Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2008-08-31 18:23:50 UTC
in Where Do You Even GET Prefabs Anymore? Post #254821
Prefabs ? You can find thousands of them here : LINK

It would be a good ideea if someone will make a prefab site again . O and I do my own prefabs too , but it's really cool and amusing to download and test other mappers prfabs !
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-31 14:26:45 UTC
in Getting ready for a big hurt.... Post #254804
Yes you are right sorry for my mistake .
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-31 13:29:08 UTC
in Getting ready for a big hurt.... Post #254801
Ok mister scientist.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-31 09:43:07 UTC
in Getting ready for a big hurt.... Post #254796
Grammar scientist ?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-31 09:00:08 UTC
in Getting ready for a big hurt.... Post #254794
This name is ironic for me ( i'm romanian )

Gusta actually means "to taste" .... maybe it'll "taste" some houses :aghast:
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-31 04:32:55 UTC
in Getting ready for a big hurt.... Post #254789
:zonked: Oh my god . This is HUGE !!!
User posted image

google earth ;))
The worst storm here in my locality actualy had a tornado but it was not aggresive ... :plastered:
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-29 14:44:11 UTC
in Gmans Offer! Post #254719
Maxig Music Maker ftw ^-^
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-29 05:11:54 UTC
in Post your Comic pictures ! Post #254686
Heh , nice ones Hunter ! ( altough I didn't loled very much )
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-28 19:46:58 UTC
in Post your Comic pictures ! Post #254667
Yeah ok , but you can post your own comic photos , you know :D
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-28 19:30:54 UTC
in Post your Comic pictures ! Post #254663
Here's one
User posted image
Ok this is something I got in google ( I looooled) :
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-28 19:24:44 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #254661
Thats great, Striker, but this is supposed to be a thread for REAL photo's, not screenshots/comics.
If I make a "Comic Photos" Thread , somebody will delete my thread . If Hunter or Madcow or you muzzleflash does that , nobody will delete their thread .

For example , even I posted in that thread , "Now Eating" thread is kinda stupid . But nobody deleted it ....
I'll make a test .
[EDIT] Real Photos :
User posted image
Turkey :) :)
User posted image
My good ol' dog ( it's 13 years old )
User posted image
Hl2 barrel
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-28 16:54:29 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #254651
Real photo's only.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-28 07:17:09 UTC
in Now Eating: ... Post #254629
...that sounds vile.
For , you . but at least it isn't fast food , it tastes good and it's homemdae :P
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-28 05:15:12 UTC
in Now Eating: ... Post #254626
corn&sweet cheese cake with sheep milk
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-28 05:11:37 UTC
in Video recorders Post #254625
Umm.... fraps is the best ....
The solution to those HUGE ( fucking HUGE ) recorded files is to set a low resolution .
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-27 18:14:40 UTC
in Ugly Light Post #254607
I'm working on a huge map , for gmod.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-27 15:03:05 UTC
in Ugly Light Post #254597
What is happening .... when I'm ready to compile and push the compile button , it goes through bsp and gets stucked on vis .
My map is huge , but I know in hl2 it should take less time than hl1

[EDIT] I pressed ALT+P but hammer says I have no errors :/ .....
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-27 08:16:52 UTC
in Ugly Light Post #254590
Umm , I have a new problem . In hl1 I used to make fences using some textures with pure blue and tie them to a func_wall entity and giving them the "solid" property.
In hl2 there are some textures with fences , but instead of blue , they are black . Do they work without any entity tieing ?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-26 15:17:24 UTC
in Fail-Pics Thread Post #254565
Do you kill chickens in Romania like that?
Lol , No ! We give them drugs to fall asleep , duh ! .....joking
Of course not , that would be satanic :|

[EDIT] If you have to know , that's a chicken's head after it was killed. Satisfied ?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-26 13:37:40 UTC
in Fail-Pics Thread Post #254561
Yes , I see you got the idea , that's fun !
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-26 13:32:00 UTC
in Fail-Pics Thread Post #254559
I was soo bored so I decided to make some funny pictures . What can be more fun than troll-spamming with fail pics ?
Oh , but what if you don't find any ? This is why I created this thread . It's also fun :^_^:

The rule is to make your fail-pic , not to steal it from google :crowbar:

Here's one of mine :
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-26 12:05:38 UTC
in Open for TWHL3 Suggestions Post #254558
All right :crowbar:
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-26 02:58:04 UTC
in Open for TWHL3 Suggestions Post #254547
Why in the fuck this thread is still alive , even though almost any suggestion is refused ? :plastered:
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-25 12:51:37 UTC
in Open for TWHL3 Suggestions Post #254530
is it possible to make something where if a user double posts, it just consolodates the messages together in some way?
That's an excelent idea , altough Pengiunboy may not agree with us because it takes some time to code . Also , if this is done , it should appear again at the begining of the thread list .
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-24 15:38:28 UTC
in Computer is Skipping? Post #254484
Winamp is the most used multimedia program
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-24 11:18:11 UTC
in Computer is Skipping? Post #254474
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-24 08:41:17 UTC
in Gmod mapping Post #254464
Thanks . d1_town - this is what I've been looking for :D
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-24 08:39:13 UTC
in Striker's Cs 1.6 Server Post #254462
OMG THIS IS telekinesis ! I just saw you in this moment connecting to my server !
Did you managed to connect to it and play or you dropped before entering in the map ?


