Forum posts

Posted 10 years ago2015-02-08 23:32:08 UTC
in Sounds in CS 1.6 Post #323792
Good evening

I'd like to ask, where I could find requirements for sounds to play in my map. I mean, length, frequency, etc..

Thank you very much.
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-22 20:32:20 UTC
in models just don't appear in game Post #314375
but i very need a model there, what I suppose to do?
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-22 08:09:16 UTC
in models just don't appear in game Post #314359
I often have this problem but i never searched a solution for this, just removed model..

Why sometimes when I put two models very close each to other they just dont appear in game? And when I move them away from each other they appears in game.. wtf?
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-17 11:50:43 UTC
in light.rad Post #314250
No no no, brightness is everything okay. There's texture RED which is in halflife.wad and it's default texture in lights.rad so i use it very often and 1000 actually is pretty bright. I'll check if capital letters does any influence.
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-17 11:18:56 UTC
in light.rad Post #314247
Umm.. I thought maybe captial letters does any influence?? Or not??
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-17 11:15:45 UTC
in light.rad Post #314246
its normal texture just simple green and blue texture without anything, like there is texture RED for example, so these ones are same :)

+0~GENERIC65 255 255 255 750
+0~GENERIC85 110 140 235 20000
+0~GENERIC86 255 230 125 10000
+0~GENERIC86B 60 220 170 20000
+0~GENERIC86R 128 0 0 60000
GENERIC87A 100 255 100 1000
GENERIC88A 255 100 100 1000
GENERIC89A 40 40 130 1000
GENERIC90A 200 255 200 1000
GENERIC105 255 100 100 1000
GENERIC106 120 120 100 1000
GENERIC107 180 50 180 1000
GEN_VEND1 50 180 50 1000
EMERGLIGHT 255 200 100 50000
+0~FIFTS_LGHT01 160 170 220 4000
+0~FIFTIES_LGT2 160 170 220 5000
+0~FIFTS_LGHT4 160 170 220 4000
+0~LIGHT1 40 60 150 3000
+0~LIGHT3A 180 180 230 10000
+0~LIGHT4A 200 190 130 11000
+0~LIGHT5A 80 150 200 10000
+0~LIGHT6A 150 5 5 25000
+0~TNNL_LGT1 240 230 100 10000
+0~TNNL_LGT2 190 255 255 12000
+0~TNNL_LGT3 150 150 210 17000
+0~TNNL_LGT4 170 90 40 10000
+0LAB1_W6D 165 230 255 4000
+0LAB1_W6 150 160 210 8800
+0LAB1_W7 245 240 210 4000
SKKYLITE 165 230 255 1000
+0~DRKMTLS1 205 0 0 6000
+0~DRKMTLGT1 200 200 180 6000
+0~DRKMTLS2 150 120 20 30000
+0~DRKMTLS2C 255 200 100 50000
+0DRKMTL_SCRN 60 80 255 10000
~LAB_CRT9A 225 150 150 100
~LAB_CRT9B 100 100 255 100
~LAB_CRT9C 100 200 150 100
~LIGHT3A 190 20 20 3000
~LIGHT3B 155 155 235 2000
~LIGHT3C 220 210 150 2500
~LIGHT3E 90 190 140 6000
C1A3C_MAP 100 100 255 100
FIFTIES_MON1B 100 100 180 30
+0~LAB_CRT8 50 50 255 100
ELEV2_CIEL 255 200 100 800
YELLOW 255 200 100 2000
RED 255 0 0 1000
BLUE 0 255 255 1000
GREEN 0 255 0 1000

Two last ones I wrote down my self, codes are ok, I don't know what to do ://
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-16 22:01:06 UTC
in light.rad Post #314230
hey guys.
I've got one problem.
I added some textures to light.rad file, but they doesn't glow.. What can be problems. All color codes writen corectly, I don't know what to do :(
Any suggestions?

p.s. sorry for my english
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-03 16:01:13 UTC
in problem with func_breakable Post #314114
thank you :)
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-03 13:31:32 UTC
in ambient_generic Post #314111
is there any requirements for .wav file? For example length, rate? Because I have one .wav file its 11k Hz, 51 sec long, I do everything as always and it doesn't play :/
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-03 13:28:05 UTC
in problem with func_breakable Post #314110
Didn't help ://
I often used it and it worked, but not now ://
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-03 11:13:56 UTC
in problem with func_breakable Post #314108
i selected option 'Break on GRENADE touch >> Yes'

User posted image

If picture doesn't appear
Posted 11 years ago2013-07-02 13:03:50 UTC
in problem with func_breakable Post #314096
I've got func_breakable block and i selected option 'Break on grenade touch >> Yes', but when in-game, I throw a grenade at that block and it doesn't break. Am I doing something wrong?
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-31 17:07:34 UTC
in help with buttons Post #313224
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-31 16:20:31 UTC
in help with buttons Post #313222
got a question.
I've got 3 buttons for example. What I need to do if I what that when activate one of those 3 buttons, I can't activate anyone of the remaining buttons for the certain period of time..
Posted 12 years ago2012-10-02 16:50:58 UTC
in help with randon target :) Post #310203
I'm not expert at mapping and one question :)

We have 3 multi_managers. Let's call it mm1, mm2, mm3. There's a one button. Is it possible to do this: I press button and computer randomly selects one of them. if yes, how?

