Forum posts

Posted 13 years ago2011-12-12 17:13:35 UTC
in Fate Reversal mod in HD + DX9! Post #301513
Come 1 and all,

Njoy my HD video of me successfully recording from start to end the mod Case Closed: & yes I managed to get the goldsrc engine to render in TRUE DX9 and not opengl anymore. It is possible...research how online...

Posted 13 years ago2011-12-11 17:48:10 UTC
in Half-Life Trinity Engine Post #301482
I jest tried again with HD models...still no blood splatter...and not much else noticeable that you cant get from using GLDirect to run in DX9...
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-11 16:45:59 UTC
in Half-Life Trinity Engine Post #301480
Well I have tried using this rendering mod or w/e and well from what ive blood splatter ingame with it...makes barney's entire body except his face dark as ever and well his face becomes pale as ever...

Besides that nothing really noticeable...
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-11 12:05:46 UTC
in Half-Life Trinity Engine Post #301459
Hehe...I too at first had tuff times viewing/seeing any diffs between DX9 and opengl but if you watch the video in 1080p HD and pay close attention to can see a slight improvement in lighting and texturing...

Btw did yall know that I can also use the cgshader bloom mod with GLDirect and still get DX9 rendering with that mod running 100% fine? Bet not...but it IS possible...I jest dont feel that it is a need tho...
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-11 12:01:15 UTC
in Case Closed mod in HD + DX9! Post #301457
You may watch the vid up to 1080p HD...& I know it is long...but that is cause I managed to record the mod from start to end 100%.

Notice I also took the time to edit out any menues in the video and I also edit out any load ya...Njoy!
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-11 11:55:47 UTC
in Case Closed mod in HD + DX9! Post #301455
Ah its slight diff as the opengl rendering code/function is very SIMILAR to that of DirectX...

If you look closely you can tell that textures render a tad bit sharper...then you can also notice that the lighting is slightly improved as well...

Not only that but if you look at say Barney's helmet and other items ingame that reflect it looks diff as well...imo better...

Posted 13 years ago2011-12-11 11:52:58 UTC
in Half-Life Trinity Engine Post #301454
I have HD videos of me running Goldsrc mods and games on my youtube channel clearly showing how much better DX9 looks than opengl...

If ya wanna example visit here:
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-11 11:32:12 UTC
in Half-Life Trinity Engine Post #301451
I managed to get HL1 to run in DX9 without having to even modify my game...

Jest do a simple search for the simple program called GLDirect...

It makes any opengl software/program render in true DX9 instead...
Posted 13 years ago2011-12-11 11:26:03 UTC
in Case Closed mod in HD + DX9! Post #301448
Come 1 and all,

Njoy my HD video of me successfully recording from start to end the mod Case Closed: & yes I managed to get the goldsrc engine to render in TRUE DX9 and not opengl anymore. It is possible...research how online...

Posted 15 years ago2009-05-06 12:19:15 UTC
in glass problem Post #266527 more than likely it has been answered before...


P.S. you can make a single brush and make it so 1 surface or 3/4 are transparent from 1 side then make the 4th side impossible to see through...its what I did for my 2nd map for Sven Coop...
Posted 15 years ago2009-04-10 08:43:43 UTC
in New Maps... Post #265307
Hey all,

I have made a wiki on my website for all to in the wiki I list all work with credit where needed...and well on sum pages...if I wasnt the original author of the map(s) mention in the additional info part of page what my significance of the map(s) is...but I have 3 maps you will see that I made myself...


O and btw...I am currently working on alpha version 2 of my 3rd map...Stixsworld alpha version 2 I plan to have all major parts of map become func_breakable so as to add a button to allow users if they wish to end the map and cause it to just all break at once and then 2 seconds later just trigger the game_end...


P.S. I am thinking of releasing the source to my second I could use sum extra help in setting up diff battlefields for the AI.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-26 23:59:06 UTC
in Ambient_generic issue... Post #264661
I fixed my issue...and resorted to just making buttons for the rooms...and adding ambient_generics throughout make it work...and surprisingly I am happy with the results...

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-26 20:40:33 UTC
in Ambient_generic issue... Post #264655

Just either small or medium radius...

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-26 17:50:56 UTC
in Ambient_generic issue... Post #264645
Hey all,

I have converted sum songs I like by a band I like for a new map I am making...(and yes I legally have permission to use the full version of these songs)...

