Forum posts

Posted 4 years ago2020-11-15 23:41:48 UTC
in Digital Paintball Redux *In need of a mapper* Post #344864
Hi theProfessoR512,

It was a long time ago, when I was active here (12 years ago), but I would like to give it a shot and maybe I can also help with a little programming, please send me a dm for further discussion.
p.s. It is very good to see that the community for hl mods still alive ;)

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-09 11:28:21 UTC
in A problem with music. Post #251074
Hmm Mistake...the name of the multi_manager should have to be 'reset_manager'. Sorry for that...xD

EDIT: I stoped sending the previous post so I dont know why its showing up
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-09 11:22:16 UTC
in A problem with music. Post #251073
Yes, every new round the engine trigger the door to be sure its state (open or close), this is the little trick for that...xD
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-08 07:15:23 UTC
in A problem with music. Post #251030
Step 1. Place a func_door (brush based entity) somewhere outside your map. You could use any existing door, but you may redo/delete it by accident at some part.
Give the door the following variables:
Target (target) : reset_manager

Step 2. Place a multi_manager (point entity) somewhere in your map.
Give the door the following variables:
Name (targetname) : reset_manager
[create this value by clicking off "SmartEdit" and pressing "add"] (roundreset) : 1

Step 3. For the entities you want to reset each round, just change their names to roundreset. If you've already given the entities unique names, just add another variable with that unique name to the multi_manager with a value of 1.

[Optional] Step 4. You might want to use this technique to set some songs start on/off at the start of every round. You can do this by using a trigger_relay, and this step explains how to use it.
Step 4.1. Create a trigger_relay (point entity) in your map.
Give the relay the following variables:
Name (targetname) : turnoffsongs
Target (targer) : songname (change this to the name of your song entity)
Trigger State (triggerstate) : Off (0)
Step 4.2. Add another custom variable to your multi_manager: [create this value by clicking off "SmartEdit" and pressing "add"]
(turnoffsongs) : 1
NOTE! The value "1" in the custom values for the multi_manager indicates that the entity is triggered 1 second after round start. It could be 0, but resetting entities so fast could cause problems, and sometimes the entities might not be triggered. I usually use 0.1 instead of 0.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-29 21:46:45 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #250682
just like using quark in the geom challenges... :nuts:
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-25 10:33:39 UTC
in Reissues is Released! [HL1 Mod] - downlo Post #250450
same thing for me
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-27 07:09:28 UTC
in triangle floor method Post #249249
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-19 11:48:22 UTC
in Error: Exceeded MAX_MAP_MIPTEX Post #248934
Btw too much different textures used...instead one used too many times :glad:
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-11 19:23:19 UTC
in Music in Deathmatch Post #248700
Cue points...these what you need. Just have to add one at the begining and one at the end of the wav. The program I used to add is called Goldwave.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-09 12:27:56 UTC
in Hint Problem Post #247472
The hint brush has one side textured with hint and the others with skip. I think there is no need to use it if the 1st floor's celling is the 2nd floor's ground. If it is a large open area then it cant make any changes. To see that hint brushs made any turn the gl_wireframe console option to 2 (only works when start the game with +map mymapname, so not in multiplayer). Maybe separate the 1st floor's celling and 2nd floor's ground and put the hint brush between the gap.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-09 12:13:27 UTC
in Creating a trampoline Post #247471
Setting it up is easy. Just need a trigger_push and a func_illusionary. For the trigger set the angle up and the speed value to 4000. To get higher you have to do the same as when you bunnyhop (without pressing the jump button). For the illusionary I recommend to use an invisible texture (not the whole texture is invisible, but its parts, like fences), because the higher you jump up the lower you fall down, and thus from the first person view it is look like much more better, but it is a little bit ugly when see another person's "jumping".
User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-29 17:01:25 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #246882
Updated...but the sounds remained the same!
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-23 11:46:32 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #246326
THX, gonna update with better textures and sounds...soon...
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-22 00:28:42 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #246143
Ohh yeah, done. After many runtime error, I had to go back to my previously saved map, and recreate the last part, which made me really nervous.
See my entry here . Anyone knows what cause this problem (just to avoid it in the future):
User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-19 22:07:12 UTC
in Anyone know a good decompiler? Post #246009
I dont know any way to decompile with QuArk, it includes a bsp editor, but it is mostly a viewer, maybe somwhere down the road someone will come along and do some programming...
You can just see the entity setup easily.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-15 19:17:07 UTC
in Hammer not saving (help) Post #245723
You are right. When I used Hammer I had many problems to compile with its integrated compiler (maybe my fault), thats why I suggest to use batch compiler or any other compiler. Now I use Quark, because I like it better and use it quicker, it is an advanced map editor (sure not all members agree with that). It looks like much more complicated, but it is not too hard to learn how to use.
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-15 18:58:15 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #245721
Very very sweet Captain Terror, my favorite part was that plane, looks like a real one. Maybe I will finish mine tomorrow...
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-15 18:48:12 UTC
in Hammer not saving (help) Post #245718
If you think about compiling see Captain Terror's post, but if you think about another map editor try Quark, offical homepage
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-15 18:22:07 UTC
in Hammer not saving (help) Post #245715
If you got an error in your compile always google it. Tommy has many good tutorials and huge list of compiling errors with solutions:
max leaf face
Never use hammer to compile as its mentioned before, its a good advise...
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-13 17:17:34 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #245588
Started creating mine...pic, still in the egg...
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-11 20:09:28 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #245505
I triple check and your thing is rotating counter-clockwise, and its need to be rotating clockwise, because the rolling cylinder hits the stuff at the left side of it (from its origin). I dont have time to create mine, but Yous so cool... :heart:
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-10 10:05:56 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #245417
Pretty nice and sweet, but one rotating stuff is rotating in the opposite direction, this is where one cylinder pushes the other one by that rotating thing (the nearest thing in your screenshot).
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-07 10:04:42 UTC
in Fullbright Map Post #245208
See my post, 7 different way of finding leaks here
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-06 08:58:41 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #245089
leak finding methods

