Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2007-12-14 14:48:02 UTC
in Cool Sounds Post #240906
I use WON HL. It loads maps much faster in my opinion.
Posted 16 years ago2007-12-14 14:41:22 UTC
in CS without steam Post #240903
do you have your old half life cd? If so, dwnload CS 1.5 (I think its better the 1.6) and then search for the steamless project. Basically some guy was able to construct his own WON master servers, and made WON2. Needs an update though found at their site so HL can connect to the new master servers.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-01 22:20:52 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #155743
Once I download HLDM I will join. Hope server has crossfire (my fav map).
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 08:09:24 UTC
in Mod Idea Post #60927
my post btw, forgot to log in...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 04:05:41 UTC
in Umm I have a transfer prob Post #60905
ok, in my mod, all the maps transfer fine. One prob: there are usless entities transfering like monsters/spirtes you will never see. How do I drop these (I tried flush global entities but that didn't work). Here is the scenario: the guy goes in a level. MAP CHANGE the elevator brakes down and fades out MAP CHANGE he wakes up in the wreck. As you can see, the player will never see the previouse entities again. I still wanna keep guns though.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-02 13:46:12 UTC
in ahhhh that was scary Post #55961
here is one of my favs:

You look through a window and all of asudden a sci jumps out (as this happens use music that would suprise the player) he is pleading for you to get him out, bangging on the glass, the something crushes his face against the glass and blood is everywere.

-Resident Evil: Code Veronic

They hunger was a fun mod. But the fact that the gjuy became half cyborg was kind cheap. I loved the ending though, I felt like YES Im outta this shit hole!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-02 13:40:58 UTC
in Master Dosn't work Post #55960
K, I have a keycard reader (func_button) and its suppoee to close 2 doors, and load the next map. The master is keycard_m. I put a item_security, and set the target to keycard (which is a MultiManager). In the MM, there is a ambience_generic that plays gunpickup2 and also targets the button's master keycard_m. The prob is HL says master is null or not master. WHHYYYY!!!?!?!! I read that null means "nothing".
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-02 11:35:24 UTC
in ahhhh that was scary Post #55928
Here is some ideas:

1: Use the "Sharp Fear" track on your Half Life CD-ROM. Use Windows Media player to extract the track.
2: A cool feature could be the guy (or gal) having a flashback of what the day was before the incident (ie every one killed by zombies). If you saw Resident Evil the movie, when the main char (Alise?) she is trying to figure out were the anti-virus is, you see the scientists fading in like gohsts, and then she sees the poeple testin the virus on a rabbit.
3: Make the level SILENT!!!! If you ever played Silent Hill 2, the silence would freak people out.
4: Make it disturbing. Make the player "Feel" like he is in danger.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-31 17:35:01 UTC
in Beam Problem Post #55513
k I put the 2 beams into one of the smaller MMs, the problem still is there. The mm now has 15 targets btw.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-31 17:25:57 UTC
in Beam Problem Post #55509
hmm the multi manager has 17 in total, and 2 of them are another set of multi managers, which have 2 triggers in them. I have put the .map file in the problems vault btw.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-31 16:33:49 UTC
in Beam Problem Post #55500
I tested my map in WON HL (The most updated version) And the beams appear, but after a few second delay.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-31 15:55:52 UTC
in Beam Problem Post #55493
Ok in my map, there is a generator. this gen consists of 4 beams. 2 start according to how the Multi Manager timed them, but the other 2 have a 6 second delay. The beams don't appear. I had sparkend/start and the sparks appiered on time, but the beams didn't. And I also found out the egon dosn't have a beam either once the first 2 start. I think I will put the map in the problems vault.
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-10 16:39:35 UTC
in Problem with map transition Post #7180
Can any one solve my transition prob? link