Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2011-01-14 11:53:21 UTC
in Mod team wanted: RECRUITING NOW (Source Post #289079
Could really do with somebody who can model, even a little bit - even if it comes to it, just somebody to convert models I hand them from blender files to those used by source - I have absolutely no experience in the conversion part (although I can do CGI to a low level - again on blender) it would be great to have somebody who knew what they were doing. I can handle static objects and props fine - but the problem remains that I want to add a few new weapons and I'd quite like them to work xD

Does anybody know anyone who may be interested in doing a couple of models for the "demo"?
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-12 20:23:45 UTC
in Mod team wanted: RECRUITING NOW (Source Post #289016
Prefabs could be useful - although I was hoping to make most of it ourselves for the sake of being novel.

Are there many entity-based systems or is it mostly brushwork?

Many thanks
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-10 11:26:13 UTC
in Mod team wanted: RECRUITING NOW (Source Post #288929
I've converted the introduction maps (about three in total which are serving as a skeleton around which the are being upgraded to source plus a series of models.)

My intentions are to get the introduction worked into a demo of sorts which we can in turn use as an indicator as to how the project might turn out and maybe use it as an opportunity to get more folk on the team.

We'll figure out whether or not we want to continue with the project shortly after that point.

I will contact everybody on the team at the end of the week.

And indeed, TWHL is one of the nicest forums in this and both support and criticisms are given graciously and without hostility - for which I am thankful.
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-09 19:01:06 UTC
in Mod team wanted: RECRUITING NOW (Source Post #288888
I mapped those upwards of five years ago; and you're right in saying most of them aren't all that good.
Children in games can be a bit risque; only way I can see them going in is as an emotional tool but that can easily be filled by adult characters without the associated turn your head and cough treatment.
I was simply saying that featuring children as characters in-game can be a bit risque in ethical terms

The only way I can see them going into the game is as a way to induce emotions in the player - but I can induce similar emotions using adult characters without people going "OMFG! CHILDREN! YOU CAN'T DO THAT! THAT'S TABOO!"

And my apologies to Dimbark; he is on my list of voice actors - and I wrote I'd contact him (and the others) shortly with a brief outline of my plans.
Not to mention all your mapping ideas are like 10 years old.
Sorry, cant make up my mind whether you are saying the ideas themselves for the maps are 10 years old ... or that a ten year old could have came up with them :P The former is practically true while the latter... well... :(

Finally - I'd like to apologies for coming across as pompous, I assure you it was not my intention.

I've dug out some better pics from my old pc; most of its quite old, upwards of five years in most cases

Here is a Slideshow PlugIn for IrfanView-type file (just an exe that plays a slideshow, dunno why I have it - must have been the thing at the time) - of my SU-37 prop.

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Posted 14 years ago2011-01-09 08:24:31 UTC
in Mod team wanted: RECRUITING NOW (Source Post #288858
@ rimrook: Lol! Fine, be a stick-in-the-mud; I was only expressing my usual dry sense of humour; I am sorry to have insulted you as I assure you it was nothing personal - not everybody agrees with my sense of humour and you are welcome to express your dislike for it.

@Captain Terror: Glad to have you on board; I'll contact you shortly :)

The "team" is currently composed of:
4 mappers (including myself)
2 voice actors
1 coder
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-08 20:55:45 UTC
in Mod team wanted: RECRUITING NOW (Source Post #288843
The "team" is currently composed of:
3 mappers (including myself)
1 voice actor
1 coder

@ Dimbark
Children in games can be a bit risque; only way I can see them going in is as an emotional tool but that can easily be filled by adult characters without the associated turn your head and cough treatment. Your Voice acting would be useful though; I'll be in contact with you shortly

@ Skals
I'd be more than happy to have you on the team; I'll get in touch with you shortly.

@ Rimrook LOL! xD xD

Okay; I'll change my title to "director"; I only have the final say in what goes into the game and I can technically only suggest beyond that; your work is your own and as a libertarian-type I want to incorporate people's individual styles and gameplay into the mod; my only input into their work will be the storyline. If i dont like something I'll say; but I won't say "no!" unless its absolutely horrendous (and that's not likely to happen xD)

as for payment, as I said its recreational and I'm a student and I have no money; you're welcome to pay yourself if you really want, but that results in you handing money to yourself which is kinda pointless.

