Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-21 10:07:22 UTC
in hl2dm mapping questions Post #186228
i have a couple of questions i hope you can help me with,
1st off
when makeing a hl2dm map, can u set the skin used by the player whne they play the map(when its finished)?
i would like the players to use just 2 skins , no more no less, if it is possible

2,also can i change the gravity of a map when makeing it?
if so how

3,i know u can use portals in hl2dm, if a prop is put in the portal , can u make it reapear ,at a set point on the map, sitting static untill ,moved again?

thank you for any help
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-15 07:58:55 UTC
in soccer maps Post #185226
lol madcow plz dont start him off!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-15 07:48:52 UTC
in soccer maps Post #185224
ah you can contribute something half usefull
and yes i have checked for the custom textures!
im going looking for a working download of vmex now!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-15 07:47:18 UTC
in soccer maps Post #185222

havent u got an egg to tend to!?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-15 07:21:27 UTC
in soccer maps Post #185219
let me quote the rules of the forum

"In addition, these users will have their inappropriate posts deleted. Please do not reply to these posts or point out its inappropriateness. We will take relevant action, and replies of this nature just make it more difficult to clean up the original mess."

so plz ,
if you are not going to help
get out my thread you moron!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-15 07:13:06 UTC
in soccer maps Post #185216
im british u gimp,
i called it soccer , as the map is ka_soccer
use your brain , b4 u engage your gob
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-15 07:02:53 UTC
in soccer maps Post #185214
i been playing ka_soccer and its pretty fun
can anyone tell me where to get the soccer texture pack for cs source sdk ,as i wouldnt mind having a crack at a soccer map!
also if u know teh server settings?
wot entity to apply to the ball , it would be a huge help
thx alot
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-07 08:10:37 UTC
in help needed Post #107918
the thing is, i have like i dont know 30 + targets , and i need to get it working straight away , as i have to repeat it numerous times! :
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-06 22:11:01 UTC
in help needed Post #107843
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-02 12:54:49 UTC
in help needed Post #106931
thanks alot ,
i have found a tut on bspzip,,
i have one last question -
i am makeing targets that will be in 2 postions -
postion 1 is at teh very end of the range where they will be shot at,
postion 2 is right up by where the player shoots so they can check how they have been doing on the target!!
i was going to use the elevator function for this but i have tryed a couple of tutorials on this but i cannot seem to to get them actualy to move via the button ,
can anyone help me on this please!
thanks in advance
if there is an easyer alternate way to do this
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-01 15:06:03 UTC
in help needed Post #106739
ok sorry lol
easy mistake to make ;)
thx btw
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-01 14:19:28 UTC
in help needed Post #106722
there you go -

Attempted to create unknown entity type trigger_weapon_strip!
Can't init trigger_weapon_strip

any other ideas???
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-01 10:49:00 UTC
in help needed Post #106675
unless i have put a setting wrong...
is there a tutorial on this or does someone actualy know the process...??
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-01 08:03:15 UTC
in help needed Post #106625
doesnt work , i tryed it and i get an error in console something along the lines of cannot make weapon_strip blah blah some old tosh
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-01 07:47:36 UTC
in favorite cs map?? Post #106619
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-01 07:45:11 UTC
in favorite cs map?? Post #106615
cs_compound i cant wait to see this de_port they are bring out ,
and alos the offical inferno
as teh old one was crap imo
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-01 07:28:14 UTC
in help needed Post #106610
as it is a range there are weapons in the ranges - like awp's in the sniper range etc
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-01 07:24:00 UTC
in help needed Post #106608
ok i have figured out that , once people have downloaded the texture , they need to disconnect then reconnect and they can see the targets ,
how do i get steam to download the textures before the bsp so it can be loaded in straight away!.

also can anyone please tell meteh trigger to strip any wepaons that people have taken into a certain part of the map , all weapons includeing nades
i have made it a knife only map to start so when people spawn they only have knives but , after a round if someone is still alive and the had say a shotty from the last round they spawn withit , which i dont want!!
so i intend on making the whole spawn area strip u of weapons ,
if someone can hel me out!......please

by the way this is a cs:s map not hl2
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-30 17:13:12 UTC
in help needed Post #106529
well im not intrested in tweaking it, just getting it working
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-30 16:30:00 UTC
in help needed Post #106520
lol well it is a jpeg of an actual target , taken from google ]
cant ge much better then that
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-30 16:11:30 UTC
in help needed Post #106518
no its not temp i want it to be from start to end , how do i go about giveing it texture filters???
btw thx for the reply i apreciate it
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-30 09:50:01 UTC
in Hanging light Post #106479
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-30 09:36:45 UTC
in help needed Post #106477
please can someone help me out ,
i am createing a training map , with targets that move etc
i have tryed creating a decal that is a target by following this tutorial
i followed it , it was slightly confusing but made a decal which is on my targets ,
i made a target.res and filled it with this info
"materials/target/target1.vmt" "file"
"materials/target/target1.vtf" "file"

which allows people to download my custom files -

info in .vmt

"$basetexture" "target/target1"
"$decal" 1
"$decalscale" 0.20
"$translucent" 1
in short , some people can see teh targets and some people cant
any help ??

screenshot of target

btw that screenshot is an old one i know the decal has to be to the power of two so i alterered the size

and the .res is what points towards the cutom textures ( i think )
if anyone can enlighten me on this , i will be greatfull!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-09 17:34:31 UTC
in de_fallout is beautiful [closed] Post #96056
lol @ jaardsi
so 1890s
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-13 06:35:51 UTC
in menu background pic Post #90027
btw the link wont work - sorry but i renamed it as i dont want my bandwidth rinsed
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-13 06:33:13 UTC
in menu background pic Post #90026

a. An image editing tool that supports TGA files (ie Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop).
b. A little program called VTEX which you can download here:

I am assuming that you will have a basic knowledge of how to use image editing software.
I am also assuming that you haven?t installed VTEX. If you have, please be patient and read the setup anyway, just incase you (or I) have missed something.