O now have Real-Time Web Statistics : LINK
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-24 08:05:17 UTC
in Gmod mapping Post #254456
But it gives me a lot of images of the same sky :| with different names .
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-24 07:54:56 UTC
in Striker's Cs 1.6 Server Post #254451

Try now . I'll login to skype , can YOU PLEASE LOGIN TO SKYPE TOO ?!

I played with people from UK, US and other locations , I must be able to play with all of you lol .....

i turned off the server because the local electric transformer ( or what is it calledi n english ) failed .
Now it's up and running again !

[EDIT] Ok I disabled the sentry mod temporary .

[EDIT2] Daubster you're not logged or invisible in skype :| .

I am marcel_iubarel08 :\
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-24 07:51:28 UTC
in Gmod mapping Post #254452
Heey , the map works ! Interesting , selecting the gamemode is an in-game choice , not placing an entity in hammer :| . I had to place an entity , renaming it to "info_gamemode" and add some parameters I'm lazy to discuss here .

Can somebody tell me a night sky name ?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-24 07:46:33 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254450
Everything would be much easier if everyone followed web standards
Who cares about standards , I ask you ... ? :quizzical:
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-24 06:31:45 UTC
in Striker's Cs 1.6 Server Post #254444
Amx ModX , Respawn , Sentry MOD .
I accept member maps .
Usually working . Try your luck .
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-24 06:28:09 UTC
in Gmod mapping Post #254443
I have GMOD 10 , but I don't have ep2 :D
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-23 19:10:54 UTC
in Gmod mapping Post #254407
What do you need do make a gmod map ? is hammer 4.1 still based on FGDs ?
I made a map for half-life 2 and then put it in gmod and didn't work :|
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-23 15:27:35 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254396
The coding mistakes do slow pages , aren't they ?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-22 18:56:44 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254352
GRID or StrongHold Crusader anywone ?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-22 17:47:32 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254344
I feel like going off-topic . Besides , the subject is stupid already .
Does anybody from here play GRID or StrongHold Crusader ? :) :) :P
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-22 17:22:08 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254333
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-22 16:50:56 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254325
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-22 16:27:33 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254321
what about those weeks when nothing around here happens? like most weeks?
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ?! You mean TWHL is SHIT ? What a shame .
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-22 15:12:00 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254309
What about the Geometry/Entity challenges?
Umm.... ok :\ ( if you call that competitions)

We should have something called "The mapper of the Week" or "the mapper of the month" and even "the mapper of the year" - based on votes
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-22 14:46:06 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254303
TWHL has more awesome ones.
That one I agree with . I love all you people :heart:
Besides, TWHLs community (even tho we have a lack of new members
It's better like that . That way , we have time to familiarize ourselves . Even more , TWHL isn't a crowd of stupid people . Most of them ( at least , the active members) are far more than mediocre .
oh cstriker, you-so-silly
I even don't bother to say something . I know that's the way you are . And I like it ( and I think most of the people likes the way you are )

Another thing I don't like about TWHL is that it lacks of competitions . What , 2 competitions\year ? I mean , ok , those are the mapping competitions , but for making the members more active you have to make more competitions on other themes.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-22 08:46:07 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254288
that's a dumb idea.
Whatever :zonked:

Just for fun , what mark would you give TWHL ?

I'd give it 9 out of 10 :D
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-22 07:30:15 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254284
You should consider it :P
N'ah ok if you want this site to be like that :D
But anyway , to tell some more of my dislikes :
The forum is too basic ( only basic functionality) and I even don't think it supports youtube videos :quizzical:
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-22 05:08:48 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254278
Well, if you are interested, I could add one of your maps to my site. I already have one from Rimrook, Captainterror, Klobb and just recently, Jinx. Go ahead and install the needed plugins, and check out for your self how cool it can really be.
I'm interested but I couldn't talk ( there was a "enter the 3D chat' or something button nut I pushed it and waited more than 5 minutes - it didn't work)
Speaking of internet speeds , I heard that some admins here are having trouble with these speeds . Are you thinking what I'm thinking ? Good !
Huh? I have no idea what you mean.
Some admins from here ( as far as I know) don't have a good internet connection and it's really annoying to wait for the images to load . That's why I think TWHL lacks of images . ( i'm not talking about the forums).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-21 18:14:17 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254259
wow that site is interesting !
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-21 17:25:10 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254257
At least the TWHL3 theme isn't an ugly generic forum template.
Yes I agree with that . But it looks too standard . Do you like standard ? I don't.
And it lacks of widgets . Also the polls are usually left for more than one month.
HAHA, nice move The_(c)Striker, now everybody are arguing.
checkmate :biggrin: ( really , it's not this lol)
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-21 16:18:38 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254253
man striker do you always need something to complain about
What else did I complain of ?
My only dislike here is the theme. The rest of the site is OK , really.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 15 years ago2008-08-21 16:08:06 UTC
in Other mapping sites look shit . Why ? Post #254251
Less pictures = faster page loads
:lol: :lol: :lol: =>
Speaking of internet speeds , I heard that some admins here are having trouble with these speeds . Are you thinking what I'm thinking ? Good !
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure