Jotted down some notes while playing
Sorry, I didn't keep count of each floor, I hope you'll get what floor I mean in my notes
Great idea, some maps need more player guidance, had to cheat some times
Hard to read names in the list of maps and each maker texture
First floor designed weird, I have to kill the Barney? Had to noclip
4th Floor very laggy with it's (very well done) detail textures
Going thru the big electricity field didn't kill you, seems like it should of
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Pushing e twice would close the door, which I accidentally did
Why did you put a headcrab in a vent just to clip it so you can't go any further?
Didn't know what to do after getting the gluon gun, cheated
Couldn't find last of 4 key cards
Is the game supposted to be over after blowing up the helicopter?