Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-06 13:27:46 UTC
in Including models in map. Post #221148
Anyone know why .mdl files used in map download twice to a client off the server? (using .res file)
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-16 21:05:57 UTC
in Dark Shadows Post #219299
yeah in that map there is really no reason to have those brushes there other then to clip players(stop players from crossing).. that map is so old that the "clip" texture/brush may have not been around.. try making them simply clip world brushes.. see what happens..
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-16 20:00:35 UTC
in Dark Shadows Post #219287
what are those blue brushes? If they are supposed tobe clip brushes, "to world" them and apply the "clip" texture to them.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-29 02:33:29 UTC
in Frustrating leak Post #217394
to find and fix your leak use the block method srry posted.. It's really the only way I have ever found leaks.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 18:51:52 UTC
in Project collaboration Post #212126
basically would like some fresh eyes on some of the artistic areas and layout of the map. By artistic, I mean the way the buildings/walls meet the sky(I'm thinking some spots may look a little random), and with lighting.

and the layout is a little weird atm in regards to timing and choke/contact points.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 17:25:24 UTC
in Project collaboration Post #212121
Anyone interested in collaborating? I got a cs1.6 map that needs some outside brutal input. If anyone is interested please post and I'll post more details.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-10 17:07:52 UTC
in Hollow Sphere Post #212119
rock on, I'll try HLfix. (I just learned about makewad.exe :lol: ) I had some unseen results from hlfix before so I labeled it as something not worth using. Maybe I was wrong.

I did'nt know ALT-E moved vertexes off the grid.. That explains a lot! thanks for the posts.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-09 23:38:30 UTC
in Hollow Sphere Post #212051
hollow spheres that don't have leaks?
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-09 21:00:30 UTC
in Hollow Sphere Post #212039
thanks for the replies..

It seems every method I've used compiles with leaks. SO... (I feel so dirty), I've resorted to using a box around the sphere. :confused:
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-09 04:24:44 UTC
in Hollow Sphere Post #211959
hi, I'm trying to create a hollow sphere using this tutorial;

And um seriously I don't think it's capable of being a HULL. Cuz to matter how many times I try and/or how careful I am, it produces leaks at compile.

has anyone actually ever gotten a hollow sphere from that tutorial to compile? Also, does anyone know another method?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-23 16:41:39 UTC
in Methods to decrease File Size Post #210379
kk, well thanks for pointing out the archs. I agree most fraggers will not notice. I replaced of them with lower faceted ones. knocked 20k off the map. and the texture scaling, 3k. down to 4.37mb. If anyone has any other suggestions, plz step up..

monotone lighting? you mean the textures or? any suggestion?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-23 05:10:49 UTC
in Methods to decrease File Size Post #210321
You know what... I think you may be right... What do you think?

LEFT: old arch, RIGHT: new less faces Arch.

Can you tell? LIke would it look dumb when you were playing?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-23 04:24:51 UTC
in Methods to decrease File Size Post #210319
Captain P,
Thanks for your post. Doing that in not important places reduced the file size a little(which is good) thanks again.

a zip file will work fine for downloading off a site. But not for HLDS's trickle down content delivery method. Personally I have fast downloads, so 4.5mb isn't a big deal. Just trying to think beyond my little needs for the sake of the maps future benefit.

lol.. yeah that would be a wonderful map then eh? In all seriousness though with the amount of detail I have, I think I did a good job at keeping the performance and file size pretty good. I'm not about to erase all of that.

Heres some screenshots to show the kind of detail I'm talking about. Nothing special really, just enough to be detailed but not over the top.

