Forum posts

Posted 12 years ago2012-03-16 19:32:42 UTC
in Team Mapping Post #304354
Gee this thread is starting to look awfully familiar...
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-11 01:41:53 UTC
in Team Mapping Post #304153
I can't do source either. Plan out if this is going to be SP or MP, then plan out if it's going to be one map modded by many or one-man-one-map mappack. Then decide on a universal theme for the mappack (unless it is randomness and has no theme, that's fun too)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-09 21:08:22 UTC
in Team Mapping Post #304100
Very cool! My coding is really bored without maps to use all the weapons and stuff in; feel like using the op4 sniper rifle or something? This is a really good idea!
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-05 04:48:58 UTC
in Cry of Fear Post #303971
yeah, like I said, it will crash if one plays it for an extended time without quitting and restarting. You have to quit and restart after every save usually.

I thought the way they handled doors was pretty creepy, because you cant duck behind the doorway for cover and you never know what's behind it. The 'teleporting back' is due to most likely 2 func_buttons in approximately the same place and you happened to 'use' the button that's facing the outside (e.g. the one you should have 'used' when you are outside). This problem is fairly common in half-life engine.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-05 00:24:59 UTC
in Cry of Fear Post #303960
can't run it? what happens? be more specific?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-04 19:03:07 UTC
in Cry of Fear Post #303949
well, then, that must mean my computer sucks. But I already know that. If you need walkthru tips, be a bit more specific so I can help you (pm's to avoid spoiling?)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-04 06:14:12 UTC
in Cry of Fear Post #303936
So today I just finished my first playthrough of cry of fear, and it was very, very difficult. The major bug that is plaguing the development team (and the players) is the memory issues. If you play for about 1-2 hours without quitting mod then your session will crash with the memory issue:
Not enough space for (name of next map or some model)
This is especially annoying because the mod is so well-made and very intriguing, so it is all the more frustration for the player to be forced out of the mod while the adrenaline is pumping. I was gonna put an appropriate sexual reference here, but thought I ought not too, what with all the kids on this site.
Anyway if you saw thecoolgman's highly unpopular initial playthru video of Cry of Fear, you can see some of the other problems first timers experience. Unfortunately, I experienced most of the problems he had:
  • not knowing how to skip the initial cutscenes ('enter' key)
  • having to restart the game because my mouse couldn't reach the 'X' on the coded padlock (do not play in windowed mode)
  • having to restart the game again upon reaching the first savepoint because I accidentally pressed the 'load game' menu which ends the current gaming session. It was not displayed anywhere that a 'double-click' was required to save the game.
  • Having to play through the first 3 maps (and watch the intro) multiple times
These are pretty frustrating problems, but I can see the devs had limited control over the engine and did the best they could. Luckily for players, these problems only occur on the first time and not ever again. The only big problem is as mentioned before, the very limited memory capacity of the game.
Another thing to mention: I had to alternate between OpenGL and Direct3D while playing this mod. The devs evidently intended it to only be OpenGL-compatible, and this is true. The mod should not be played in Direct3D, but for me and my crappy computer we had to do the alternating routine. Unfortunately, neither video mode seems to be able to handle the memory issue.

Direct3D pros/cons
+ can cheat a 'flashlight' using console
+ 3D menu does not lag like crazy
+ Must be used to get past certain areas that lag in OpenGL
  • Annoying dialog "Direct3D is not supported" comes up everytime
  • player flashlights of all types do not work at all
  • black skyboxes
  • some dynamic lights do not work
  • game freezes when looking at large bodies of water
  • cannot see some unlock stuff
  • swimming = get flashbanged
OpenGL pros/cons
+ player flashlights look pretty cool
+ can get thru areas with large bodies of water (required)
+ all features work as intended (very very nice graphics)
  • extreme fps drop at some areas (impossible to get thru)
  • 3D menu lags like crazy
  • intro sequence lags like crazy
  • swimming lags (but better than in D3D)