As for impending failure; auch aye - dont be so mopey laddy! xD Cheer up and look for the bright side in life; if it fails - auch well, at least I can say I tried - and if it doesnt fail then hooray! The benefits of success by far exceed the losses of failure; so I figure I might as well go for it xD
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-08 10:59:41 UTC
in Mod team wanted: RECRUITING NOW (Source Post #288823
Just to confirm; I would be mapping and doing bits and bobs for the project all over the place, including handling the story-line - I have thousands of ideas but not enough manpower to bring them to fruition.

The reason my original mod was never finished was because I simply didn't have enough time to design so many maps up to the standards I was looking for.

Sure, I could have rushed it, but then it'd look sloppy and I really didn't want that.

In short I am looking for:
-A couple of Mappers
-A few Modelers
-one or two coders
-A handful Voice actors

I would be doing my share of all of these except coding as I'm not very good at it.

As "project manager" I'd simply have a say in what happens elsewhere, I'd be doing my share of mapping as well of course; it'd be a similar position to the director of a movie; only I'd be mapping too xD

If there's anybody interested, please let me know :)
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-08 10:50:42 UTC
in Mod team wanted: RECRUITING NOW (Source Post #288822
@ JeffMOD
I'd be considered a "mapper" as well; and I'm going to attempt to do some modeling - basically I'd be doing any unfilled positions xD

As for media to motivate folk... that could be a bit of a problem; all I can say is that they'd be given an outline (for instance: "a prison section; must include: Prison wardens office and armory section") - the mapper would literally get to do the rest

@ Captain Terror
I was looking for that post; couldn't find it lol xD Thanks

This would be for Source: HL2 and CSS textures can be used although custom textures are also welcome xD

Here are a few links to some of my previous stuff for HL1 Engine
(Aircraft: SU-27 (Left) and Rapier (Fictional)(Right))
(TU-144 prop)
(Two Random Mecha Props)
(The "Soviet room" - I was just playing around with architectural styles)
(This video contains scenes of immense randomness; it was a random thing I made to show my friends the mod-so-far D... ps, yes, it does stare for 30 seconds at a door at the beginning, feel free to ckip it xD)
Posted 14 years ago2011-01-08 00:10:02 UTC
in Mod team wanted: RECRUITING NOW (Source Post #288795
Ages (in fact nearly five years ago) I started a mod; never finished it, never actually finished the intro sequence... which is fair enough, it was quite big xD

The project was called "Shadow's Spear" and I was doing, well, everything on it by myself.

I am looking to put together a mod team from people around the world who will carry out various roles outlined below.

Email me on to apply for any position listed below. I will update the list once per fortnight to indicate filled positions.


Lead Project Manager: Me! :D
  • has the final say in everything
Deputy Project Manager: POSITION AVAILABLE
  • second in command of project
Primary Mappers: (8+) POSITIONS AVAILABLE
  • people who will design maps to a list of specifications which will be emailed to them - they have free reign apart from those specifications (which will usually be quite vague to give scope for creativity)
  • I am looking for TEN or more people in total
Auxiliary Mappers: (2+)POSITIONS AVAILABLE
  • people who will edit maps designed by the primary mappers, fixing bugs and making things smoother or more efficient; fixing lighting or bugs as well.
  • Similar in role to an editor in a newspaper... only for maps xD
  • will do voice acting
  • no previous experience required
  • male or female (could do with a mix of both)
Sound designers: (2+)POSITIONS AVAILABLE
  • people who will handle sound synthesizing for things like like sound effects and to a lesser extend the music soundtrack.
Graphics designers: (5+)POSITIONS AVAILABLE
  • people who will design graphics; in particular textures, both for models and in-game.
Model designers: (10+) POSITIONS AVAILABLE
  • people who will design and rig the animations on models
  • Coders will... well, code.
  • will handle coding within the source engine
A couple of notes:
  • you will NOT be paid... this is entirely recreational.
  • You will be expected to email me with a status report at least once a month.
  • previous experience is required where listed.
  • I will provide a rough idea of what I want to accomplish and then dish out tasks.
  • once the task has been assigned you will usually be given a rough idea of what I want done, but apart from that you have free reign to add whatever you want into it (although I have the final say
Applications will be handled via email, your geographical location shouldn't factor into it; as it is an international project.

