Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-11-11 02:24:09 UTC
in Wad textures Post #72612
The maps are free for the public to use, so there isn't any real legal or financial damage done if you use the textures. But if you profit from it, then they can come after you.

As far as making your own textures go, it's definitely gotta be your thing or you won't do it right and you'll be pissed that they look like crap. It sounds easy in the tutorials, but if the artist within you doesn't get it, you're in for a rough learning curve. But you need to try it to know....
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-10 18:31:31 UTC
in Wad textures Post #72552

They have some textures... search google.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-10 02:45:01 UTC
in Sky brush as windows Post #72454
...which is even easier!
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-09 23:07:08 UTC
in Counter-strike commands Post #72441
To access the server add this line to your server.cfg: rcon_password "yourpassword". Once you're in the game, pull down the console and type rcon_password "yourpassword". That authenticates your computer to the server so you can use it to use the remote control commands. You must preceed them with "rcon". So here it is, step by step, if you want to change the gravity, fraglimit, and timelimit.

In your server.cfg file is "rcon_password" "awp"

1. Toggle console
2. Type rcon_password "awp"
3. Type rcon "sv_gravity" "200"
4. Type rcon "mp_fraglimit" "100"
5. Type rcon "mp_timelimit" "60"
6. Close console

Now you're running at 1/4 gravity (super long jumps), 100 kills, and one hour of play. By the way, if you wish to extend the timelimit, you have to add the additional time to the timelimit. To play 30 minutes longer, you change mp_timelimit to 90... not 30.

Poke around here or search out RCON COMMANDS in Google.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-09 22:19:06 UTC
in Sky brush as windows Post #72440
Why don't you create a "space" texture and texture the outside with it? Like black with little white spots, so, at a glance, without CLOSE inspection, it looks like space?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-08 20:42:44 UTC
in Light switches Post #72294
Move them both "To World" and set it up again. Any mistakes made in the setup of an entity can cause it to malfunction, even if you correct them before moving on...
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-06 19:11:37 UTC
in Clever Insults Post #72000
They are true insults... most are applied like a hammer, without finese.
Maybe in the UK, but they spell color, armor, and center wrong, too! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-06 19:03:18 UTC
in texture lighting Post #71998
I don't have time to try it until later, but you guys think that will turn off the casted light when the texture lights are "off"? It would be very cool if this works.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-06 19:00:47 UTC
in How do i make a sky!!!!!! Post #71997
Ah... I've never tried it. I was told "all six sides" and never needed to try otherwise.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-06 18:58:21 UTC
in trigger blinking light Post #71996
Is your trigger a trigger_multiple? If it's a trigger_once, once it's triggered, you're done.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-06 03:50:37 UTC
in Clever Insults Post #71892
Ok... the best insulter ever is Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill and a lady socialite mutually hated each other. She'd had a state dinner and when she saw Churchill seated at the table, she said "If I'd known you would be here, I'd have poisoned your food." To which he replied, "If I'd known you were cooking, I'd have eaten it." He's also reputed to have been at a different event, very drunk. This lady says to him "Winston! You're drunk!" To which he repies "You, my dear, are ugly, and the difference is, in the morning, I'll be sober." These are insults of a higher caliber than most of those above and they are insults to which you should aspire.

Now my insults... not as good.

The best part of you ran down the crack of your mother's ass and left a brown stain on the sheet.

Festering cum stain.

Vaginal bloodfart.

You're dumber than a post, since a post knows what it's doing!
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-06 01:01:17 UTC
in texture lighting Post #71880
No...uh... did I miss something? So set the brightness value to, say, (blue) 0 0 255 .01 ? So I'm assuming that it allows the light entity to pick up the light emitting texture's value? So when the light emitting texture entity is "off" (and shows such), there shouldn't be a blue halo around it casting light on the wall it's near, should there?

I'd like to know the answer, but I re-worked that area of the map to avoid it. Looks like hell, but I'm getting sick of this map.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 11:09:17 UTC
in texture lighting Post #71725
Thanks, seventh. I'll give it a try but it's not the texlights that's the problem. I rigged a train up to bounce between two path_corners that fire on pass" the texlight. After reading what you just posted, I know I took the long way around. But all my lights start on. Even if "Initially Dark" and a button will turn them off... some light disappears... but the spotlight of red is still on the floor, no matter if it's on or off.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 04:59:38 UTC
in CS:S Review! Post #71639
This is when you don't put an apostrophe and someone points it out... you go "Oh...apostrophe."
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 02:22:38 UTC
in texture lighting Post #71604
Really, the whole crux of my problem comes from lights and light_spots that are not "initially dark" when checked to do so.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 01:41:53 UTC
in texture lighting Post #71596

Now if I could get MY problem solved, that'd be cool, too! :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 01:37:47 UTC
in How do i make a sky!!!!!! Post #71595
The "sky" texture needs to be applied to all sides of a brush. Don't make an entire cube of "sky" texture. Here's an example of an outdoor area. Picture a street. One end is a dead end into a wood fence with crates piled up high. A building is on each side of the street and each building has doors and windows accessible to their respective insides. The other end of the street is a tunnel into a cliff face that you can't enter. The cliff wall with the tunnel reaches up to the SKY. The buildings reach up to the SKY. The wood fence actually touches a horizon, which is SKY, and that SKY brush reaches up to touch the SKY. They all reach up to a block that caps off your map, and it's textured with SKY. If you can picture this, only the top brush holding your map together is SKY, along with one brush, between the buildings, that is also SKY.

Or you could make a hole for a window and place a brush in that hole, like a glass, except you texutre it (all sides) with SKY. In your game, it will have the sky you designated.

To find the sky texture, you should add the halflife.wad to Hammer. Then "browse" the textures and filter (at the bottom) with the word sky. It will be, as RabidMonkey says, a sky blue colored texture.

Your map needs to have a light_environment or a light_spot that has it's "is sky" set to yes. If you use the light_environment, the light will come from all around you... if you use the light_spot, you can adjust the angle of the "sunlight" so that it looks like sunset.

Hope all this helps.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 01:15:12 UTC
in Access things through walls Post #71593
No... you need to make your walls thicker. Entities occupy 32 units of space. That's why, in multiplayer, it's more advantageous for you to run around to the other side of a health charger to "use" it through the wall... when your opponents hear the charging sound, and they come running, you're not where they expect you. But it also means you can access buttons and triggers through brushes.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 01:11:47 UTC
in texture lighting Post #71592

This is a pretty good tutorial about the whole texture emitting light thing. The short answer to your question is no, you don't want all your textures to emit light. It would defeat the purpose of it. Not everything in the real world emits light and that could make it look unnatural. In your map, if it's just the ceiling texture and it covers the entire, viewable ceiling, it will be more than enough. You will probably need to tone the brightness down in the LIGHTS.RAD file so that it's not overwhelming... but play with it in a small map and see how it works.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-04 22:21:07 UTC
in texture lighting Post #71585
I have some textures that I'd like to blink on and off... I have the texture able to be toggled by a button... it does switch on and off... The problem is that it still emits light, even when it's off. I have tried adding light_spot or light entities in different combinations. I want it to be yellow normally and red when the emergency occurs... familiar, I know. I've tried yellow lights on and red lights "initially dark" and hooked them with multimanagers, but they don't switch when the button is pushed. I can tell that there is a change in lighting, but it's barely perceptible. I am a bit rushed right now, so this may not make sense, but any help is appreciated... oh, yes, I read the tutorials... they just don't seem to be helping with this.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-03 21:19:17 UTC
in Enlightened Multiplayer Post #71367
The lighting in a map is coded into it when it's compiled. It can't change in the .bsp. All the lighting adjustments after that are server and config settings. Possibly your config.cfg and autoexec.cfg have some settings that adjust the lighting in multiplayer. If you're building and playing the map in WON and you have to play multiplayer in STEAM, it can be dramatically different. I have a base config called "mapconfig.cfg" that I execute before I test a map. If I build a map with my regular config, the lighting is very different.

If you have any cvars in your configs that begin with "gl_" , you could be messing with your video. "gl_log" set to "on" or "1" in your config should write a log of what's happening with your video. I've never used it, though, so try it with caution.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-03 21:04:31 UTC
in help with func_traktrain Post #71364
Are you sure you're standing on the correct side of it? It might be 45 degrees left....
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-03 04:38:41 UTC
in Corners for trains. Post #71241
Ok... that's not entirely true. The "footprint" of the train (the plan view, the x/y window) - use those TWO dimensions in a pythagorean theorem. x squared + y squared = answer. Then take the sqare root of that answer. That gives you the "diagonal" of the train... it's longest point. Figure it again in the x/z window for the hieght, if your train turns up and down. Or use the above post method for a maximum dimension of your train and minimum dimension of your hole... if you get the path_corners EXACTLY in the center, it won't hit. And this would only be true if the origin was in the center of your brush.