Of course, this is a very good mod, and the map planning and design is amazing and mind boggling to behold. If you want specifics, then kindly reply to this post, to which I will respond with "I'd rather not spoil anything." So, no specifics. If you want to find out, play the mod. It's very good, no doubt, but make a habit of quitting and restarting after every time you save. Also think of this as a sort of extended bug report. Let my failings be used to help you enjoy this mod better. Amen.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-22 09:35:24 UTC
in Op4/Bshift NPC's/Monsters in HL Post #303618
Pit drones are not in blue shift, only opfor.

That said, it depends on if the player actually need to fight or interact with otises and pit drones. If yes, the easiest way is to switch over to op4. If not, these npcs can be faked with monster generics. I think a fair number of ppl have op4. Swapping fgd's should not cause any problems, although U don't really need to swap to be able to place a monster_otis or monster_pitdrone, just rename amy point entity to monster_otis amd an otis will appear in ur map if u load it in op4.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-21 01:05:17 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #303597
Updated: includes a new weapon and a new map (not really)
Click Here.

(CLICK 'Download this file') Don't click the ads and whatnot.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-19 21:12:37 UTC
in Really simple HL mod quiz Post #303568
OH SNAP sorry guys that escape question was worded wrongly, So everybody's score should be increased by 10%, meaning Urby got 100 and Archie got 90! My mistake.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-17 03:05:22 UTC
in Really simple HL mod quiz Post #303486
So I joined Urby's quizzing trend and made a quiz that, I promise, is easier than his. Click here.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-17 02:19:52 UTC
in DimQuest Post #303484
This game is screwed up.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-11 18:14:45 UTC
in Urby's Half-Life Quiz 2! Post #303305
Only 60, but the quiz is kinda unbalanced. Everything is from the predisaster.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-04 18:30:57 UTC
in Are you a journalist/popular game review Post #303159
Then I got good news for you! Apparently game reviewers are eligible for getting special steam press accounts that provides you with all steam games for free! A little kid has already been bragging to me about how he got all steam games for free, presumably because his father runs a news journal production factory or something. If you can make your gaming review site go BIG, then you have got it made. So get to those reviews, people!
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-26 07:57:02 UTC
in How did you start mapping? Post #302977
I have been playing videogames since way before Dimbark was born. Mostly I played Blizzard titles like starcraft and diablo, the former of which shipped with an editor. That's where I first started mapping. Then moving on I got into goldsource games like counter-strike. From that I learned about mods such as Redemption and Wanted, both top mods at the time. Then I got to play Half-Life somehow, and from there on I decided to play every mod that I can get a hold of.

Wait, the question was how did you get to mapping for HL. I totally forgot. My advice to the younger members are to learn about mapping alot, and make plenty of maps because, once you're in college there's pretty much no free time for you to pursue your mapping ideas anymore. MAP WHILE YOU'RE STILL YOUNG!
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-18 20:37:24 UTC
in Interactive Half-Life Fiction Post #302826
Sounds like Phil and friends are screwed.
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-18 01:04:01 UTC
in Interactive Half-Life Fiction Post #302811

*Dude, the coast? You're gonna get your ass chewed by leeches, and an itchy can easily topple your little boats. Where there's gunfire, there's bound to be guns. And we need guns.
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-13 22:03:14 UTC
in Nodes, NPCs and Stairs Post #302665
I think npcs stop following u if the height difference between the two of you gets too high. Dunno much about npc's and stairs, but there was this one part of blue shift where the rosenberg was scripted to go down a flight of stairs. Perhaps if nothing else works, u can try scripting the npc to go up the stairs.
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-04 19:13:07 UTC
in another potential HL1 mod Post #302425
Hey, everybody! Remember when I posted about a mod with new code and asking for maps? Neither do I! But guess what? People actually want to try it out! So, after years of doing no work and playing TF2, I bring you another status update! (If it even is an update)