Please email me your name, position applied for, and a second and third choice should the initial position be unavailable

The story is based around a russian security officer being moved to an impact crater in the Australian outback, where a company (CPR Industries) is running a research operation into the meteor impact itself (although several other research divisions exist there as well; all top secret, hush-hush sort of stuff.)

Eventually you make it to the research base inside the crater where you are given orders to rescue a trapped research team.

Long story short all hell breaks loose and you end up fighting for your life before eventually happening upon CPR Industries' prized research project; "Shadow's Spear"...... the asset you were sent to protect originally.

No more spoilers I'm afraid: a more detailed copy will be sent to the members later in the year.

Email me on to apply for any position listed below. I will update the list once per fortnight to indicate filled positions.


Many Thanks

Callum P. Robertson
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-02 07:36:05 UTC
in Water in Portal Post #281498
Haha xD

Clearly Im rustier than I imagined :P
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-01 19:53:05 UTC
in Water in Portal Post #281495
yeah, func_water definately is not in the entity list - strikes me as odd that it's missing, any ideas?
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-01 18:42:06 UTC
in Water in Portal Post #281493
Hi guys, been a few years since I mapped ha!

I've just started mapping/modding for portal, and in the first maps theres a pool of generic dirty water/acid for no particular reason, just reacquainting myself with the basics.

I seem to recall using a func_water brush based entity to make water, but I can't find it - the closest match I can find is func_water_analogue which is entirely transparent with a few random particles kicking about inside it.

How do I do water :P ha?
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-22 08:01:51 UTC
in game_ui / func_tank combo problem Post #250240
I am attempting to make a func_tank (a mounted rifle) that can be controlled by the player normally: except when they hit the alternative mouse button (or any other acceptable input for that matter) in which case a trigger is activated (could be anything: env_zoom, laser sight, floodlights that blind zombies, stuff like that).

But here's the problem...

I've tried various combinations of many entities, and the basic-most problem is that the game_ui can't find the player when they are using the func_tank...

The initial plan (which doesn't work) was to have the func_tank activate/deactivate the game_ui when it is used/dropped by the player. This would work, except the game_ui cant find the player when they are using the tank.

The next test - to see if it was even possible for this setup to work - was a button beside the tank that activated the game_ui, and the func_tank sitting to opposite it. After the game_ui was activated, the player can turn round and take control of the gun, and the alt-fire button still triggers the output from the game_ui/logic compare combination.

BUT the problem there is that the alternative fire button can be triggered when the player isn't using the gun, and in the case of controlling things like zoom on a scope this is unacceptable.

If its possible to activate the game_ui a split-second before the player takes control of the gun via a single input - then this would give the desired result... but the problem is... how can you do that?

Any ideas :P?


Just solved the problem: used the "gotplayercontroller" output on the gun to change the compare value on the logic_compare so that it cant activate unless the player is standing in the gun's control volume AND is manning the gun.

So if they let me publish my func_tank tutorial I'll tell you how to make lots of trippy effects including a sniper rifle with controllable zoom ;)

If they don't let me make my tutorial - which might be the case - I'll post it here of course :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-08 16:49:56 UTC
in 3d view blank? Post #248589
Alrighty! - just fixed the problem - completely! no issues!

I wont tell you what was causing it or you'll all end up chasing me with pitchforks. Its that bad...

Lets just say I misread the tutorial slightly - had everything on one track. Split it up and it works fine. Might be an idea to re-word the tutorial for when the next noob comes round.