I converted them to be 24khz 8bit mono wave files...

Now I setup 2 ambient_generics in my map and I have just either the small radius or medium radius checked off...and they are configured properly to the location of the sound files...but when I load my map...they do not instantly start playing...they never play at all...

I have checked as well if the sound files are installed in the proper folder and they are...

So I am just lost at what the problem is...

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-22 21:52:15 UTC
in Monster Glow Effect... Post #264452
I code for Sven Coop only now...due to the awsum new versions being released...

+ It is the easiest Goldsrc game to map all you have to do is map like you would for SP and just add more than 1 deathmatch spawn point...

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-22 14:38:43 UTC
lol this dude has no idea what he is talking about...

All the replies are logical questions...


P.S. yea if it doesnt require any brush work...just use ripent...
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-21 21:02:49 UTC
in Monster Glow Effect... Post #264397
How to give monsters ingame the glow effect such as like the 1 in the following image?

Like what should I set my render fx to and what not?

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-21 00:02:58 UTC
in 1 Surface Transparency Post #264367
genius...I forgot about doing that for ladders in my other map...

Thank you...

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-20 23:25:22 UTC
in 1 Surface Transparency Post #264365
I have read the tutorial on making glass and it explains how to make a whole brush transparent...

So what I did was I made 2 copys of a wall and made 1 barely move infront of the other and I made that 1 transparent but now you see the other wall...

So I am asking how would I make only 1 surface part of a brush become transparent?

Like is there anyway to select just 1 side of a brush and succesfully just make that brush transparent?

I ask because I am trying to make it so you can see through on 1 side but the other side you cant...

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-19 16:04:28 UTC
in Remove all Cue Points... Post #264318
Ah well...

Yea didnt know this bit of info...

going to fix now...

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-19 13:12:45 UTC
in Remove all Cue Points... Post #264300
Dont click it...since there is a space in the file name...BBCode here sux and wont make the url proper...and so you have to highlight it all from the zip back to the http and then copy and paste it into your bar in top of browser and hit enter....

Here: "" it is all within the quotation marks...gotta copy and paste it...not click...the bbcode here needs much improvement...

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-19 08:53:20 UTC
in Remove all Cue Points... Post #264291
I posted above the location to the wave files but here is url to them again...welcome to do your best...

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-19 02:29:24 UTC
in Remove all Cue Points... Post #264275
I have tried to use goldwave...and when I open it up in says there are no cue points...but if I trigger the wave in my map it repeats indefinitely even tho I have the flag for it to not loop marked...

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-18 22:49:31 UTC
in Remove all Cue Points... Post #264259
Hey all,

Here is a url to the wave files that I am trying to use...if anyone can find and remove the cues for me and provide me with edited work then thank you...

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-18 18:16:02 UTC
in Remove all Cue Points... Post #264252
Hey can anyone here possibly provide a program where I can load up a .wav file and then like hit a single button and have it delete all the cue points in it...and then save it in its original format that is without those cue points...?

Thanks in advanced...

BTW I have v2.1 of Cool Edit Pro but when I load up my wave file in it and then click on view>show cue doesnt show any of the current cues that are in the file...

I know there are sum tho because every time I try to use it in my map once itll just keep repeating when it shouldnt...

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-18 11:43:18 UTC
in HOWTO Group...? Post #264247
Hey all,

I am working on bringing back my classic map that was originally going to be just for HL1 DM/MP but now I am converting and making it become a horde map for Sven Co-op...

I am just having 1 problem...

How do you group 2 diff entity brushes together?

Like I have 2 squadmaker entities...but I want it so you have to kill all the monsters from both before either triggers the event they both are sposed to...I dont want 1 squad to get finished before the other and trigger the next event before the entity is not completely gone...

As I am trying to make rounds but i just cant get it...

Posted 16 years ago2008-10-16 18:53:55 UTC
in The Ship[HL1 Mod] Map Spawns... Post #257222
I am here to ask if anyone may be willing to install this: and then modify the maps so that they each have a total of 10 diff player_deathmatch spawns or what ever? Basically I need 10 player spawns...and well I thank thee that wishes to be kind enough and provide their service for this...and well when you install the game you get the .wads and the .fgd...