The story is still open at this time, but the fixed thing is that you are wearing a HEV suit, the weapons from vanilla are all available, and so are the monsters. I don't have much maps at this point but once I do I can make a story for it. But here's the status update:

monster_human_assault (90%)
monster_brother (90%)
monster_gonome (75% - can be redone)
monster_cleansuit_scientist (100%)
monster_male_assassin (40%)

weapon_m249 (Done)
weapon_sniperrifle (Done)
weapon_pipewrench (85%)
weapon_beretta (95%)
weapon_m4 (90%)
weapon_glock's silencer (not perfect, but done)
weapon_mark23 (70%)
weapon_12gauge (0% - I broke this sorry)
weapon_displacer (10% - not usable)
weapon_headcrab (90%)
weapon_deagle (100%)

Possible additions:
weapon_??? (more to come! With a theoretical maximum at 32 weapons)
mp5/shotgun-armed barneys or scientists (very likely)
  • Instead of pointing out that I just copy pasted the status from the other thread, I pretended this was a new update to make it seem like there's progress! BUT, If you actually compared the two, you'd see that some percentages are actually LOWER! WOW, we sure tricked YOU! And if this post sounds like something out of the TF2 blog, then YOU ARE CORRECT! This overtly cheesy style of writing is REALLY STUPID! But do you know what's even more cheesy? THIS RICKROLL VIDEO! IT'S SO CHEESY, THAT I TOLD YOU IT'S A RICKROLL VIDEO BEFORE YOU EVEN CLICK THE LINK! OMG! TWIST FORUM POST ENDING!
Posted 13 years ago2012-01-03 20:40:47 UTC
in The 2012 Crap Christmas Presents Mini-Co Post #302388
hey, looks great, how 'bout a -75% off napoleon coupon?
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-28 05:35:43 UTC
in What did you get? :D Post #302144
everyone should have socks to hang them over the fireplace, but oh wait those presents are to huge to be stuffed in a sock
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-26 02:03:17 UTC
in Desktops of December Post #302011
shaco is the name of that clown in soup's wallpaper, the game is league of legends which is probably divided into continental realms you know
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-16 01:48:38 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #301610
update broke source sdk? How many times has that happened since?
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-15 19:50:31 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #301602
well, the person I was supposed to map for dropped, and I have yet to start mine, so yeah, I'm dropping too. Sorry.
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-15 19:47:19 UTC
in The X-Mas Retro HLDM Map Tournament Post #301601
Added 8 more spawns, though the map is really tiny so survivability isn't going to increase by much
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-12 17:26:08 UTC
in Half-Life: Battlefront Post #301514
well there certainly are other countries with facilities using pirated fake steam apps that only have counter strike installed. really many more people play CS than gametracker can keep track of
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-10 09:06:54 UTC
in Half-Life Trinity Engine Post #301431
hmm, is it openGL only?
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-10 09:03:56 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #301430
hey hey jeffMOD you watched madoka? what did you think of it? especially give the opinion on episode 3

ON TOPIC: I have a week to do this. I think I can scrounge up something.
Posted 13 years ago2011-11-19 18:54:35 UTC
in The X-Mas Retro HLDM Map Tournament Post #300894
This is my best work.
User posted image
Posted 13 years ago2011-11-14 00:47:39 UTC
in TWHL's Half-Life Server Post #300747
all i need is my crossbow and my corner. you know.
Posted 13 years ago2011-11-09 04:45:22 UTC
in kHED - Free model editor Post #300624
no possibility of animating
:/ (lol can't type a backslash//)
Posted 13 years ago2011-11-09 04:43:09 UTC
in I wish Post #300623
wait, wasn't there someone who said something about jews in this thread?

well anyway I wish for more wishes. Which reminds me, how many of you guys read that story about the monkey paw?
Posted 13 years ago2011-11-02 22:49:46 UTC
in Owning Half Life Vids Post #300445
watch this. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee DEAD
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-30 06:23:27 UTC
in Halloween Costumes Post #300360
Halloween! Sounds like a great night to
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-30 00:42:43 UTC
in Half Life : OPS Post #300350
looks great!