Open your image editing tool and create a new image with the following dimensions:
Height: 1024 pixels
Width: 1024 pixels
Resolution: 300 pixels per inch

Create your background and ?

?when you?ve finished Save it as BACKGROUND01.TGA.
Make sure it is easily accessible as we?ll need it shortly.


Unzip the VTEX file to somewhere easy to find (I use D: ). It should look like this:

We now need to create 2 folders called exactly the same name but in different spots. For this tutorial I am calling them both IMAGES.

1 folder is placed in your ?materialsrc? folder and the path should look like this:
This will be where we put our source images in, but more on that in step 3

The next folder we need to create is in the ?material? folder:
This is where our converted images will be stored. More on that in a minute.

Enough of the setting we get down to business.

Grab the background01.TGA file you made earlier and put it in the D:vtexhl2materialsrcIMAGES folder.

Right click on the background01.TGA file and select COPY.

Navigate to the VTEX.EXE file, Right click on it and select PASTE.

This will open a dos window. Just wait for a few seconds and when it says ?Press any key to continue? select the enter key (this closes the dos window).

Now go back to your D:vtexhl2materialsrcIMAGES folder.
You will see that there are now 2 files in there (1 TGA file and 1 TXT file).
Select BOTH files and copy them.

Navigate to the VTEX.EXE file again, Right click on it and select PASTE.

This will open a dos window again. Just wait for a few seconds and when it says ?Press any key to continue? select the enter key (this closes the dos window).

Now goto the D:vtexhl2materialsIMAGES folder and you will have a file called background01.vtf.
If you haven?t got this file, see the FAQ at the bottom of the page.

Well that?s the hard part done.
We just need to make a place to put our vtf file so we can use it.

While still in the D:vtexhl2materialsIMAGES folder copy the background01.vtf file.

Go to your C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppsYOUR STEAM ACCOUNT NAMEcounter-strike sourcecstrikematerials folder and create a new folder called ?console?.

Paste your background01.vtf in the console folder.

Here comes the good part?to see how our new background looks in-game.

Now open steam and select Counter-Strike Source to play it.
Now when Counter-Strike Source opens up it loads your new console background.

Q. My background file doesn?t appear in the D:vtexhl2materialsIMAGES folder or I get an error in the dos windows.

A. Vtex seems to be very tempremental but the following should fix 90% of the problems when using VTEX.
I suggest that the picture you?ve modified be redone to only have a background.
This means no extra layers, text or other attributes as this will cause an error.
You can still create layers and text but you just have to merge them into the background.
The best way to do this is to MERGE ALL LAYERS or FLATTEN your picture as the last step before saving it as a TGA file.
See the Help menu in your image editing software for more information on merging layers or flattening.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-09 08:39:43 UTC
in mp5 map Post #89220
well u must be doing it wrong
as i have used that and it works
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-08 15:36:44 UTC
in mp5 map Post #89034
script = map
sorry for typo
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-08 15:36:08 UTC
in mp5 map Post #89033

and add in buy zones i suppose

i only had a knife only script
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-08 14:28:06 UTC
in mp5 map Post #89010
so i see lol ;)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-08 11:35:44 UTC
in One for the Tech heads... Post #88980
lol some funny stuff there
Customer: "I just downloaded the Internet. How do I use it?"
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-08 09:32:51 UTC
in mp5 map Post #88957
and that what habboi posted works because i have used it before,
as i posted that in a few threads down
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-08 09:31:41 UTC
in mp5 map Post #88956
well it is
"knife" not knive
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 18:06:45 UTC
in mp5 map Post #88798
make sure u name the weapon correctly in the keybox
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 08:16:09 UTC
in css weapons Post #88687
you can choose what weapons people spawn with on your level if that helps

1. Make a 'game_player_equip'.

2. Open up the properties of the 'game_player_equip'.

3. Make sure your not in 'smart edit' mode.

4. Add a new Keyvalue by clicking the 'add' button.

5. For the key box type in the name of the weapon you want (e.g. 'weapon_deagle').

6. For the value box type in '1'.

7. Press ok, 'compile' the map and have a test.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-06 09:53:21 UTC
in map problem when on my server Post #88519
i guess not
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-05 08:57:15 UTC
in map problem when on my server Post #88284
this is realy buggin me ,
does sumone mind if i upload the map and they can see wot is up with it?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-05 01:06:21 UTC
in map problem when on my server Post #88243
yeah ,
the error is
"the server is running a different version of the map"

ok as this is my 1st compiled map , where do u get the finished map from to release
i took mine out of my cs:s maps folder after i had compiled and run my map..
is this right?
would it make a difference if i ran it through hammer , then took the compiled map after tested it from the cs:s maps folder, if that makes any sense
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-04 22:14:33 UTC
in map problem when on my server Post #88224
got your all stumped huh:?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-04 14:36:47 UTC
in map problem when on my server Post #88129
its a legit server - hired from efrag
the protocal we are running is the most recent one , and the people trying to join have the same version as they are regulers to my server
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-04 10:18:28 UTC
in map problem when on my server Post #88104
hello ,
i have a cs:s map i have made ,
nothing major just a simple knife only map,
it is ready to play , but i uploaded the bsp + ztmp file to my server
but when people try to join the map , they get an error saying
"the server is running a different version"
any ideas??
this is my 1st ever finished map , so it will more then likely be something i have done.
thx in advance