Posted 16 years ago2008-09-03 22:00:25 UTC
in Halo Map Collection... Post #254955
Hey all,

Been a long ass time since I last replied to this thread...

I am posting to say that I finally...after all the time I have wanted to do my hands on a legal copy of Halo: Combat Evolved...and now own a server for the game...

I am here to say that and to say that if anyone wants...I can attempt to take sum good screenshots of the smaller levels made for the PC version of the I can run it easily on high quality...and you can use the images to try and make copies of the maps...for CS/CZ...

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 20:03:29 UTC
in Halo Map Collection... Post #251425
where is the Lockout remake available?


P.S. would like a new version of Damnation as the one I had was too meh for the Halo Mod...

P.S.S. should mention that the only gravity modification should be with man cannons...nothing else because Halo Mod already changes gravity...
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 16:51:30 UTC
in Halo Map Collection... Post #251412
I would also like to request no I do not believe they are needed...

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 11:22:49 UTC
in BARNEYS!! Post #251393
POV would use the hands...

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 09:22:49 UTC
in Halo Map Collection... Post #251390
I am looking for either actual recreations or you can design a map that looks like it should be a Halo map...

I have a challenge for those who are willing to take this challenge or willing to just is the Halo Mod I am using and talking about here...

The challenge I have for you is to some how make a map that has a man cannon but make sure it works with the Halo Mod I am using...whether the cannon utilizes the gravity modifying effect the mod gives or something else...would be nice to see this done a map that should be for Halo...or even a small part of a level you are trying to remake...

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 02:34:21 UTC
in Halo Map Collection... Post #251380
this is true...and well I am well aware of the cons and pros of HL engine...and well I still wouldnt mind if you could either attempt the full level or even just make a small part of it...or even make your own custom version of it...

Don't forget I did mention that if you would like you can try to make your own Halo type of maps...just keep the Halo feeling in there please...


P.S. I would like to mention incase you were not already aware...but I do have a remake of damnation, longest, and prisoner for my server...damnation could usea lil touch up so if someone could make a nice remake of would be nice...
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 02:26:15 UTC
in Halo Map Collection... Post #251378
yea that it...that was a good fact I would love to see the majority of Halo 1 maps remade....if that is all that gets made I would be happy...but I mean seeing as sum Halo 1 maps were remade in Halo 2...I wouldnt mind seeing diff versions of each map one representing original version and another version representing remake of original...and what not...

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 02:07:41 UTC
in Halo Map Collection... Post #251376
yea...I would love to see a nice....hmmm...not really bloodgulch...that is played too much...but lemme towers level for Halo 2 or Halo 3 would be nice to see in CS or CZ...

Though if you are going to attempt an Halo 1 map...I would say...what ever that snow level was...cant remember it...but that would be a nice remake to see in CS or CZ...either way just get it...and I am sure CZ will be able to run it...


P.S. if you would like to play on my server which is dedicated to Halo Mod...well ask me personally for I am sure advertising is not allowed...but yea...server is a 32 man public server and it is 1000FPS with fast DL...
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 01:45:36 UTC
in Halo Map Collection... Post #251374
Ah this is very nice to offer...but I hate to be such an ass...I may consider these...but I still am searching for Halo type maps...

I am trying to make this halo_ map type collection as I am hoping in next version of Halo Mod soccdood will get a way for switching maps in...then I can run your maps + this Halo map pack I am trying to get...

If the Halo Mod's next version comes with what I hope it does or close to it...I will be very happy if I can get more Halo maps for this collection and well I may also take your maps into consideration...

I would like to say tho if possible tho...could you help create some Halo maps...?


P.S. your maps are nice to see if you could help with this map collection...
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-17 00:31:18 UTC
in Halo Map Collection... Post #251370
Ok I have a few .wads from 2 of the 3 halo maps you can get online if you search real hard...

1 is here:

The second is here:

I hope that helps some peeps...

& besides those...I think what CS/CZ gives should be good with...

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-16 22:34:03 UTC
in Halo Map Collection... Post #251364
Hello all,

I have only mapped for HLDM and well I am supporting and running on my 1000FPS server for CZ Halo Mod...and well I have found only 3 halo_ type of maps and was wondering if there were any experienced map makers out there that would like to join together to bring to CS/CZ some more Halo maps...?

I would have posted this as a mod project but it is more so related to mapping...

