get together on-line, maybe MSN Messenger or Yahoo if it is more convienient.
I think it might be a good Idea, I am willing to give it a try, we just need to find a timezone friendly time, if that makes sense.
I am GMT+10
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-16 00:25:18 UTC
in IRC Post #1198
May be tough with the varied time zones this membership has, but how about registering a IRC channel with ircbear, dalnet, or another server? I know that IRC is pretty much dead with all the new technologies, but still the best way I know to chat.

Just a suggestion.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-15 12:01:17 UTC
in Codes & Scripts Post #755
The most current link I have to a site that details all the available monster scripts (coded animations) is:
The article is by Otis and was written in 1999. So I am not sure if all the sequences are still valid. Probably not. There are sites out there that deal specifically with Coding and that sounds like what you are asking for. I don't touch code, so I can't really point you in the right direction, but is probably your best starting point.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-15 11:43:54 UTC
in Avatars! Post #1202
Have to e-mail Atom on that, I haven't got access yet..
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-15 11:42:09 UTC
in Prefabs Post #1298
Yeah, good point...
However, we are trying to get the tutorial section going so that we can get the best information possible, so when I said Scope, I think I meant that I just haven't got time at the moment :-)

My biggest concern with prefabs is that most of the one's I have looked at are really bad, don't work, or have invalid brushes. Models on the other hand are a different thing and if I ever get time I will play around with the copy of Milkshape3D I have had for about 6 months. I find with prefabs, that it is easier to make a shelf or chair yourself.

Do you have something you can't make, but would like to see how to build it??
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-15 10:16:04 UTC
in Avatars! Post #1201
Could you guys add some more avatars? i would like to have Cid from FF7...ok?
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-15 10:13:38 UTC
in Codes & Scripts Post #754
Im looking for site that has scripts and other stuff. I need to make soldiers to dodge bullets with matrix style! (Animations are ready...almost) And throwing grenades back would be cool. Theres lots of things i need and i'm too unlucky to find anything useful...And making something like bullet-time would be so cool! (Something like in Max Payne y'know?)
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-15 09:50:49 UTC
in Prefabs Post #1297
hmmmmm...It's not so out of scope (or something like that) What if somebody don't know how/manage to make some cool things...
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-13 19:45:26 UTC
in Barney Post #762
I'm glad I could help. I was lucky enough to stumble across this site also, and my mapping has really improved after finding it. I'll have to leave your 'evil barney' question to someone more knowledgable though. I'll be interested to see if someone has the answer.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-13 16:17:41 UTC
in Barney Post #761
Thanks Slayer. BTW, mods such as Sven Coop have an evil barney, would this be possible on a map without using a SDK? You've been a great help, I can't believe I just stumbled across this website.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-13 09:32:10 UTC
in Prefabs Post #1296
Well...What if you would make possible to send & Download prefabs and something like that...or do you have limit of size in this page? (Is there any tutos coming?)

[Moved by Andy.... and Yeah, a Prefab section would be a cool idea, but might be a little outside the scope of the site. As Atom said in the last News item, there is another section on it's way (I think it is going to be a Mapping review section) so it might you might be able to post prefabs?]
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-12 19:41:41 UTC
in Barney Post #760
You can do this with the monster_human_grunt entity (the marine). Build an invisible barrier around the grunt which keeps his AI from kicking in until the barrier is gone. Here's how: Place a func_wall_toggle around the grunt. A hollow cube will do nicely....tie it to the func_wall_toggle entity and place the grunt inside. Leave the grunt's properties on their default. Name the func_wall_toggle whatever name you want. Set up the properties for the func_wall_toggle like this:
Render mode = texture
FX amount = 0
Make sure the 'starts invisible' flag is NOT checked. (The player will not see the wall because of the properties you set for it, but the wall is still there blocking the grunt's AI.)
Then place the gun in your map.
Set the guns 'Target' property to the name of the func_wall_toggle. This will cause the wall to go away when the gun is picked up. That should be all you need to do. The grunt will always turn to face the player, but will not attack until the player picks up the gun. BTW I liked goldeneye too.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-12 15:58:41 UTC
in Barney Post #759
I've tried a trigger in the same place as the gun like Jage said, but it didnt seem to work. I was wondering whether it may be possible with the marine though, make him hold back until the guns picked up. If any of you find a way please tell me.

I'm just trying to make a map similar to the archives level on the N64s Goldeneye, as that was so cool.

