The Trinity Rendering Engine is a replacement of Half-Life's model renderer and world renderer, it augments original functionalities with new assets, like TGA decals on models and world objects, it allows for advanced lighting effects and fully reflective water, shadow mapping on projective lights. Also supported is the ability to load external textures for existing ones in the game, with unlimited resolution. Model lighting is overall improved and supports light entities in the world that allow for fast, correct per-vertex lighting.
It also allows for more space, some entities can be taken out of the engine's hands and into those of Trinity, allowing for unlimited, fast rendering of props on the client side without filling Half-Life's model cache at all. An advanced particle engine allows for any kind of particle effects with high quality texture support, support for animated textures.
Performance is overall improved on all aspects of the engine, world rendering is faster than previously and the same goes for model rendering. This was done with numerous optimizations to rendering code and the techniques.
A full list of features, detail descriptions and entity entries can be found in the package of the download. The engine was mostly programmed by Andrew "CastleBravo / Highlander" Lucas, but numerous parties were involved. For a complete list of credits, see the description in the files.
Hope you all have fun using it, this is pretty much my parting gift from the modding community to everyone still active and making mods.
Andrew "CastleBravo /
Highlander" Lucas.
Download!Update:A new version of Trinity got released. It includes some improvements over old code, some new additions and a few bugfixes. For a full list of changes, please see "Changes to v2.0".
Also, don't forget to read the files in order to know how it works. Any bugs you might see, report them to my e-mail address.!163&parid=CE9CC3FBFE20AB9A!161