Sorry guys :( At least I didn't create a whole new thread for it eh!?!
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-08 15:36:53 UTC
in 3d view blank? Post #248585
Tried that yesterday - and then tried it again though right after I read your suggestion. Still no luck :(

How do I open one of HL2's maps on Hammer? I Can only find a few maps in the folder - the rest are in the equivalent of a .pak file only source doesn't have .pak files it has that other thing that I once new how to poke around in but I've since forgotten.

If I could open a map I could have a look around and see what HL2's programmers done and explore the innate possibility that I'm making a silly mistake somewhere.

Curiously I tried it with just 2 path_tracks, and it worked fine no matter where I was in relation to it. But the minute I added more tracks in it went bananas again. Oh deary me :( :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-08 13:02:55 UTC
in 3d view blank? Post #248582
Nope - thats only 'sort-of' fixed the problem. The dropship works fine unless I move near it in which case it flies around the map like a lunatic on steroids. If it doesn't spot me it works fine. Any ideas?
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-07 17:09:58 UTC
in 3d view blank? Post #248532
Me (again...) - another problem, so I'm posting it here instead of creating a whole new thread to save cluttering up the forum:

I just made a combine dropship exactly as demonstrated in the tutorial. Strange - strangely interestingly that is - the dropship seems to get 'lost' after it drops off the troops - it starts spinning round in circles and flies back to the first point in the track, flies to the drop-off point, starts spinning again, goes back to the second point (and occasionally the first point again) and after a while eventually flies to the final point - where its meant to go. Everything is set up exactly like it was in the tutorial, any idea why the poor dropship is having seizures whenever it lands? :P

Ps - currently mapping for Ep1

[edit] - just found out that dropships/gunships require info_node_air and info_node_hints to function. Although obvious if you think about it, for first time source-noob-mappers like myself we should prolly mention it in a tutorial somewhere :$
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-03 11:16:09 UTC
in 3d view blank? Post #248405
Problem 1: I'll reinstall it at teh weekend and see if that helps :P
Problem 2: So I couldnt simply trasnfer the HL2 Folder from somebody who does own the game into my mod directory? no? :(?
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-03 01:55:43 UTC
in 3d view blank? Post #248399
Ok, another (two) problems not at all related to the title of this thread.

Problem 1: Face poser and the model view don't work - they crash immediately after I open them.

Problem 2: (more accurately: query following problem 1;) I only have the CS:S disk (which comes a few other games obviously as you know such as Lost Coast)

Put simply - how do I map for HL2 single player? Is it possible? If its not possible: can I map for lost coast?
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-02 16:32:34 UTC
in 3d view blank? Post #248383
Oh fuck - Im so sorry, but I just fixed it :|

How do I delete this thread?
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-02 16:31:31 UTC
in 3d view blank? Post #248382
Hi - me again. Just got bored and decided to reinstall Source SDK to play around with it. Er... kind of a weird problem here - with hammer. I dont know why, but there is no 3d view - the box is just blank - any ideas?
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-05 17:31:01 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #239971
Will do - can you wait a week so I can put the finishing touches on one of the more exciting levels and Ill send you that :P (Unless you want to see more plane photos which I'm sure you don't :P)

Right - to work! [sits down with peanuts, crisps, some random jazz/swing/xmas music and Valve Hammer - the perfect recipe for Mapping :D] (please not - music and peanuts are optional - Hammer, and Crisps - are not... not for the moment anyway...)
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-02 10:07:59 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #239632
Hi guys, I'm back after a long period of sudden and inexplicable studying into my Advanced Higher subjects - Finally got round to finishing the first 'chapter' of my mod - player can finally get a chance to kill something as opposed to looking around a fancy airport with big planes and later on a plane-crash that wrecked my R-speeds as well as the nice aircraft you are in:P

How's everybody doing? I haven't been on here in months!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-28 05:02:30 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #230475
Ever seen the trees used in microsoft flight simulators? whereas you have two transparent brushes sitting perpendicular to each other, making both the trunk and the leaves in a simple, resourceful manner.

Ill have a look around for the dod_forest WAD, it never came with my copy of HL Generation: any idea where I can acquire it?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-27 10:41:42 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #230420
Hello again: quick update and a single query;

update: 1 - fixed the hideously boring architecture
2 - fixed Gman's hair
3 - could use voice actors: anybody interested?