Thanks :)
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 20:40:24 UTC
in Help for noob Post #309238
why res file if i don't use any models, sprites or sound etc. Even no player models. Im trying to launch my map on local server (new game >> select map :DD)
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 17:02:03 UTC
in Help for noob Post #309230
Point entities: 82
Solid entities: 22

So i think i'm in limit.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 15:21:34 UTC
in Help for noob Post #309222
I've compiled map. Everything was ok. When i connecting map on cs 1.6 there shows error: HOST ERROR: PF_precache_model. In error guide i've red that error can cause: Precache is a game memory problem. It often could be you have a bad path/name for a
sprite/model/wav. But it can also be that you have too many
kinds or too large sprites, models(400 obj limit?), wav sound files(limit<3min) or
entitys(data limit ~0.5M) and have overfilled the space setup for them.

But i don't use any models, sprites or sounds. I don't know what to do. Big thanks who will help me :)

Maybe take an eye on rmf?
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-11 09:55:04 UTC
in limit? Post #308954
Is there a limit for a multi_manager targets? If yes, how much?
Posted 12 years ago2012-07-01 07:55:19 UTC
in help with game_player_equip Post #307552
Hi, it's me again :D

I have a question.

In my map I've got game_player_equip entity, which activates only with button help. I push a button and I get ak47. Than. I have another one game_player_equip entity whick activates only with button help too. When I push a button i get m4a1. And there's my problem. For example i have awp. When i push the button i get that m4a1, but i still have awp in my inventory, so i have two guns? What i should do, if i want that my earlier gun (awp) dissapear after i activate entity game_player_equip who gives me m4?

Oh, man I'm bad in english, i hope you understood :D
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-19 20:03:10 UTC
in error? Post #307262
I've had a leak and i've searched about 4 hours, than i've quit, and later i started to search for it again and it took a lot time from me and i've just put map in a box :DDD So i see problem is in that box, so how i find that leak :DDD? Maybe there's a program who searches for leaks or something :D?
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-19 19:38:17 UTC
in error? Post #307258
Yep, it's quite big.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-19 18:49:57 UTC
in error? Post #307254
I've checked at error guide, but no results.
Error: Exceeded MAX_PATCHES
How do I decrease max_patches??
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-19 18:49:10 UTC
in frame duration Post #307253
i don't know about 2nd question, but about first question. I needed that frame take longer and i made couple same frames if you understand me.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-16 15:24:14 UTC
in I'm a very big bot :D help Post #307151
<3 :DDD
Works :)

can i do the same with trigger push?
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-16 13:14:55 UTC
in I'm a very big bot :D help Post #307146
I don't understand anything about these multisources, multiples etc. :D Can anyone simply tell me how to do that: We have inactive trigger_hurt. I activate it with func_button. How to do that after for example 5 seconds tigger_hurt stops working :D?
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-14 07:57:21 UTC
in help with conveyor Post #307073
how rotate? my conveyor is irregular form :|
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-14 07:46:19 UTC
in help with conveyor Post #307069
Maybe you'll understand what i want to say with this picture

User posted image
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-14 06:52:23 UTC
in help with conveyor Post #307067
Hey again ;D
I need help.
I've made a block func_conveyor. Set the texture everything is ok. I've set that conveyor pushes me back. And it pushes back, but texture scrolls right.. I hope you understood me. SO what me to do?
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-12 16:59:52 UTC
in Error. HELP! Post #307011
Omg thanks man ;D
now it's working ;D
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-12 12:37:43 UTC
in Error. HELP! Post #307004
Ok, I think I will do it, but u said yourself that count of entities do not cause error, because it's in the limit..
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-12 11:46:57 UTC
in Error. HELP! Post #307002
I use only 2 .wad, i use no sprites, models or sounds, and there aren't any errors. Everything i do as always.
Maybe u want check rmf?
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-12 11:28:09 UTC
in Error. HELP! Post #307000
Point entities: 64
Solid entities: 357
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-12 10:39:17 UTC
in Error. HELP! Post #306998
Host_Error: PF_precache_model_I: Model 'sprites/wall_puff2.spr' failed to precache because the item count is over the 512 limit.
Reduce the number of brush models and/or regular models in the map to correct this

What does it mean?
I've put no sprites or models in my map.
Could any1 help me?
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-05 19:39:44 UTC
in Lighting neons (help im bot :O) Post #306808
umm. now i thinking is it possible maybe put that texture in lights.rad and if i won't do it lighting will it glow?
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-05 19:00:35 UTC
in Lighting neons (help im bot :O) Post #306805
Hey everybody. First of all sorry for bad english.

It's very interesting for me how others make things like this.
User posted image
You can see a block with neon inside who glows, but frame around doesn't glow. I know how need to do it on func_wall, because func_wall doesn't move, but in the picture this block is func_door, and if you want that this block need to move, you must group frame and neon and do texture - some light, but then glows and frame.

So tell me how to do func_door block with glowing neon inside and non-glowing frame around the neon :OO
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-04 09:21:21 UTC
in Help with env_beam Post #306739
hey everyone.

In my deathrun map i've made env_beam. Everything is ok, but beam does no damage. I've set damage per second: 200, but it still does no damage. :o
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-27 13:44:39 UTC
in Never seen this error Post #303788
Thank you very much ;D
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-26 17:38:34 UTC
in Never seen this error Post #303768
I've compiled my map. Everything is ok. When I launch cs and run my map throws the table with text: SV_STARTSOUND volume = 2550! I think it's something with sound, but I didn't put any sounds in map. So what I should do?

Sorry for bad english. I'm not english.