Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2010-03-21 00:08:06 UTC
in Progress on project Post #279855
I didnt know you could do that o.O
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-20 01:26:19 UTC
in Progress on project Post #279841
Ohhh, those are the info_player_starts I have placed through out the map, I use them for a good size comparison on how tall and wide I need to make my things.
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-19 23:36:05 UTC
in Progress on project Post #279838
Sorry it took so long to reply back, I added and changed the things satchmo said.

User posted image

User posted image

Oh, I didnt show you this room now did I?

User posted image

The basic layout of the first map is done, now I just need to detail the living piss out of it then place some nice ents.
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-16 23:42:58 UTC
in Progress on project Post #279772
I see watch you mean, I never noticed the bad texture alignment before >.> but in response to your first answer, why without basic geometric shapes like the square, who knows what we could have come up with for shapes...
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-16 18:35:41 UTC
in Progress on project Post #279761
User posted image

User posted image

I, with out a doubt, will eventually turn this into something. I pored more detail into this small map already than I normally do. This IS still a WIP so its not completely finished, I want to know what you guys think.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-31 04:05:23 UTC
in alas....scripted sequence trouble Post #277090
I have a set up where two separate NPCs walk to and do their thing, they do but it isn't what I wanted. What I mean is they walk to the sequence, quickly do it and then do some weird dance that looks like a river dance? I honestly have know clue why? Is it the animation or model or what? Also, when I spacisify a specific model it's still random model when I test it in game? Some help would be appreciated.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-20 05:11:04 UTC
in Half-Life 2 portal? Post #276778
So it get renders through a point camera? I can look through the model browser I just need to know how to set it up. Could it be a prop_dynamic invisible in till the player pushes a button or passes through a trigger?
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-20 02:54:49 UTC
in Half-Life 2 portal? Post #276775
How did VALVe execute the portal at the end?
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-12 00:34:27 UTC
in Sound not playing and another interminab Post #276555
Alright, I have three sounds, one env_fade, one logic_timer, and one button triggering the whole mess. The button targets the three sounds and activates each sound but each sound starts at a specific time. One sound was set to play on pressed with 0 seconds delay (it's the siren) and the other sound (the sound before the 'bigboom' which adds a dramatic effect) was set to play just a few seconds before the bigboom. Once the bigboom is done I made it so the logic_timer turned off the siren and the dramatic effect. It didn't work. Thats basically the set up, oh and theres a trigger_hurt targeted when the bigboom goes off.
Posted 15 years ago2009-12-09 03:39:41 UTC
in Sound not playing and another interminab Post #276475
Ive set up with explosion set where you press a button and about a minute later theres a slow fade of white and a sound then BOOM, but to warn the players that the button was pushed I placed a siren sound but this sound does not play when the button is pushed. I have the output on the button set up correctly for it to play but it just wont play. Then the sound before the big boom it plays interminably(it's perpetual, goes on for ever). I have a logic_timer to be activated after every things been done and stop it but it doesn't work. And again I set the output correctly but it still shits itself. It's for Half-Life 2 Deatmatch bu the way.
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-11 23:15:38 UTC
in Coding tutorials Post #275502
Are there even coding tutorials out there? I have yet to find one thats a modern Half-Life coding tutorial. Any hint or link to the right direction would be deeply appreciated :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-11 03:19:33 UTC
in Brush help.. Post #275439
Well this bitch came upon me,

So far I discovered that a trapezoid type shape might work but I don't know.
Please help?
Posted 15 years ago2009-11-03 23:42:18 UTC
in Dynamic button? Post #275143
You know how in Half-Life 2 (or either episodes) that theres a prop button that you can press and it does an animation? Well I was wondering how to do that since there aren't any tutorials out there I can find that explains how. Maybe one of you would be oh so kind enough to help? :confused:
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-31 18:46:14 UTC
in Clipping Post #275038
I'm not worried about leaks, im worried about it raising the max leaf memory and producing a fatal error.
Posted 15 years ago2009-10-31 15:30:03 UTC
in Clipping Post #275027
I have a 16 faced cylinder and have a block brush that I altered it with the displacement tool and the displacements are clipping into the cylinder. My question is, will this affect performance or compile process?
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-20 02:06:50 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #272231
Eh I give up Dev skills if anyone wants me creation just PM me
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-14 00:55:45 UTC
in Model carving? Post #271959
Is there such thing in GMax? I can somewhat create poor models but I think i'm getting just a wee wee wee bit better at it. But is there teh ability to carve in GMax?
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-09 01:07:57 UTC
in Change weapon damage? Post #271754
Oh, so it's done just like HL1?
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-09 01:02:06 UTC
in Change weapon damage? Post #271752
How do you change the weapon damage for all weapons in HL2EP2?
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-07 18:31:35 UTC
in HL2 RPG Post #271693
idk if this has already been mentioned but why don't you add new weapons? Add money so you can buy stuff from stores, like a tricked out HEV suit that makes you run faster, jump higher, etc, how about helmets? Make some cool armor and weapons, and add new enemys. But do make it so you get decent items from the quests, and I don't know if you would like this concept but why not make it so you need to have a sertant skill to use that weapon. Those are just ideas off the top of my head.