All in all... go large!
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-03 04:29:50 UTC
in Corners for trains. Post #71240
Mathmatically, take the width, length, and hieght of your train, square each one, add them together and take the square root of the answer... round up. That is the maximum distance across your train in a straight line... and the smallest size you should make your tunnel (hole).
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-03 04:23:09 UTC
in help Post #71237
Error: Could not open wad file documents and settingsnew computerdesktopkami-platinum.wad
Error: Could not find WAD file
Description: The compile tools could not locate a wad file that the map was referencing.
Howto Fix: Make sure the wad's listed in the level editor actually all exist

Error: Could not open wad file documents and settingsnew computerdesktoppropag.wad
Here is your problem. Make sure your .wad files are where you want them. And Rabid is right about the spaces... rename your map to dan_1 or something without spaces.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-03 03:12:58 UTC
in Extreme lag in map. Post #71229
I posted to your map in the vault.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-03 01:40:58 UTC
in help Post #71220
Open dan 1.log, copy it, and post the error here. The whole log... I'm sure that's what you need to do next.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-02 21:11:48 UTC
in Extreme lag in map. Post #71201
I will look at it later tonight, hopefully. Making a map is like learning to paint pictures... it has taken me two years to get to a point that I'm comfortable answering SOME questions on this forum. Usually I post more questions than I answer...
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-02 02:57:23 UTC
in Extreme lag in map. Post #71068
I was a bit bored, so I worked on your map a bit to give you a fair idea of what everyone is talking about. Check your map in the vault... my post has a download for you there.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-02 02:45:49 UTC
in Extreme lag in map. Post #71067
Think of your map as rooms... not as an outside and an inside. Some rooms have fences and skys. They are a small room in the Hammer environment. Think... habi-trail.

In your map, where the "roof" with the skylight is, place skybrushes around the three sides that don't have the ladder and cap it off with another sky brush. I'm sure you've played a map where you were at the edge of something and you couldn't jump off of it? That's the skybrush holding you back.

Where the "street" is, put brushes along the street and texture them with storefronts. You can't go in the stores, but it stops vis... cap it with a skybrush.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-01 00:21:34 UTC
in Door? Post #70869
That glass cannot be breakable if you do that. You would need to make the door, the glass, and a second glass sparked off by an env_render... people better than I could explain how to trick it into doing it. I know you can trick it... It takes a lot of work, though.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-01 00:17:26 UTC
in func_pendulum Post #70866
Uh.... DOH!!!!!

(Everyone... just forget I posted this... O.k? Really, I mean it.)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-31 17:50:36 UTC
in func_pendulum Post #70816
No matter how much I play with the pitch, yaw, roll settings, my pendulum only swings to one side. Like having a grandfather clock's weight swing left, return, stop at bottom dead center, and swing left again. Is there something I'm missing? Or am I stuck with it?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-31 15:43:24 UTC
in hint Post #70805
Get Zoner's Halflife Tools. It comes with a .wad file that you add to your setup.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-30 00:17:27 UTC
in Hammer Limits Post #70551
2048 entities and the game needs about 500 of that for it's own uses.

Hover over the links and it will give a small explanation.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 15:31:31 UTC
in muilty player Post #70473
You need to change your port to something other than :27015 if you're going to host the server in the computer you play from. Otherwise, you'll butt heads...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-28 00:57:47 UTC
in Pointfile won't load up Post #69954
Leak Marker.... good stuff!

Still not happy my Halflife doesn't work correctly....
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 19:53:13 UTC
in Gib models Post #69936
My bad... gib_shooter only spawns guts.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 19:52:45 UTC
in Gib models Post #69935
You could also add a gib_shooter to fire when the breakable breaks. Direct the gibs straight down, select your gib model(s) and you're good to go.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 03:34:37 UTC
in Pointfile won't load up Post #69684
I uploaded this map and all pertaining files to the problem section of the vault so you all can try it if you'd like. It's a large download, though, because I didn't strip out the files I'm not using... to be honest, I can't remember which ones are used and which ones aren't. I've been working this map for forever. Don't worry about fixing my leaks... just get the pointfile to load and I'll be happy.

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 23:23:11 UTC
in Pointfile won't load up Post #69394
I made a test map and that failed also. Here's a screenshot of the error in console:
User posted image
This map has a leak.