My cards gamma is up a little though.. =P

(still working out the architecture in the back a little, cuz it's looking to random)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-22 03:55:36 UTC
in Methods to decrease File Size Post #210184
currently the map bsp is sitting around 4.5mb. In all honesty I'm on the verge of pushing the limit of geometry detail that CS.16 can handle. A lot of arches and alot of trimming. I will do some test to see what gives the biggest drop. Will post later.. maybe
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-20 16:19:17 UTC
in Methods to decrease File Size Post #210052
Anyone have any proven methods of decreasing file size. There are no custom textures/wads included. I've pretty much done all of the brush simplifying/cleanup I can do. Wondering if there is anything else I could be doing.

Posted 18 years ago2007-01-18 23:42:31 UTC
in Lighting/Shading Error Post #209922
I indeed had two brushes making a split. I thought there wasn't one. I don't know how long I would have ignored to obvious if you wouldn't have replied. Thank you.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-18 21:30:05 UTC
in Lighting/Shading Error Post #209918
Does anyone have any suggestions for RAD settings to correct this lighting/shading error? :)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 20:08:10 UTC
in SkyBox lighting / Map preformance Post #208928
I'm not sure it needs to stop "going anywhere" though.. I mean its only a day or so old. I think it would be beneficial for people to just answer back with what they've experienced in their map making, rather then PROOFS. We all know HL1 engine mapping is buggy, often giving different results when it should not.

Its a healthy worth while discussion topic I think. If done respectively, when is learning about performance optimization not healthy?

for example,

From what I've read high detailed RAD settings should just increase compile times. However, has anyone else noticed that the Better the RAD lighting quality, the worse the map preformance?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-07 00:19:04 UTC
in SkyBox lighting / Map preformance Post #208852
Thanks for everyones input. Yeah I was basically just trying to create the best possible experience for the players in the map. There is a huge relationship between server preformance, client FPS, bullet reg, and HitBoxes.

I guess I could post the map so I could get more specific advice on optimization, but I'm just not sure there is anything else that could be
done without changing the map dramatically. I've been mapping for 6years or so, and have done the whole decompile thing which has taught me a lot.

On a side note/question, From what I've read high detailed RAD settings should just increase compile times. However, has anyone else noticed that the Better the RAD lighting quality, the worse the map preformance?

anyway if anyone is interested in giving it a looksy please let me know.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 18:35:13 UTC
in SkyBox lighting / Map preformance Post #208800

I'm currently working on a map and am in the last beta stages. Before I release this as final I was wondering if I could get some others thoughts. It a map for CS1.6.

First question:
Does the height of the skybox walls/ceiling determine or change any lighting characteristics when using an light_environment?

Second question:
Does the height of the skybox walls/ceiling effect map r_speed or performance in terms of user FPS?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-01 14:02:41 UTC
in player_weaponstrip & player_equip Post #192206
I had a similar issue.

Here's my old thread, with what I ended up doing. Hope it helps
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-12 23:44:10 UTC
in player_weaponstrip /w armoury_entity Post #179695
well I figured out a workaround.

After player is stripped they are forced to triggger a game_playerequip. Giveing them weapons. now player can choose to drop that weapon and pickup a armoury_entity if they wish.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-12 22:06:44 UTC
in player_weaponstrip /w armoury_entity Post #179690
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-12 21:45:46 UTC
in player_weaponstrip /w armoury_entity Post #179684
Game: CS1.6

Ok... First off, I've looked for this issue in the forums and found one post by "Seventh-Monkey", saying it must be a bug in the engine.

The Bug:
Players are stripped on spawn using multimanager named "game_playerspawn".
Player(a) picks up a weapon using a armoury_entity. Player(a) kills player(b). On new round, Player(a) cannot pickup a weapon using the armoury_entity.

In that posts i've read people suggest an alternative method to give player weapons.

The Alternative:
[trigger_multiple] triggers-> [multimanager] triggers-> [game_playerequip] and a [env_render].
Player triggers game_playerequip(giving weapon) and env_render(hiding cycler_sprite)

On new round start [env_render] is triggered by reset manager(showing cycler_sprite).

This method works however there is a problem that I need help with. Either a fix, or alternatives.