I would just like to say that all you needa do is code either remakes of the originals either it be a close attempt of a Halo 1, Halo 2, or Halo 3 map...and well do not make it so users start with any specific weapons or get 100 armor...and dont place any weapons/healthkits on maps please...

I also forgot to mention you may as well attempt to keep the Halo feeling but make your own CS/CZ halo type of map if you would like to as well...

The Halo setup to give you the weapons right away when you spawn itself that you will have at your disposal to eliminate others...

I would love and I am sure others would like to see this...many in fact love the Halo is a nice total conversion server-side mod...

If you would like to do this please contact me via here, email, or by steam at Stixsmaster...

Thank you to any that would like to participate in this...

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-16 22:01:29 UTC
in Edit Map Code... Post #251363
thank you again...and truly appreciated...and not sure if anyone remembers but I did code a simple HL1 Deathmatch map before so I was self aware of this editor and did understand how to use it...and I knew some of the entities and their usage...

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-16 18:16:16 UTC
in Edit Map Code... Post #251350
Though, may I ask World Crafter or anyone that knows the program he pointed to if you can tell me what to look for to edit so that users dont start with 100 armor when they join the game and when they spawn...

I found what to look for to remove weapons but still need help with armor...


P.S. thx in advance...
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-16 18:00:07 UTC
in Edit Map Code... Post #251348
World Crafter you provided the url I to the program I was looking for thank you very much...

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-16 17:44:30 UTC
in Edit Map Code... Post #251344
Anyone know the program that you can load a .bsp in and it shows the text code of the map...and you can edit whether a door opens or not with that?

And then can you possibly point out what to look for to edit out the map from giving you full armor on spawn and to edit out all the weapons sitting around the map...


P.S. thx in advance...
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-17 20:42:11 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #245853
I updated rimrook's site so that the upper banner image does not repeat ever so slightly...because that was really annoying to view...and well I think how I made it now it looks a lot better...

Of course I did email him that I did this...

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-14 18:21:11 UTC
in Stixsworld1 Map! Post #240937
I aint releasing has been changed into my testing map now and well I shall make a diff hopefully better map sumtime and well thank you for the support and comments...

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-10 19:59:39 UTC
in Day of defeat mapping... Post #240529
its a habbit sorry...

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-09 13:54:17 UTC
in Day of defeat mapping... Post #240392

I did not make the videos but I uploaded them to my site for others may get them...and well I hope you like...

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-07 00:00:57 UTC
in Stixsworld1 Map! Post #240104
I would like to say thank you for the immediate responses already and on top of that I am happy with my current work. I sort of am a unique FPS player. I like to have a challenge while being shot at. That is my idea behind this map. On the bottom floor those who like to straight just shoot and kill can go there where the top floor is for those with a bigger challenge and that is get the better weapons to own more peeps but at the same time having to work hard to do that.

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-06 23:57:55 UTC
in CZ GUNGAME Map Finished Post #240102
This does look like a good map and I like how on fpsbanana you mentioned it would work with the Halo Mod...that is badass...if allowed when next version comes out I may include a this for download off the main site of the mod and well I would also like to if allowed to here to ask if you would be willing to make more maps that possibly would work with the Halo Mod?

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-06 23:54:25 UTC
in Stixsworld1 Map! Post #240100
Well the textures are random...yes but that is so it isnt so boring looking but as you can see with the blocks and weapons I am doing my best to make it sum what difficult to reach them...the level is 2 floors tall but the bottom floor has weapons from pistol to shotgun and then the upper floor, the images above, is one huge obstacle and well I am working on making it so you have to sumwhat struggle to get the better explosive weapons and the idea is to always or most of the time keep you in the air so easily sumone below can get you as you try and get the better weapons...but yea the textures I purposely made random because I think it makes it more interesting and will keep you looking. Don't get me wrong I like maps with none repeating textures but I will work on that more in my next map. I will also be working on making it more than just 1 tall building.

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-06 23:45:17 UTC
in Stixsworld1 Map! Post #240098
Hey all,

Sum of you members here were wondering whether or not I came here just to advertise my cheap hosting and well I am here in this post to give you an update on another reason why I am here.

This is why. Below I have posted a few urls to 8 images I have taken on my latest completed work on my first ever map. You are welcome to guess how sum of the stuff works but yea. I hope you all like them and in the end like this map.