And now onto the question: does anybody know where I can download either a Wad file full of tree textures: specifically transparent ones, or where I can get 2-d pictures with the backgrounds edited out?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 18:02:27 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #229499
that region of the map isn't bad if you look at it from the far-away wall towards where the camera is, but from this angle its horrendous - the problem is that the detailed props dominate the map's resources, and I cant be bothered making them into models. I really do need to fix that building to the right - its basically a concrete wall with a ground control room jutting out the side, and a eight trucks sitting at the bottom (which the Be-200 blocks sight of)

the map before this is much better architectural wise, but my resources are stretched - the building behind the camera, as I said isn't bad: but the buildings to the front and right are hideous, ill fix them tomorrow most likely.

Think a gantry or some sort of walkway on the "wall" building (to the right of the picture behind the Be-200) would make it a bit more bearable along with a row of windows and doors (that last one is a no-brainer really)?

Also, I could use a few voice actors: please contact me on if you would like to apply: could do with a few female voice actors - but they are hard to come by :( lol

12 lucky applicants will be granted mention in the credits and possibly the voice of Barney, Otis and a few random scientists :D lol rofl im hyper far too much coffee!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-18 17:33:11 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #229496
Thats the prop - you only see it from:
A - distances
and B - in a hanger/gantry

for motion I'm using a model which I finished only a few hours ago - need to fix some of the textures though, and the skeleton has a useless extension on the back which I should cut off for the sake of keeping things simple, still need to fix a few animations and give revise the AI, the main guns fire like a dream though :D

head visor doesn't want to move when I tell it to, but I can fix that in time - another bug to fix before the mod is finished I guess...

Mapping is like windows XP - lots of great fun, because problems pop up all over the bloody place that require rectification, yay!

This pic below is a random level in the airport, where a Sukhoi Su-37 happens to fly overhead :P
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-16 15:28:13 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #229176
Two things: one, about an hour ago I was asked if there were any new bosses in my mod; the answer is "yes" there are several

The second thing, is of course what these new bosses are.

Now this I wont answer fully, but I shall show you one of them in its prop-form (aka, not a model, done with brushwork)

Ill show you pics from the actual boss fight once I have got everything working fully and put all the finishing touches in the level. :D
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This is a "Prometheus Class Heavy Assault-Chassis Mech"

and another view along the 106mm artillery piece. :D
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[edit] I just noticed I need to fix those textures on the feet, please ignore them for the moment [edit]
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-15 19:31:25 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #229050
User posted image
My latest prop-prefab, the "Titan-Class" medium assault mech, 3/4 of the way through a .mdl version of it that will serve the basic purpose of walking in a few cutscenes, and firing (at you) later on :P

Ps, I cant remember why I put GMan in, but he is there :S
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 04:23:28 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #221716
Thanks mate ;D
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 04:12:06 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #221714
User posted image
A conferance room with the tables removed (which are blockingthe door from a bunch of aliens incidentally)
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Air Traffic Control Tower at Zebrynsk Military complex
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Random Foyer room at a military center in Zebrynsk
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A picture of the TU-144 that you fly to the crater in still on the runway, you leave the building behind it to get to it, I appologsie for the lighting, it wasnt finished when Itook that picture, hence the cockpit's lights werent yet installed.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-11 02:28:55 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #221632
I?m aware of that, taking neither into account that this is not a mandatory, nor for that matter a particularly serious forum, I don?t dedicate much supplementary time to check my spelling.

PS ? the fact that it doesn?t require much intelligence suggest that somebody of my intelligence has a rather superfluous awareness of the alternatives so you are in fact supporting my statement, so thank you.

PPS - Im having a Mini competition (hosted externally) - ill give more details when Ive got the site up (oh wow, googlepages - a massive achievement on my part - aye, massive lol)
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 16:56:36 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #221316
ROFL - oh dear

Thats me :P

and er :$

Well, I suppose the cats out of the bag now - I am 16 - the Sergei Gerlukovich you have heard of is in fact my father who I dont see very much of but admire substantially

If you really want - is my myspace profile if you really want to find out who I am...