there are more than 7 ways to find leaks. But not all are useful in all situations.

1. easiest if you can run VHE 3.5 editor, is to compile CSG/BSP only, then import the points file into the VHE 3.5 version. however you can also load the pointfile into VHE3.4 or WC 3.3, but it does not work so well.

1b. one improvement for VHE 3.4 or WC 3.3 in editor leak finding is to edit the point file with wordpad, removing all but the first and last points. this tends to make a straight line - much easier to read, but far less exact.

2. second easiest and most common leakfinder is to open the map in play and load in the pointfile in console with "particles 50000". You will then see a dotted line in your level that bounces around like crazy! Just follow it, and the point where it leaves the level is where the leak is happening.

3. There is a handy program called "Leakmarker" (v0.1). It reads your pts-files and draw boxes around leaks, so you can find leaks by ease. however this program has been known to fail in some cases. don't get stuck on it too much.

4. the purple/red brush leakfinding method. basicly you skybox around your level with with brushes with red texture lighting. this plugs the leaks temp, and will give a red light showing thru any leak area. do NOT keep the skybox afterward!

4b. another editor version is to use the 3d view with red/purple brush skybox. don't compile, but use the 3d color view and cruise your level looking for red/purple thru the cracks. do NOT keep the skybox afterward!

5. some recommend the the BIG BRUSH method, such as the Snark Pit, although i don't find it so great for multi leaks. best for teeeny leaks or weird ones. brush covers 1/2 map, either leak or no. then 1/4 where you think problem is. then 1/8, 1/16, 1/32. by then you should have a good idea.

however sometimes even the big brush method will not help if there is an entity buried in a brush, or outside the map somehow. be aware of that.

6. if you have really complex architecture, there is the skyboxing/wireframe 2 method developed by ComCray at the Collective - a lot like purple brush, but using wireframe to see if you can see the skybox polys instead of looking for a purple face. better for teeeny multiple leaks. do NOT keep the skybox afterward!