The Problem:
On this map there are multiple weapons layed out on the ground. Using the "Alternative" method, Player(a) can pickup multiple weapons.

Any suggestion/ideas/thoughts?
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-26 23:09:16 UTC
in monster_miniturret in CS1.6 Post #143901

Entities blow chunks.

Imma start thinking about other ways of doing what I need done.
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-26 16:25:22 UTC
in monster_miniturret in CS1.6 Post #143868
yeah to get the monster_miniturret simply have a Fgd loaded in hammer that has it.
I tried mp_allowmonsters 1 and it did not work.

I did the func_tank idea and it indeed loads. However it kills everyone, and I cannot see any way of giving it "Rules" in which to fire/not fire. (ie. Team dependant).
Is there a way to do this?

Also I find it very dumb that these kinds of entities(monster_miniturret) were just plane taken out of CS. Why put limitations ya know?

anyhoo, again thanks for all your help again guys, hopefully someone knows a way to make the func_tank team dependant
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-26 15:18:09 UTC
in monster_miniturret in CS1.6 Post #143857
Awesome!, thanks alot guys.

I'll try the func_tank and post back.

have a good one ya-all
Posted 19 years ago2005-10-26 05:16:34 UTC
in monster_miniturret in CS1.6 Post #143778
Hi all, I got a question.

I'm wanting to make a map for cs1.6 that has turrets at spawn guarding it.
I put in a monster_miniturret and tested the map. The turret did not apear/load.
I loaded the map in Halflife and in CZ, and the turret loaded.

So lemme get this straight.

The reason the turret is not loading in CS1.6 is cuz Valve has taken monster_miniturret capability out?

What are you thoughts?
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-20 11:53:53 UTC
in Problem with a map and the clanserver Post #104936
K I'll check those tutorials out. Basically I needed the Hostage rescue decal. I tried find another wad to use that had it, but had no luck.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-20 06:02:22 UTC
in Problem with a map and the clanserver Post #104875
nah no mod.

turns out the server did'nt have decals.wad or hlbasics.wad(which no server had by default). I did'nt know that..

So.. yeah it was simply that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-19 19:57:56 UTC
in Problem with a map and the clanserver Post #104835
I made a map that works in my "newGame" and HLDS.

However, it crashes a rented server on changelevel/load, with no errors in the log files.

Anyone got a clue as to why this could be happening?

Thx for your help
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 18:04:23 UTC
in Trigger_hurt Post #45192
man u guys are funny

the reason i I don't to this...

why are you making exact replicas of the wire, a simple rectangle will do. there is no need to make exact copies (noobish).

the wires are drooping.............

resizing a copy(or a rectangle) makes it not line up along the wire....

peace... your funny
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 04:07:21 UTC
in Trigger_hurt Post #44961
well you should see these wires.. and also how many I have...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 02:58:49 UTC
in Trigger_hurt Post #44944
k. thanks for your replies guys... I've thought about making the wire that's trigger_hurt just a tad bit bigger and just overlapping the wire. but wheever I scale it up.. (due to the complex shape) it invalid objects me..

but maybe I need to do it with a slight more carress.. I'll try.. thanks

but still need to know.. does the trigger_hurt entity still count in the bsp filesize>?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 02:48:15 UTC
in Trigger_hurt Post #44942
Is there a method to make a brush that has been made a "trigger_hurt" not be invisible?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 01:32:19 UTC
in Trigger_hurt Post #44922
trigger_hurt does not have those options.... thanks anyway
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 23:42:08 UTC
in Trigger_hurt Post #44917
hey all.. I've look every where I could, on forums and web..

Is there a method to make a brush that has been made a "trigger_hurt" not be invisible? If not... Is there anyway to make a object hurt someone when contact has been made?