I just played thru it (about 5 maps in all)
It's really cool how each map has its own unique theme, and there is some continuity between the final 3 maps. I would suggest that you have some kind of story to tie your mod together, preferably.

Personally I though it was too easy, except the rings part that was confusing. Crossbow and RPG are way too strong against soldiers. But seeing as they aren't easy to find I guess it's all well. Overall I thought this mod is pretty enjoyable and each of the locations are quite interesting. 5 short maps.

[just wondering do you know about the trigger_autosave entity, or did you want to do that kind of style between each map?]
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-25 01:46:14 UTC
in Need help finding texture Post #300221
sweet lighting.

anyway the cliff texture is probably out_ something although it looks recoloured. For typical brick walls it can be either out_ something or fifties_ something. Those textures don't look familiar-where is that pic from?
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-20 18:59:24 UTC
in Nameless Specimen Post #300136
As skeptic as I am regarding this mod pulling thru, I do like new hl1 mods and So do the community. Here is a flowchart for you to do the work, to guarantee a better chance of this mod coming to release

Make first chapter maps - use the demo maps to attract a team - make more maps - make voice acting files - finish all maps - make models if needed - beta test all laps - release!

7 steps, shouldn't be too hard right? I believe in you man.
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-14 05:43:50 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #299974
lucky you guys, I wish i even had time to map. Uninstalled tf2 that was a horrific waste of the time
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-07 00:23:17 UTC
in moving tanks Post #299812
This exact thing was done in the mod, Issues, where a tiger tank circled around a house the player hid in and bombarding him

That mod uses spirit

If not with spirit it may be possible with a func train and invisible func tanks where the train's path corner activates the tanks at their places.
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-01 16:05:58 UTC
in "Enemy Type" keyvalue for &quo Post #299675
I've seen it work in some maps. The "ally" func_tank helps you and fellow marines shoot the enemies. So you can have a machinegun be your ally in OP4. Pretty neat
Posted 13 years ago2011-10-01 00:43:25 UTC
in Blocking player but not npcs Post #299644
make the area that the npc's go thru inaccessible via architecture design. Like, for example they npcs are on a catwalk or something that the player cant jump to.

Depending on exactly what the situation in your map is I can possibly think up alternative methods.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-27 04:14:03 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #299465
ok jolly good
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-27 04:12:54 UTC
in Remove Hand Grenades Post #299464
there's a 'weapons' option for the monster_human_grunt properties, just pick an option that doesn't have '+ HG' or '+ GL' in there.

And I just love for more people to map single player missions. Any help needed come on over!
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-27 03:07:26 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #299461
er, I'm making 255 solid func_walls of those grating textures and blue parts still show up? What to do?
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-26 02:11:53 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #299419
dimbark can win this compo; he shows much promise in mapping you know
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-26 02:08:05 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #299418
I map for HL1 of course
I can receive any goldsource game, EP1, EP2 and PRTL1.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-25 07:17:39 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #299378
er, mind if I add some signs or posters from halflife.wad?
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-23 20:20:51 UTC
in Competition 31 Post #299330
I think what happened here was that everyone already knows the trends and traditions around here, and when someone who doesn't know about it shout around then everyone will oppose him for that. Well the attitude was a bit extreme so I can't be sure of that. Anyway I'm really glad for new compo. I really should have a reason to map for more than once a year.
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-23 20:16:15 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #299329
I have old maps lying around, surely I can fix them over. Okay I can do this too
Posted 13 years ago2011-09-20 16:55:31 UTC
in Half-Life: Secret Santa Post #299151
if I get archie, then it's time for a map called '5 weird ways to die'
Let's get a mod going!