Not sure if the image tags will work....
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 21:00:10 UTC
in Pointfile won't load up Post #68980
I tried to cut the pointfile down from 1,167kb to 13 kb and it still didn't load...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 19:52:24 UTC
in Pointfile won't load up Post #68962
It's always worked in the past. For craps and laughs I set the particles to 60000 in the commandline options, just to see, regardless. Really, it's not a particle problem. There's nothing I've said above that would indicate it. Console returns "Could not load maps/tournament.pts" when I type "pointfile". That is the entire problem and error message. The pointfile function doesn't appear to start because it has no pointfile to work with.

If my pointfile is "too large for notepad to open", is it too large for Halflife to open? I'm going to try to divide the pointfile into two files and see if one that's half the size will work...

I appreciate all the help and I know I sound bitchy, but I'm not trying to be. But the solutions presented don't follow the problem. It's like me asking why my ice cube is melting and everyone saying it's because it's made of water... when it's really melting because it's too warm to stay solid. That's the frustration I'm feeling with this.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 14:54:55 UTC
in Pointfile won't load up Post #68880
It's not that... I always type "pointfile 20000" and it will say either 0 points loaded or 1 point loaded. If it says 0, then I type "pointfile 50000" and that is usually enough particles to find one leak.

Haven't had time to work on it, and the contest I was gonna enter it in is over, anyway.

Still would like to finish this damn map.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 14:50:39 UTC
in What program... Post #68879
Oh. I shoulda noticed that.
Not pissed at nOoBz?? And this in the first two posts I've read...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-23 05:27:10 UTC
in Pointfile won't load up Post #68516
-dev or developer 1 in console doesn't seem to matter...

Previous pointfile - don't have any. I clean up after myself too well. I will probably have to make one, but you're right. That's the only path left to me.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-23 01:15:13 UTC
in Pointfile won't load up Post #68500
Thanks, user, for the link. I've read that before, though, and it doesn't cover my problem. I think I need to head to VERC, probably, because I'm getting the feeling it's a Valve-related issue. Valve (or STEAM) doesn't recognize the .pts file. It's where it's supposed to be. All my other maps' .pts files have loaded up just fine, in the past. When I type "pointfile" in console, it's not the standard "not enough particles" error... it says "Can't load mymap.pts". And that's it. Nothing in any log, no explanations, no nothing.

Finding and fixing leaks I don't have a problem with. This is all about loading the .pts file.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 19:17:19 UTC
in Pointfile won't load up Post #68444
The pointfile is in Valve's map folder.
I will try the flat shading in Hammer. I prefer to do it in-game, but you can't have everything. This post is more about getting the pointfile to work than about leak prevention. I haven't changed anything, so I'm not sure what is wrong. The compiler shows that it is writing a .pts file and it's located in both places... Hammer/maps and Valve/maps. The .pts file is 1,164Kb... that seems large to me. Is it possible it's too large to process in HL? The map runs (in full-bright, obviously), but there's just a single line in console that it can't load "mymap.pts". Nothing else is obvious.

Seventh, I'm on my way there to check it out.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 03:49:35 UTC
in Pointfile won't load up Post #68245
When I type pointfile into console, it says (in console) it couldn't load pointfile for maps/mymap.pts. The pointfile is in Valve's map folder. I have added a "-particles 60000" to the advanced command line in STEAM. I seem to have alot of leaks by the look of the pointfile in Hammer, but it's easier to me to find them in the game. BTW, one time I had a "too many visible entities" error scrolling in my console, but I chalked it up to starting over and over.

Any ideas on why this won't load?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 03:44:39 UTC
in Tutorials: Time for the final update? Post #68241

TWHL = The World of Half Life... isn't halflife2 part of that world? Why does this need to be closed down? I would bet that new mappers will be overwhelmed by Hammer 4. I started mapping two years ago just so I'd be ready for HL2, and not starting blind. It was almost too difficult to understand without tutorials. Hammer 3.5 has instructions, but if you don't understand what the hell it's talking about, the tutorials are invaluable. Possibly renaming and categorizing them to closer match what they are about.

If you all are so worried about it - and this is Atom's testbed - if he's not going to maintain it, have you thought to ASK him to gift it to someone who will? He'd probably be grateful for the opportunity to have his baby cared for in the event he doesn't want to do it. He probably keeps it running because he feels guilty about closing it down.

My two cents.