I have these wires connected to light poles.. and I have 4 copies of the wire surrounding the wire. left-top-right-bottom.

the reason I ask about this is I'm trying to cut down on my compiled bsp size. I'm not even sure if the Copies of the wires made into trigger_hurts are even part of the file size.. so maybe someone could answer that, and solve this whole thing..
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 13:32:35 UTC
in How do you make objects break when the.. Post #44365
um zeeba.. are you sure guy?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 13:31:20 UTC
in How do you make objects break when the.. Post #44364
posted by: Crusader_bin
You know what? it could be cool, that when you want to post a new thread, it would first search in all tutorials AND formums for words in your topic name, and asks do you realy want to post it than i don't know is this a good idea but i think it is.

yeah when I was writing it. I was kinda thinking when I got into the Rules/guidlines for posting area....... That maybe there were somekind of checks that occured(could'nt think of any- but you did), and had check boxes above the post button. like;

X - you have searched the forums already, and did not find a match.
X - etc.

whaeva I just woke up, can't think of any. I'm sure someone could.

at any rate, yeah.. you get what I mean.. K laterz
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 06:28:20 UTC
in How do you make objects break when the.. Post #44282

SO... people posting the same thing over and over for you means something old, allready been there, done answered it. For someone new it means something new. get it?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 06:22:39 UTC
in How do you make objects break when the.. Post #44281
sorry for reviving a old thread. I see rabbid and haz's point. that tutorials are made for the reasons they listed.. However..

If there are tutorials made that would answer someones questions, I tink any sane person would go threw that tutorial. BUt most times a question that could be answered or a problem someone is having is contained layers deep inside a tutorial. Tutorials are named by the goal in mind by the creater.

for example, If someone can't figure out how to make a object breakable and only be broke from a trigger. They should look at a BOMb/DE making tutorial right? Well I tell ya, (and haz and rabbid could probably agree on this) when your just beginning, it's really hard to say what even a trigger is. So you could speed read right by it without even understanding that was the answer. I personally, when needing something unknown to me, made known, I read all there is(slowly if need be). If I would come across the word trigger, and say "WTF is that", I'd load a new window and look up that until I understand it. Then I would continue on with the tutorial.

but guess what HAz, rabbid, and others. not all people are like that.. You guys may have further complex methods of learning that I don't utilize. So that there tells us theres allways someone under ya.

Forums are here to post. Rules/guidelines for posting are no doubt here and listed somewhere. But hey.

If someone needs to know how to make a bomb make something go crack, but not let peeps make that object go crack, Their gonna post it.
Why? well vocabulary for one(you need it in any given subject to search effectivly. and two, like said above. It's right here a tool for getting help from the experts/ people in the know.

I feel there are two things actually going on here. Getting upset over repeated posts month after month.

Response: #1
Do you have to post? NO
I look over threads when have time for anything I don't know. read the thread, and leave knowing. I can't search for what I don't know if I don't have anything specific to search for. SO... people posting the same thing over and over for you means something new for someone new. get it?

Response: #2
People post something that was posted before(maybe many times/ maybe not). A REG see that post and says .. AH -ha!!! I can seem big here.. I can say this and that. and hide behind the "already been asked and answered" , or the "theres a reason tutorials are made".

final opinion.
If you the REG do not feel like posting another long winded answer that you may have answered in the past(many times), POST the link to the tutorial, or WOW!! thread that answers the question being asked.
Ctrl > C, Ctrl > V. now I can in my spare time run along the "NEW" threads and get stuff I don't know answered. instead of getting nothing cuz peeps are afraid to post.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 13:03:45 UTC
in How do you make objects break when the.. Post #42559
jeez!!!! I think hazardous just spent to much time in the steam forums. :x

I'd like to add that although I am new to this forum. This is the first thread where someone (Hazardous) posted back a rude and belittling reply.

let's stop that here and now.. these forums are really so nice used compared to the rest.. thx
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 13:40:04 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #41616
peace.. no I have never seen a map like this before. It is actually a idea based off a MOHAA map. But since it has never been done says to me ..... DO IT!!!!!! Anyway maybe it should be a DOD map. cuz I'm now wondering if the CS pop. is'nt really going to like this type of map. three people came on my server last night and two said they did'nt like it. so 2 out of 3. Maybe cuz it's new and I suck right now at making the map look like it's not floating in space..