PS - CPR Indutstries is Fictional, the pictures in my profile are of the place where my Father works, which is indeed a Russian Robotics Company that handles both military and civilian contracts - I dont get told much, and father only let me photograph the southern, less populated part of his work complex at turinsk, we hardly see him - occasionally he gets one of the companies planes to give me a lift to see him - usually antanov 74s, the company has three of them at the Turinsk' Branch where my father works.

I am actually very sorry for the deception - I had assumed, that since I had used my own name before - that you were aware of my guise, I do appologise - ps - that picture of my fathers work team - that is me sitting where I labeled :|

PS - Jimmi, I have quite an extensive coding knowledge - father tought me how to add effects into three dimensional schematic programs, all ive done is reiterate them in a different programming language and through a lengthy course of trial and error I have came up with the modded HL engine...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 07:41:30 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #221217
Oh, I meant it as a joke mate - sorry - lol

My wording is terrible at times, oh dear

Aye, I tried that a while ago but it didnt run out very well, as a result I resorted to the afterburner moving texture - Ill apply distortion effects to it as well to make it look like its incredibly hot as well, so you wont be able to tell each afterburner effect is only made of two brushes (plus the brush with the distortion texture added)

Oh, btw, once I iron out the thousands of bugs I have with my distortion effects Ill host the edited dll file on google and you may download it.

Special effects include -
  • Movign thrust distortion (seen above, distortion moves in direction of arrows incicated on texture - Effect activated by texture named "dir_distort")
  • Ripple effects - great for water - activated by "stat_distort" texture
  • lens effects - causes bulging or denting - activated by either "exp_distort" or "shk_distort" textures,
  • Bent Light effects - terrific effect that is activated by using specific sprite - if used in conjunciton with a func_tank_laser or env_beam/laser creates a wonderful effect, light bends around sprite - makes laser look extremely high powered, great efffect for inside of Electromagnetic things too
  • glare effects - look at the uppermost face of the "sky box" - the one with the xyzup.tga on it - screen gets glare effect - magnitude is cotnrolled by entity "env_glare"
lots more, instructions on how to use everything will come with the downlaod if I ever fix all the bugs - for instance, occasionally the screen goes all black and white and blocky when a distortion effect is used, otehrtimes, you get this big green and pink and orange and blue distortion field, which looks fucking awesome but I dont want it to do it unless I specify, it doesnt look too good with a jet emitting a technicolour afterburner glow.......
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 06:27:10 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #221213
This is a "Sceptre Class Ground Attack" fighter - and served as an admirable demosntration of pixel distortion effects, which do occasionally suffer from glitches (such as occasionally everything behind the distortion layer turns bright green or orange) but the good most certainly outdoes the bad :D
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Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 06:10:49 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #221212
FFS - do you think somebody of my intelligance is unaware of the fifty odd alternatives?

Im allready using that one because I was getting errors associated with there being too many entities in the one map - and I cant be bothered downplayingthe blast effects of the nuke, lol - oh dear

I went though at least ten different methods before I finally decided upon the one im currently using, it does me fine, and it looks great when you see it in person - still images arent very inspiring im afraid - agreeably using env_beams or sprite trains could give better looking effects, but I want to keep things as simple as possible - simple is best, as it leaves little room for errors like the sprite train not moving correctly or hte env beams shortening and lenthening when I dont want it to - when you see what those four (im aware you can only see two btw lol) jet aircraft are doing in that level you can understand my concern and desire for simplicity - ps - I cant use spirit because my mod is for OP4 and Ive allready modded its dll file and I cant be bothered modding the spirit of HL engine to include the effects I added in (such as the ability to use "transparent" textures on models) and also the OP4 stuff, ps - ill send some pics of my pixel distortion effects I added in today at some point - one of these days Ill stop editing the program and finish the mod lool oh dear
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-06 14:58:39 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #221153
Er, thats a moving texture with the name +0{afterburner.
+1{afterburner and so on - it keeps it all in one entity which means I can have just one single func_train which saves time and makes manuevering the jets easier - still a cheap effect though
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-06 14:53:08 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #221151
The render trick works, but the problem is I also needed to turn off al the lights on the inside of teh aircraft, because you could see the far away wall throughteh nearest one ^o) - oh dear