Cheers anyway.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-12 08:15:30 UTC
in Barney Post #758
What if you put somekind of trigger to same place with gun and that trigger would make barney to attack you?
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-11 20:23:02 UTC
in Barney Post #757
monster_barney is coded to be friendly until you shoot him. I tried a trigger_hurt set to bullets and triggered by you picking up the gun, but it just kills Barney. I couldn't get him to shoot at the player when triggered. There are a few other options but I think it all comes down to the need for the player to inflict damage before Barneys AI kicks in and treats you as hostile. Doesn't help much, but that is the way the game was coded.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-11 13:08:53 UTC
in Barney Post #756
I want to make a Barney shoot me when i pick up a gun. I don't know whether this is possible so please help.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-04 19:05:42 UTC
in Losing Sight Post #787
Thank you for your input and the link to the Test Chamber. The test chamber is a big help concerning optimizing maps. Since this is my first map, its development is entirely educational. Although; my children seem to like the map.

With compiling, I was using Hammer's run command (F9) to compile and run the map. Today, I did my first attempt at a batch compile and found it much faster. More information is also given when compiling through a batch file (leak info and such).

Thanks again, with the help of this group I have been able ti fix 90% of the maps problems.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-02 10:07:12 UTC
in Losing Sight Post #786
13 hours is a long compile.... I normally give up after 6.
If you want, I am happy to have a look at it. I had some success with VooDooPig's recently. Just zip the .rmf and .bsp and e-mail it to me.
On the func_wall debate, Yeah, there are two theories. SlayerA is right in that by making some of your brushes into func-walls, you will reduce the render split caused by that brush when it touches another brush. An entity brush placed on a normal brush tricks the engine into rendering the original (normal) brush as one rather than spliting it into two where a normal brush would join. However.... an entity brush that has a texture applied still has to be rendered, and unfortunatley does not block VIS. So the savings are minimal.
Compile times are not a huge worry (normally:-), wpoly count produced by the amount of textured brushes the engine is trying to render are, and these can only be truely shown after a full compile.
The long compiling times are normally caused by a large lightmap or complex brushes. A single log wall can take over an hour to compile by itself.
I am not sure that the engine renders entities as the player approaches or in the players view, I have never encounted any difference in Normal brushes vs entity brushes and the engine sees a lot more than the player does and compensates by trying to render things it thinks the player will see. In my experience the engine treats them the same. As for entity brush effect on compiling times, I doubt that they would speed it up, unless used to build the map in a better way, nor would they slow game play down.
If you want a better understanding of all this check out FireBinders Test Chamber at:
It is a working example of true results on r_speeds.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-01 20:00:42 UTC
in Losing Sight Post #785

Was using a custom sky, which once I removed there is a lot less problems up top. Now just need to make a cargo bay area smaller and fix a few leaks. Map is wa too large for anything other than LAN play. A little over 13 hours for a full compile.

Thought about scrapping the map alltogether, but my son and nephew threw a fit when I mentioned that. Map is ugly, but there is definately room to battle.

I will definately keep these things in mind for my second map.

As far as using func_wall, I thought that was not a good idea. I read an article saying that using that method will speed up compile times, but slow down the gaming engine. If I remember correctly, the article said this is because entities are only rendered when the entity is in a players veiw.

Is this accurate, or not?

Thanks again for the suggestions, I am very happy that I happend upon this group.
Posted 21 years ago2003-05-01 18:43:47 UTC
in Brush Outside World Post #777
Tlax is right, Thanks for another great Error Link. The best one I know of is
Another place to look for errors of this kind is the help file contained in ZHLT original file, that came with ZHLT 253 before the custom builds.
Here is what ZHLT say's:

brush 'outside world'
Entity 10, Brush 0: outside world(+/-4096): (9000, -64, 216)(9000,23,283)

There are a few cases that create the 'outside world' error. The first is an damaged brush, almost always created by a vertex manipulation gone wrong. The coordinates listed in the error are very important in diagnosing the error. If any of the coordinates are -9000 or 9000, then the brush is damaged, and most likely needs replacing completely. The second most common case is actually having a brush near or outside the edge of the allowable region for the world. The brushes are expanded slightly for some of the calculations during a compile, so brushes near the edge within 64 units will cause the error too. The cordon tool creates brushes automatically to box in the cordon region, and their brushes can sometimes be quite large, and also extend outside the world. This can be verified by opening up the .map created by an export with cordon enabled, and looking to see what brushes it made.
Posted 21 years ago2003-04-30 19:32:52 UTC
in Losing Sight Post #784
If you have a large amount of brushes in your map it can cause the problem you are seeing. The HL engine starts to drop brush faces when there are too many to draw. As an experiment, make a copy of your map and take out your battleship. Then compile it. If the black patches don't appear in the test map, then your ship has too many faces. You can try making your ship (or parts of it)into a func_wall which should cut down on the number of faces. Also, when you compile are you doing a full vis? If nothing gets rid of the patches, it's possible the map is just too big. The HLrad section of the compile log displays the number of faces and the number of patches. Let me know what your counts are for those.