But about your idea Peace
Like this ?

the one on left we'll call #1, on right, #2.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 01:08:45 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #41477
k thanks for the info seventh..

I finally have a working good enough version. third times a charm huh..

well what do you think about this..
looking from long distance thing start distorting/clipping

I ran CSG,BSP,RAD-extra-chop 32.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 19:02:54 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #41410
the bridgeedit2 is no longer. like I said I restarted it. current version (added sewers since) is bridgedraft2. Did you look at that one?

In the new version I made the windows foo foos func_wall. I am going to try the hint thing around the buildings next.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 18:43:08 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #41401
thanks for the compliment. :) But let me say. I take no credit for the orginal creaters of those buildings. I just downloaded and edited. I'm afraid I'm a x CAD designer trying to put CAD detail in bsps. hehe.. not going to work I see.

The bsp of "bridgeedit2"(Vis'd 9.12mb) only zips down to 5mb. And the 5mb non vis'd(csg,bsp) zips down to 3mb. for the two mb limit I can't upload them. IT will compile in less then 5min with only CSG,BSP though. I don't expect anyone to compile it with vis and rad.

Whenever I CSG,BSP,VIS,RAD a map though I see the fps is about the same as when I CSG,BSP. Is that normal?

Will tree .mdl's work as VIS blockers?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 16:59:13 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #41371
alright. I uploaded the two versions. new and old.


Old version "bridgeedit2.rmf"
new version "bridgedraft2.rmf"

Both contaned in zip file ""

PLease take a look and especially see how/where adding hint brushes would help. I really need someone to give down to earth examples of how/where hint brushes would help this map out.

Thanks again for your help..

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 15:09:01 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #41352
well do you guys want me to upload my old version, or the new one?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 06:02:44 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #41236
IF I make the so you can't see through them as much will that help with FPS?

If I make the windows so you can't see through them as much will that help with FPS?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 05:59:40 UTC
in Could I get some help from the experts? Post #41231
does trees such as the .mdl models work as vis blockers?

I read somewhere that hint brushes are used before the VIS process. They said it was used in the BSP Process. I'll try and dig up the Url I read it at.
Thanks for the info all. And I think I may not endup running a VIS on this map now that someone has brang that up. I mean, I allways felt like it was a must with maps(my whole 1 month exp. hehe) But is it o.k. to not run VIS if it's not a map VIS will help? Any peoples thoughts on why I should and should not?

Anyway.. I restarted the map. ON first draft, (imagine to cubes cut open, one on top one on bottom. top cube is sky, bottom is ground w/ small height wall. I began making it with fps in mind, therfore minimizing unneeded ground brushes. (I plan on adding a few triangle landscapes later)My fps from one end to the other was about 50.
Added bridge and raised the floor on ends of bridge. FPS 30.
Messed around with hints brushes, decided I had know clue what I was doing. erased the hint brushes.
In my previous version I had four building on each end of map. very complex Structure. Ones I downloaded and edited.
I took one of the buildings that I used before and cut the walls out and made buildings using the walls and various parts of the building. there are now two buildings on ends of bridge. Tested ,, FPS 14 - 20 looking across.

That is where I'm out now. have'nt even added the floors, water, and shiz. There are many windows in builings, Question.....

IF I make the so you can't see through them as much will that help with FPS?

After a few more tries and stuff tomorrow, I think I might have to just go with hella simple buildings. (which sux, cuz I really wanted to start something for CS here).

Another question. SHould I look into NULL textures for area that are never seen my players? When ever I read about them, people talk about how the are tricky, and walls of mirrors or some shiz..

Anyway.. I see a perma grid. :nuts: gotta go to bed..
thanks again for all your help..