EDIT:Also, if you want me to map for it i'll do some things here and there
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-06 01:38:36 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #271597
I loved Life's End.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-04 20:36:30 UTC
in Advanced Terrain? Post #271436
Well, I wanna make a house on this hill that you can drive down with your airboat but still looks like a hill and is nice looking. The map is gonna be a huge wide open area(actually looks like it never ends but does) I want it to sorta look like this except taller and has like a dirt road going down it. Can you picture what im saying? I don't have much experience with the displacment tool so I only know very basic things. Please help.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-04 00:39:25 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #271388
Yeah, Atom you don't need to finish it, I will start small, I did love to make small SP HL2:EP2 maps for friends, and I might return to what I truly like to map about, Science Fiction. I will just stick with small simple SP maps maybe containing new textures, and thats it . Maybe i'll get back to work on Space_odessy :)
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-03 15:18:17 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #271382
Yeah, I recently realised mod makings not for me.
Posted 15 years ago2009-08-03 02:27:28 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #271365
Project Canceled
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-29 03:59:08 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #271086
idk guys, this mods future doesn't look so good
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-13 01:00:33 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #269990
Huntey, Urby would be good for the Group leader, Johnson. His personality would repersent someone who hates the governmant and is basically a type of hippie. But you on the other hand is a tough one :walter: I guess you could play as Will the main charactar :P
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-13 00:47:56 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #269988
SWEET!!! THANKS!!! but, ok, I would need about two modellers, weapon models and monsters. But, if I knew where to get a GOOD tut for C++ coding, then I would personally learn coding myself but since I don't know where they are screwed :hammer: . But, i'll listen to your voices to see if they match any charactars personalitys. Thanks again :cyclops:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-12 18:18:47 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #269951
Alright, BTW, whos gonna make our sounds? :cyclops:
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 15:12:56 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #269876
Well, ive added you to Steam, my names "The Stoned HillBilly"

I'm back from camping and will continue workin on the mod again.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 14:52:10 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #269871
IS your steam name same as "The Mighty Atom?"
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 14:32:47 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #269865
Alright, a level would be magnificent, and I am just 13 :| but don't be fooled by my age. But anyways, i'll talk about what I need you to do for the levels(If you do them like you said) when I get the team together. But, about your comment for the ceilings, how can I improve the brush work? You might be surpries by this but thats probably the best brush work ive done in a while.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-10 01:20:34 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #269841
You can do textures? SWEET! IF you can your part of the team. Add me to steam, my names "Stoned HillBilly" then we can talk. BUt right now, I could use underground textures like an underground base. Thats what I need for now for the first level.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 21:38:25 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #269836
You know what, if your a codder, modeler, skinner, texture artist, ill except you, any skill level will do, and if you dont know how to and YOU ARE willing to learn it ill except you to.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 20:59:53 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #269834
Alright, im using the default textures jsut because I dont have a team together. If I did get a modeler and a codder I would use custom content. Also, that is not the final, thers still work to be done.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-09 19:10:41 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #269824
Well, here are two screenshots of the first level.

I will continue to work on it and post more screenshots.
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-01 17:30:51 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #269253
Me and imp(Other mapper) are working on the first level....BUT as soon as its done ill post some good screenshots
Posted 15 years ago2009-07-01 17:11:23 UTC
in Project HellFire Post #269250
I am modding for Half-Life 1 and its a Single Player mod. The mod's name is "Project HellFire" and so far it will be a standered minimod with levels....UNLESS! I pull together a team, the PHF team consists of 2 mappers so far..WE need a modelist, a codder and thats all I can think of so far. If we do manage to get a codder we will add new weapons, monsters, etc. If we get a moddelist then...I dont need to explain that. It is a firstperson mod(Like anyother hl mod out there.) You need to atleast know enough of moddeling and codding to actually make this mod(but don't have to be jesus at it.) Heres the story of our mod, check it out. Project HellFire is a military project started by the government in 2009 to open a gateway to hell. The US government knows what is needed to create the portal and what needs to be done. The US government whant's to try and steal hells resources(Thermal power, brimestone,etc) and conqer Hell. But a small group knows that the US government are just complete fools. The group whant's to stop the US government before they open the portal. You play as Will, a EX US special ops member. Your where just taking a walk to the local deli to get something to eat till you where kidnapped by a member of the small group... Please reply to this to see if you qaulify!