7. ComCray also developed the visgrouping method over at the collective too. this was again for some complex architecture that developed a leak. in what you think is the problem area, visgroup the brushes/blocks that are the outside "border" into one group. make all of them a bright color so they show up well.
now set one screen into 3-D flat view mode and size it to full-screen (shift+z).
When you move around the leak area in the one screen you may see some flickering here and there, sometimes the flickering will be a visible seam which stays in view for a a few seconds. That's where the leak is.
What happens is that the screen renderer tries to light up the side of a brush which should actually be covered by the brush next to it.

8. i think there are other methods, but if you are still stuck at this point, consider a new map?
From Verc collective forum by tommy14, 21st Jul 2003
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-05 20:39:34 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #245054
Hopefully I will have time to make an entry, cuz it is an excellent idea...
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-01 09:14:01 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #244745
Tetsu0's digital watch gets my vote, awesome idea, nice looking...
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-30 18:58:25 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #244645
Mine is a stopwatch see here.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-29 15:50:05 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244548
When you want to compile a *.rmf file, then a *.map file automaticly generated and the *.bsp is created from that *.map file (as I know). I also tried hlfix, but the same thing comes out. My suggest is a really dirty job, but works (I tried it myself). Save it as a *.map file and open it in Hammer, then you would see that some of the vertex points are bed positioned. Put them back with the vertex manipulation tool and always save it as a *.map file. I know that Hammer *.map converter is sometimes a crap, but I found no more way to fix it. Thats why I always keep my QUake ARmy Knife sharp...never happened thing like this with it...After you repositioned the vertices and still has problems, Maybe I can make it for you in Quark after a while.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-28 20:48:28 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244497
Agree with ant222 comment.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-28 20:43:53 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #244496
Sweet solution, but your timer is too fast according to the progression of the real time.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-28 17:45:30 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #244480
Mine is the simpliest, not with a big entity setup, but it meets the requirements. A stopwatch with 3 func_rotating entities and a func_button. You can stop it and it will continue counting after pressing again. Cant figure out how to make it resettable, if you know pls PM me.
here it is

Daubster's clock is pretty nice :heart: like all others... :biggrin:
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-20 17:53:10 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243905
My pc is not working right now so pls someone continue the challenge #6, i dont have money to buy a new one right now, maybe after 2 or 3 weeks later.
:zomg: :zonked: :plastered: :heartbreak:
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-19 12:12:04 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243819
Nice alternatives for hypercube, my favorite is 0011.

Geomtry challenge #6
The election starts now!
ANYONE CAN VOTE, just once and you cant vote for your entry of course.
We have 3 entries, one of them is not textured, but it is a geometry challenge, not a texturing one, and there werent any restrictions about it, just a disadvantage.

My vote is Captain Terror's one, cuz I like how it looks like, some real antique columns, good brushwork, very well desinged :biggrin:
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-19 09:59:33 UTC
in Changing tempdecal.wad Post #243816
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-18 11:54:15 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243764
One plus day for ant222 to finish his stuff, and for others who want to join...come on guys...we have now 2 finished entries, these are very very sweet, but choosing from just 2 is not a big option.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-17 12:08:50 UTC
in mod_LoadBrushMod ronf number must be 30 Post #243612
If you dont put any player start or deathmacht on your map, then you can join as a spectator, so it not could be a problem.
Double check Tommy, and after if you cant fix it post your compile log here, there must be an error in it, maybe a leak: 7 ways to find the leak
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-17 11:44:39 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243609
is it cheating if i use displacements?
This challenge is in the goldsource engine discussion, so yes it would be cheating, unless your map is also working under this engine (but i have never heared that before it could be possible). Anyway if the usage of Quark is cheating, then the usage of displacement would be a very huge cheating (if it is possible), but I am not gonna disqualify that person, who knows a quicker and better way of making it, just make it work in hl1. Hopefully no one else disagrees with that, dont you?
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-17 11:10:43 UTC
in How do I remove the gun and hands? Post #243604
Edit: i just now realized the there is a second page...
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-16 23:21:04 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243580
Hey ant222, finish yours, cuz its so cool...and Captain Terror, yours has a little advantage with that lighting, makes it so beauty, but there is a little gap between the columns and the highest strair, I know this is for discourage splitting up faces, but if you turn the highest step into a func_wall is also solves this problem, or just make it higher or lower in case that the players cant see the gap. Tetsu0's one is also f*cking great, as always...

