Uh... I don't think so.
You know the case's power button? It's wires connect somewhere on the motherboard. The little pins that they connect to can be activated by touching both of them at once with any metal object (screwdriver ftw).
He's talking about the connector pins on the motherboard that need to be crossed to turn the power on. It's something like this:
Pin1 Pin2
| |
_/ <-- Wire to cross the connections (the power button does the exact same thing)
Connect ONLY the PSU and motherboard - nothing else - then try activating those little pins. If the PSU starts spinning, you win. If not, either the PSU or Mobo are b0rk.
He's saying to hook the power up ONLY to the motherboard, not any devices like the hard drives, video card, ect. Connect the power pins like I showed above, and hope it starts running.
The thing is, I just tried disconnecting everything except the motherboard from the PSU, and hitting the power button. It gave off a single short, slowly rising beep (like a car alarm), and the power was cut. For a very short time, there was power getting to the CPU fan, because it started spinning. Now I just have to figure out what it means.
Edit: Diagrams suck on TWHL. I can't have more than one space in a row.
Edit 2: I just crossed the wires manually, and got the same results as when I hit the power button.