Anyhoo - this is a screenshot from the opening movie of my mod right after a nuclear strike :D
User posted image
Featuring an Su-37 (right) and the fictional "Rapier Class" VTOL attack fighter

PS - there is also a nuclear bomber, which is right behind these two planes, but you cant see it just now

PPS - the nuclear bomber is down one munition - I wonder where it went MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!! oh dear im hyper :|
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 14:28:10 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #219983
Er, ive got a problem - If i am far away, I can see func_walls and light emmiting brushes (texlights) that are inside the plane

I can see them trhough teh outside of the plane when Im far away, its fine when im close up to it though - is there any way I can sort that out:|
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 09:16:20 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #219762
Basically, its purpose in my mod is to take off from the airport (on a rail - a lovely wee technique, using moving sprites for clouds (and a transparent cloud layer composed from a brush or two with a generic texture) which all move creating the illusion of motion)

Plane takes off, mid flight, you fall asleep - you wake up when the afterburners turn on, the pilot then comes on 15 mintues later, saying that they just lost an engine, you hear him restarting the engine, it fails twice, on his third attempt at restarting it it blows up, plane crashes and you wake up in a valley (you are in the flight engineer's section, near the nose at this point) and then the mod continues :P

you get rescued by a lovely VTOL jet (which is pitiful compared to this Behemoth - its just pity I had to wrestle with texdata and max map miptex and entity overflow errors when I was making it :P

LOl - ive never used so many ":P" in a single post I dont think :P

Thanks for the praise - its nice to see 56 and a half hours turn out fine :D lol
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 08:12:42 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #219757

My latest project, the Tu-144 (nate codename "Charger" - also known as "Concordski" - tis practically a Russian Concorde - in fact, it is...)

PS - 6978 faces, 1000 solids and 4.48 MB of texture memory
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-08 19:11:17 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #215375
Ill post the rmf or whatever its called so that you can have a look at the minaiture turret-based one that was actually in my mod at one point, but that will be it - im sure if you really wanted you could compile it and put it in the compo, but it will come last, only has 20 odd brushes at best....
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-08 19:08:28 UTC
in Devils Army Post #215374
Not my webpage alas - ill have my pal fix it when I get a chance
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-08 15:40:48 UTC
in Devils Army Post #215352
Join a website for top gamers today - also a CoD UO clan for those expert rifles-only that think they can top us!


Just you try! :D!!!
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-07 17:06:17 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #215285
Thats the "trigger Guard" lol

Guns dont have safety pins-not since WWII - now they have "safeties" or "safety catches" if you really want to be picky - a safety pin was a fully removable metal pin :P

Im afraid that Im going to have to withdraw from this compo - not enough hours in the day im afraid :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-03 05:09:30 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #214719
It was originally a model I put it in mod, that the elite-most assassins use, basically a hgrunt thats been re-modelled slightly to have the helmet shown above, re-skinned, and given the AI of a human_assassin (edites slightly to permit this weapon)

It works most of the time, but occasionally the bullets dont fire parrallel to the gun - no idea whats causing it, but its a liveable error

Functionality is covered in my thing most certainly :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-02 21:45:11 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #214689
Is anybody producing an imagenary gun

Im making recoiless assassin's weapon (shown below - desinged by your's truly)
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-27 16:52:22 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #214186
The only bad thing about scotland are all the wee ned bastards :@ - one of these days one of them is going to point at me after work and I swear im going to kill HIM!!!!
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-26 18:38:44 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #214043

I appologise ofr the horrendous layout - Ill make my own once I get my server online

Ask what? a scotsman - very easy - I talk to myself all the time
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-26 18:24:55 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #214037
aye aye cap'n - you deserve a slap for that :|

Aye - as in the scottish yes - not "aye" as in the stereotypical naval reply :|

Ill get that hosted on the new (albiet temporary) competition site ASAP - link will arrive soon