When I figured #6 out I didnt think that these beauty columns will be created.

BUT we need more challengers!!!

After 36 hours my post the election will starting...hopefully anyone can join who wants in that period or is it too long?
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-16 22:31:16 UTC
in How do I remove the gun and hands? Post #243577
Just launch your icon from the desktop, go for properties and add this (my windows is not an english version, but who cares):
User posted image
So my target field looks like this:
"C:Program FilesCounter-Strike 1.6hl.exe" -console -game cstrike +map de_dust.bsp
Just change the path and the map name with yours.
Only buyzone showing up, if you picked up a gun just simple drop it (defalut is the 'G' key for it).
Just additional: this is also the only way to make the leaves visible with the 'gl_wireframe 1' (or 2) console option, because it launches the game in developer mode, when multiplayer is not set.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-16 09:57:21 UTC
in cull and null brush question Post #243518
get NULL here
zhlt.wad contains it, and NULL is a texture that can be applied to brushes, and it is removed from the map during compilation, so that it won't exist when you play the compiled .bsp file.
I dont know what is "cull", maybe it would be Hull: A three-dimensional figure formed by a set of points in three-dimensional space. The shape of a hull is determined by the method of determining which figure it forms. In the Half-Life engine, the vertices of the brushes determine the points in the hull. The compile tools then calculate four different hulls; one of them is the visual hull, which represents what the player can see within the map, and the other three are collision hulls, which represent the areas of the map that the player can move through.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-16 09:26:51 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243516
Quite nice job, waiting for further entries...hopefully now we get more...
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-15 21:13:08 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243502
Verc tutorial without pictures I think it is the same as Snarkpit's tut.

No one else is interested in these challenges or are they just slothful? This is a 3 of us challenge, I mean there are plenty of good mappers here, where are they...

For the geometry challenge #6, hmm:
Create a fancy column, just the decorated one, no more obligation given, it is up to you how it looks like; can be greek, roman, any modern one,... anything which needs a little brushwork. The winner is that who gets the most votes, because beauty comes from a subjective aspect.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-15 15:18:04 UTC
in Dm_Beam beta map Post #243486
I suggest to use texture lighting instead of the point based one, looks like much more realistic.
tutorial here
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-15 15:11:18 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243485
So my Hypercube is totaly different from Tetsu0's one. Mine looks like in the 2D views as a drawn 3D cube, but it contains 8 pieces of brushes, and two of them are perfect cubes. I know that my cube in the 2D views is not symmetrical, because the lenght of the edges are not the same, but I have found it out after I finished, and I dont feel like creating another one (too lazy).
download my hypercube here
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-14 17:44:50 UTC
in valv.wad Post #243431
Unfortunatelly these junks goes there with the bsp, but I dont know any compiler that doesnt do the same.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-14 17:38:12 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243429
I created only the 1/8 of it and copy, paste and rotate it. But:
User posted image
The red lines are just for showing the diffenrece between the angles. Just wanted to make it totaly perfect...and I failed... :
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-14 12:22:25 UTC
in valv.wad Post #243403
Go for options/setup/variables and set the output to your cstrike/maps folder.
The Backup will create a backup of your map files each time you compile. To get it work you have to set its path in the options/setup/stage paths, like hlfix.exe, csg.exe, bsp.exe, vis.exe, rad.exe,...
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-14 09:23:59 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #243396
Maybe because "p" is an unvoiced consonant and its voiced pair is "b"...